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Posted By: Deadly Chakram FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/04/20 12:34 AM
Since I did a fic for the first movie, it was imperative that I do one for the sequel. Enjoy this random bit of fluff.
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/04/20 10:57 AM
What an awesome story! Very clever especially the quip at the end rotflol
This was so cute! ^.^ It's neat to think about how actual superheroes would react to the movies we make about them.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/05/20 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Crazy_Babe
What an awesome story! Very clever especially the quip at the end rotflol

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it. I have to say, Endelda was very helpful in crafting the last line! Thanks, E! smile
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/05/20 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
This was so cute! ^.^ It's neat to think about how actual superheroes would react to the movies we make about them.

Thanks, Queenie! Glad you enjoyed it! And I'm glad it took me far less time to come up with a story for the sequel than I did with the original movie. For the longest time, it was like "There's a connection to make here...but how?"
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/05/20 05:36 PM
That was fun!
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/05/20 07:48 PM
What a fun story. Thank you for sharing it with us. "The Incredibles" and L&C are each delightful in their own right, but when they are paired together under your expert pen, the result is a story that left me with "the biggest, stupidest grin on <my> face."

I think you were spot-on in describing what Clark's reactions to the movie would be.

Incidentally, as a parent myself, I loved Edna's and Clark's comments about parents and heroes. Although I have long considered parenting the most important "job" one can have, I have never particularly thought of it as heroic before. ("I'm not being a hero; I'm just being a Mom.") It's fun to see Clark's take on the topic, since he is clearly both a parent and a hero.

I, too, hope there is a third movie. I also hope that if there is, you will write a third story in this series.

Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/06/20 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by scifiJoan
That was fun!

Aww, thanks, Joan! Glad you enjoyed it!
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/06/20 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
What a fun story. Thank you for sharing it with us. "The Incredibles" and L&C are each delightful in their own right, but when they are paired together under your expert pen, the result is a story that left me with "the biggest, stupidest grin on <my> face."

I think you were spot-on in describing what Clark's reactions to the movie would be.

Incidentally, as a parent myself, I loved Edna's and Clark's comments about parents and heroes. Although I have long considered parenting the most important "job" one can have, I have never particularly thought of it as heroic before. ("I'm not being a hero; I'm just being a Mom.") It's fun to see Clark's take on the topic, since he is clearly both a parent and a hero.

I, too, hope there is a third movie. I also hope that if there is, you will write a third story in this series.


Aww, thanks so much, Lynn! You know, when asked what my favorite Pixar series is my favorite, I used to reflexively say "Toy Story." And I DO still love it. But when the second Incredibles movie came out, I told my husband that they just edged out Toy Story as my ultimate favorite (it didn't help that Toy Story 3 wasn't as strong as the other 2, despite the perfect tear-jerker ending). (And, on a personal note, I didn't really love the 4th one overall. Weird vibe, crummy "villain," and an ending that felt extremely out of character for me.)

Like you, I never considered parenting to be heroic before Edna said it. Like you, I considered it the most important job I'll ever have, raising two good little people. But, especially in this day and age, raising good people IS kind of heroic. We see the bad far too often. Making sure we're doing our best to combat that by raising law-abiding, compassionate, helpful people is almost a heroic thing. And of course, any parent of a special-needs child is a hero in my eyes. It takes a special kind of strength to handle that. Yeah, I know, for them it's probably the mindset of "No, I'm just a mom/dad who loves her/his kid(s)." Same as I shrug off the "how do you do it?" twin parent questions. "I just do. They're my kids and I love them."

I'm holding out hope on a 3rd movie. We deserve as much of the Incredibles as we can get. smile
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/06/20 01:27 PM
Hey Vicki wave

clap Nice job on the little trip to the movie theater and down memory lane as we see both Clark and the rest of his family react to the movie - a little more wiser this time around.

Absolutely love the last line.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/07/20 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by folc4evernaday
Hey Vicki wave

clap Nice job on the little trip to the movie theater and down memory lane as we see both Clark and the rest of his family react to the movie - a little more wiser this time around.

Absolutely love the last line.

Thank you, Val! Glad you enjoyed the story. Clark must be a glutton for punishment, continuing to go to these movies. rotflol But then again, they're too good to pass up! laugh
Posted By: Daytonagirl Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/19/20 03:10 AM
This made my evening. Loved the last line. Hope you continue these awesome stories.
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: An Incredible Sequel (1/1) - 01/19/20 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by Daytonagirl
This made my evening. Loved the last line. Hope you continue these awesome stories.

Aww, thank you so much! I really had fun crossing the two over like this!
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