Lois & Clark Forums
Whew! That was the first thing I've ever posted. Excited! Hope you enjoy it.

Welcome in the world of the writers. Loved your first fic. Hope to read many more
Welcome Jelly! Well done!
Congrats on your first story! (I promise, it gets way less scary and a lot more thrilling from here on out.)

Very sweet story! I can just imagine Lois getting all fan-girly writing the email to Lucy. Nice explanation as to her surprise too. After all, it was clear she had feelings for him and anyone with 2 working eyes could see he'd been smitten from the moment he met her.
Hey Julie congrats on your first story.

I love this look into Lois' mind at this point. The date question was a big turning point for this duo. Nicely done.
Congratulations on posting your first story! What a great way to start. I loved this peek into Lois's thoughts and feelings. clap
Thanks guys! I'm glad you liked it! I enjoyed writing it.
Welcome to the boards! Great first effort!


Have I got a story for you! It won’t have an ending yet, but I just had to tell someone and so I’m emailing you now.

Oh neat! A story with Lucy in it! The e-mail concept is very good, we get to look in on Lois' thoughts. This sounds like the kind of e-mail or letter sisters might exchange, especially when one of them is interested in a certain young man. smile1 Ah what memories ...

So, there you have it, Lucy. I can see you doing some silly happy dance. But maybe you were right. I just had to wait for Mr. Right to step out of my dream.

Tell anyone and I’ll kill you.

Your loving sister,

LOL! Yes, definitely an exchange between sisters! Great writing, all of us on the boards are looking forward to reading more from you.

Originally Posted by Morgana
Oh neat! A story with Lucy in it! The e-mail concept is very good, we get to look in on Lois' thoughts. This sounds like the kind of e-mail or letter sisters might exchange, especially when one of them is interested in a certain young man. smile1 Ah what memories ...

I'm glad you liked it! I got it from a book I read over the summer, Pamela, by Samual Richardson (written in 1740, cumbersome to read but I loved it anyway). I was hoping the format would help keep it short (still working on that epic of mine...)

LOL! Yes, definitely an exchange between sisters!

A stolen from my own letters to my sister wink

Great writing, all of us on the boards are looking forward to reading more from you.

Thank you! I'm anxious to post more in the near future!

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