Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: BlindPassenger That old Ghost of mine (1) - 01/30/19 05:04 PM
So, this is my first try. Let's start.

That Old Ghost of Mine (Part 1)
Lois Lane entered her apartment and closed the door.
She spent hours at the local police station answering questions and mourning her partner and best friend.
But only now that she was in her apartment, only now that she was all alone, the tears began to flow freely.
Clark is dead!
The knowledge hit her like a hammer blow.
She would never work with him on a story again. Never again spend a friendly evening with him.
And only now did she really begin to realize the depth of her feelings for this man.
"I love you, Clark!" she sobbed and broke out in uncontrolled weeping.
Clark Kent, aka Superman, flew deep in thought through the night. He did not know what he should do now.
He knew he could forget his bourgeois identity forever.
Many witnesses had watched his death.
Clark Kent was dead!
Unbeknownst to him, he suddenly realized that he had come to a stop near Lois's window.
What he saw through the walls of her apartment startled him to the depths of his being.
Lois sat sobbing on her couch and offered a miserable sight.
He wanted to rip open the window, fly to her and close her in his arms.
But that did not work. Surely she would not want to see "Superman" now.
Not after he had not been there for Clark when he really needed him.
Suddenly he heard her cry aloud, crying, "I love you, Clark!"
Pain filled his heart.
<< Oh Lois, if only you knew how much I love you! >> he thought wistfully.
She had said the words without addressing them to anyone.
How to confirm what she felt, just for herself.
She was all the more startled when she suddenly seemed to hear a voice.
<< Oh Lois, if only you knew how much I love you! >>
Startled, she jumped. Where did that come from?
It almost seemed as if the voice had just sounded in her head.
<< What ..? Clark? >> she thought, shocked and unable to think straight.
Clark did not know what was happening to him. What was that? How did Lois know of his presence?
If she had seen him, she would have seen Superman. But she had definitely responded to him.
It almost seemed as if she had heard his thoughts.
It was absurd. And yet...
Her statement did not sound like his superhumoddess usually did.
It had sounded as if she had spoken directly into his mind.
That was impossible.
Right. And he did not happen to be a flying alien.
Could it be that he had the ability to communicate mentally?
Why not? Given what he was?
And besides, he always felt he had a special connection with her.
So he made a cautious attempt to answer her mentally.
<< Yes, Lois, it's me. >>
That was crazy. Totally crazy. Madness. Incredible.
But Clark was dead. How could that be?
She mentally focused on the image of her partner.
<< Are you ... a kind of mind or something? >>
What should he answer?
"No, Lois, am I superman pretending that Clark is dead and have just discovered our telepathic connection?"
Um. No. That did not work.
And Clark would stay dead. That would not change.
<< I think you could call it that >>
Grief began to overflow Lois again.
And then the anger came.
>> How do I know that you are real?
How do I know that some crazy scientist is not playing with my brain? >>
She had a point there.
He could feel the anger in her thoughts.
He tried to caress her mentally and asked: << Okay, what do you want to know?
Ask me something that only Clark can know >>
She got warm and pleasant feelings from his answer.
How does he do that?
Anyway, it was time for Lois to find out the truth.
<< When we were in Centennial Park, you confessed your love to me.
How did I react >>
<< You ... you rejected me. >>
She could almost physically feel the grief and pain that followed those words.
<< Later you withdrew your declaration of love. Which of your two actions was real? >>
<< Do you really have to ask that? >>
No, she did not have to!
Deep in her heart she recognized the truth in that moment.
If you could whisper in thought, her answer would have been a whisper.
<< The first. And I love you too >>
<< Even if it's too late for us now >>, she thought sadly.
<< No, that's not it >>
She was overpowered, unaware of that thought.
<< Oh, you heard that? >>
<< Sorry, I did not want to invade >>, he apologized quickly.
<< But I meant that. And I will always be with you. >>
He knew it was true.
He did not know how exactly he would do it, but he would do it.
He owed it to her - and to himself - to the Clark part of him.
To be continued.
FDK apreciated.
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