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Story is here. This quickie is a response to this challenge. Hope it brings a smile.
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: FDK: A Date with Superman's Daughter - 02/11/20 07:16 PM
rotflol love the t-shirts
laugh Cute!
Haha, cute story.

As the daughter of a hunter, my dates knew (from me) that Dad has rifles. Jokingly, of course, but they never pushed for anything...

I wonder if Clark was listening in on the car convo though. wink

Thanks for sharing!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK: A Date with Superman's Daughter - 02/12/20 08:33 PM
Hi Terry,

The poor fellow. I can only imagine how much more intimidated he would have been, though, had he known The Secret. I agree with DC; when I read the story, I had half expected Clark to be eavesdropping.

A fun story for the reader, if not for Robert.

Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: A Date with Superman's Daughter - 02/12/20 08:49 PM
Mr. Kent’s shirt read, “I Have a Beautiful Daughter.” Below that, in slightly smaller print, it read, “I Also Have An Axe, A Shovel, And An Alibi.”

I just about fell out of my chair reading that one!

Cathy has a large family and I have no doubt, someone is following them via super powers. Perfect.
Posted By: Daytonagirl Re: FDK: A Date with Superman's Daughter - 02/13/20 12:13 AM
LOL. This was great. I agree with the others, I totally expected Clark to be eavesdropping on them at least.

You also hit the nail the nail on the head that the older brothers (or siblings) are sometimes more intimidating than the father. My younger sisters had to deal with not only my dad cleaning his guns when the boy arrived, but two of my brothers (I was one of 6) both making veiled threats and feeding our GSDs raw meat. (they told the poor boys the lie that raw meat was the only way to satisfy the dogs' bloodlust)
Thanks for laughing over the T-shirts, Crazy_Babe.

Queenie, that's high praise from the master (mistress?) of the short funny.

DC, we had a glass-front gun cabinet in the lower level with four rifles, four shotguns, two pistols, and visible ammunition for each of them. We made sure our younger sister's dates knew about it. And maybe someone was eavesdropping, maybe not, but poor Robert wouldn't know either way. Cathy might, but she couldn't tell how she knew, could she? Not until the second date anyway.

Lynn, you're kidding, right? Robert was scared enough as it was. Knowing about the super-family would have put him in de-fib at the curb and he never would have made it to the front door.

Morgana, I have a LOL-shot of a man digging in a yard, holding a shovel, and wearing that exact shirt. He's not smiling, either.

Daytonagirl, thanks for the challenge. I don't often pick up those gauntlets because the quick, humorous vignette doesn't come easy for me. This one just flowed. We never cleaned firearms when the dates came to call, but I'm 6'4" and wide-shouldered, my younger brother was 6'2" and wiry like a martial artist (which he was), and I never heard my little sister come home mad at a guy for being handsy. One question, though. I can't figure out what a GSD is, other than a Great Snarling Dane (and that can't be right, can it?). Pray elucidate.

Posted By: Daytonagirl Re: FDK: A Date with Superman's Daughter - 02/14/20 01:14 PM
You are very close!
My apologies Terry, I sometimes forget that many people don't know what GSD means. GSD is slang in breeder/show terms for "German Shepherd Dog" My family breeds and trains them for multiple purposes (police, service, protection, etc.) So at any given time, there might be as many as 10 dogs around the property.

One skeev-ball that I dated in college came to the property 2xs. First time my older brother, who was home from boot camp, told him that in one word the dogs would pack-kill and rip him to pieces. The second time, after we broke up, and in violation of the restraining order, the dogs came back to the house with a jeans pocket and flip-flop.
Posted By: Ray Re: FDK: A Date with Superman's Daughter - 02/18/20 03:07 PM
Hi Terry,
This story was fun and cute at the same time. I can only imagine how Robert will be if he hangs on long enough to learn the secret.
Thanks for writing!
Thanks for the explanation, Daytonagirl. I wondered how smart your skeevy stalker was to ignore your brother's warning - because he's your brother, because he's home from boot camp (don't mess with those guys - they don't have much patience with stupid), and because of the dogs. He was far luckier than he should have been.

Thanks for your kind words, Ray. I thought about doing a scene from Clark's POV but Polly and Trope both said "Nah, just leave it there." Tank Wilson once dubbed me "King of the Open Endings," so I suppose this contributes to my legend (such as it is).

See you after the Kerths! Don't forget to nominate something!
Hi Terry!

Robert slowly made his way to the Kent's front door. He'd read up on Cathy's parents, her older siblings, and he already knew Cathy from high school marching band and science camp. But he'd never met the family.
*Cathy*? You sneaky writer, you! clap hyper

But Cathy would never forgive him if he did that.
Yes, and she could track him down. Multiple ways, too.

And they won’t know I’m here if I don’t knock.
Am not so sure about that…

Cathy snatched the door open from the inside. "Hey!" she called out. “Glad you’re on time.”
Going to drag him off before pop-pop can get a hold of the new beau?

She reached out and grabbed his wrist and pulled with that surprising strength. “Come on in and meet everybody!”
Oh, she really does want them all to meet him.

Mark, the oldest, home from his junior year in college – pre-med major and built like a linebacker
Or a superman. Also, ‘Mark’? Are you sure it’s not a ‘Larry’?

Shannon, Cathy’s sister, tall and willowy and standing like that angry tree from Harry Potter, and Shannon’s fiancé Wilson, who was heir to the Thomas fortune; and her twin brother Kenneth, the state Aikido champion for his age group
Huh, okay, so much for that idea.

Mrs. Kent’s shirt read, “One Rule for Dating My Daughter: Don’t.”

Mr. Kent’s shirt read, “I Have a Beautiful Daughter.” Below that, in slightly smaller print, it read, “I Also Have An Axe, A Shovel, And An Alibi.”

Together they made Robert wish he’d visited a men’s room – or a bush at the side of the house – before entering.
Yeah, with his luck, they’d probably have caught him through a window…

His tone was both light and threatening. Robert would not be surprised to be drawn and quartered if he brought her back two minutes late.
Yes, but he *would* be surprised if he where dropped from 1000ft in the air if he did so.

“My folks mean well, Bobby,” she said softly, “but they like to make an impression. You understand, right? They want their baby to be safe.”
And not have any babies. At this time, at least.

“Yeah,” breathed Robert, “safe.” He inhaled deeply, then started the car. “Good thing I wasn’t planning to take you to a motel.”
Probably doesn’t realize that Daddy Dearest can hear everything he’s saying…

Very adorable ficlet. Now, where’s the rest of it! wildguy

wave Michael
Thanks, but that's all there is, Michael. Polly and Trope wouldn't give me anything else, and Harley was completely engrossed in something else. (She's a wicked and funny little thing. I'd be careful around her if I were you.)
Harley? Oh boy, you're not by any chance retaining the services of this psychiatrist, are you?

Also, on an unrelated note, I wonder what would happen if we switched Doc. Friskin or Arianna Carlin for Dr. Harleen Quinnzel... evil

wave Michael
Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
“Oh, Bobby, you have no idea what my dad can do.”

Oh, poor Bobby. He has no idea just how true this statement is.

lol Love this Terry. Great fic. I loved the t-shirts Lois and Clark were wearing too. A subtle message to be sent to the poor unsuspecting suitor.

Thanks for the giggle! rotflol
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