Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Morgana Street Fair - Part Two of Two - 09/26/19 10:17 AM
As Lois and Abrihet stepped inside Darcy’s upscale boutique, they left the noisy festive street carnival atmosphere behind and entered a calm environment, designed to allow the customer to shop in tranquility. Light classical music flowing from the speakers installed above them further enhanced the relaxed mood. A tall, young woman with blonde hair, a sprinkle of freckles over a perk nose and clear blue eyes approached them.

“Good afternoon, ladies. My name is Selena. Is there anything I can help you with today?”

“I was interested in trying on the suit in the window. Do you still have it in a size 4?” Lois asked.

“Yes, we do. While I go get it, would either of you like a glass of water?”

After eating the slightly salty lamb gyro, Abrihet realized she was thirsty. “Oui! Oh, please excuse. I … I mean yes. Thank you.”

The salesperson vanished and a moment later, presented both women with glasses of cold sparkling water. After drinking, they each went to different parts of the store, looking for new outfits to try on while
Selena searched for Lois’ suit.

Twenty minutes later, Abrihet held up a mid-length green dress, her practiced eye carefully inspecting the tailoring of the garment.

“Oh, really pretty dress! Do you need it for a special occasion or is this just for date night with Bernie?” Lois asked as she went through the racks looking for a dress that could work in the newsroom. Lately she had taken to wearing brighter colors rather than black, blue or gray. Since her marriage to Clark, life was fuller and richer than it had ever been. Her personal metamorphosis was seen in the fact that she smiled more and was a much nicer person to be around.

Selena, with quiet efficiency, had set aside the suit Lois wanted in a fitting room. She had also set up a room for Abrihet. As each woman picked up a garment Selena would come by and hang it up in their respective fitting rooms. The saleswoman suggested a pair of pants to work with a blouse and scarf already in the room.

“Tou les deux. (Both) A colleague’s daughter is getting married next week. This little frock shall work perfectly for the reception. As you know, in France, marriages are performed by the mayor or his assistant in a civil ceremony at the La mairie (town hall). If the couple wants a religious ceremony, that happens afterwards. I shall be attending the wedding and reception. Afterwards, it would be perfect for a romantic dinner with Bernard.”

Lois nodded, “There is never a wrong time for a romantic dinner … especially in Paris! Although I have to say, my first date with Clark in the City of Lights took place after a stakeout where we … and Jimmy caught a jewel thief!”*

Abrihet’s dark eyes widened in surprise. “Mon Dieu! Was that the adventure with le Fantôme? Bernard told me about it. The robbery took place at the same jewelers who fabricated your engagement ring and wedding bands?”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Yeah, The Phantom, so called because he used sleeping gas and no one was conscious while he grabbed thousands of dollars in uncut diamonds. Urgh! That cheesy nickname! Yes, the jeweler, Mr. CJ Abelhammer, did create our rings. He’s such a gentleman, when we discovered in the course of our investigation that his store was The Phantom’s next target Clark was determined to make sure he and his staff were safe.”

Abrihet grew silent and then said, “Lois, mon cherie. How long before you knew Clark was your désir de Coeur (heart’s desire)?”

The abrupt and unexpected question caught Lois off guard. She thought for a minute, remembering all the obstacles thrown in front of them before realizing they couldn’t live without each other. “Too long. I fought him every step of the way. In those days, ‘Mad Dog’ Lane was going to get a Pulitzer Prize before reaching the age of thirty. If I had realized just how important he was to me, it could have saved us both a great deal of unnecessary heartache. Why do you ask?”

Before answering, Abrihet accepted a pair of black woolen pants, from Selena, who then departed to assist another customer. They were just her size and lined with silk, she felt the light-weight woolen material, appreciating the hand and craftsmanship of the garment. She was nervous about starting this complex conversation with her young friend. Yet, what is to be done? She needed to talk with someone. Her sister, Kuma was in London, completely unaware of this new and extraordinaire (incredible) aspect of her life. Her Iya, (mother) lived in Nigeria and had no contact with her since she had run away from an abominable planned marriage. Lois was waiting, so with a tiny sigh, she spoke.

