Lois & Clark Forums
From part one

Lois felt a soft mattress and a warm blanket around her, as she opened her eyes the room she was in was blurry and dark. She tried to focus on her surroundings it was warm and clean but there was very little light. Then she heard a baby’s cry and she got to her feet and found a crib in the corner of the room and looked in on the crying child. She reached in and picked up Kelsie.

“Shh sweetie Mommy’s here.” She soothed and Kelsie was immediately
comforted by her mothers presence. “Superman, HELP!!” She yelled. “SUPERMAN!”

“It’s no good he won’t hear you.” A tall, dark figure stood in the doorway. “This place is sound proof.”

“Who are you? What do you want with us?”

“To be a family.” The figure stepped into the light to reveal his face.


And now...

Part Two

“Why are you doing this?” She asked holding Kelsie close to her.

“I told you, so we can be a family.” Dex answered. “I know I look different but I hoped you would recognise me, my love.”

“Oh my god! Lex?! But how?”

“Do you remember the clones I had made for us so we could escape Kent? I did it.” He held out his arms showing off his knew body. “What do you think? It suits me don’t you think.”

“Why did you come back why didn’t you just go into hiding?”

“Because I still wanted you. I was weak at first the clone body wasn’t ready for my soul it took me two years to get my strength back. But it was the thought of you that kept me going. I found out too late about what that fool of a son of mine tried to do to you. I would’ve killed him, he was always a disappointment, as was that bastard son. I should’ve had girls.” He looked at Lois. “And now I have one.” He looked at Kelsie asleep in Lois’ arms.

“She’s not yours, she’s Clarks.”

“She won’t remember him; we can raise her as ours. You, me and Alexis; a family.”

“Her name is Kelsie; and you’re crazy if you think I’ll let you have anything to do with my child, you’re evil, you’re poison.”

“I didn’t have to bring you here. I was furious when I found out not only had you married the Alien filth but you had bore his child. I had planned to kill you all for your betrayal. But then it came to me I could mould her a superchild to control not like that inferior clone of Superman but a baby I could teach and nurture. And when she is older have her kill her own father. I do hope he recognises her before she does.” Lex said an evil grin spread across his face.

“You evil bastard.” Lois screamed. Kelsie began to cry at her mothers outburst.

“You’re upsetting our daughter.”

“She’s my daughter, mine and Clark’s not yours. You evil monster.”

“You’ll change your mind when you’re separated from her.” He tried to take Kelsie from her.

“No, no.”

“Give her to me Lois I don’t want to have to resort to desperate measures.”

“I won’t let you take my baby.”

“I didn’t want to have to do this.” He took out a small metal box from his pocket and opened it a green glow came from it and Kelsie cried louder and pulled her knees up to her stomach in pain.

“Lex please, please stop it’s hurting her, please.” Lois sobbed.

“Give her to me and it will all stop.”

“No, please.”

“Give her to me. When you have some time to think about how I can give her better life I’ll bring her back to you.” Lois was unable to see any other option if she didn’t let Lex have her she would continue to be in pain maybe die and Lois wasn’t willing to test just how far Lex would go, so she reluctantly gave Kelsie to him. He snapped the box shut and backed out the door and locked it after him.

“Shh Alexis daddy’s sorry he had to hurt you.” Lois heard Lex say through the door.

“NO! Lex, please!” She cried and banged on the door.


Clark came home with a large box of takeout he looked around the living room for Lois.

“Lois!” He called then went into the kitchen and put the take out on the counter then went back into the living room. He found the note she had left.


Clark spun into the superman suit they flew off to Hobbs Bay. He landed next to Lois’ Jeep then looked into the alley by the One/12 Club and headed for it, he found Kelsie’s blanket and teddy. He scans the alley but finds nothing then takes off.


The door to Lois’ room opens and Lex walks in carrying Kelsie who is crying.

“She’s hungry, she hasn’t been taking much of the formula.” He looks down at Kelsie. “I hope you have thought about what I said. You are only here because I could bear to see you suffer but I can change my mind. Do we have an understanding?”

“Yes.” Lois whispered. She was shaking.

“Good.” Lex gave Kelsie to her. “I’ll leave you there are diapers and a change of clothes for her under the crib.” Lex left locking the door again.

