Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of War Teaser - 07/31/18 12:43 AM
Rules of War


Previously on Rules of Marriage…

Outside, with the breathtaking view of the ocean behind them, Clark held his place at the altar, standing with Perry and Jimmy in their tuxes. Lois prepared to walk down the aisle of flowers that had been lain on the ground with the small crowd of silk covered chairs on the back patio of the hotel. The ukulele played along with the soft chords from the piano, the wedding march.

Lois hooked her arm in her father’s standing with him at the end of the aisle, staring back at Clark who beamed back at her. She felt a flutter of anticipation in her abdomen as she stared back at him. Her heart filled with such love and joy.

“You ready?” Sam asked, patting her arm. She nodded, swiping at the tears that had escaped her eyes as she walked down the aisle to the super man of her dreams.

A short moment later, they reached the end of the aisle where they stood in front of Clark. He turned to her father, shaking his hand and holding his arm out for her to take. “You look gorgeous,” Clark whispered. She smiled at him, gently squeezing his hand.

They turned to face Perry who was watching them with a broad smile. “Well, it’s a perfect day to get married, what do you all think?” He asked, looking to the small crowd of family and friends that stood behind them.

A light chuckle erupted from the crowd and Perry continued, “You know last week when Lois and Clark came to me with their plans to get married this weekend I was thrilled. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect match that these two.”

A stern look crossed his face as he added, “Even if they couldn’t see it in the beginning.” Lois felt Clark squeeze her hand and let out a light chuckle at that remark. “But that’s how the greatest partnerships start out. What makes a relationship survive...what makes love survive is perseverance. You two have seen your fair share of trials and come out on top time and time again.”

“Now, marriage is nothing to be entered upon lightly. Just like a newspaper, it takes a lot of hard work to make it a success. But, if anybody can do it, these two can. Now, Clark, you're about the most perfect guy I know. And Lois...” He smiled at her with a long pause, “... you're perfect, too, just the way you are.”

‘Always.’ Clark mouthed to her.

“So, basically, these are two wonderful people... who love each other... and deserve each other. And now, as the King himself might say... It's time for the big finish. Lois, Clark, will you please join hands.”

Clark took her hands in his, meeting her gaze with a smile as Perry asked the fateful question. “Clark, do you take Lois to cherish and love for as long as the two of you live? To love her faithfully, through the best and the worst? Facing whatever may come together?”

Clark’s hand reached up to cup her cheek as he responded solemnly, not taking his eyes off of her for a moment, “I do.”

Lois smiled, holding her hand over Clark’s as Perry continued, “Lois, do you…”

“I do! I do!” Lois cheered enthusiastically, swaying closer and closer to him as she stared back at him, feeling the love she felt for him threaten to overtake her.

Perry didn’t say anything, letting out a good-hearted chuckle as he motioned to Jimmy and Lucy, “Okay, now the rings,” Jimmy nodded, pulling the velvet ring box from his pocket, “Clark?” Perry gave him the ring.

Lois smiled shyly up at Clark as he took the ring from Perry and took her hand in his, “Lois, I have been in love with you from the moment I met you. I don’t remember what it was like not to love you, Lois, and I don’t want to know.” He said earnestly, meeting her gaze as he continued, “I love everything about you. Your humor, your passion, the way you just dive right in….” Lois couldn’t help but smile at that, “...even when you shouldn’t. You’ve saved me from myself so many times… You refuse to just watch the world and injustice from the sidelines. You demand that the world be a better place and because of you, it is. That fire inside you is what made me fall in love with you in the first place. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You are everything to me, Lois.”

She could feel tears stinging in the corners of her eyes as he continued, slipping her wedding band on her finger, “Today, I give you my heart, my soul, and our future.”

‘Forever,’ Lois added, mouthing the words to him, holding his gaze as Perry silently motioned to Lucy for the ring.

“Lois?” Perry handed her the ring Lucy had handed to him, and she took it, shyly looking back at Clark.

The reflection of the sunlight on her wedding band caught her eye and she couldn’t help but smile at how good it felt to know for the rest of her life she could call her best friend her husband. Not everyone had that luxury. It was what made her and Clark’s relationship so blissfully wonderful.

