Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower disturbed futures 8/?? - 06/04/19 06:29 PM
Chapter 8

“So you are the famous Zordon who saved my husband when he was a baby?” Lois continued, “ What’s the deal with the suit my husband is wearing?”

Clark rolled his eyes at his wife's mad dog mode "Lois, leave the man alone will you, we are here to save our child!"

“It's quite alright, Clark but first let give Lois and Kimberly a checkup. We will start with Kimberly and her baby's health. Alpha 5 will scan you now." Zordon said softly.

For Kimberly, this was like a routine when Alpha scanned her body with he small body scanner.

“You and your child are in perfect health, Kimberly Congratulations," Alpha said before he walked towards Lois to do the same thing.

“Yeah congratulations, Kimberly!” Tommy said a little angry before he walked off. Kimberly was startled by the pain she heard in Tommy’s voice and ran after him. They needed to sort this out and fast. She hoped that he would understand her reasons.

Kat looked at where Tommy had disappeared and was about to walk after them to give Kim a piece of her mind but a hand stopped her; “They need to sort this out on their own. I know you want to help Tommy but you will make things worse if you are going to interfere.” Lois said while Alpha was scanning her.

“But she left him in so much pain with her letter!” Kat argued, “I don’t want that to happen again.”

“I see that you care a lot about him but they have to get through this, it will be the best for the unborn child," Lois said softly

“But I love him too, I can't stand the thought of him being hurt again by him," Kat said sadly.

“You are in full health too, Lois!” Alpha said interfered happily

“Thank you, Alpha, Zordon." Lois smiled at the robot.

"Lois is right, Kat. You may not like it but they are going to have a child together if it's Tommy's." Adam said coming to Lois aid.

"it is, she told me that she only slept with Tommy," Lois answered the question they all wanted to know.

"We all been there when he received that letter but Lois is right. They need to solve this the only we can do is support them." Aisha said placing a hand on Kat's shoulder.

"What about my little boy?" Lois asked Zordon with tears now in her eyes.

“Billy is doing everything within his power to locate the baby which isn't easy. We need to be sure of his location before we can do anything else." Zordon said stern but with compassion for the parents.

Clark embraced his wife, "we will save him, Lois."

Lois placed her head in the crook of Clark's neck and started crying uncontrollably.

In the meantime outside the command center. Tommy sat with his back against the wall of the command center, staring in front of him. He hadn't noticed that Kimberly took her place next to him against the wall or he didn't show it. "why didn't you tell me about your pregnancy?" he asked suddenly, hurt clearly audible in his voice.

"I didn't want to be a burden to you," Kimberly said in a soft, small voice.

"were you ever going to tell me or would he be at my doorstep in 18 years?" Tommy asked but Kimberly didn't know how to answer that question so she stayed quiet.

Tommy looked beside him and saw Kimberly looking at the ground, playing with the edge of her shirt.

"I didn't want to be the reason for you to give up being a ranger commander for me," she said silently

"Did it ever occurred to you that maybe I would have been happy to give it all up for you and the baby?" Tommy asked raising his voice slightly.

"That's just it, Tommy don't you see. The world needed you and I would be a target and burden to that. I love you too much for that!" Kimberly yelled.

“You didn't have the right to take that choice from me, Kim! Oh and another thing, you weren't a target now then? Did you really think Zedd and Rita would leave you alone? They know damn well how important you are to me!” Tommy yelled tears in his eyes, hurt in his voice.

“I wasn’t thinking straight, Tommy. I was afraid and let someone talk me into breaking up with you. I still regret until this day that I wrote you that letter. I still love you and I hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me. I want you in the baby’s life.” Kimberly cried.

Tommy stood up and kneeled in front of Kimberly and placed his hands on her knees, “You hurt me terribly with that letter, Kim. I didn’t know what I did wrong to deserve this.” Tommy sighed this was something that needed to be said.

Kimberly sighed deeply and closed her eyes, tears ran over her cheeks, “I am sorry, Tommy. It is the most stupid thing I ever did. All I want to ask is for a second chance to start over.” She opened her eyes again and looked straight in Tommy’s chocolate eyes.

“I am prepared to forgive you and to give you that second chance, on condition that you talk to me Kim instead of assuming something and chose for me."

Kimberly caressed Tommy's cheek, placing a lock of his long hair behind his ear. Tommy leaned forward and Kimberly closed the gap between them until their lips touched each other. Tommy placed a hand on Kimberly's cheek and deepened the kiss, neither of the two noticing that Kat and Aisha had been coming outside to see if they hadn't killed each other. Kat was shocked and ran back inside, Aisha, on the other hand, jumped happily before running after Kat.

“Guys, Kimberly and Tommy made up!” yelled cheerfully not wanting to let Kat destroy their mood.

Everybody cheered, Lois jumped in Clark's arms and laughed. It wasn't the only news.

“Some go and get our new couple outside I have news about little CJ," Billy said when he turned around from his buttons and lights.

“On my way!” Rocky yelled.

He laughed silently when he caught the couple in each other's arms, kissing each other passionately.

“Hey!” Rocky yelled startling Tommy and Kimberly in the process, “Stop eating each other, Billy has news about Lois and Clark’s child!”
Tommy and Kimberly laughed and shook their heads before running after Rocky. Leave it too Rocky to make a joke about it.
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