Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Ray Love Will Find a Way Part 9 of 14 - 08/28/19 03:46 PM
Chapter 9

There were no more incidents for the next few weeks. Erica was unmolested, though she felt, rather than saw, Superman watching over her. It gave her a comforting feeling, even if she felt she didn’t need watching over. The team was slowly gathering evidence that Intergang, specifically the top leadership, were involved in numerous crimes across multiple countries, money laundering, assassinations, intimidation as well a multitude of other crimes. Given the spy in their midst they were extra careful with their conversations while at work. Perry went so far as to have all offices swept for bugs daily and had installed a white noise generator in his office to thwart eavesdropping. They were also more circumspect when at their offsite bar meetings. Rather than meet at the same place as they had been doing, they rotated amongst four different places within walking distance to the Planet. Clark also kept watch for anyone following or listening in, surreptitiously of course.


Intergang was not to be denied for too long, however. Their spy had been effectively locked out of the Planet’s computer systems which, in effect, suggested something was still going on that Intergang didn’t want taking place. Since their first point of attack had been Erica Atkins, due to her financial expertise, she was again on Intergang’s radar. This time, however, it was determined that a more ‘permanent’ warning was required.

When Erica left the Planet that evening for the short walk to Humm and Rattle, one of their local pubs, she was grabbed by the upper arm, a knife pressed against her back, and dragged into the dark space between skyscrapers. Before she was even aware of her situation she was slammed against a wall, a very sharp switchblade pressed to her throat.

“You were warned to leave things alone!” the thug hissed, his fetid breath almost making her vomit. “I didn’t think a pretty woman like you was stupid but there we are. I’m gonna cut you from stem to stern, honey, by the time they find you they’re gonna think Jack the Ripper was here!” Fearing for her life, Erica slammed her heel into her attacker’s instep then, when the knife drew away from her throat she screamed for her life.


Before the echo had even subsided a whoosh of wind announced the arrival of the superhero, her attacker now held high over Superman’s head.

“Are you all right, Miss Atkins?” Superman asked, his voice shaky with concern.

“Yes, Superman, thanks to you,” she said gratefully, her knees weak now that the adrenalin was leaving her system.

“Please wait for me, I’ll be right back.” Superman took off and was gone but a few minutes, having dropped his charge off at the police station. “The police want to get your statement, but I was able to convince them that tomorrow morning was okay.”

“That’s fine, Superman, I’ll go first thing in the morning.”

“Would it be okay if I took you home? I’d feel better if you would allow me to,” Superman asked, concern on his face.

“But I’m supposed to meet Perry, Jim and Clark,” she said shakily.

“Call them, I’m sure they’ll understand.”

Dialing her cell phone, she called Perry White.

“Yes, Perry, I’m all right, just a little shook up. Listen, Superman is here waiting to take me home. I’ll see you after I give my statement to the police tomorrow…. Yes, goodbye.” Ending the call Erica turned to Superman.

“I guess I’m ready,” she said expectantly. Superman scooped her into his arms as if she were light as a feather then rose slowly into the air. Erica wrapped her arms around his neck, awed by the sense of weightlessness as the ground fell away. They rose above the skyscrapers until she could see all of Metropolis laid out before her. “It’s so beautiful,” she whispered, leaning her head against Superman’s shoulder. His arms drew her tighter against his chest, holding her lovingly, it seemed to her. Superman also seemed to be flying very slowly, though she wasn’t about to complain. Being held in his arms felt amazing, the tingle she’d felt when touching Clark was amplified tenfold. Gazing up into his face she noticed a serene expression there, he too seemed to be enjoying the flight. She watched him closer an idea forming in her brain, the longer she studied him the surer she became.

“Clark? Is that you?” she whispered, knowing he could hear her perfectly well. Superman stopped abruptly, hovering in midair, his body stiff, his face showing fear and something else she couldn’t decipher.

“Uh, what do you mean, Miss Atkins, I’m Superman,” he said nervously. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“Please, don’t worry, Clark, I’ll never say anything. I know how dangerous this knowledge is.” Erica calmly caressed his cheek, her eyes boring into his, hopefully conveying the truthfulness of her statement. “Please, Clark, trust me.”

Superman seemed to deflate then, his body sagging, lowering his head he shook it in amazement.

