Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BlindPassenger That old Ghost of Mine (2) - 02/10/19 06:43 PM
That old Ghost of Mine, Part 2
An uneasy and brooding Clark Kent flew to Smallville that evening to visit his parents and tell them about the events of the last few days.
Jonathan and Martha were shocked by his "death," but pulled themselves together and tried to comfort him.
Martha, who as always looked at things from the practical side, immediately started working out a plan.
"You said that this Prof. Hamilton has cloned the dead gangsters with their DNA.
What if you - as Superman - fly to Hamilton's lab and pretend to have done the same thing with Clark's body? "
Clark's eyes brightened. His mother always had the best ideas.
But only a few seconds later, his beaming smile collapsed sadly.
"No mom, that would not work.
That is to say, it would, but it would de facto mean that I would not return as Clark Kent, but merely as his genetic clone.
He would look the same as me, but it would not be the same.
He would not have my memories and my life.
People would wonder why he was like me. Above all, Lois knows that a clone does not automatically have to take over the personality of his likeness. "
"Oh, I did not think so, but we will find a way, we promise you."
Jonathan nodded in agreement. Clark could not be more grateful for the support of these two people in his life.
They considered for a while, but came to no satisfactory solution.
Then Clark came to the other important topic that he wanted to share with them.
This spiritual communication with Lois.
"Are you sure it has nothing to do with your superhumans?" Jonathan asked thoughtfully.
"No, that can not be it ... it feels ... different, kind of like she's talking directly into my mind.
A kind of telepathy or something. And besides, Lois definitely has NO super hearing, and I did not speak the thought out loud. "
Martha nodded and then said, "Why not, maybe it's just a new superpower.
After all, we never knew what powers you would get, they all ended up unexpectedly.
Maybe it needed a kind of "activation moment".
Do you remember when you fell off the ladder at eighteen - only instead of falling did you start floating in the air? "
"You do not believe how surprised we were then that you could fly," Jonathan recalled.
"Maybe it's similar to telepathy, your shared grief was so strong that it activated it and created a kind of telapathic connection," Martha said.
I wonder if it works only between me and Lois or if I can do it with anyone. "
"Just try it". His mother had always been the practical person in his life.
"Okay, Mom, I'll start with you, tell me what I think."
Clark concentrated and tried to think in Martha's direction. << You make the best apple pie of all time >>, he thought aloud in the direction of her thoughts.
Martha waited a while, then she said, "It does not seem to work!"
Clark tried it several more times with both Martha and Jonathan, but did not happen.
"It seems that it only works with Lois," he finally confused, and also a little sad.
"I always knew that you both seem to have a special kind of connection, you just see it in the way you interact with each other."
Jonathan nodded to Martha's statement.
"I do not really understand it - but I will use it.
As long as Clark stays dead, I'll still be able to communicate with her. "
"What do you mean, son?" Jonathan rebuked him.
"Um, well ..." Clark began to stammer.
"Clark Jerome Kent, get out of it!" ordered his mother.
Somewhat contrite, he confessed the truth to them: that he had telepathically confirmed to Lois that he was dead, and that she considered him a kind of spirit.
His mother drew in a sharp breath as his father tapped nervously with his fingers on the table.
"Well, the damage is done, and if it makes you both happy ... yet I think you should tell her!"
"She would kill me!"
Martha could not resist a small grin.
"I thought you had resigned yourself to your death."
Clark stared sadly at the table.
"Not really - but I will do my best!"
And with that he flew back to Metropolis.
That night, Superman grabbed the gangsters and took them to the police. Professor HAmilton made sure the equipment was destroyed.
(If you want more details, take a look at the original episode, that's not the point here)
Lois had not slept well.
She did not understand what was going on.
Clark was dead - really dead!
He had confirmed it. That was crazy. She had talked to his mind.
Nobody would believe that. Not even Perry or Jimmy.
She would not be able to tell anyone.
The only people she could possibly say would be his parents - she still felt responsible for his death and she would have to deal with them.
Which brought her to another important question she had not yet considered.
<< Clark >>, she asked in thought?
It took a moment for the answer to come.
<< Yes Lois >>
<< Can you ... so I mean I am ... the only one who can hear you? Or can you interact with others as well?
Perry, Jimmy, your parents? How is it to live as a spirit, what do you think, how ... >>
<< Lo-is. You are plumping. >>
Clark was astonished that he had not thought Lois could do that with her mind.
On the other hand, he always knew that she was a quick thinker.
He hovered over the Daily Planet building, trying to think of answers as close as possible to the truth.
<< I'm not babbling. Ah, whatever. So, how is that? >>
<< I tried. You are the only person who seems to hear me >>
Technically, that was true.
<< Can you see your surroundings? Can you ... see ME >>
He wondered how he should answer when the next question came.
<< Do you walk around normally and walk through walls and such, or do you float over things in another sphere? >>
Strictly speaking, she was not so far off with the latter, he mused, finally choosing an evasive answer.
After all, he could not tell her he was always with her - that would not go together with his "other job."
Nevertheless, he wanted to give her a ray of hope.
It depends. Sometimes I can find certain people when I focus on them.
Depends on my location. >> Technically that was the truth.
<< Right now I can see you - you're just turning the corner to the direction of the Daily Planet. >>
Lois was fascinated and curious to the same, and also a little bit anxious.
If he could see her whenever he wanted, what private things would he know about her?
As if he had heard her thoughts (did he?) He answered: << Do not worry Lois, I would never intentionally violate your privacy. >>
<< Oh Clark, you're such a scout, >> Lois groaned mentally and entered the building of the Daily Planet.
TBC. Feedback welcome and apreciated.
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