Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower The return of Kal-el 5/??? - 06/02/19 12:57 PM
Chapter 5

Clark sighed when he looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand. The clock showed 5.00 am. He had a restless night, today would be the day that Perry would know the secret behind Clark’s disappearances. There was no other way out. Yes, he could tell him the same as what he would tell all the rest but he and Jimmy deserved to know the truth, God knows how long he would be gone this time. He looked to his other side and smiled when he saw Lois her sleeping face. He stroked a lock of hair behind her ear. Lois made him feel warm inside. No woman ever had made his heart melt like that. He had girlfriends in high school but nobody made his body of steel shiver every time she touched him. She, who accepted him as the alien he was. She, who brought him something he never could have dreamed off, true love. He smiled fell back in a restless sleep until the alarm woke them up, this was going to be a hard day for them both. He was glad though that this time he didn’t need to say goodbye to Lois like the last time.

The elevator was risen slowly, still to fast for Clark his liking. What was Perry going to say? Would they get fired over this? Lois took his hand in hers she knew how hard it was for him to expose himself to who he really was. Superman was a man showing confidence that he as Clark didn’t possess. She sqeeuzed softly in his hand, “Everything will be just fine. Trust me.” Lois smiled softly. Clark smiled but his smile didn’t reach his eyes like they normally would. Clark wanted to answer her but the sound of the elevator made it clear that they had arrived at their floor of the Daily Planet.

They walked done the ramp in the direction of the chief his office. They knocked on the door of his office before walking in. The sound of Elvis Presley his music could be heard through the door.

Lois knocked on Perry’s door but he didn’t react. Lois knocked again before walking into his office.
“Perry do you have a minute for us? There is something we need to talk to you about!” Lois yelled towards Perry.

The music stopped, “Lois, Clark, Come in, come in! What can I do for you?”, Perry asked.

“First could you call Jimmy, Chief? We need him too!”  Clark asked trying to control the nervousness in his voice.

Perry walked from behind his desk and walked to the door of his office, “Olsen!!! he yelled, a young man with brown hair looked up, “Yeah I am coming chief!”
Lois locked the door the moment Jimmy had closed it behind him. Clark closed the blinds of the office. Jimmy and Perry looked confused towards Lois and Clark.

“Chief, Jimmy this is the hardest thing I ever have to say to someone, but first you must promise me that this is off the record and that it stays that way. We will tell you what we will say to the people and the scoop will be for The Daily Planet. Can you promise this to me, Chief? Jimmy? It is a dangerous secret to know.” Clark said with a stern voice.

“Can you promise us this chief? Jimmy?” Lois asked in her high pitched voice. They knew it was a sign of Lois being nervous.

“I promise, Lois and to you to Clark!” Jimmy said cheerfully

“Did you say we got a scoop?” Perry said happily

Clark sighed he knew that Perry wouldn’t betray him even he valued friendship more than a scoop that is what he hoped anyway. There was no way out now.

“Did you guys never asked yourself why I always managed to get there where Superman was before everybody else?” Clark asked if he had the ability to sweat this would be one of these moments.

“We know you are good friends with Superman, Clark that’s how. We just don’t know how he warns you.” Jimmy said like he was sure this was the right answer.

“That is what I like to know, Clark. I never said anything about your disappearances because somehow you brought a story with you but it is time we know what the hell is going on? Not that I am complaining about your work for this newspaper. We have sold more papers since you and Lois became a team!” Perry stated proudly.

"There is a reason for all these Superman stories, Chief!" Lois said before she looked towards her husband, who sighed deeply now. Clark knew what his wife was saying just by looking in her beautiful eyes.

He closed his eyes while he stood up from his chair. Exposing his true self had always been hard for Clark, even when Lois had found out on her own. Mostly thanks to his dad who had frightened him. Clark could never blame his father for wanting to protect his son from being dissected like a frog like his father always said.

Jimmy and Perry looked confused from Lois to Clark and back. Looking confused when Clark started to spin around in superspeed. Both gasping when Superman appeared at the place where Clark just had been standing.

“Great shades of Elvis!” Perry said shocked.
“Clark, my man!” Jimmy said cheerfully.

Superman smiled at their reactions and spun back in his Clark suit.

“Now what can I do for you, Clark? I mean there has to be a reason you tell us this now?” Perry asked confused.

Clark sighed this part was even harder to tell, “Do you remember the days that the Kryptonians had been on earth?”

Both men nodded, who would ever forget what Lord Nor and his troops had done on earth.

“Well, I learned from my birth wife and her partner, that I am the son of the supreme ruler, my real name is Kal-el of the house of el.”

“You have another wife besides Lois?” Jimmy asked with a spark in his eyes.

“Yes, Lady Zara from the house of Ra. She is ruling in my place on the planet New-Krypton. That is why we wanted to talk to you. You see, someone landed on New-Krypton with a message for my eyes only and I need to go there as soon as possible.” Clark said with sadness in his voice.

“You are going to leave us again and you are going to let him, Lois?” Perry asked a little angry.

“That is just it, Chief. I am going with him to New-Krypton as his partner.” Lois said a little silently not knowing how they would react to this news.

“Lois, honey are you sure about that?” Perry asked he didn’t like the idea of losing his top team for god knows how long. Jimmy, on the other hand, didn’t know what to say. His friends were leaving the only thing he could bring was to ask, “When?”

Clark sighed, “we are not sure yet probably within a few days. The arrangement will be made this evening.”

“What are you going to tell the people?” Perry asked confused.

Clark looked towards Lois, who sighed, “Well this is where you come in. This is the scoop we were talking about as a gift, We will tell them that Superman is leaving again and will take Lois and Clark with him to write about his adventures about his life there for The Daily Planet.”

“We will keep you updated. Superman will hold a press meeting for everyone here at the Daily Planet.” Clark said he knew that this conversation would be difficult.

“We can’t stop you from doing this, know that you will have your place here when you come back to us.” Perry smiled.

“I am going to miss you guys!” Jimmy said trying to control his emotions.

This was going to be the start of an adventure neither of them would have thought.


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