“You know, all the times I flew with her she never figured it out. Now the first time you fly with me you knew exactly who I am.”

“You mean, Lois?” she replied softly. She sensed that this situation was something he’d feared for a long time.

“Yeah, I guess she was so impressed with the superhero she couldn’t see the man inside the suit. Thankfully she came to love me anyway,” he chuckled wryly. “How about I finish taking you home and we can talk. I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”

Superman flew a little faster, finally arriving at Erica’s apartment. Landing in the shadows between two buildings Superman scanned the area. Setting Erica on her feet he stepped back and began to spin. Seconds later Clark Kent stood beside her, looking nervous and embarrassed. Erica’s face registered awe and surprise, but she said nothing. Escorting Erica to her apartment, Clark noticed the living room was furnished in a comfortable southwestern style. The cream-colored sectional couch had colorful throw pillows scattered about. The thick red area rug was inspired by Navajo Indian graphic design. Along the walls were bookshelves crammed with financial books and contemporary novels. He could easily see Erica reading on the couch during a lazy Sunday afternoon.

“I need to call home, to let them know I’m going to be late,” he said, pulling out his cellphone.

“Of course, I’ll start some coffee, please make yourself at home.” Clark sat down on the couch when his call was complete, his hands clasped nervously in his lap.


Erica entered her kitchen, mechanically putting coffee and water in the machine then turning it on. Gathering milk and sugar she set them and cups on a tray. She also put a few cookies on a plate, adding them to the tray. While waiting for the coffee to finish she pondered her discovery. Even now she had no answer as to why she felt sure that Clark was Superman. Sure that excited tingle she got whenever she touched Clark was there, magnified by the close contact of flying in Superman’s arms. Even so, how could she ever think that a man who could fly was also the man she knew at work; a widower, father, son and the best investigative reporter on the Planet staff? The sputtering of the coffee maker pulled her out of her contemplation, bringing her attention back to the man waiting in her living room. Pouring two cups she put the pot on the tray and, exiting the kitchen, she entered the living room. She found Clark sitting on her couch, hands folded before him, looking nervously around the room.

“Here we are,” she said brightly, placing the tray on the coffee table. Handing Clark a cup she fixed her own while he fixed his. Sitting back against the couch she turned to face him.

“So,” she said, giving him an open invitation to begin. Clark paused, glancing her way for a moment then his head drooped, his shoulders slumped.

“So,” he said nervously. Taking a few sips of his coffee he set his cup down and began to speak. An hour later Clark had finished his tale, telling her about his arrival on Earth, his youth, coming to Metropolis, falling in love and ultimately losing the love of his life.

“I’ve mentioned before, if it hadn’t been for Jon I don’t know what would have happened. I was in a very dark place for days after her murder, but Jon and his needs got me through. I hope you know that while I trust you completely I can’t help but worry that someone or some organization will do to you what they did to Lois.” Clark said, sadly, quietly.

“I think I understand, Clark, but this situation is very different. No one associates me with Superman, certainly not like they did with Lois. Before tonight I’d never even met Superman. Tonight’s rescue was just another routine Superman rescue, nothing more. Please, don’t worry needlessly, I can take care of myself.”

“That’s what she always said,” he replied, shaking his head ruefully. “What’s truly ironic is she’d stopped taking chances once Jon was born. She was going to the mayor’s press conference when she was killed! God, I still can’t believe it happened.” Clark hung his head, saddened once more from thinking about how Lois was taken from him.

Erica spoke soothingly, “Even so, Clark, I work in finance, not the City Desk. Granted we’ve been working to take down Intergang but that’s an unusual case. Nothing I do is remotely dangerous. Please, Clark, try not to make any parallels where none exist.”

Clark reluctantly agreed though not fully convinced, nodding his head in response. Picking up his coffee cup he took a sip and, finding it was now cold, he lifted his glasses, shooting a blast of heat vision into it. Taking another sip he sat back, trying to relax. Erica’s face reflected awe at what she’d just seen, Clark casually using his powers in front of her.

“I hope you don’t mind but I’m wiped out. It’s been a stressful evening.” Clark put his cup on the wooden coffee table then stood up. Erica walked him to her door, grasping his hand.

“Thank you for telling me everything about yourself. I will never break your trust, Clark. Also, now that I know about you, please feel free to drop by when you need a friend. Clark is welcome any time.”