“Bernard has become the most important person in my life. Returning to Paris after each visit to him is becoming more difficile. It was so easy when he lived nearby. After work, I walked a few blocks from my office to his apartment. On the way I would stop at the market for a loaf of freshly baked bread, cheese and vegetables, Bernard likes fresh Brussels sprouts and a bottle of wine. It took some time before he would drink red wine without it being chilled! Often we would have dîner by candlelight, discussing events at the Sorbonne and the impact on the school and its students. Ah, the conversations often moved into a myriad of other subjects, I can converse with him about anything!”

Lois nodded slowly, with a wry smile, “Clark and I used to do that when we were dating. Of course, he did more of the cooking than I back then. Since then, because of his patient help my talents in the kitchen have improved! Having someone to chat with at day’s end is one of the joys of being a couple. It’s obvious you have both have become very close.”

“Oui. But we did not spend all our time with just each other. Sometimes after work I would attend get-togethers with my friends and share our thoughts on best-selling novels. Bernard would join with scientists who work on fascinating projects and discuss their research at a local café. But always before we went to sleep we would call each other, simply to say good-night.”

Lois’ lips tugged into a tiny smile as memories from the early days of her relationship with Clark came to mind. How many times had she said good-night to him only to remember something else? Finally, she would reluctantly say good-night and then hang up. The smile still tugging at her lips she said, “Sounds familiar.” She changed subjects abruptly when she found a dress in the color of burnt orange.

“What do you think?” she said, while holding it up.

“D’accord (okay). The cut and color is perfect for your figure and complexion.”

Lois agreed and headed for the dressing room. Meanwhile Abrihet purchased the green dress, black pants, a burgundy silk blouse and a multi-colored oblong scarf. It was not necessary to try them on, she intended to have her retoucheuse (seamstress) alter them to fit her perfectly.

She returned to the dressing room area just as Lois stepped out, happy to show off the outfit. The dress was flattering to her figure; double breasted with covered buttons and detailed buttonholes, the perfect outfit to move effortlessly from newsroom in the day, to cocktails at a corporate event in the evening.

Abrihet clapped her hands once in approval. “Ah! Monsieur Kent shall truly enjoy seeing his wife in this frock! The fabric and detailing is exquisite, sadly, I did not see many dresses here with pockets, this one is the exception. For work in the newsroom, yes?”

“When you are a reporter sometimes you have to be able to wear something at work and then leave immediately for a corporate press conference.”

“Without having the luxury of going home to change via Superman or UltraWoman?” This last, Abrihet said in a voice pitched so low only Lois, with her special abilities, could hear it.

“Exactly! Now, this little number is a keeper and yeah, Clark’s gonna love it!” With those words Lois dashed back into the dressing room and with a ‘little’ super help, was soon waiting in front of the cash register to make her purchase.

As they waited for Lois’ purchases to be rung up, the two women continued their conversation. “Ah well, our time in Paris has not been completely perfect! Bernard was such a touriste when he first arrived!”

“Poor Bernie! I can definitely see that happening. Please don’t tell me he wore his lab coat off the plane!” Lois said with a groan.

“No,” Abrihet said with a sigh. “He was not that terrible. Still, many Parisiennes have such a sense of fashion, they immediately know when someone is a tourist. From their brand of clothing, the way they speak and the corporal attitudes. For instance, shoes. He wore a pair of trodden down leather oxfords with his Brooks Brothers suit. It took time, but now he not only wears beautifully polished shoes, but also a dash of color in the form of a pocket square in the jacket’s breast pocket. When I first came from Nigeria I had to learn these things. Now, between his mastery of the language and clothing chic he is more … Parisian. Whenever Bernard is in Paris with me, he is much relaxed and confident …not the busy scientist and S.T.A.R. Labs administrator.”

Lois had to admit in the year since Abrihet had entered his life, their gentle friend had seemed much calmer and assured. It was true, he no longer wore nerdy bow ties, old shirts and frayed corduroy pants. He was always a wonderful scientist and a good friend, willing to help her and Clark during a crisis, but Abrihet made him that much better.

