Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower This is me 9; all shook up - 01/28/19 07:08 PM
This is me Chapter 9: All shook up.

We start the chapter right before Superman goes into space for his first try to stop nightfall.

Superman stepped underneath the tape that kept the reporters and the people that had traveled to the place to give their support to Superman. The only reporter that had permission to be near the superhero was Lois Lane and this because Superman had asked them that. Superman knew this would be a risky operation, even for someone like the superhero dressed in blue tights.

“Are you nervous?” Lois asked trying to keep the worries out her voice. She was scared for the life of the superhero her gut-feeling told her that this was a bad idea.

“This will work, Lois!” Superman sounded sure, that should be a relief for her but it wasn't. It didn't reassure the feeling she had about all of this.

“that a relief, how can you be sure?” Lois couldn't get rid of the alarm bell's ringing in her head.

"It just has too!" That wasn't the answer she hoped for.

“I hope it helps to think positive. I don't want to live again in a world without you, hovering over Metropolis.” Lois sighed deeply worried, if there was a time, the time was now. Lois took Superman's face between her hands and place a strong kiss on his lips.

The hero closed his eyes for a brief moment, thinking whether or not to give Lois the letter he had written this morning because he wasn't as confident as he showed to the people.

“Lois, before I go, I want you to have this. It will explain things if something goes wrong. I trust you to read it alone.” Lois took the letter she received from Superman, while he caressed her cheek one last time. It was time to go now. Lois shed a tear while she saw her hero leaving too save the whole world. She held the letter close to her heart the moment she saw him leave.

Superman was on his way to nightfall, Lois sat at her desk, asking herself where the hell her partner was until she remembered the letter Superman had given to her. She was shocked, all questions she ever had answered.

Dear Lois,

I sit here at my desk, writing you this letter,
to tell you everything that I wanted to tell you.
I live with a big secret, that I hope will keep you from leaking until you are really
sure that I will never come back to this planet called earth.
First of all, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart.
Secondly, I want you to know that this next thing was never a matter of trust,
it was a matter about how to tell you that your partner at work, your best friend,
got another job besides being a reporter. I am Superman, Lois. I am the alien you love so much. Please don't be angry at yourself for not seeing this, I only showed you a part of my personality. I didn't enjoy lying to you, Lois. I hope I will come home safely that way we can talk about this, if not know that you are the only woman in my life I carried in my heart and that my last thoughts will be with you.

I hope to see you soon,

Clark Kent.

Lois shook his head this couldn't be happening, her partner was out there saving the world, for the first time doubting he was going to make it, doubting for the first time that he wasn't strong enough to handle this. A sound brought her out of thoughts, Superman was into space and ready to hit the large rock in space. Lois was holding her breath, the letter between her hands, whom she had folded together until she heard the new shock they lost contact with Superman.

That night, the sleep came difficult for Lois, the only thing she could think about was Clark and praying that he had survived somehow. The next day she was even more worried until the moment she got a call by inspector Henderson, they had found Clark, but somehow he had lost his mind. Lois knew now that her gut feeling was right, after all, Clark wasn't dead but he had no memory of being the hero in tights. Lois took a vow then and there that she would take care of him and bring his memory back, no matter how long it would take, with the help of his parents they would succeed.

While Lois tried to help Clark in regaining his memory, Jimmy had another lead about the superhero, someone had told him while searching for Lois that a Large whole was found, a whole with a man in it. He didn't know much about the man he had seen, the only thing he knew was that the man had been naked. Jimmy had convinced the chief to take look in Suicide Slab.

“What are we looking for Jimmy?” Perry looked at the youngster digging in the whole until he held something in the air. A yellow and red piece of fabric, clearly a piece of Superman's S.

Perry hid the piece of fabric the moment he heard footsteps, “are you two looking for something?” Sounded a voice behind Perry.

“Did you see anything special here?” looking towards Perry hoping he would shut up about their find, they needed to find Superman first before they did something else, this was big new but even Perry wouldn't jeopardize the man of steel his name and health for a scoop.

"You mean that man, without his memory? You know the man?" I helped him and brought him to the police officer.

“Did you just said a man that lost his memory?” Jimmy asked just to be sure they had heard it right!

“Yeah, friendly guy, tall, dark hair, glasses.” the stranger said. It was the man who had found Clark after his fall from the sky.

“Thank you!” Jimmy pushed Perry back towards the car.

"Did you hear that chief, memory loss, the fabric of Superman's suit do you know what that means?" Jimmy looked Perry in the eye, hoping he didn't make a wrong conclusion.

“Great shades of Elvis, Clark lost his memory and the man he described sounded just like him. Jimmy, this is something we need to keep quiet, we can't kill Clark's life for a scoop. This stays between us, nobody can know we know Superman's identity. Let's support him the best way we can by keeping this a secret, even for Clark himself.”

Clark got his memory back but without the knowledge of Perry and Jimmy's investigation. Perry silently proud of being Superman's boss, Jimmy more proud of his best friend than ever before.

The End
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