Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Morgana FDK: Empire Chapter Two of Five - 11/03/19 05:42 PM
Sorry it has taken so long to post this latest installment. RL is really kicking my butt. I hope to post the next installment in the promised two weeks time frame.

Your comments are really appreciated and help to feed a starving muse, so please drop a line.

Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Empire Chapter Two of Five - 11/06/19 06:47 PM
Sorry about your RL issues. Since the boards have been so slow lately, I'm guessing that's true for a lot of folks.

Love this latest installment, especially the last two paragraphs. I won't give away any spoilers here, but am looking forward to the next chapter and eventually learning everything about Aykira. And I think I need a re-read on your Strangers story in the meantime. As if I need an excuse to re-read your stories; just need to find the time! lol
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Empire Chapter Two of Five - 11/09/19 07:19 PM
Love this latest installment, especially the last two paragraphs. I won't give away any spoilers here, but am looking forward to the next chapter and eventually learning everything about Aykira. And I think I need a re-read on your Strangers story in the meantime. As if I need an excuse to re-read your stories; just

Hey there! Thank you so much for the feedback!
There is more to come. Empire is the only way to FINALLY close out the relationship between Lex Luthor and Aykira Milan. In this situation gentle readers, it is not necessary to read my Stranger stories or the Visitor series, but it cannot hurt! hyper
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