Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Ray Love Will Find a Way Part 13 of 14 - 08/28/19 04:06 PM
Chapter 13

After breakfast Erica and Clark left the hotel to explore the area. They wandered the narrow streets looking in the shops and having snacks at sidewalk cafés. Since they had slept in they planned to see if they could find any members of her grandfather’s family the next day as Seville was where he’d grown up. His stories of the city and his neighborhood had fascinated her as a child, and she was anxious to see those places first hand.

The next morning they rented a car and drove to the neighborhood where Erica said her grandfather had lived. The neighborhood seemed to have changed a lot from the days of her grandfather. It was more modern, with high end stores lining the main thoroughfare with trendy café’s interspersed throughout. Erica and Clark saw a few older men and women strolling the streets but no one they asked knew anything about any relatives that might still be in the area. While Erica enjoyed exploring the neighborhoods she was disappointed that it had changed so much and her search for relatives proved fruitless.

They had planned two weeks in Spain and another two in Morocco, so over the balance of their time in Spain they explored the Andalusia region stopping at Jerez de la Frontera, Donana National Park, Marbella, Cadiz and other beautiful spots.

The next two weeks were spent in Morocco visiting Meknes, Volubilis, Chefchaouen, and Essaouira. As they had done in Spain they spent extra time in Fes where her grandmother had grown up.

Erica and Clark wandered the streets of Fes absorbing the sights and sounds of this vibrant city. Their travels led them to one of the many squares scattered throughout the area. Since they were near where her grandmother had grown up they decided to ask if anyone remembered her grandmother or knew of any family that might be residing there still.

“Excuse me, Ma’am,” Clark said, speaking Arabic to an older woman who was seated in a chair watching the passersby. “My wife’s grandmother grew up around here, do you know if any of the Mediouri family still live here?”

“Mediouri? Hmm, let me see. I think there was a family by that name a few streets that way,” she said, pointing east.

“Thank you, Ma’am, we appreciate the help.” Clark grasped Erica’s hand and headed east.

“So, what did she say?”

“She said that there might be a family by that name a few streets this way,” Clark replied leading her along the cobblestone street.

“That’s wonderful!” Erica exclaimed, speeding up so that she was almost dragging Clark along. As they got closer they asked another older woman about the Mediouri family but she didn’t know any family by that name. Erica was becoming discouraged when a younger woman who looked to be in her mid-forties walked up to them.

“I hope you don’t think me forward but I heard you asking about the Mediouri family?” she said, speaking Arabic.

“Yes,” Clark replied, “my wife’s grandmother grew up near here, her family name was Mediouri. Do you know them?”

“Yes, I do. My great-aunt’s maiden name is Mediouri. What was your grandmother’s name?”

“Her name was Aliyah,” Clark replied.

“Praise Allah, my great aunt’s sister was named Aliyah! Please, you must come home with me! Oh, my name is Adilah, I am so glad I met you!” As Adilah led them through the sparsely populated streets Clark explained what Adilah had said and that they were going to meet the woman who was most likely her great-aunt. Erica’s face lit up with happiness at the prospect of meeting members of her family, no matter how far removed. Climbing a flight of narrow stairs the three entered a small apartment with a very old woman seated in a chair, gazing out the window.

“Auntie, Auntie, I have some people you have to meet!” Adilah exclaimed, rushing to her great-aunt’s side. The woman had to be in her nineties at least and, while it was obvious that she didn’t see as well as she used to you could tell she was still mentally sharp. Adilah gestured Erica and Clark closer so that they were standing right next to the old woman.

“Auntie, this woman is the granddaughter of Aliyah! They’ve come all the way from America!” The woman, whose name was Jamila, reached out her hand to Erica who took it gently, kneeling down so that their eyes were on the same level.

“You are Aliyah’s granddaughter?” Clark translated and Erica nodded smiling happily. “You have her eyes! I can’t believe it. I haven’t seen my sister since she married and moved to America. Is she well?” Clark told her that her sister had passed many years ago which saddened the old woman.

“I’m sorry to hear that but I am so pleased to meet my grand-niece! Come here child, give me a hug!” Erica seemed to know what was said without need for translation, so she leaned forward and wrapped her arms gently around her great-aunt. Both women cried and laughed enjoying the moment and each other.

“Adilah, we must have a party in honor of Aliyah’s granddaughter! Gather the family, tell them to bring food and drink,” Jamila said, still holding Erica’s hand. While Adilah called their family together Jamila, through Clark, talked and talked. Erica told Jamila of her grandmother’s life and how much of a role model she was to Erica growing up.

The party was a tremendous success, Erica met many relatives, some of whom spoke English, allowing Erica to have more detailed conversations without the need for Clark to translate. The party lasted late into the night and it was with regret and sadness that the party had to end.

“Erica, you must keep in touch,” Jamila said, her eyes alight with life but her body was showing her age, tiredness evident.

“Of course, Aunt Jamila,” Erica replied, “I will write to you as often as I can. Thank you so much for everything you and your family have done for us.” Erica hugged Jamila gently, kissing her lightly on the cheek. With tears in her eyes, she and Clark left, going back to their hotel, the Palais Faraj Suites & Spa.

“That was some party,” Erica exclaimed, heading into the bathroom to remove her makeup and get ready for bed.

“It sure was,” Clark replied, “I’m so glad we were able to find your family, I had a great time talking to everyone, and the food was excellent. I haven’t had food like that since my world travels after college.” All of a sudden the sound of sirens burst through the evening quiet. Clark tuned in to the police radios, learning that there was a massive fire at a warehouse in the industrial district.

