Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower Stolen Crane Chapter 5/... - 11/29/19 06:17 PM

chapter 5:

Jimmy looked confused at Tommy and Kimberly before asking, “Power Rangers, who are they?” He only knew Superman.

Tommy and Kimberly looked shocked at each other.

Tommy smiled at Jimmy, “They are a group of superheroes that battled monsters sent to earth to enslave it for evil alien beings. They showed up in our hometown of Angel Grove all the time when we were in high school.

“Obviously they don't have as good a press team as your local hero does,” Kimberly smirks.

“Superman is more international, while yours are more regional but I heard of them through Superman.” Clark smiled.

“Lex Luthor better watch out because I am not going to let my pink princess out of my sight until we are on our honeymoon next week,” Tommy said with venom in his voice.

Clark and Lois looked at each other not knowing if what they saw happening. They could swear Tommy’s brown had flickered green for just a second.

“I like the sound of that but remember we still have to leave the room and get things done.” Kimberly winked at Tommy teasing him a little to lighten the situations and hide the fear this could be something more from him.

“Good thing the cavalry is coming over the next few days to help us with that.” Tommy teased.

“Who might that be?” Lois ask curiously

“Well, that will be our close group of friends. They all have black belts like Tommy.” Kimberly smiled.

Clark smiles thinking she might have all the protection they need but he would still keep an eye out for her this week.

“Where the Power Rangers anything like Superman?” Jimmy asked.

“I don’t think you can compare the superheroes with each other,” Clark said trying not to be too obvious.

“Tommy says I agree the rangers worked as a team. six people working together. While Superman is doing the job solo.”

Jimmy asks “does anyone know who they are?”

Kim says “no, nobody ever knew, and the helmets they wore completely hide their faces.
each in a different color. They were known only by the color they wore. we assume they are human but there no way to know for sure. They have weapons and when they need to they have these massive robotic animals they use to fight monsters when they grow bigger. The robots can combine to create one big samurai type person with this huge sword to get things done.”

Jimmy says “Cool!”

Clark says “Jimmy, we aren't here to have them tell us about their hometown heroes. Besides, I believe they asked us about superman, “

Lois says “right, I can tell you about him I've had plenty of encounters with him.”

Clark smirks and says “you get rescued more than anyone in the city.”

Lois smacks his arm lightly. “Do not. “

He gives her that oh really look. She says “ok maybe that is true. so I would be best to tell her.”

“Superman. is great and strong. no bullet can go through him. He can be around the world in seconds, helping people all over the world. If you need him all you have to do is call out his name. So we can pass the word along to keep an eye out for you. I can assure you you will be well looked after on his watch.”

Tommy notices Clark blush slightly as Lois raves about superman, finding that odd, but filing that away for later. Since both he and Kim also have their secrets to keep, but if he had to guess, what Clark's was he thinks that he was the hero in question.

“I think Superman would be happy to keep an eye out for Miss Hart's safety while she in town. Clark smiled “He may not be the rangers you're used to but he gets the job done.” he went on to add.

A slow mischievous grin creeps up Kim's face, as a matching gleam alights in her eyes and says “I might just have to meet this superman. I hope I can someday while here.”

Tommy looks down at her and says, “Oh really? do I need to worry? maybe I should be there to chaperone you, so you don't run off.” Kim winks at him and says “maybe,” and starts to giggle. On her answer, Tommy starts to tickle her. and her giggles turn to full out laughter. after a few moments, she says stop and he does. She looks up at him with eyes that have been watering from laughing so hard and says, “Don't be jealous, my handsome falcon, your still my shining white knight.” she runs a hand through his hair and draws him into a short but passionate kiss.

Jimmy asks “why do you call him falcon?”

Tommy answers “My biological grandfather is the shaman of his tribe, he told me my spirit animal was a falcon and that Kim's was a crane. So they become pet names for each other.”

Clark says “that rather interesting. well, one other thing you should know is that there only one thing that can hurt superman but its very hard to come by.”

