Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Blueowl FDK: Investigate - Chapter 8/? - 06/29/19 12:21 AM
Well, there it is....

( Chapter 8 )
Posted By: JellyS2 Re: FDK: Investigate - Chapter 8/? - 06/29/19 11:23 PM
Goosebumps!! Oh my gosh. How long do I have to wait for more?
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Investigate - Chapter 8/? - 06/30/19 01:44 PM
As Arte Johnson used to say on Laugh-In, "Very interesting!"

Sabotage? What was sabotaged, his air supply? Maybe the guidance system on the rocket? Who did it, and why? Did this saboteur get very lucky with the timing, or was the sabotage triggered remotely? Who is evil enough to risk the safety of the entire earth (as if we didn't know)?

Whose apartment did he just burst into? His own? Lois'? Some random person's place that resembled his target's apartment? He seems to have lost his communication/breathing harness. Was his suit blown off this time? If so, will this random person (or Lois) be horrified or secretly thrilled to find him there in his natural state? Or if it's his apartment and he passes out as you seem to indicate, will Lois find him before he wakes up and draw some astounding conclusions? Or will she just drool?

Was part of Clark's weakness due to Kryptonite either in the shattered asteroid or planted in his harness somewhere? Will he be able to use his powers if he can't remember who he is? So many possible permutations!

I'm glad this Nightfall plan worked the first time. If Nightfall had entered a slow decay orbit and not been headed straight at the planet, it probably would have broken up into much smaller pieces as it slowly descended, pieces that would have either burned up in the atmosphere or landed with relatively little destructive power (that's the ideal scenario, anyway) and not changed the entire ecology of the planet. At least one fanfic author had Lois tell Superman to push the asteroid off-track instead of slamming head-first into it. That saved him a super-headache.

Okay, that's enough speculation on my part. I'm ready for Chapter Nine. Is it posted yet? Are we there yet?

This waiting is murder on my muses. They want me to write the next chapter, and I keep telling them that this isn't my story, that Blueowl has it all under control. They've started grumbling about slow and unimaginative muses and how the union ought to do something about them. I don't agree, but I do see their point. This tale has arrested my attention and I'm eager to see more ASAP (As Soon As Possible).

I hope it's possible!

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Investigate - Chapter 8/? - 07/01/19 12:29 AM
I will most likely post next week, since the following week I will be out of town.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Investigate - Chapter 8/? - 07/01/19 12:53 AM

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
As Arte Johnson used to say on Laugh-In, "Very interesting!"

Sabotage? What was sabotaged, his air supply? Maybe the guidance system on the rocket? Who did it, and why? Did this saboteur get very lucky with the timing, or was the sabotage triggered remotely? Who is evil enough to risk the safety of the entire earth (as if we didn't know)?
wink Who indeed. And luck had nothing to do with it. The saboteur really is just that good.

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Whose apartment did he just burst into? His own? Lois'? Some random person's place that resembled his target's apartment? He seems to have lost his communication/breathing harness. Was his suit blown off this time? If so, will this random person (or Lois) be horrified or secretly thrilled to find him there in his natural state? Or if it's his apartment and he passes out as you seem to indicate, will Lois find him before he wakes up and draw some astounding conclusions? Or will she just drool?
I struggled a bit with what exactly to do with his return (like you said, so many options! But hopefully what I've decided on will exceed your expectations...

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Was part of Clark's weakness due to Kryptonite either in the shattered asteroid or planted in his harness somewhere? Will he be able to use his powers if he can't remember who he is? So many possible permutations!
I will say there was absolutely no Kryptonite involved. As for his powers, if he can't remember can he use them? - that's a good question. He could probably use a few of them, but can he control them? That may be a more pressing concern.

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
I'm glad this Nightfall plan worked the first time. If Nightfall had entered a slow decay orbit and not been headed straight at the planet, it probably would have broken up into much smaller pieces as it slowly descended, pieces that would have either burned up in the atmosphere or landed with relatively little destructive power (that's the ideal scenario, anyway) and not changed the entire ecology of the planet. At least one fanfic author had Lois tell Superman to push the asteroid off-track instead of slamming head-first into it. That saved him a super-headache.
I remember that fic. It was really good.

Originally Posted by Terry Leatherwood
Okay, that's enough speculation on my part. I'm ready for Chapter Nine. Is it posted yet? Are we there yet?

This waiting is murder on my muses. They want me to write the next chapter, and I keep telling them that this isn't my story, that Blueowl has it all under control. They've started grumbling about slow and unimaginative muses and how the union ought to do something about them. I don't agree, but I do see their point. This tale has arrested my attention and I'm eager to see more ASAP (As Soon As Possible).

I hope it's possible!
I will aim for posting the next chapter a week early smile I do have the next few chapters mostly written, so with any luck the posts will arrive on schedule at the very least.
Thanks for the review ^_^
Helps the muse.
Posted By: Superjan Re: FDK: Investigate - Chapter 8/? - 07/07/19 08:54 PM
Blueowl, I am just loving your story! Sorry I haven't posted a comment for quite a while. When they changed the format several months ago, I am no longer able to long onto my Smart TV. Guess the web browser of my TV is too old to accept the changes that were made. Computer works terrible but am able to put in a short comment today, hopefully before it stops working again! I see you have chapter 9 posted so will have to try and catch up tomorrow. Can't wait to see what happens! smile1
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