Her friend sighed, “Now that Bernard resides in the Metropolis, I …I miss him terribly. The phone calls, e-mails and letters are not enough. My apartment has always been my refuge at the end of the day. Yet now when I arrive homec’est silencieux, like a seashell without the sounds of the ocean and my heart is unhappy. Does that sound peculiar?”

Again, Lois’ memories of her life before a certain ‘Hack from Nowheresville’ came into it flowed like a dismal rain through Lois’ mind. Days of non-stop work and her then boyfriend Mitchell Shapiro complaining about his constant headaches, coughs and watery eyes. She shivered at the memories and said without hesitation, “No. Not at all.”

Upon emerging from the shop with their purchases they stepped back into the carnival atmosphere of the street fair. Their little ‘peek’ at Darcy’s had taken an hour. Lois asked tentatively. “It sounds like you are deeply in love with Bernie. If you don’t mind my asking, what are you going to do about it?”

“I have made an important decision.” Abrihet said softly, but there was no anxiety or tension in her voice. “Should he propose, I am prepared to depart from my position at the Sorbonne.”

Completely taken by surprise, Lois said, “Abrihet, are you sure? This is a huge step!”

“In any mature relationship, compromises must be made, yet I cannot ask him to leave his position at S.T.A.R. Labs to live with me in France. I have moved from Nigeria to France. At this age the changes will be difficult, but not impossible. It is one matter to live apart while courting, but to do so in a marriage? No.”

“But… but what about your teaching career at the Sorbonne! It took years for you to reach that position. Don’t classes start again next month?”

“Yes. There are several very good teachers, such as my friend, Professor Albani who can take over my classes and they shall accomplish the task with how do you say? Consummate skills.”

Still reeling from this revelation, Lois continued. “Fine! But if Bernie proposes, what are you going to do after all the excitement of planning the wedding and honeymoon have passed? No one, especially me, can imagine you staying quietly at home waiting for him to come back from work.”

“C’est Vrai. I have been thinking about that. It’s time to finish writing Medieval Metals. Being away from the demands of teaching will allow me to work without distractions. Living here will provide the source materials to do so. There is also another livre (book) I have in mind to begin work on.”

Lois neatly sidestepped a man who was so involved with gnawing on his sausage and peppers sandwich like a hungry wolf he did not see her. Without missing a beat she said. “Another book? What kind of book?”

She shrugged. “On metallurgy of course. But rather than focus on the history of swords it will look into the science behind the American steel industry. Starting first with blacksmithing. Do you realize there is a rich history of materials science and engineering that studies the physical and chemical behavior of metallic elements, their inter-metallic compounds, and their mixtures, which are called alloys …”

Lois chuckled to herself, why was she concerned about Abrihet’s adapting to life in Metropolis? This was a former Nigerian princess who ran away from her home in order to pursuit an education in France. During that time she had taught Clark how to Ballroom dance and had gained a coveted position at one of the most respected learning institutions on the planet. Lois had no doubt the top metallurgists in the country would be making their way to New Troy to consult with this determined woman scientist.


Ten minutes later they met Bernie and Clark in front of Café Americana.

“Clark, were you and Bernie able to stop by The Metropolis Book Nook?” Lois asked

“Yeah, we did and got a few textbooks and novels. I finally got Lightening Riders: Stories of the Pony Express.” Her husband’s eyes beamed at the mentioned of the book that provided a detailed history of the an important part of the old wild west..

“Great! You’ve been looking for that out-of-print book for months!” his wife said.

“Bern, was there a copy of Metallurgy Principles in stock?” Abrihet inquired hopefully.

He held up a paper bag with the name The Metropolis Book Nook, stenciled on both sides. “Yes. I have it right here, along with a biography of Galileo.”

Lois asked, “A bit of light reading after dinner?”

“Perhaps, but not this evening.” He continued in a mysterious tone, “Bree and I have so much to do and her visit is short, we won’t have much time for reading. Mike is holding a table for us. Considering how much foot traffic there is on Napier Avenue tonight, we need to get inside as soon as possible.”

Yeah, Bernie’s right. Uncle Mike’s restaurant is crowded, I see our table in the back.” Clark said.

“Lois, did you get a livre(book) from Margaret’s shop?” Abrihet asked.