“Shh sweetie mommy’s here.” She said and sat down on the bed. “Are you hungry.” She began to feed her.


Clark was pacing Bill Henderson’s office.

“Clark will you sit down you’re wearing a trench in the floor.” Bill said. Clark looked down at his feet to see if he actually had.

“Why aren’t you out looking for them?” He yelled when he realised that Bill wasn’t talking literally.

“Clark we are doing everything we can to find Kelsie.”

“Lois is missing now I think she was abducted by the same person.”

“We can’t file a missing person’s report on her until she has been missing for 24 hours.”

“She may not have 24 hours.”

“Maybe she just went for a walk.”

“She left this note, I found her Jeep parked at Hobbs Bay and these in the Alley by the One/12 Club.” He holds up the blanket and teddy. “I think Lois went to meet the kidnapper, that’s why she took these.”

“Why would she go alone?”

“Because Kelsie could be in danger and well it’s Lois.” Bill looks at him.

“You’re right I’ll file her missing.”

“Thank you.” Clark left. He came home his parents who had arrived the day before were waiting for him.

“Clark, honey?” Martha said and hugged him.

“Mom.” He sobbed on her shoulder. “Lois has gone too.”

“What do mean, gone?” Jonathan asked.

“I think she went to meet who ever took Kelsie.” He explained about the letter and finding Lois’ Jeep and Kelsie’s things.

“Do you really think the same people took her?”

“If she has been taken I hope it is the same people then maybe she’s with Kelsie and she won’t be so scared.”

“Have you gone to the police?”

“Yes Bill is going to file Lois as missing but no one knows anything it’s all so frustrating.” In his temper he throws over Kelsie’s carriage. “This is my fault why did we have to go out. Lois didn’t want to go.”

“Come on now you have to stop blaming yourself.”

“Clark what’s this?” Jonathan had picked up the carriage and found a small black disc. He handed it to Clark.

“It’s a bug, a listening device dad where did you find this?”

“It was in the carriage.”

“I’ll be back.” He took off out the window.


Clark landed at STAR Labs and went to find Dr. Klein. He showed him the bug.

“Dr. Klein do you think you could find where this is being transmitted back to?” Clark asked after explaining everything to him which he found frustrating because it just slowed things down.

“Well yes but it may take sometime.”

“Just do it, please my… Lois and Clark’s baby is in danger as is Lois and this could find them.”

“I’ll get started.”

“Thank you.”


Lois was sat on the bed with Kelsie laying between her legs talking to her soothingly.

“Don’t worry sweetie, mommy let that monster hurt you again.” The door opens and Lex comes in with two white boxes.

“I thought you both could do with something to wear.” He said putting the boxes on the bed.

“We’re fine.”

“I would like the presence of your company for dinner.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Do I have to take measures again?” He said reaching into his pocket.

“No, no I’ll join.”

“Good.” He turns and closes the door. Lois opens the box and looks at the dark pink gown she looks in the other box and found a smaller dress in the Same colour. She dresses Kelsie then puts her gown.

Lex knocked on the door and his voice came through it.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes!” Lois had to bite back the bitterness in her voice. She picked Kelsie out of the crib. The door opened and Lex came in he looked at her.

“You look beautiful.” Lois scoffed she never liked pink and felt that it never really suited her. “Did he ever buy you any beautiful things?”

“Yes and he knows what I like, that’s why it works with Clark and why it never and will never work with you.”

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Lois could see the anger in his eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shout. Please sit down. Here you can’t eat with Alexis in your arms.” He gestures to a baby seat. Lois fastened Kelsie in the seat but kept her close then sat next to her.


Clark had returned to S.T.A.R Labs to see how far Dr. Klein was with the bug.

“Superman you are not helping you’re making me very nervous.” Dr. Klein said.

“I’m sorry but this is my family.” Clark said Dr. Klein looked at him.

“You’re… OK but you need to let me work… go pace or something.” Clark did just that pacing, looking at the clock and running a hand through his neat gelled hair that was becoming untidy with each swipe. “I’ve done it.” Dr. Klein said after what Clark had felt like was hours but was only really forty minutes.

