Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower stolen crane 6/... - 01/08/20 05:44 PM

chapter 6:

As they both lie back on the bed gasping for breath Kim curls into his side and rests her head on his chest. After a few moments says, "I've missed you so much handsome."

"I missed you too beautiful. More than you think." Tommy said panting as well. After their round of lovemaking.

"Oh really?" she asks as her fingers trace small circles on his skin. "Tell me." she requests of him

"Well, I... missed... your... beauty," Tommy said kissing her between every word.

She smiles and says "what else?"

"your smile,... you being good for everyone. Your pure heart, even your temper. Your compassion, the way you look at me with such love as I'm the most precious treasure in the world. The way you keep my ego in check and yet still support me in my every move. In short, everything that you are inside and out and everything that you do. The unmistakable bright pink light that is all you, and how my world sinks into shadows without it even on the sunniest of days." he tells her with all sincerity.

"That's so sweet handsome, I am a lucky girl to have you. You support me even if it means not seeing each other for months." Kimberly smiled showing the love she felt for him by the way she was looking at him.

He smiles brightly and says I'm the lucky one. Even when we were in high school you could have had anyone you wanted but you picked me and I'll be eternally grateful. That I get to bask in your light for the rest of my life was worth it all. The fighting, the battle fatigue, the dark spells, the trips to other worlds, all of it because you were there at my side. Looking at me like I could do anything and knowing you believed I felt like I could as well. " Tommy says.

"Handsome, you were blind to all the girls who envied me for being with you," Kim said

He smirks and says, "I had the most beautiful, the most spectacular, superhero goddess for a girlfriend, no woman or girl could compare to you, Kim. You outshine them all, always have, will."

Kimberly's chin was resting on her hands, those on their turn were resting on his chest. She watched him with the same eyes as that moment where she first laid eyes on him.

Her stomach still did flips when she saw him, even if the image changed a bit over the years. Gone was the long hair he had in his teens, it had made a place for dark spiky hair. Most of the baby fat had disappeared, replaced with chiseled jaw and features and toned muscle. But when she looked in his eyes she still saw the same loving soul she saw that day and it makes her heart beat twice as fast as normal.

She smiles and says "While the spikes are cute, I miss the long hair from your days as the falcon," as she lifts her hand and gently runs her fingers through it.

His scalp tingled at her touch.

"I can grow it back out for you, beautiful." he smiled, if he was honest he missed his long hair too.

She smiled dazzlingly and her eyes shined brightly at the thought. "I would love that!"

He smiled at her and runs his hand over her cheek, before pulling her close into a passionate kiss, after a few moments they break for air.

"I still need to go shopping, handsome." Kim smiled

"Remind me, for what? I know you told me, but your so intoxicating you drove the answer right out of my mind." Tommy smiled

"For the ball, silly. I want everyone to see what they can't have because you have it." Kim smiled with a sparkle in her eyes.

He grinned, then just for a moment she saw a flicker of darkness run through them. So she asks "what?"

He says, "I just remembered who was throwing the ball and how he might have an eye for you."

Kim replies, "As long as I have you here at my side I'm not afraid. I know you'll protect me. Besides you can have the backup from the city's superhero and Jason and Trini."

That thought calmed him down again, not only would Jason and Trini be here, you better stayed on Superman's good side.

"That reminds me you said we met Superman but never explained why. Care to do so now?" Kimberly asked curiously.

"Well, we met three people today, what if I told you he was one of them?" Tommy said keeping up the mystery a little longer.

"Well, it certainly isn't Jimmy!" she smirks. "Clark?"

Tommy nodded. "I am almost sure of it, Kim."

"How?" Kim asked curiously.

Tommy says, "I already sensed something about him but the looks he and Lois shared before they left gave them away. Only to people like us who know what to look for, like when I asked if they saw him often, it sounded just like the stories we used to tell our folks, and other people. Or when we had to talk about ourselves in the abstract, when asked about the rangers. We had to be so careful not to be too certain about our opinions or risk showing that we might know more than we should about the rangers. Even how we had to suppress any visual signs of pride when people talked about how good the rangers were doing. Well, he didn't, or else he slipped up. Did you notice how when you asked about meeting Superman that shy smile he had, it gave him away? That is if you know what to look for like we do. In short, those that spend years playing dumb pick up on it real easy when others do it, especially that badly."

"Why are we the only ones to see it?" Kimberly asked curiously.

Tommy looks at her and says, "The same way people never figured out it was us. They don't want to see it. People see what they want."

"We were a group of six that always spent time together, wearing the same colors. The only person who I think might have caught on was Ernie, but he never leads on one way or another." Tommy says

"Yes Tommy, but we were wearing helmets. He hides only his suit and glasses. So I don't think he is doing so bad." Kim defended Clark

Tommy nods then says, "Still I don't think people are looking otherwise they would see it. Hiding in plain sight worked for us, so it works for him too."

Kim then asks "how long do you think Lois has known for?"

He thinks for a minute and says, "Hard to say but I take it not as long as you think."

"Come on handsome let's go into town. I feel like shopping" Kim smiled

He holds her closer and says, "A little later, we have the whole day for shopping. I'm not ready to let go of you yet!" then kisses her passionately, while pulling her close.

She squeals in surprise at the speed of his movements. When they break for air he has her tucked beneath him wanting more of her. Taking advantage of the moment, Kimberly being curious then asks Tommy,
"How it would be possible to be so strong and still be in so much control of his powers all the time?"

Tommy responds with, "It wouldn't be easy but just like we did with our ranger powers through discipline and hard work overtime.
Even though he spent remarkably longer at it since I'm guessing there is no off button for him."

Kim nods, "I guess you're right about that."

"On both counts," Kim says with an amused grin.

He looks at her and says, "I completely agree with you." and pulls her into another kiss, all thoughts of talking any further fled from them both. For they had a lot of lost time to make up for, and they were still ravenous for each other.

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