As they stepped into the restaurant, Lois asked, “I wanted to. Did she have the latest Elka Lodi thriller?”

Clark made a sour face. “Yeah, she did. Honey, why do you read that trash? She literally takes stories from the headlines and turns them into third-rate dime store novels.”

She laughed, her beautiful face shining. “We all have our vices. Happily, this is a small one! Come on people let’s get inside, I’m hungry!”

With a collective chuckle, the two couples entered the restaurant.


A long pleasant time later, after a scrumptious meal they exited Café Americana, the Kents went one way and their friends walked towards the Metro. Bernie was planning on taking Abrihet to her hotel, The Luxor. He was hoping to on the way they would chat.

In a voice that sounded nervous and a little shy he said, “Bree, once we get to your hotel. Can … can we talk for a small bit of time? If your body’s adjustment to Eastern Standard Time is a problem, it can wait until later.”

She smiled up at him and said, “C’est Vrai, we can always talk. Is that not one of the things we appreciate about each other? Especially since we are now in the same country and time zone?” After saying this, she tried and failed to stifle a tiny yawn.

Slowly, he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Ah, Bree, you are exhausted, maybe we won’t talk too long. I … I was thinking about coming over for a visit early next month …. uh that is, if it will not conflict with your class schedule?”

A sense of happiness that washed over her like a gentle rain, she asked. “For how long mon amour? I can make my quick version of beef bourguignon, so we may have hours left over to relax or perhaps take a walk? The Pont des Arts Bridge is a lovely place to stroll over to. Especially since many artists will be painting and sketching. I love watching them work. Perhaps a spicy Jollof rice with tomatoes and roasted poulet (chicken)?”

“Jollof rice would be delightful! It’s my favorite Nigerian dish.” He swallowed nervously and then put his right hand in the front pocket of his jeans, fingering the receipt for Lazar’s jewelers. He had purchased her engagement ring, a square-cut sapphire surrounded by small white diamonds and a quarter diamond on each side in a yellow gold setting. Due to its unique design, the ring had to be handcrafted, but by this time next week he would be holding it in his hand. Clark was right, although not the actual ring itself, the receipt was burning a hole in his pocket!

He wanted to propose there and then, but like any good scientist working on a special mission, he had to keep this life-altering project close to his heart for the time being. For now he had to content himself with walking beside the love of his life. So he said, “Three or four days at the most, John Irons wants me to take over a few projects for him. Once again, our time together will be brief, but I promise it will be worth it. Now, chérie, what about this bridge? Can you tell me a little bit about it? Is it an architectural marvel?”

A touch of anticipation danced in her heart. Certain that his visit would be worth it and while he was there they could possibly discuss the outlining her new book ... among other things.


“Clark?” Lois asked with an impish tone.

“Yes honey?” Her husband said as they moved past artists and vendors packing away their wares and dismantling the large canvas and plastic booths. The streetlights high above cast their electronic glow on the waning groups of people heading home from the fair. The festive atmosphere had gone, but a sense of playful energy still lingered. Now that the sun was setting, the air was cooler and pleasant, what better way for Lois and Clark to enjoy Metropolis at night than walking?

“Not including the surprises that come up with our ‘other’ jobs. What do you think about attending a wedding in Paris?” Lois asked.

“Really? What makes you say that?” he asked in a teasing tone.

Her fine brown eyes sparkled as she said, “Abrihet is thinking about leaving the Sorbonne to move here if … when Bernie proposes. It going to happen soon, because let’s face it, those two can’t live without each other.”

Even in the darkness, Lois could sense the gloriously beautiful smile that appeared on her husband’s face. “I’m really glad to hear that, because Bernie just ordered a beautiful sapphire and diamond engagement ring and is thinking about where in Paris to ask Abrihet to marry him.”

Lois also smiled with genuine happiness, her friends would soon be together in Metropolis, finally living on the same continent rather than apart. She wrapped both her arms around Clark’s waist and gave him a fierce hug. Several people looked back in amusement and surprise at a handsome couple laughing aloud as they walked down Napier Avenue.

The End

*Please see my story Café Americana


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