Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: LadyTpower combined powers ( L&C crossover Z) 6/??? - 11/08/18 04:19 PM
chapter 5

chapter 6:

The morning came fast for everyone, Victoria wasn't the only one who hadn't slept after last night. Clark and Wells sat in the tavern eating breakfast, planning their next step in saving Lois, he didn't know where to begin and he didn't like it one bit, worst of all he needed to do everything on human-speed the fact that they were in the past was worse enough. The history books didn't need an extra flying man in it.
Diego walked into the tavern quiet early that morning, something he rarely did on an hour this early but Zorro had a quiet night after what had happened in the tavern.
He looked around him and noticed the two strange men eating their breakfast, yes he had offered to help them but it was more because he wanted to see that nothing happened between Clark and Victoria, he was still certain that the strongest man of the two was trying to win Victoria's heart; and by all means he could succeed, he was type where Victoria could fall for if he really lived by the values he said he lived by, the man was strong and not afraid to use action when it was requested, “ Weren't they looking for a missing person? Shouldn't they be searching already if this person was so damn important?” he asked himself while he walked pasted the bar seeing Pilar instead of Victoria. He knew where he could find his heart if she wasn't behind her bar, she would be in the kitchen than.
“ I need to take some action and soon before I lose her to that Americano, but what can I do, she only knew the studious Diego, no man of action at all, helpless with the sword or a gun.” Diego shook those jealous thoughts to the back of his mind when he opened the curtains that separated the kitchen from the rest of the tavern.
Only a few people had the privilege to walk into her kitchen just for a chitchat in the morning, Diego was one of them.
The young De La Vega was like a brother to her or so everyone, Diego included, thought.
She really liked Diego even secretly loved him, but he could make that difficult sometimes, she could be so disappointed in him sometimes, why didn't he take action she asked herself sometimes, times like today.
She snapped out of those thoughts when she heard her name in a distance.
“ Buenos Dias, Victoria.”
“ Oh, Buenos Dias Diego. You are up early today.”
“ Yes, I haven't had much sleep, but how are you today?” He asked gently
“ I am fine thank you Diego, thanks to senor Kent and his friend, I wouldn't be here without him!”
Diego rolled his eyes, “ Yes, lucky he walked in yesterday.” he murmured underneath his breath, loud enough for Victoria to understand what he just said, hearing the jealous edge in his voice, the same jealous edge he had when she talked about Zorro a little to much for his liking.
Victoria groaned, she hated when he got this way and she wasn't going to let it past this time.
“ Stop being so immature Diego De La Vega, I didn't see you take any action yesterday when the first events occurred did I ? But then again Diego is no man of action now is he?” growled Victoria, the disappointment could be heard in her voice.
Diego rolled his eyes and could only sigh, he wanted to take action, he wanted to do it with every fiber in his body but there was no time to change into Zorro and he couldn't risk to do anything it as Diego.
He had been lucky before when he made such an impulsive move and took action as Diego, he was going to run out of luck and someone would be starting to notice and that he couldn't risk his life depended on it.
“ You start to sound like my father...” Diego sighed again but was stopped before he could continue
“ Good, at least someone does sound like him!” growled Victoria smashing all her frustrations into the bread she was making.
“ Why can't you and father just accept the fact that I hate violence and that I can't wield a sword or shoot a gun!” Diego tried to keep his voice calm and tried not to yell at her because he would sound to much like Zorro then, but she didn't knew how hard it was not to yell that he was man of action that he was the fox and that, that last remark had hurt him like hell.

In the meantime on the other side of the curtain...

Clark and Wells where busy talking through their plan when his super-hearing jumped in, he wasn't one to listen in to private conversations but the fact that his super-hearing chose to jump in their needed to be something wrong. He needed Diego to trust him even he needed to tell the truth about him.

It on that moment that he heard a growl and saw Diego step outside the kitchen clearly angry, he saw Diego walking outside the tavern and take off on his horse.

“ Herb., watch Victoria I am going after him!” Clark said while he stood up and ran outside, he could just see the direction he went he used his 'eye gizmo' like Lois would call it to follow the right horse tracks.

He found Diego at the edge of a ravine sitting on a large rock staring to the ravine he jumped with Toronado so many times, the young De La Vega snapped out of thoughts when horse hooves neared him. He looked up to see Clark sitting on the horse the De La Vega's had lent him.

“ What are you doing here?” snapped Diego
“ Aren't you supposed to comfort Victoria and take further away from me?”
Clark sighed and stepped of his horse, he tied the horse to a nearby tree and walked towards the place Diego was sitting.
“ Believe me I am not here to take Victoria away from me, but if I were you, I should look out with those words, those words could easily be your dead sentence and what does Victoria have than, she lost her best friend and the man she loves.”

“ What do you mean?” asked Diego trying to find out what the man knew, it couldn't be that the man knew he was Zorro, he Zorro only one time, yesterday evening.
“ Don't worry Diego I know exactly who you are, I will explain in a minute. You see and I know it will be something hard to believe what I am going to tell next but, you see I am living in the future and I try to live to standards set by you as a legend. I can't reveal to much of your future though. Anyway, my girlfriend is taken away from me by a man named Tempus and he is hiding her in this time line and I have some reasons to believe that he is after Victoria too.”

Diego looked confused, “from the future you say?”
Clark nodded and reached into his pocket to a photo he carried with him all the time.
“ Here this is the woman I am looking for.”
Diego smiled now while he looked at the picture, I just wanted to prevent that the same thing would happen to Victoria.
Diego stood up now and looked around, “ let's start again.” he said while reaching out his hand, Clark took the hand with one of his own.

“ Now care to tell me what the hell was wrong earlier?”

Diego sat down again and sighed deeply, “ you wouldn't understand.”

“ Try me.” Clark challenged

“ You know what the hardest thing is from all of this. Seeing your girlfriend swooning over one side of you while she is disappointed in the other side. I wanted to yell every time that I am that same man but she wouldn't believe me.”

Clark nodded he knew that feeling better than he could tell Diego.
“ I can't reveal much but I know that feeling better than you think.”

Diego shook his head, “ What the hell would you know about leading a double life?”
Clark smiled, “ More than you could think possible.”

“Let go of me help me, Mr. Wells please help me. No, let me go!” Clark's super-hearing jumped in,
“ Don't ask me how I know, but we need to go now, I think there is trouble in the pueblo, I have a feeling that Victoria is in trouble!” Clark said before running towards his horse, with Diego on his heels.

“ Go to the pueblo, I will be there as Zorro as soon as possible.”
Clark only nodded before they started their race against time.


In a Tavern in Santa Paula.

Tempus sat at a table waiting for the man who wanted to help destroy Zorro, for his own reasons clearly.
He hadn't need to wait long though, because mean looking man stepped towards him and took a seat in front of him.
“ I solved the mistake and she should be on her way soon.”
Tempus laughed, “ good, remember you get Zorro and the bounty on his head, my reward will be waiting for me at home. Now let's celebrate to the destruction of our enemy's” Tempus laughed, so sure that this time he would be on the winning side nothing could go wrong now.

Are they going to be on time and who is Zorro's enemy? Stay tuned for the next chapter...

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