“Clark, what is it?” Erica asked, seeing her husband was concentrating on something she couldn’t hear.

“Fire in a warehouse, sounds like a big one,” Clark replied, anxiousness in his voice.

“Well, go!” she said.

“Are you sure? We’re on our honeymoon,” Clark replied, conflicted.

“Of course, now get going, Superman!” Erica said, kissing him quickly on the lips. Clark spun into the Suit and came to a stop smiling.

“I’ll be back soon.”

“I’ll be waiting, now go!” Clark flew out the window in a flash of red and blue. Erica smiled proudly as she watched her husband fly over the city to do what only he could do. Returning to the bathroom, she finished getting ready for bed. Pulling the covers down she slid beneath them to wait for Clark to return.


Over the next two weeks Erica and Clark spent in their time in Morocco visiting Meknes, Volubilis, Chefchaouen, and Essaouira, some of the most beautiful and popular places to visit in that country. On their last day they stopped by Aunt Jamila’s house to say goodbye and to assure her that they would remain in contact.

Erica and Clark entered the lobby with their luggage, ready to check out.

“I’ll take our bags home while you check out, okay?” Clark said, kissing her on the cheek.

“Sure, thing, see you soon.” Erica headed to the front desk where the concierge presented her with the bill. She reviewed it then handed the young woman her credit card. When the transaction was complete the concierge handed her the receipt.

“I hope you enjoyed your stay with us Mrs. Kent. “

“Oh, yes, we had a wonderful time. The service was top notch.”

“Thank you so much, have a good trip!”

Erica turned around to find Clark standing there waiting for her. Grasping her hand they walked outside, heading around the back of the hotel. Finding a deserted spot Clark scanned the area then spun into the Suit. Picking his wife up, cradling her against his chest securely he vaulted into the sky faster than the human eye could follow. An hour later they touched down in the backyard of their home. Spinning back into his casual clothes Clark grasped her hand and the two walked into the house.

“Mom, Dad, Jon? We’re home!” Clark called out. The sound of little feet pounding the stairs was followed by two heavier sets coming down the stairs at a more sedate pace.

“Daddy, Mum!” Jon exclaimed running into his father’s outstretched arms. Clark hugged his son tightly. Erica joined in hugging and kissing the little boy, enjoying the reunion with her new family.

“Erica, Clark, it’s so good to see you!” Martha exclaimed pulling the younger woman into a welcoming hug. Jonathan joined in the group hug kissing his new daughter-in-law and his son. When the group broke up they all sat down listening to Erica and Clark regale them with stories and pictures of their travels.


On their first day back to work Erica received a registered letter from a law firm, Jensen and Jensen. Opening it she found a request for her to make an appointment to come to their office as they had something for her. Since Erica had no idea what could be waiting for her at a law firm she’d never dealt with she immediately called their office.

“Hello, Jensen and Jensen attorneys at law, how may I help you?”

“My name is Erica Kent, I received a letter from your office, it says you have something for me?”

“Please hold Ms. Kent, while I transfer you to Mr. Paul Jensen.” After a short pause an older sounding gentleman came on the line.

“Mrs. Kent, thank you for calling. A client of ours left something for you. When could you come to our offices?”

“Umm, how about 1:00 PM? Would that be all right?”

“That would be fine, Mrs. Kent. Oh, our client made a minor request, could you come alone?”

“Now you have my curiosity piqued. Why would I need to come alone?”

“It’s nothing sinister, I assure you. The item we have for you is personal, that’s all.”

“All right, Mr. Jensen, I’ll see you at 1:00.” Erica hung up the phone, wondering what kind of personal item was waiting for her at the lawyer’s office.


At 12:55 PM Erica Kent entered the offices of Jensen and Jensen.

“Hello, I’m Erica Kent, I have an appointment,” she said to the receptionist.

“I’ll get Mr. Jensen for you, please have a seat.” Erica had barely seated herself on the couch when an older man came out of the door to her right.

“Mrs. Kent? I’m Paul Jensen, please follow me,” he said, escorting Erica into a conference room. “Take a seat, Mrs. Kent.” Jensen gestured towards the chairs. Once she was seated Mr. Jensen drew an envelope out of his pocket, laying it on the table in front of Erica, face down.

“Please feel free to take your time, Mrs. Kent. Good day.” Jensen left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

Erica looked at the envelope in front of her, then turned it over. It was addressed to ‘Mrs. Clark Kent’. With shaking hands Erica opened it, drawing a single sheet of paper from the envelope.

‘To Clark’s new wife,
Congratulations on your marriage! I hope you had a wonderful honeymoon but, knowing Clark, it would be absolutely amazing. I’m writing to thank you for taking care of Clark and our son, Jon, since I am not able to. I know that you love them as much as I do. I know this because there is no way Clark would marry a woman who didn’t love our son. I’m glad there will be a mother figure in his life, someone who will dry his tears, kiss his bumps and scrapes and support him in everything he does. I truly regret not being able to be there for my family, but I am comforted knowing that a wonderful person like you will be there for them. I wish you all the happiness in the world and for you to have many happy years together.
Lois Lane-Kent’

Erica read the letter over and over, savoring every word. She was filled with awe that Lois had planned for this even though it had to be the hardest thing she would ever do, knowing that if the letter was read she’d be gone, leaving her husband and son alone. It was so thoughtful too, assuring Clark’s new wife that she appreciated the job she had taken on, helping to raise her son, and loving the husband she’d left behind. Erica wiped tears from her cheeks, put the letter in her purse then left the office. She stopped by her bank on the way home, putting the letter in her safety deposit box.


TBC in part 14

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