“Good night, Erica,” Clark said, squeezing her hand gently. Opening the door he left her watching his retreating form.


Arriving home Clark saw that his mother and father were waiting for him. He sighed quietly, knowing his bed would be waiting empty for a while longer.

“What happened, honey?” Martha asked. “You seemed upset when you called.”

“I was, Mom. Erica was attacked by an Intergang thug.”

“Oh, my God, is she all right?” his father asked, leaning forward on the couch.

“Yes, she’s fine, a little shook up of course, but she’s okay. There is something else… she knows,” Clark said, his voice tired.

“She knows… about…?” Martha said making a flying motion with her hand.

“Yeah, Mom, she knows about Superman.” Clark told his parents everything that had occurred leading up to her discovery. “I don’t know how she did it, but she saw right through me once she was in my arms.”

“Maybe it was how you held her. Did you enjoy it?” Martha asked quietly, hopefully.

“I did, Mom, God help me, I did!” he replied anguish in his voice. “It felt so good having a woman in my arms once more, she fit against me almost perfectly, not like Lois, but it felt really good nonetheless.”

“It’s okay, Clark, it’s okay to enjoy the feel of a woman in your arms. You are a young handsome man, you need someone, someone to support you and love you and for you to love them. You’re not dishonoring your marriage and your love for Lois. She didn’t want you to be lonely. Give it a chance, Clark that’s all we ask.” Jonathan held Martha’s hand, both of them looking at Clark lovingly.

“Thanks for the support, Mom, Dad, but I don’t think I’m ready yet. Good night.” Clark took the stairs slowly, the stress of the evening weighing him down. After taking a quick look at Jon as he slept Clark continued to his room, closing the door behind him. Undressing slowly, Clark tossed his shirt into the hamper and put his suit coat and pants into the bag for the dry cleaner. Sitting on the edge of the bed his eyes gravitated to the photo of Lois that sat on his nightstand. Picking up the picture he gazed into the dark brown eyes and smiling face of the only woman he’d ever loved.

“God, I miss you, Lois,” Clark whispered with tears in his eyes. “I don’t know how to say this… Erica knows. One measly flight and she figured out I’m Superman!” Clark closed his eyes, a sad, rueful expression on his face. “If only you had seen through that disguise as easily as she did but you were bowled over by Superman and I was just the green rookie partner who’d been foisted on you. It’s scary, Lois, another person knows about me. She was attacked tonight, you know? She tells me she can take care of herself but all I can think about is how fragile human life is.” Bringing the picture to his lips he kissed the cold glass and set it down. Pulling back the covers he lay down, shut off the light and stared at the ceiling.


Erica gave her statement at the station then, taking a cab, arrived at the Daily Planet. Riding the ancient elevator to the newsroom floor she scanned the bullpen looking for Clark. Somehow he sensed her attention and smiled at her, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. When Clark was happy his smile lit up the room and everyone around him knew it, but today was not one of those times. She gave him a quick wave, grabbed a cup of coffee then went to see Perry. When she finished she noticed Clark was not in the newsroom. Before last night she might have speculated about what story he was chasing or if his absence was related to their Intergang investigation. Now, she had to wonder if he was out on a rescue, and, if he was okay. Erica had read about Kryptonite when she’d gone through the archives and Clark had mentioned it last night as well. So it was with some trepidation that she made her way to her office to start her day.


Over the next few weeks Clark and Erica grew more friendly though Clark was still reluctant to deepen their friendship as she would have liked. To that end, Martha had suggested that Clark invite her to a family gathering now that she was in on the ‘secret’.

“Mom, Dad, you remember Erica Atkins?” Clark said entering the living room with Erica at his side.

“Of course, it’s lovely to see you again, dear,” Martha said, drawing her into a hug. Erica returned the hug enthusiastically, giving Martha a light kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you for coming, Erica, any friend of Clark’s is a friend of ours,” Jonathan said extending his hand; taking it, Erica smiled genuinely, beaming happily.

“Thank you both for inviting me, where’s Jon?” she said curious as to where the youngest member of the family was.

“Oh, he’s outside playing on the swing, you know boys, can’t keep them inside on a beautiful day,” Martha replied.

“Can we go see him, Clark?” Erica asked imploring him.

