Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes You've Got A Fiend In Me (1/1) - 06/04/19 01:47 AM
A/N: This is a quick response to the Superman Goes Disney challenge. The story is based on a Disney song...but I won't say which one. *g* All I'll say is that I decided not to do any of the ones that felt obvious (to me), and also that I really liked Feli and Endelda's Lucifer crossover and have decided it ought to be canon. wink

Hope you enjoy!


Lex narrowed his eyes at the weaselly little man cluttering up the main doorway of the newly-remodeled dining hall, smiling internally as the disgusted expression on his face faded into one of fear. “Don't you disrespect me,” he warned. “You're in my world, now; not your world.”

The man gulped, and Lex allowed the smile to creep across his face. At last, this truly was *his* world: that fateful meeting with the strange Mr. Morningstar had put the finishing touches on his rather expedited inheritance of the Luthor estate. Since then, he'd come to value finding friends in rather unexpected places...

Smoothing his composure, Lex graciously waved his guest toward the table on which a sumptuous meal had been laid out. “But please, sit down and put your mind at ease. You know, I can see what direction your career is headed in,” Lex continued, taking his own seat at the head of the table. “I can pretty much read your entire future.” He leaned forward, unable to suppress the satisfied smirk as the other man flinched. “But more importantly...I can *change* your future.”

The man stilled, looking up at Lex with a deliciously hopeful expression. “Y-you can?”

Lex waved a dismissive hand. His newest employee—an odd little mystic named Asabi who had come highly recommended by certain persons—began to pour them both some champagne. “Why, of course! All it takes is a little green, isn't that so?”

His guest leaned towards him now, raptly hanging on Lex's every word as a too-good-to-be-true bargain was laid out for him. Of course, it would be all too easy to rearrange the details of the bargain once he was already on the hook. He was a complete pushover, Lex knew, even if the man himself didn't, and would make a wonderful puppet-king for Lex's new empire. But for now, let the poor sap dream of money and power and a life without care.

By the time dessert was served, the man was ready to sell his soul to the new LexCorp. “Well then, let's shake on it,” said Lex, grinning again as he reached for his new “business partner”. “Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?”
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