Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Capes Trick or Treat: A Halloween Dilemma Pt. 2/? - 11/02/05 10:13 PM

“Lois, a lot of people dress like Superman, too, you know,” he said.

“But not Superman and Lois,” she said smugly. “Plus, I think our costume will look a lot more authentic than theirs. After all I know Superman, and I’ve seen the suit up close many times.”

If she only knew how much more authentic he could make the suit he thought to himself as Lois kept talking. The only problem was that he, of all the people in the world, was the one who could least afford to pretend to be Superman. He imagined himself telling Lois that he knew where they could get fabric exactly the same as that used to make Superman’s suits: out of a big, locked chest in the attic of the Kent’s farmhouse in Kansas. What was he going to do?


And now, the continuation:

“So there you have it,” Clark said with a frown.

“What did you tell her?” Martha asked him.

“I told her I’d think about it, but that I wasn’t so sure it would work. She just won’t be deterred, though. I don’t know what to do. How did I get myself into this mess?” Clark put his head in his hands, and Martha gave Jonathan a worried look. They both knew that Clark had feelings for his partner, but that he was unsure as to how or and even whether or not he should tell her about his other persona. They had met Lois a couple of times, and while they could see why Clark felt the way he did about her, they also knew that his admission was not something that could easily be made.

As they sat there in silence, each mulling over the problem at hand, Martha ventured a suggestion. “Clark, honey, now I know that this may seem a little shocking, but have you ever considered just telling her the truth?”

Clark’s eyes widened and took a sharp breath. “You mean like just tell her that I’m, you know...”

“Yes, dear,” Martha remarked dryly. “Maybe the obvious answer is the right one in this case?”

“But Martha,” Jonathan protested. “This is a pretty big secret. It’s not something Clark can tell to just anyone!”

Clark looked at his father, knowing that he too had at the back of his mind the image of a scalpel poised over a frog. For most of his life Clark had lived in fear of the truth getting out, of being turned into a specimen for ridicule…or research. Despite all of his physical invulnerability now, there were so many other ways he could be made to suffer. Still, he knew in his heart that Lois was not going to turn him in to the Area 51 investigators or any group like that. She had never had any qualms about protecting him in his role as Superman. In fact, she was one of the few people who had managed to see Superman as an actual being in need of friendship, not just hero worship.

“No, Dad. I know Lois wouldn’t do anything to hurt me,” Clark said slowly. “She’s my best friend, and I trust her. She’s saved me, or really Superman, often.”

“We know how you feel about her, honey,” Martha said. “If you couldn’t trust her, I don’t think you’d feel the way you do about her.”

She was right. Clark knew it. The only thing standing in his way had been fear of Lois’ reactions, fear of losing her. Yet, at some point he was going to have to tell her. He had known that he would face this choice all along. He had known it from the moment he looked into her eyes and felt his heart leaving his chest. The more he had learned to trust her and the more their partnership had grown, the more this decision had been thrust in his face time after time. Friends did not lie to each other, not about things of this magnitude. He also hoped that one day they could become more than friends, and his duel identities were certainly getting in the way of that now. Still, he had hoped that he could make Lois see him as more than just a friend before he told her. He wanted to be sure that he was the one she was interested in, not just his flashy counterpart.

He confessed this concern to his parents and heard Martha sigh. “Yes, dear, I can see your point, but how much longer do you think you are going to be able to get away with: Lois, I wanted to tell you, but we just didn’t know each other well enough! Are you going to wait until you date her? Until she thinks she knows you and then you’ll spring it on her, leading her to believe you’re not trustworthy? No, Clark, you know what you need to do.”

From the tone of her voice, it was obvious that she knew what he had already decided: to tell Lois. No more lies, no more excuses, just the truth.


“Um, Lois,” Clark said hesitantly, poking his head over his partner’s desk.

Lois looked up from her computer screen and gave him a smile. “Hi, partner! I wasn’t sure I was going to see you today. Where have you been?”

“I had a meeting with one of the board members of the Metropolis Children’s Hospital, remember?”

She nodded her head. “That’s right. I remember now.”

He came around the desk and leaned against it. “What are you working on right now?”

She grimaced slightly and pointed at her screen. “Perry couldn’t find anyone else to finish this piece on the dog show that Ralph left when he decided to get sick.”

“Now, Lois, you know he didn’t exactly choose to get the measles,” Clark said with a small smile.

“Whatever,” she said with disgust. “I’m just glad it’s almost done, and I can get out of here.”

“Speaking of getting out of here,” Clark said hesitantly. “I was wondering what you’re doing tonight?”

Lois looked at him quizzically. “Nothing, really. Why?”

“I was just thinking maybe you’d, uh, come over to my place for dinner?” His mouth felt funny, and he forced himself to resist the urge to bolt across the room to somewhere, anywhere else.

“Sure!” she said cheerfully. “What were you thinking...” She looked up and something about the expression in his eyes made her stop talking. He was looking at her very intently, his brown eyes piercing through her. Something inside of her told her that there as more to this request than just a desire to hang out with a friend. “Clark,” she said softly. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

“Not really. I just have, um, something I want to tell you,” he said awkwardly. There he had said it. It was done. As soon as it had left his mouth, though, he wanted to take it back. What was he thinking? Now he’d actually have to tell her. After making such a big deal, no way was he going to get away with muttering something about going to a baseball game together or some such nonsense.

His answer seemed to satisfy her, though, because, while he thought he saw a flash of something pass through her eyes, it was gone in a second, and she softly patted his arm. “Okay, Clark. Then tonight it is. But first...” she paused dramatically, “a late breaking exclusive on dog show drama!”

Clark could not help smiling as she rolled her eyes at him. Despite the ordeal ahead, when Lois was happy and smiling at him, there was always hope for the future.


Clark had just spun out of the suit into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt when the doorbell rang. He had been out patrolling, an activity he normally did later in the evening, but as he had no idea how this particular evening was going to play out, he had thought it best to get it over with. It had also kept him from focusing on the ever-tightening knot in his stomach that told him to cancel this evening. However, Lois was at the door, and the time had come. There could be no more backing out. Taking a deep breath, he swung the door open to a smiling Lois.

“Hi, Clark,” she said as she brushed past him into the apartment. “I hope you have something good to eat, because I’m starving.” She headed straight for the kitchen with the ease of a frequently welcomed visitor. “I hope you have the coffee on!”

“Uh, yeah, Lois. I do,” he muttered as he shut the door and followed in her wake. He was just glad he’d remembered to pick up something on his way back.

“Oh good!” Lois said when she saw the take-out bags sitting on the table. “I smell...Chinese?” She hauled the cartons out of the bag. “How did you know that I was hoping for Chinese?”

“Considering we’ve only had it once this week so far, I figured it was time.” He shrugged. With what he had to tell her, he also assumed that every little bit of extra good will he had on his side would be a help.

When they had divvied up the food and settled themselves on his couch, Lois turned to him with an expectant look. “So, partner, what is it you wanted to tell me?”


To be continued as soon as possible.
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