Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower The return of Kal-El 18/18 - 02/05/20 04:42 PM
Chapter 18:

"Ching talked to me." Lois smiled while they were walking back to the throne room to meet with Ching, Zara, and Lara. There was still something to investigate.

“Zara talked to me, she wants the kind of love we have with Ching,” Kal-el said.

Lois nodded, “We need to make them talk to each other, try for them to let traditions go when they are alone.”

“Yes, these marriage traditions are a bit cold.” Kal-el said with a deep sigh, “but first things first. We need to confront our guest and our good doctor”

The door to the throne room opened and Lady Zara and Ching were already waiting for them. Lady Lara was resting. It was better than the four of them handled this before the welcoming back party for all the people next week. This would also be the party where the announcement would be made and the fact that Kal-el chose the firstborn male coming from Lady Zara as the heir of his throne, but that was something he had to discuss with Zara and Ching.

“We need to find out who the snitch is,” Ching said as first.

“You are right, Ching. Only us and Aakai and Acra-Zil knew something about the plan, it was clear that they didn’t know the full plan but that can be a trick because there is still the case of the fake pills from Lois.” Kal-El said pacing around in the room.

He didn’t want to think what would have happened if Lois wasn’t carrying his baby, already protecting his mother in each way it could, giving her the ability to breathe.

“What about confronting them together?” Lois asked her hands over her chest. Thinking of ways to help her earthly husband.

“That is a good plan, Lois. What do you think, Kal-El?” Lady Zara asked curiously.

He thought for a moment and nodded, “I think you are right. Ricor!” The supreme ruler yelled through the throne room. He didn’t want to waste any more time. This had to be stopped.

The loyal guard entered the throne room and bowed, “You called, my lord.”

“Yes, Ricor. Could you bring Aakai and Acra-Zil to me, please?” Kal-el asked politely but still with authority in his voice.

The guard nodded and bowed his head before turning around and left the room. The moment Ricor was gone Kal-el turned around to look at his partner, his wife, and his wife’s partner.

“I think we all suspect the same man,” he said in a serious tone of voice.

“To be honest, Lady Lara had told me to watch out with him,” Lois said looking at her earthly husband. Sighing that they will have to stay even longer on this planet but she would receive a great gift in return. Martha and Jonathan were going to be so happy to know that they became grandparents as well as her parents of course.

“Now that we are with the four of us, I have an announcement to make.” Zara said before she turned to Ching, “You are going to be a father Ching.”

Ching wanted to take her in his arm so badly but didn’t know if it was appropriate to do so. He looked around not knowing what to do.

“Aren’t you happy?” Zara asked suddenly, feeling nervous.

“Follow your heart, Ching.” Lois smiled, “Remember, love, is showing each other how you feel even outside the bedroom.”

Ching nodded and took Zara into his arms and twirled her around, “Of course I am happy, although I know that this baby will be named as Kal-el’s baby because this child will be the heir.” Ching said sadly.

“It doesn’t matter, if it carries my name, Ching. You are the father of this child, by heart and blood.” Kal-el placed a hand on his shoulder just to reassure him.

“So you want to have earthly love to?” Zara asked her voice filled with hope.

“I want what makes you happy.” Ching smiled softly, “I received some tips from Lois on our way to Thoria and if that is what you want I will be happy to say that I won’t be restraining myself outside the bedroom and inside the palace walls. Only in public will we distant from each other.”

Zara embraced him lovingly placing her head on his chest, “Thank you, Ching. I love you so much.”

Ching hesitated a bit before closing his arms around his partner. His head resting on the top of her head, “I love you more than I can say, Zara.” he whispered.

That sight made Kal-el step behind Lois and surround her waist with his arms pulling her close to him. Lois placed her hands over his arms, leaning her head back against his strong chest. He may not have his superpowers here but he was still a strong man. Lois and Kal-el's hands intertwined over her small belly.

A sudden knock broke up this display of love. Kal- el walked a few steps in front of the women and Ching his hands behind his back.

“Enter!” sounded through the throne room.

“My lord, Aakai and Acra-zil!” Ricor said with a bow.

