Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower combined powers ( L&C crossover Z) 13/??? - 11/16/18 07:06 PM
chapter 12

Chapter 13:

For all the people that are curious about the legend of Toronado King of horses read Toronado's thoughts, it can be found on my profile or else you can send me a pm for the website link. It is given a unique view of life as Zorro's horse. Greats LadyTpower

on with the story...

Desoto crawled back from his place behind the rock to their camp. He took a note and a feather out of his saddlebag and his specially designed, paid with the tax-money of course, inkwell, designed in a way that he could take it with him on a trip. He wrote his plan on a piece of paper and rolled it up.

“ Corporal, take this paper and follow the instructions. It is the best plan ever to not only get rid of the evil himself but also get rid of Zorro.” Desoto laughed towards his Corporal.

“ The evil mi Alcalde?” Mendoza asked confused.

" Yes, Mendoza, I will explain to you in a minute. Please, Corporal, this needs to be set up the moment we walk in with the prisoners."

“ Si mi Alcalde!” saluted the Corporal before he jumped on his horse' back.

" Now follow me, Mendoza, I am going to show you how the devil looks like," Desoto said before crawling back towards his hiding place with Mendoza close on his heels.

" Look, Mendoza, Do you see that strange man, without the hat? " Desoto said pointing in the direction of Clark.

Mendoza nodded his head, “ Si mi Alcalde.”

“ That is the devils himself, I saw him make fire with his eyes.” Desoto was still shocked.

Mendoza shook his head, “ no, no, mi Alcalde, that is no devil that is senor Kent from the Americas.”

"No, Mendoza he is the devil in disguise, I saw him make a fire just with his eyes," Desoto stated.

“ Fire with his eyes, mi Alcalde?” Mendoza asked confused.

“ Yes, Mendoza now do you see the fire going out down there?”

Mendoza nodded, “ si mi Alcalde.”

“ Now, if we are lucky we will see the devil at work!” Desoto was sure of what he had seen.

The feeling outside was getting colder, the fire was almost going out when Clark opened his eyes. He was immune too the cold but not the rest he looked around him, on the other side of the fire was Zorro, using Toronado's saddle as a pillow. His right arm over Victoria's body, who was using Zorro's broad chest as a hard pillow. Her hand resting in the crook of his neck. Beside Victoria was H.G. Wells with his hat over his eyes, using his vest around a rock to sleep. At last, his eyes fell on the beautiful head resting on his chest. Lois her head, sleeping soundly. He caressed her before he aimed his laser-eyes on the fire to fuel it again.

“ Did you see that, Mendoza? Did you see that? I knew it, I was right!” Desoto almost yelled to Mendoza, shaking Mendoza's shoulders.

“ I saw it but I can't believe it, mi Alcalde. What are we going to do now? And what about Zorro? He never did something bad?”

“ Mendoza, Zorro is an outlaw, a bandit, and now an accomplice of the devil himself.”

“ But Zorro fights for justice? It can't be right!” Mendoza was not convinced even if he needed to fight Zorro he knew deep inside that Zorro wasn't evil.

" Don't you see Mendoza, they are possessed by him, doing only what he wants them to do. We need to do our duty sergeant and illuminate them, too bad for the others but even the ones who are in his possession need to die." Desoto watched in front of him and an evil grin appeared on his face.

" But then you need to kill Senorita Victoria!" Mendoza stated with a shock, he was too fond of the senorita or her food anyway, Victoria was the best cook in the pueblo.

" I am sorry Mendoza, but we can't let her live. She belongs to the devil now." Desoto said with a played pity for Mendoza. For Desoto she was harboring a known criminal and she needed to be punished, he hated everything related to Zorro and this was just the perfect opportunity to rouse the people against Zorro.

Lois had turned around and was no longer resting her head on Clark's broad chest. She was his anchor to the ground because not long after that he started to float a few inches off the ground.
Too bad that there were people holding a very close eye on him.

“ Mendoza!” Desoto shook the shoulder of his sleeping sergeant.
“ Mendoza!” he shook again.

Mendoza woke up from a dream about senorita Escalante's enchiladas, “ What is wrong, mi Alcalde?” the sergeant asked still a little sleepy.

" Look at down there, What do you see?" asked a shocked Desoto, with fear in his eyes for the very first time in his life. He was used to dealing with bandits, outlaws, heck even murderers but not supernatural, not with demons or the devil himself.

" I see senor Kent flying." he shook his head again in disbelief with what he just said, " I see senor Kent flying? Madre de Dios we are going to die tonight, I am not ready to die yet!" whined Mendoza.

“ Shut up sergeant. We are not going to die! They will die tomorrow. Try to play along with me in the morning, we may not let them suspect that we know something?”

“ Si mi Alcalde.” nodded Mendoza in fear, he didn't know who he was more afraid off, the Alcalde or Zorro and the devil. He still couldn't believe it, Zorro, a man he considered a friend, would be evil now.

" Now Sergeant, we go to sleep, so that we will be fit in the morning. Ready to act and finally bring down the Zorro era." Desoto laughed evilly, this time he was going to win and go back to his beloved Madrid a hero. The morning would come soon enough.

Zorro and Victoria were the first to wake up.
“ good morning Querida.” he kissed Victoria lovingly on the lips, she couldn't help to kiss him back surely now that she knew who was behind the mask. She needed to act like she didn't know because you never knew who would be listening besides the ones that already knew.

“ Good morning Zorro, this was one of the best nights of my life. I am sorry of how I reacted yesterday but I was just too shocked by the news.” Victoria placed her arms around Zorro's neck and looked in his deep blue eyes, “ Maybe I was just angry at myself that I just never saw it, thinking of myself as a stupid woman who didn't deserve you.”

Zorro caressed Victoria's cheek. " You are the smartest woman I know. You are even more than I deserve, Querida. I am just glad you didn't reject me as I feared and we will talk after everything is over. I love you Victoria." still caressing her cheek.

Victoria smiled, “ And I love you Zorro with whole my heart, never doubt that. I love you and not the mask.”

Victoria leaned in and Zorro willingly followed. They kissed until someone cleared his throat.

“ I'm sorry, so sorry, but it is time Mr. Zorro. They will be here any moment now. Miss Lane and Mr. Kent are already up and observing the farm.

" Thank you for not being mad at me for lying to you, Lois," Clark stated looking into those brown eyes.

" Seeing you dying there Clark, made me think about what is important. I could have lost you back there if Toronado hadn't saved us back there." Lois sighed still in disbelief of the fact that they were saved by a horse.

“ I wanted to tell you for so long, I just didn't know how to start. I am an alien Lois. That isn't something I could explain easily. Speaking of Toronado, did you know that the legend is true?” He never stopped looked in those beautiful eyes.

Lois laughed, " I should have to know that this wasn't your usual horse. Oh, Clark, I love you so much and I am going to make you never doubt my love again. I just wanted you to know if something went wrong tomorrow."

“ Everything is going to be alright, honey, trust me.” Clark hugged Lois and caressed her hair.
" Everything will be alright," he whispered again.


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