Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BlindPassenger A Super Movie (Vignette) - 04/27/19 02:31 AM
A super movie
"You want to do something?"
Lois stared dumbfounded at Murray Brown.
"Well, Miss Lane, as I said earlier, I have a contract offer from a major film company here.
They want to do a movie about Superman. "
Clark fidgeted restlessly in his chair. I hope that did not mean what he thought.
Lois ignored him and kept babbling.
"I mean, it's logical that such a famous person should make films, but who controls the content?
Who makes sure that Superman is not completely misrepresented?
And with the little information known about Superman's life, how is there supposed to be a movie that can fill the movie screen for a long time? "
Lois's expression became annoying as she realized that she had admitted how little she knew about her hero.
And what would it take to watch this movie?
After all, would not she really see Superman in the movie ... or would she?
"Will Superman play himself," she asked the Superman Foundation CEO sitting opposite.
Clark choked on his coffee and got a coughing fit.
"I do not think that's realistic, Miss Lane, he certainly has other things to do, and I'm not sure he's a good actor."
'Pity!' Thought Lois. 90 minutes of Superman on a movie screen ... I'd take a look! ", She murmured dreamily to herself.
If she had looked up, she would have seen that Clark had turned bright red.
(Sometimes he cursed his super ears when he had to talk to Lois about Superman.)
Instead, she glared at Murray.
"What do you mean by that? He's Superman! He can do anything, such a performance in a movie should be a breeze for him!"
"Lo-is!" Clark hissed softly across the table.
"Yes, yes, it's good!", She grumbled and stared at the man a little contrite.
"Well, I do not know that now, but you're both the only ones who can seemingly always reach him."
"That's more Clark's specialty, it works only when I fall out the window or something," Lois said sarcastically.
Clark bit his lip nervously.
"If he does not play himself, what do you need him for?"
"Well, Mr. Kent, as Miss Lane noted, Superman is a real person.
Therefore, it is important that he bless the action for us, so we do not get complaints afterwards.
If necessary, he can also give suggestions for the details that are not known to the public! "
<As if,> Clark thought. The less people knew about Superman, the better.
"Alright, we'll see what we can do." said Clark.
He wished Murray Brown a nice day and left the office with Lois.
"I should ... what exactly to do?"
Superman was standing next to the film producer, who was nervously up and down the room.
He had just given the promise that the script in the current version could be filmed.
Shortly thereafter, he had to go as Clark together with Lois again to sign the consent, this time for the use of Clark Kent.
The suppositions that referred to his life away from the rescue, were relatively far-fetched - so Superman lived in a crystal ice age in the middle of the Arctic.
There, according to screenwriters, he was trained by his father, who appeared there as a kind of hologram, and prepared for his exploits, because he was "better than the people" and "must give them a role model."
Clark could barely bite a laugh as he contemplated the writer's absurd notions of his life and motivation.
He had made it clear that he would not comment on the producer's private life because, as the word implied, it is private.
Eventually, it was agreed that at the beginning of the film, there would be a glimpse that parts of the film were pure fiction, while others included autobiographical.
This satisfied both Clark and the producers.
Everything had looked good - until the producers came up with the idea to make some of the characters in the film, their real role models, commit to cameo appearances.
This alone was not so bad, and after some hesitation, Clark had agreed because there was a fee for each cameo donated to the Superman Foundation for charity.
But then the producer had said what made him shiver with fear.
"Well, I figured it would make sense to wear different clothes - after all, you can not act as a superman, that would confuse the audience."
Finally, the day came when Clark had long been afraid he had to go to the movie studio.
Ironically, he would perform in a scene where both "Superman" and "Clark" were present.
The scene played at a charity auction. In the background were Perry, Jimmy and even Lois.
Unfortunately, Clark Kent had to cancel "for health reasons" (he was lying in bed with a cold).
He had thought about that for a long time, but the proceeds for a Superman cameo were ultimately much higher than those for Clark's performance, so he came to that decision.
The complete set of auction participants consisted of people associated in some way with Superman or the city of Metropolis.
The role of the auctioneer was assumed by none other than Lex Luthor himself, whose profits the film producers were particularly proud of.
Luthor himself said he was proud to be involved in such a project, especially if it was for a good cause.
Clark could only shake his head about it.
Most of the auction guests only had a silent role in the background.
One of the few exceptions was Lois Lane, who had loudly complained to the director.
However, since the team wanted Lois to be there - after all, she was the person closest to Superman - they reluctantly agreed to a speaking role, especially after "Clark" turned out to be a cameo.
As a result, Lois and Clark (as Superman) both appeared in the roles of donors who were to conduct short dialogues with their film counterparts "Lois" "Superman" and "Clark".
Unfortunately, the producers had decided that Superman should take on the role of a philanthropist who donated money to the Superman Foundation and then chatted briefly with the hero and thanked him for saving his high-rise compost from a fire.
The clothes of the businessman Superman was supposed to play consisted mainly of a suit with a buten tie. Besides, he could not stop the producers from putting on his glasses.
Clark sank relieved on his sofa.
He was very scared, but apparently nobody noticed.
People only saw what they thought they saw.
He was about to sit back and relax as the doorbell rang.
He opened the door and looked into Lois Lane's angry face.
"Clark Kent!" She called.
"I've got a chicken to pick with you!"
"Oh oh..."

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