“Sure, let’s go.” Clark grasped her hand leading her through the kitchen and out to the back yard. “Jon, come here a second, will you?”

“What do you want, Daddy?” Jon asked, running from his swing, coming to a stop in front of the couple.

“Jon, this is Miss Atkins, do you remember her from the company picnic?” Clark said.

“Oh, yeah, I remember, pleased to meet you Miss Atkins,” Jon said, extending his little hand.

“I’m pleased to meet you too, Jon,” Erica said shaking his hand. “Please call me Erica, okay?” Jon looked to his father who nodded his assent.

“Thank you, Miss Erica,” Jon said politely. “Can I go play now Daddy?” Jon was now bouncing on his toes, eager to go back to playing.

“Okay, go ahead,” Clark chuckled. Jon took off a run, hopping on his swing once more.

“Clark, he’s darling, such a polite little boy, you’ve done a wonderful job raising him.” Erica said, gazing into his eyes.

“Thank you, but I didn’t do it all by myself, his grandparents, both of them, are a big influence in his life,” Clark replied, a sad expression coming over him for a moment, though it passed quickly. They returned to the kitchen where Martha and Jonathan were preparing food and drinks for the cookout.

“Can I help with anything, Martha?” Erica asked, hopefully.

“Yes, dear, could you cut those vegetables for the salad?” Martha replied, pointing to a pile of tomatoes and cucumbers fresh from their little garden next to the cutting board. Erica immediately picked up the knife and started on the tomatoes. “Jonathan, why don’t you and Clark take the meat and get the table set up, then you can start the grill, we shouldn’t be too long.”

“Come on, Clark,” Jonathan said picking up the tray with the hot dogs and hamburgers. Clark grabbed the tray with plates, glasses and napkins, following his father outside.

“She’s wants to talk to Erica alone, right?” Clark said knowingly.

“Yep, you know your mother all right. And don’t be listening in either,” Jonathan said with a grin putting his tray on the table.

“I wouldn’t dare, she’d box my ears if she found me doing that.”


“I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to talk to you alone,” Martha said walking over to where Erica was working on the vegetables. She leaned against the counter watching the younger woman work.

“Not at all, Martha, I’m pleased to have the opportunity to talk to you as well.” Martha nodded in agreement.

“If you don’t think I’m being too forward, how did you figure it out?” Martha asked, curiously.

“I don’t really know for sure. One minute Superman was rescuing me from that thug then we were in the air and he was holding me in his arms, he seemed to be cradling me to his chest and was flying so slowly. All of a sudden I realized I felt the same tingly sensation I’d felt the few times I’d touched Clark, but it was magnified ten-fold, I looked into his eyes and… I just knew,” she said, softly, concentrating on cutting the vegetables.

“That’s amazing,” Martha replied contemplatively. “Did Clark tell you about his wife at all?”

“Some, but not a lot. I can see his feelings are still very raw when he speaks of her.”

“Lois was awed by Superman and less than impressed with Clark Kent. To be fair she had issues with handsome colleagues, one having stolen a story from her. When Superman showed up and rescued her from that bomb on Prometheus she was blown away. It took two years for Clark to break through her barriers and come to see Clark as someone she could love. The ironic part is she’d flown with Superman from the day of his debut and multiple times afterwards, but she never put the two men together. From what I know it was a different incident that clued her in, but Clark will have to tell you the exact details.”

“I don’t need to know, that’s in the past and it’s not important, really.”

“So… how do you feel about Clark?” Martha asked, keeping her voice neutral.

“I think he’s a wonderful man. I admire him so much, his work at the Planet and his ‘other job’, It’s a privilege knowing him,” she said neutrally as well.

“That’s nice dear… but how do you feel about him?” Martha replied a little more forcefully.

Erica sighed, setting down the knife and turning to face the older woman. “I like him, a lot. He’s the first man who I’ve felt this way about since my husband passed. Would I like more? Yes, but Clark obviously isn’t ready.”

“Thank you for being honest, Erica. I agree, he’s not quite ready, but he will be. I only hope you can be patient enough to wait for him. He likes you, I can tell, but he also feels like he’s cheating on Lois if he expresses those feelings.”

“That’s the way I see it as well, Martha. I’m willing to wait, Clark’s worth it.”


TBC in part 10

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