Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower disturbed futures 6 - 03/20/19 07:21 PM
Chapter 6

" Alpha start a search for Kimberly if we are lucky she will have some residues of her powers in her body, enough for us to find her and Lois," Zordon said keeping an eye on his ranger commander. Tommy took him very hard that Zedd had captured Kimberly yet again and what if what Zedd said was true, what is she was pregnant with his child? Why hadn't she said something about it?

Superman turned towards Zordon, “What about my son? Do you know if he is still alive?”

Zordon sighed, "I don't know for sure, Superman but I am fearing that, if your son is alive he is been held in the palace because I didn't notice him in the images. Alpha and I have been prepared for this and made you a coin of your own." Alpha walked towards Superman within his hands a morpher with a coin wearing his symbol.

“Thank you, Zordon but I am invulnerable?” Superman asked confused.

“You are invulnerable for earthly things, like bullets but we don't know how your powers coop with Lord Zedd's and Rita's magic. I want to be sure that you are protected by the morphin grid.” Zordon responded to his new ranger.

Tommy walked towards Superman and reached out his hand, “Welcome in the family of Power Rangers, Superman.”

Superman smiled still a little surprised about these events, "Thank you, Tommy and please as long as nobody is around who don't know, you can call me Clark. When I am wearing the ranger suit you can call me Superman or Kal-el."

“Where did the name Kal-el come from?” asked Rocky confused, how many names could one man have.

“Kal-el is my birth name from Krypton. My full name is Lord Kal-el from the house of el. I don't need to explain to you that I don't want anyone to know my real identity.” Superman laughed.

"How do you know all of that? Do you have any memories from your time on Krypton?" Adam asked curiously, they couldn't do much as long as they didn't know in which dimensional prison Kimberly, Lois, and Helen were held captured. Alpha and Billy did their best to find them as soon as possible.

"A few years ago we were investigating a group of people led by a man called Jason Trask. He was convinced in his own sick way that I was here to lead an invasion on earth, that I was a danger for the human race, we found out later that the group who called themselves bureau 39 had found and stored the spaceship that brought me to earth in the year 1966. That ship carried a globe, some sort of navigation system. I couldn't take my ship back, because it was way too big and Lois didn't know about my origins at the time, but I was able to retrieve the globe. That globe spoke to me through a hologram of my father months later and that is how I know who I am on Krypton and where I came from." Superman said noticing that Tommy had walked out. He understood very well where Tommy's thoughts were at the moment.

“Where did Tommy go? Maybe will go and look to see if he is alright.” Kat asked worried about her commander, she knew his heart still belonged to Kimberly and it always would be especially if it was true and she was carrying his child.
Superman placed a hand on Kat's shoulder, “Let me go, I think I know what he is going through at the moment.” Kat nodded, Superman was right, with Lois and his son captured, not even knowing if his son was still alive, he knew best how to comfort Tommy, “ You might stand back a little, I am going to change suits.” Superman laughed, the others nodded and stepped back. Superman looked around him before spinning around in a blur of colors until he stopped and Clark was standing in front of them in a Jeans and a shirt that was glued to him like a second skin. But without the glasses he was wearing when they first met him, “Didn't you wear glasses earlier, as Clark I mean?” Aisha asked confused.

“The glasses are as much a disguise as Superman's suit is. I don't really need them.” Clark said while he placed his morpher in his back pocket.

Clark walked out of the command center and found Tommy leaning against the wall, staring over the desert, "How are you holding up?" he asked the long-haired teen. Tommy turned his face surprised towards Clark, quickly hiding the fact that he had been crying by wiping his face with the palms of his hands.

"You don't need to hide your pain for me, Tommy," Clark said while he walked towards Tommy.

"Clark, is there something wrong? Did they find anything?" Tommy asked it was obvious where his mind was at the moment.

“I am sorry Tommy, but they didn't find anything yet. I wanted to be sure that you were alright.” Clark said while turned around to enjoy the silent sounds of the desert.

“I will be fine,...” Tommy stopped in mid-sentence and turned his gaze to his feet. Clark could hear the teen sigh before looking up again, “I am not alright, I am worried sick about Kimberly. Asking myself the same question over and over again, what if Zedd is right and Kimberly is carrying my child? What if we can't find them in time?” Tears ran over Tommy's olive colored skin and fell in the warm sand.

“have faith, we will find them and we will make Zedd and Rita pay for what they did to them. That is how I keep myself straight.” It was time for Clark to sigh deeply.

“Here I am worrying about my ex-girlfriend and the fact that she may or may not be pregnant when you know nothing about the fate of your son.” Clark wanted to react on what Tommy said but stopped when he heard footsteps and a voice calling them, it was Adam, “Tommy, Clark, we found them!” The two men looked at each other before following Adam inside.

“Talk to me, Billy, where are they?” Tommy was back in commander mode.

"They are in the dimensional prison where he held Kimberly earlier, you know when Zedd possessed her power coin," Billy said happily, He was glad that they could reach them with his machine.

“Can we still go through the back door, Billy?” Tommy asked curiously

Clark looked confused now, “The back door?”

"A device I invented that can create an alternate doorway because the normal doorway is out of our reach. It's called the portal com."
“ Where is the portal com, Billy?” Tommy asked anxiously

“ Here it is!” Billy took the portal com from out of command center's secret weapon chamber and rejoined his friends.

“Let's go and save them. Ready guys?” Tommy asked towards his ranger team.

“Ready,” The rest answered simultaneously.

“It's morphin time! White ranger power!” Yelled Tommy back in his leader mode, full of confidence. The rest followed yelling their specific colors ending with Clark who morphed for the very first time, yelling, super ranger power!” it was like he knew exactly what to do. His suit blue with a mixture of red and yellow stripes on his chest and his symbol in the middle of those stripes.

They opened the portal come right there where Goldar had taken Lois Lane. Billy, Aisha, Adam, and Rocky stayed with the portal came to protect them from Lord Zedd. They had agreed that two of them would stay with the device the whole time and the other two where a back up for when Zedd would send those ugly black birds, his Tenga's. They learned their lesson from the last time Zedd had captured Kimberly. Tommy and Superman had just walked through the portal com when the four other rangers heard a famous cawing, there they were big crow-like creatures ready to take the portal com down yet again.

“Ready to pluck some Tenga's, Rocky?” Aisha quipped while standing in fighting position.

"I'm really hungry for some roasted Tenga!" quipped Rocky back while following Aisha's example and got into fighting position.

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