Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower The return of Kal-el 11/?? - 08/10/19 04:00 PM
Chapter 11:

“We need to think of a plan to save my birth mother out of the hands of Thrax,” Kal-el said rising from his throne.

“I would say we could do a raid on the planet but we don’t know how heavy they are guarded, how big his army is. We could ask Acra-zil for some information?” Ching suggested with confidence.

Kal-el was silent for a moment before he turned towards Ching, “I don’t fully trust him yet. There is something about him I don’t like.”

“You think that he is spying on us?” Lois asked knowing where her earthly husband’s mind was going to.

“I am not sure, Lois but something tells me that he didn’t give us the whole story,” Kal-el said with an absent mind.

“What are you thinking, Kal-el?” Zara asked the four of them were alone now so there was no need to keep pretenses.

“What if we give him wrong information?” Kal-el asked to all of them.

“You mean to give him the impression that we trust him and say something different then what we are about to do,” Ching said with a smile. He didn’t trust the stranger either.

“I have a plan!” Lois said cheerfully before she continued, “What if we tell him that Kal-el and Zara are planning a big attack but instead I will go undercover and free your mother.”

“No, Lois, that is much too dangerous, we don’t even know if you can breathe on that planet!” Kal-el said immediately.

“Clark…, Kal-el,” Lois stopped took a breath, “Damn I will never get used to that new name.” Lois whispered to herself, “Honey if we start a war, thousands of people will die. This way we can prevent that and save her at the same time. Let your scientists figure out something for me to be able to breathe normally.”

Kal-el wanted to respond but was cut off by his birth wife, “Kal-el, Lois has a point, we can do some research first and if we can make a pill that will give her the ability to breathe there. She can pretend to be a new slave and get your mother out of there.”

“I will make sure that a team of my strongest and most loyal men are ready in case something goes wrong. We can stay hidden as long as we need.” Ching said while standing in front of his commander with his hands behind his back.

Kal-el sighed deeply, “Alright, but I want to know everything there is to know about Thoria and Thrax before we will do this. I want to be sure that this has a chance to succeed without bringing Lois life into much danger.”

“Honey, I been in more danger than once on earth even before Superman arrived at the scene. I know I can handle this.” Lois said softly.

“Ricor!” Kal-el yelled.

The door opened and a large, muscled man entered the throne room. The man was older but still in good shape. He fought many battles the large scar on his cheek was only one proof of that.

“Yes, my lord!” He said while he stood with his hand behind his back, his head bowed slightly out of respect for his lord and lady.

“Call Aakai, please we have a task for him,” Kal-el said in his commander's voice with his hands behind his back.

“Yes, my lord,” Ricor said with respect clearly in his voice. Kal-el was much like lord Jor-el. Ricor knew that after only one day of serving Kal-el. His parents would have been proud of him. The loyal guardsman didn’t know that Lady Lara was still alive.

Ricor re-entered the throne room only fifteen minutes later with a little bald man stepping fast behind him. Aakai had a little trouble to keep up with the 6 feet guard. Aakai pushed his small glasses back on his nose with his middle finger before he bowed towards his lord.

“You have called for me, my lord.” He responded respectfully. Aakai was only used to work for Lady Zara, she had chosen him to come and work for the noble family in the palace. He knew enough though, that since Kal-el’s return he would be his commander before Lady Zara.

“Yes Aakai, Lady Zara has told me during the festivities yesterday that you are the smartest man that survived Krypton,” Kal-el said with a smile.

“Thank you, my lord, my lady.” He bowed again.

“What we will ask you needs to be kept a secret from everyone. That is very important, Aakai.” Kal-el said with a commander's voice.

“I swear to keep everything a secret, my lord,” Aakai said pushing his glasses on his nose again.

“Alright, I want you to find out everything you can about the planet Thoria and his ruler Thrax and I want you to find out if my partner can breathe on that planet and if not make some pills for her to be able to breathe there,” Kal-el said with the arms on his back, hidden underneath his cape.

“With permission, my lord. What will I tell the people that work with me in my lab?” Aakai asked curiously.

“Tell them that you got an order to perfect your pills for my partner and that you need to do this on your own,” Kal-el responded.

“As you wish, my lord.” said the little man.

“You can go now, try to work as quickly as possible and nobody can know about any of this not even that there is a chance that my mother could have survived this,” Kal-el repeated letting the little man know that this work was important.

The bald man nodded and bowed a last time before he turned around and left the throne room to start his secret research.

This research could take weeks and that thought made him sigh and look up towards the ceiling of the throne room, “Hold on for just a little longer, mother.” He thought that no one had heard that but Lois placed her hand on his shoulder,
“ We will get her out of there, honey.”

proud of the man that you have become.” Zara said softly placing her hand on Kal-el’s other shoulder.

Ching watched the gesture, it made his jaw tighten wishing everything could get back to the “Yes, Kal-el, we will do everything in our power to bring her back to us. I am sure she will be the way it was before his partner’s husband arrived here.

Kal-el smiled to both woman, he was growing very fond of his birth wife but not in the way he felt the love for Lois. He started to consider her as a really good friend.

“Let’s get back to the office where we can talk more privately about this and how we are going to do things to see if Acra-Zil can be trusted,” Kal-el responded with a deep sigh. They had no time to wallow now. His birth mother needed help and that made him think about his mom back home. No matter what happened she would always be his mom. She raised him after all.
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