Lois asks “you said your friends are coming into town just how big a group is we talking about?”

they see Kim moving her fingers as she mentally counting them all. then says “eight in total, that is coming. others couldn't get away from their commitments.”

and Lois says “you said they all have black belts?”
Kim answers “yup.”

and jimmy says “It sounds like you how your little protection squad.”

Kim laughs at that and “says yeah I guess so.”

Tommy says “don't be fooled, Kim is more than capable of protecting herself. All of our friends have taught her self defense, have done so for years. So her skills are on par with theirs.”

“It never hurts to have some backup.” Kim smiled

“That’s true,” Tommy responded.

Clark raises an eyebrow to that statement while thinking what the two of them could have ever been involved with to be able to know let alone says such a thing.

Lois smiled, "You know what? Why don't you come to our house for dinner the day after tomorrow?"

“that would be great. a few of our friends should be here by then could we bring them along?” Kim asked politely

"Of course you can bring them," Lois said while she wrote down her and Clark's address.

“Thanks” Kim smiled

As Lois is handing that slip to Kim Tommy sees clark Tilt his head as if he were listening to something.

Soon Lois takes notice of this as well.

“I think we have all we want here, we need to go back and write our story so that it can be published,” Lois said quickly.

They all stand and shake hands and say their goodbyes.

Just as they are turning to leave, Tommy catches a glimpse of Lois making a flying sign with her hand and Clark nods. Any doubts he had to what Clark's secret might have been had all fallen away upon seeing this.

“Okay, CK.” Jimmy smiled.

“I’ll see you, on the Planet later.” Lois said before she whispered, “be careful, honey.” So low that only his hearing could make out the words coming out of her mouth.

The moment the three had left the room, Tommy said: “The interesting thing about having been a ranger is that you pick up on when others are hiding similar things.”

“What do you mean?” Kimberly asked confused.

“Do you remember where you said you wanted to meet Superman?” Tommy asked

Kim nodded in response.

“I think you just did, beautiful,” Tommy said in a serious tone.

"Do you mean? No way..." Kim said a little shocked

“Yes, way. Let me explain.” Tommy said

He was to start explaining when gunshots could be heard underneath their window.

they rushed to the window and looked out to see Superman fly into view.

A car with masked crooks hanging out the windows, shooting at the cops chasing them but they didn’t get far. They started shooting at the cops but Superman caught all the bullets with his hands, pulverizing them with his bare hands.

Kim and Tommy heard one of the bandits yell, “drive!”

The driver was pushing the gas pedal as much as they could but the car didn't move at all, because Superman was holding on the back of the car keeping them in place.

Just then one of the crooks aimed innocent civilians hiding behind a mailbox, and fired several bullets, in a desperate move to force superman to let go of the car. It succeeded but they only got a few yards down the road before Superman landed in front of the car. He put both his hands, palms out, onto the hood of the car to stop it. The car reacted as if it had run straight into a brick wall. Huge plumes of steam and smoke poured out from under the hood. He quickly moved to the door and pulled all of the crooks from the car. Grabbing the guns from each of them and bending them into useless pieces of metal and tossing them aside. The crooks tried in vain to scatter but were caught and tied up and left for the cops to take possession of.

He looked around to make sure he had them all and that everyone was okay. then looking up saw Kim and Tommy standing in the window of their hotel room. Which overlooked the crime scene directly. He saw Kim wave and so he waved back before taking to the air and speeding off.

Kimberly and Tommy both looked at each other in shock.

“Wow!” Kim said still shocked, “even at our strongest, we couldn’t do half of that. I am glad we never had to worry about whether our suits could withstand bullets.”

“yeah, but I don't think he needs the suit. Must be weird dealing with humans and not monsters.” Kim said

“yeah, but I don't think he needs the suit,” Tommy responded

“Speaking of humans,” Tommy said with a wicked grin, “I want to deal with you right now.”

He quickly picks her up in bridal style and Kisses her passionately as he walks off towards the bedroom with her.

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