“Great where is it?”

“Hang on I don’t believe it…”


“It’s under the Daily Planet.”

“Great thanks.”

“Wait…” Clark was gone in a blur of blue and red.


Lois watched Lex with loathing.

“You haven’t touched any of your meal.” Lex said.

“I’m no hungry. But I am enjoying watching you eat.” She glared at him then added. “I’m hoping you choke.” Lex chuckled.

“That’s what I love about you, you always speak your mind. But those comments will have to cease, we don’t want our daughter to think you hate me.”

“I do hate you and she’s not your daughter.”

“Lois!” Lex warned. “You are not part of my plan, now I don’t want to dispose of you but I will.” He looked at her then as is their discussion hadn’t happened said “Would you like some wine?”

“I’m not drinking alcohol while I’m feeding Kelsie.”

“That’s very responsible. You have taken to motherhood naturally I was concerned that you wouldn’t be willing to give up your career for our child but I was wrong.”

“Well it just took the right man.”

“Stop! We won’t discuss him anymore.”

“It really gets to you knowing that he’s the only man I ever loved.”


“You may keep me and Kelsie here or take us to your fortress in the Alps but I will always love Clark.”


“And no matter how much you try you will always know that I made her with him.”

“ENOUGH!” He yelled. Suddenly Clark came crashing through the wall Lex leapt up from the table. “Kent!”

“Clark!” Lois said.

“Don’t move either of you.” Lex said and took out the box of kryptonite and a gun. “Clark went for him, Lex opened the box. Clark crumples to the floor. Lex aims the gun at his Clark’s chest. “I was hoping to make you suffer longer but this is just as satisfying.”

“Nooo!” Lois Screamed and went for the gun, but Lex pushed her way and she hit her head on the corner of the table.

“Lois!” Clark yelled and forced himself up and went for Luthor but he fired the gun into his stomach.

“Does it hurt?” Lex sneered.

“Who are you? Why are you doing this?” Clark whispered grimacing at the pain.

“You don’t know? I am your nemesis. Look at me.”



“Why don’t you just die!” Clark yelled.

“Looks like I win this time.” He smiled then placed the box of kryptonite next to Clark. “Now you can watch while I take your daughter.” Lex went to Kelsie who had been crying since Clark had come crashing threw the wall.

“Nooo!” Clark yelled and once again forced himself to stand and went for Lex again they fought for the gun there was two shots, they stopped struggling then Lex slumped to the floor. Clark struggled to Lois.

“Lois!? Lois!” He struggled to speak.

“Superman.” Dr Klein came down the steps.

“Dr…Kl…ien what…?”

“Never mind here change into these we don’t want a lot awkward questions about how Superman got shot.” He hands Clark a shirt and a pair of jeans. “I’ll call the police and an ambulance.”

“Thanks.” Clark winced as he struggled out of the suit and into the clothe. “H… how… did y… you know.”

“Not now.”

“L…Lois?” Klein checked her then took Kelsie from the chair.

“Their both fine?”

“What about him…” Clark pulled on the shirt as Klein checked luthor.

“He’s dead.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes. Who is he?” He looked at Clark but he had given in to the pain and fainted.


Lois opened her eyes slowly, she had a dressing over the cut to her forehead and the left side of her face was swollen and her lip was cut.

“Urgh.” She groaned

“Hey beautiful.” She turned her head slowly and tried to smile but wince as both were painful.

“Clark.” She whispered. “Where’s Kelsie.” She tried to sit up ignoring the pain, Clark stopped her.

“She’s fine, Look.” Lois looked at the crib next to the bed where Kelsie was sound asleep. “How are you feeling?”

“My head feels like there’s a fourth of July party going on in it. What about Luthor.”

“He’s dead. We fought over the gun.”

“How are you?”

“Uh I’ll survive.” He stood and picked Kelsie up with effort. “I came so close to losing you both.” He sat back down.

“We’re fine, Thanks to you.” She took Kelsie from him. “I knew you’d find us.”

“I love you.” He kissed her then Kelsie. “And you too.”

“We love you too. When can we go home?”

“The doctor said tomorrow.”

“Good I just want to get home.”

“Yeah me too.”

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