Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower disturbed futures 7/? - 05/24/19 07:19 PM
outside the cave

Super-ranger and the white ranger stepped out of the portal. The super ranger looked around before placing a hand on his temporary commander, “We will save them, Tommy, but be careful there is one thing I haven’t said. I saw my son on the images in the hands of some of those gray puppets. So we both have much at stake here. I just wanted you to know that I will do everything to make sure everyone will be alright, I have your back.”

“Thank you, Kal. Let’s kick some puppets!” Tommy said trying to be full of confidence.

Kal just nodded before they run inside the cave.

back in the cave  

“Please leave my son alone!” Lois yelled while Kimberly held her back. She knew that Lois wasn’t used to be a prisoner behind a force field. Her heart broke hearing her son cry.

“Look out for the force field, CJ can’t have a wounded mom you know,” Kimberly said trying to keep her away from what looked like visible electricity.

Kimberly had just sort of calmed her enough to keep her away from their prison bars field when Goldar appeared again this time at the side of the putty guarding little CJ.

“Come on Lord Zedd and Rita are waiting for their special guest!” Goldar laughed

“Say goodbye forever mommy!” Goldar mocked towards Lois.

“Over my dead body!” boomed a voice before Lois could react. Everybody looked towards the source. Lois knew that voice but she didn’t expect to see him like this.

“Let him go you overgrown monkey!” sounded yet another familiar voice. Kimberly looked and saw a familiar white power ranger suit appearing next to one she didn’t know. Lois, on the other hand, seemed to know the strange ranger.

“Who is the new guy?” Kimberly whispered towards Lois.

“That is something I would like to know. Are we too tough for Zordon’s power brats that they needed some help?” Goldar laughed.

Lois didn’t answer though she didn’t know how to call him either. Should she call him Superman or not? He wasn’t exactly in his Superman suit. Lois looked at Kimberly and it was like she understood what Lois was trying to say, to wait until the coast was clear and to ask again then.

“Sorry I like to chat a little but Lord Zedd expects his new heir.” Goldar laughed and disappeared surrounded by four putties and little CJ. Super ranger had taken off in superspeed the moment Goldar lifted his sword to transport him and the putties back to the palace but even with the extra speed given by the super ranger suit was still not fast enough.

Kal shook his head in disbelief but didn’t have long to brood over his defeat when a storm of putties splitting into two groups and running to both Tommy and his new teammate.

“Aim for the Z on their chest, Kal!” The ranger commander yelled. But Kal had already destroyed his part of the gray clay puppets due to his rage and superspeed.

Tommy kicked the last two putties in the chest, “we really could use you permanently.”

Kal laughed but didn't answer him. He too was having a great time with the rangers.

“now let us start with freeing these three lovely ladies,” Tommy said while wielding his magic sword Saba. Earning him a small smile from Kimberly and Lois.

Tommy held Saba in front of him and cut through the force field. Kimberly pushed CJ's babysitter, who had watched everything silently out of fear for her life, through the stone pillars holding the field together.

Tommy held his arm in front of the mouthpiece of his helmet, “Zordon, would you please send the babysitter home?”

Zordon used his special citizenbeam to transport her safely. That beam took a lot of energy out of him. He couldn’t use it for the power rangers though, both energy beams couldn’t work together and that could be dangerous for them, it could mean their death.

Lois was the second one who tried to walk through the two stone poles but bounced back when the force field reactivated itself.

“LOIS” yelled Kal out of fear that Lois was hurt.

“Tommy, use Kal his weapon, it will take care of the force field!” boomed out of Tommy’s communicator.

“Super diamond!” yelled Kal, it was like he worked with the rangers from the start instead of his first mission. The super diamond was his shield from the house of el! The shield in diamond form was placed on the stone pillars and interrupted the force field.
Lois jumped through the pillars and run right in the super ranger his arms, “please save our boy, Kal!” Lois said not keeping the hurt out of her voice.

“Thank you, Tommy!” Kimberly smiled.

“Come on let's go we need a plan to save a little boy!" Tommy said trying to give Kal and Lois some confidence.
The super ranger placed his arm around Lois her shoulder and Tommy placed his arm around Kimberly the four of them walked through the portal. Billy and Adam were happy to see that Tommy and Kal had succeeded, “Where is the child?” Adam asked confused.

“We will explain everything in the command center,” Tommy said before he looked in front of him seeing the Tenga’s fly away.

A voice sounded in front of them. it was the voice of the red ranger, "They chickened out, yeah!" Rocky laughed giving a high five to Aisha.

They looked behind them and saw the tears in the face of Lois. Rocky's happiness died down, they were here without the child. The mission wasn't over just yet.

“Lois grabs the arm of one of the rangers," Kimberly said gently while she herself grabbed Tommy's shoulder.

Lois nodded and took Kal’s arm before the rangers grabbed their belt and pushed their morpher only to wind up back in the command center.

“Welcome back, Kimberly and Welcome Lois Lane.” The floating head said gently.  Lois looked around while the rangers powered down again.

“Where am I? Clark, what it this? Why the new suit? Where did they take out little child?" Lois asked looking from Clark towards the rangers, towards Alpha 5 only to end again with Zordon.

“I know you have a lot of questions dear Lois but know that the rangers will not rest until they have your child," Zordon said from inside his time tube.

“Who are you?” Lois asked again going in her reporter mode.

“My name is Zordon of Eltar and I am the rangers mentor!” The blue head said.


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