Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower This is me 1/??? - 11/22/18 04:20 PM
This is me:

by LadyTpower

AN: I think there can be a reveal in different episodes and this is my way of giving you those reveals.
Each chapter will start with not knowing the secret, rediscovering it every episode. I am not going to do every episode so if you have a favorite one please let me know and I will look into it. Do you love this concept and you are a Zorro fan too, I have the same concept going in that fandom.

On with the first episode

Pilot :

"It that the rule?" Superman had asked her a few minutes ago, why was she having a feeling of familiarity? She thought to herself when she walked out of the building of the daily planet with her partner Clark right behind her. The sun was low and was shining in her eyes. They were on the there way to a shootout on 6th.

Lois and Clark were walking in silence next to each other. Clark with his thoughts at his first flight as the superhero Superman, hoping that nobody would recognize him. Lois on her part was with her mind with the same superhero although in a slightly different way. She was swept off her feet by the man. It was love on the first side but that sentence was keeping her mind occupied why had he asked her that? It was mind breaking. So mind breaking that she never saw that hole in the ground. She never saw that missing tile, until that hole made her trip, falling with her face towards the ground, but Clark's fast reflex in taking her in her waist stopped her from the humiliation of falling on the ground. She had grabbed his neck with her arm the moment she felt her that she was about to trip.

She laughed shyly and looked him into his eyes, " Thank you, Clark."
It was the first time that she looked him in the eyes, he had the most beautiful brown eyes, but there was something familiar about those eyes. Images of a different set of eyes running through her mind, while she was still in Clark his arms, where does this safe feeling come from, she couldn't be falling for the farm boy from Smallville, could it? Lois shook her head, no it was just because he was fast enough to grab her. The images of those eyes still in her mind until the last set of eyes she could possibly think off. That was just a coincidence, it couldn't be.

" No problem, Lois." Clark smiled charmingly, with a smile to weaken every woman her knees except for the woman he loved the moment he saw her.
Lois couldn't shake the feeling she had that the farm-boy of Smallville was hiding something from her, could it really be that obvious that the hero was right under there noses? Her mind took her back to the night where Clark broke that chain, " A missing link, he told her."
Moments later she felt like she was flying, she had thought that it was the pressure of the explosion.
The puzzle was starting to fit in her mind. But what to do with what she had found out, should she keep it from the world or even from her partner that she suspected him from being the hero in blue.
The pieces showed her the whole puzzle the moment that her mind went to the time that Clark had arrived at the daily planet and the moment Superman had arrived. It all fitted. She was going to keep quiet for now.

Hours later

Lois had asked Clark for a walk in the park after work.

" I wanted to talk about something that occurred to me the last few days." Lois started slowly while they walked toward the fountain.

“ What is wrong what do you want to talk about?” Clark asked a little confused.

“ You see, there is something on my mind and I can't shake it off.” Lois hoped that she was right about this.

Clark kept silent while he listened to her.

" I think I know who Superman is." Lois kept her eyes on Clark's face. Clark was shocked for a moment but pulled his poker face immediately. The problem was that Lois was used to looking for evidence and looking for the looks in somebody's eyes, evidence of lying. From that moment she knew she was right.

Lois sighed here we go, “ I know your secret Clark, I know you are Superman.” Clark just stared at the floor he couldn't find it in his heart to lie to the one woman he loved more than life.

“ You are right Lois, How did you know?” Clark asked.

Lois sighed and started walking, “ first It was I strange feeling I had from the moment you stopped me from falling, I noticed your eyes and knew I saw those eyes before. My mind started to puzzle until the puzzle fit. There wasn't a missing link in the chain was there and there wasn't any pressure from the explosion was there?”

Clark stopped her from walking and turned towards her. “Can we talk about this somewhere safe?”

“ Where do want to talk?” Lois asked.

Clark looked around and spun into his famous blue, red and yellow suit. He took Lois in his arms and started to float up. He flew them to the place he used to get a rest. A place between the moon and the stars and earth.

" There wasn't a missing link I just pulled myself free. About the floating, it really was a combination of flying and pressure. Now that you know, what are you going to do about it?"

“ First I wanted to expose but now I am not so sure anymore, I want to help you with your mission and I know your life is over when everybody would know. I will keep your secret if you give me an exclusive from time to time?”

Superman laughed, “ deal.”

“ Where did you really come from?” Lois asked him

" I am really raised in Smallville, Kansas. But I don't know where I was born, I know that my parents found me in a spaceship as a baby, in the middle of the night, in the Forrest. They took me in and raised me as their own son. I am probably not even from this planet, I really don't know."

" That must be horrible, not knowing where you're from or why that they left you here on earth"

" It is devastating, I don't know where I belong, you are the first one who made me feel that I belonged somewhere. I decided to be Superman, to help people with this powers that were given to me and still have a life of my own, their people who would want me dead because they are afraid of the unknown or because they want to dissect me like a frog. That is why I never told anybody. The only people that know are my parents."
“ I am glad your real parents brought you to earth though and into my life.” Lois caressed his cheek with her thumb.

Superman leaned in and in that magical moment, their lips met in what was a real and true love kiss. Never would Lois have thought that she would fall in love with Metropolis new superhero.

Stay tuned for the next episode
Posted By: LadyTpower Re: This is me 1/??? - 11/22/18 04:35 PM
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