Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower disturbed futures 5 - 02/25/19 06:16 PM
Chapter 5

Superman was shocked when the blue monkey flashed away with Lois. He turned around towards the rangers, who sensed that he was a little agitated now, "Do you know that freak?"
Tommy sighed deeply, “Yes unfortunately we do, that was Goldar, one of Rita's loyal minions. He is probably the one who kidnapped Kimberly too. Don't worry, Superman, we will save her.”

Superman's breathing started accelerating very quick now when something else dawned to him. If he was right then they would regret ever crossing that line.
"White Ranger, could you handle this here without me for a while I need to check something. I want to know if my son is safe."

Tommy saw the panic in his eyes, the panic of a father who was afraid that the well-being of his son could be in jeopardy. The white ranger nodded towards Superman, who took off with the loudest sonic boom Metropolis ever heard from him. The ranger commander didn't have time to panic as the Wolfator grew thirty storage high. The white ranger nodded towards the rest of his team, "Ready, guys?" The rangers startled when they saw the monster flying, ending 100 feet from where they were standing they ran towards the monster only to notice an enraged Superman beating the wolf to a pulp.
“Where did they take my son?” Superman yelled while choking the silver monster. He kept banging the wolf's head into the street.
"I...ugh...don't...ugh...know!" The Wolfator tried to bring out while Superman was choking him. The furious superhero yanked the collar from his neck and was about to end the monster once and for all, "before I kill you, make sure that your master knows that they have no clue with who they are dealing with here. Tell them they have crossed the line when they took my wife and son." Superman groaned through his teeth. He didn't give a damn who heard him say that. Never mess with an outraged superhero. Superman raised his fist and smacked it in the monster's face who exploded immediately.

The power rangers stood there shocked with what they just saw, they knew he was strong, but never in there whole life would they think he would single-handedly take care of a thirty storage high monster made by the magic of Zedd and Rita.

Tommy walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “We will find them and get them back to you.”
Superman stared at where the monster just had been, “I am coming with you, they will know that they crossed the line of my patience.”
“Do you think that's a wise decision?” Tommy asked curiously. He didn't know if and how his powers would work.

"I am going with you, Tommy end of the discussion," Superman said. Tommy knew that he would do it with or without their permission and maybe we could use his powers.

Tommy smiled, “alright, let's see what Zordon can figure out for us, OK?”
Superman couldn't do but agree, he would go immediately without thinking but these weren't your usual bandits, there was evil, black magic involved with it and how badly he wanted to save his wife, he knew that he needed the experience from the rangers and Zordon.

“To the command center, guys!” Tommy said without removing his hand from Superman's shoulder. Tommy pushed the button on his belt and disappeared in a white beam, accompanied by Superman in a blue and red mixed beam.

They appeared again in the middle of the command center in front of a large tube holding a floating head.
"Welcome, Clark, I was expecting you," Zordon said while bowing his head.

“Thank you, Zordon and thank you for saving my life, so many years ago. Now my family is the one who's in danger.” Superman said still trembling from the rage he had been feeling moments earlier.

"I am aware of that Superman and Alpha had already started a scan to find the prisoners," Zordon said trying to reassure the man in red, blue and yellow. Tommy walked next to him, "Zordon, I can understand why he would take Kimberly but why taking Superman's family? What had he to gain from it?"

Zordon sighed, "I have no clue, Tommy." Zordon had just responded to Tommy when a heavy voice sounded from behind him, "I can give you that piece of information, Tommy!"

Tommy rolled his eyes, "Not again!" he whispered beneath his breath, so quiet that only Superman had heard him. The superhero looked at his long-haired friend, "What do you mean, not again?"
The ranger commander sighed deeply, "just turn around and see." A man, made from muscle tissue and Iron appeared in the big globe in the corner of the command center, he was sitting in a large throne made of stone and was holding an iron wand with a big Z on top.

“I really want to know how he does that!” Adam sighed towards Billy.

"Yeah, I need to do some modifications after this over." Billy sighed.

Rocky looked as shocked as he did the first time that it had happened. Kat looked confused towards Aisha who explained, “this isn't the first time he appeared like that. This is the second time now. The last time he kidnapped Kimberly, he managed to do the same thing.” They all looked toward the globe but like always it was Zordon who reacted, “What do you want now, Zedd!”

"First I want to say hello to our new friend, Lord Kal-el of the house of el. I have your family here in my prison," The view changed and it showed now images of Lois, Kimberly, and Helen surrounded by a forcefield and strange gray creatures. The images changed again and showed more gray creatures watching over a baby, CJ. "you see they are still alive, Kal-el but not for long if you don't resign the throne of New-Krypton over to me! Not like your parents when I destroyed Krypton!" Zedd laughed evilly

Superman's jaw tightened before speaking again, "first of all, I am not your friend, secondly, I can't do that, Lady Zara rules over New-Krypton! You will regret ever double-crossing me, Zedd!"

Zedd laughed, “ What will you do about it, you maybe invulnerable for things on earth but don't underestimate my power, you little blue pesky bird!”
Tommy laid his hand on Superman's shoulder again, don't let him get to you, we will stop him and save your family.”

Tommy turned again towards Zedd! “What about Kimberly, Zedd!”

Zedd laughed again, “Yes Tommy, all I want are you power coins, and Tommy I will take good care of her now that she's pregnant! You will have until tomorrow evening”

The globe went blank again and left everyone shocked at what Zedd had said. Kimberly was pregnant with Tommy's child. This time it was Superman's turn to comfort Tommy by laying his hand on his shoulder.

He turned towards Zordon, “what can we do?”


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