“Good, Ricor thank you,” Kal-el said. He was going to be glad when he would arrive on earth so that he could be himself again.

Kal-el saw Acra-Zil swallowing with the sight of Lois on her chair. He didn’t make it clear that he noticed it. He looked at Ching who had noticed it too.

“Gentlemen, I have called for you because something happened on Thoria. Lady Lois and Lady Lara almost didn’t make it back and you know why I think that is?” Kal-el asked rhetorically, “Because someone has snitched our plans to the enemy.”

Acra swallowed again.

“With permission, my lord. Are they alright?” Aakai asked.

“Let me ask you one thing first. Do you remember this bottle?” Kal-El showed the bottle with the fake pills for both of them to see.

Aakai shook his head, “I don’t know that bottle, my lord.”

“That’s weird, Ching, Lois tell me if I am wrong but wasn’t this the bottle that contained the pills?” Kal-El asked.

They both nodded at the same time.

“But I do believe you, Aakai. I just needed to see some reactions.” Kal-El said trying to contain his anger, “Both Lois and my mother are fine. You are dismissed.”

“Now Acra-Zil, you have only one chance to explain yourself!” the supreme ruler said rather coldly.

“I don’t know what you are talking about my lord.” Acra tried to convince the commander that he had nothing to do with it.

“Don’t play me for a fool, Acra-Zil. Someone has snitched my plans to the enemy but there is something you didn’t know. You were the only one who I told lies too. So think closely because I don’t take it well when someone I care about is imprisoned due to someone with a loose tongue.” Kal-El’s voice became even colder.

“I had no choice, my lord. Thrax has my family.” Acra-Zil said, “He would have killed them.”

“You had a choice. You could have told us.” Lady Zara said.

“You brought my partner in danger of losing her life. I can’t do anything else but lock you down for the rest of your life.” Kal-El decided. His tone revealed no chance to argue.

“Guards!” The ruler yelled.

Ricor entered the room with two guards in his heels, all bowing their heads in respect for the ruler.

“This prisoner is guilty of betraying my family. I want him locked up until the end of his life.” Kal-el ordered. It was not his usual way of handling things but Lois could have died together with his unborn child.

The guards took Acra-Zil and threw him into the palace prison.

Kal-El sighed deeply, “I hated doing this but I put you in danger, Lois.”

“It’s alright, Honey. You did what you had to do. Know I am going to rest a bit, it will be a long day tomorrow.” Lois smiled.

Kal-El nodded she was right it would be a long day tomorrow. “I will be soon with you, honey”

The event the next day was filled with joy and lots of cheers that the mother of the Supreme ruler was back where she belonged. She made it clear that she wouldn’t take the power back. There was food and drinks for everybody. Nothing was too much for this celebration. Later that night Kal-el took the word.

“Dear people of New-Krypton. First of all, I am glad that we were able to save Lady Lara from the planet Thoria. I couldn’t have done this without the support of my wife Zara, my partner Lois and my wife’s partner Ching but we have something more to celebrate. Lady Lois and Lady Zara are both expecting a child. The child Lady Zara is carrying will be your next supreme leader regardless of the sex of the baby. I will be here until Lady Lois' baby is three months old. Then I will be given the ruling in the hands of Lady Zara again. Know that you will always be with me but you are well protected. Let’s continue this glorious day!” Kal-El said happily.

Those eight months went by fast and Kal-el and Lois became the parents of a little girl Amanda Kent or Ama-El from the house of el. The same day a boy was born carrying the name, Car-El from the house of el. Next in line to be the supreme ruler. The boy was carrying Kal-El’s name even though Ching was the biological father. That was necessary to be the next in line.

It was the day that little Amanda reached her third month birthday. A day that both Lois and Kal-El had looking forward too. The day he could finally be himself again. They had informed his parents, Jimmy and Perry when they were going to land back on earth. Like expected they all stood to wait in the field where they left more than a year ago. Lois and little Amanda were the first ones who set first foot on earth again. Clark followed next, embraced in his parent's arms he couldn’t be happier, Clark was back. He was finally back home

The end
Posted By: LadyTpower Re: The return of Kal-El 18/18 - 02/05/20 04:44 PM
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