Lois bit her lip, trying to find the words to tell him what she was feeling in that moment, “Clark, you’re my best friend. Until I met you I never had a best friend.” A frown crossed her face briefly and he squeezed her hand, encouragingly. “A lot of people fall in love everyday and get married and start a family but not everyone gets to do that with their best friend.”

She smiled back at him and added, “Falling in love with you has been so easy. I don’t know why I fought it for so long. You have such gentle grace; quiet strength; but mostly, such incredible kindness. I've never known anyone with as pure a heart.” His hand tightened around hers as she added, “I could never love anyone else as much as I do you. You are the love of my life. I can’t imagine my life without you. Today, I give you everything I am. I give you my heart, my soul, my honor, and our life...together.” She slipped the ring on his finger, smiling shyly up at him.

With that, she leaned into him, capturing his lips with hers, reveling in the knowledge they were finally husband and wife. Both his hands moved up to cup both sides of her face, tracing the outline of her face as he deepened the kiss, forgetting the small crowd of loved ones behind them for the moment.

A soft collection of laughter filled the air and she heard Perry say, “By the power vested in me by this state and the First Church of Blue Suede Deliverance …I now pronounce you man and wife. You may ….continue kissing the bride.”


Bill Henderson made his way through the abandoned underground subway tunnels, following the sound of clicking against the concrete floor and water dripping. These tunnels had been here for ages since New Troy first began developing the cities. Not many people knew their way through these tunnels but as luck would have it his love of history came in handy for something more than a hobby.

The old maps from 1775 of the original towns in New Troy had fascinated him as a child and young adult. These tunnels had seen many crimes over the years. He’s been able to stop a child trafficking ring and a car thief in the last year. Now he would stop Lex Luthor’s doctor and anyone else working with her from whatever plans she may have been hatching before Luthor’s early demise.

He caught sight of a white lab coat at the end of the hallway he was on and called out, “Freeze! This is the police! Keep your hands where I can see them!”

She looked to her left and to her right, realizing there was nowhere to go, she turned to face him, “Inspector, this is a surprise.”

“Dr. Gretchen Kelly, I presume.” He called out with a smug grin, keeping his service weapon trained on her as he inched closer and closer.

Her hands remained in the air where he could see them and she remarked, “I’m afraid you’ve got me in a bad predicament. You know my name but I don’t know yours.”

He reached for her hands, holding the handcuffs out to slap them on her wrists, tightening them as he secured her in the metal binds. “You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to…”

A hard thud rendered him motionless as he fell to the ground in agony. His vision grew blurry as he struggled to hold his gaze on the woman hovering over him in handcuffs. She looked at him in disapproval, “Was that really necessary, Lex?”

“Always hold the higher ground.”

The last thing he saw before darkness overtook him was the face of Lex Luthor’s very alive face staring back at him.



The music played in the background through the speakers as the last of the appetizers were laid out. Lucy noticed with amusement that her sister still hadn’t returned from ‘changing into something more comfortable’ as she had put it. She also noticed the groom appeared to be missing as well. A fact that wasn’t lost on her mother either as she continued to grumble about the supposed schedule.

“What is taking her so long?”

“I’m sure they’ll be out soon.” Lucy reasoned aloud, doing her best to reassure her mother and prevent her from going into a tirade. Not exactly how she envisioned spending the day in Hawaii. She peered out toward the landscape windows that were partially open, seeing the gentle waves crashing against the shores. It was paradise.

“I never kept the caterers waiting at my wedding.” Ellen sniffed irritably, looking at Lucy pointedly and tapping her on the shoulder. “It’s been half an hour. Why don’t you go see if you can find your sister, hmm?”

“Not for a million dollars,” Lucy shook her head adamantly. “When she’s done...getting changed. She’ll come out and join us.”

“What is the big deal?” Ellen stood up from her seat, “Oh, for the love of God, I’ll go find her.”

Martha stood up, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “You might not want to do that.”

“And why not?” Ellen looked at her in surprise, not following what she was inferring. Martha leaned in to whisper in her ear and Ellen’s eyes widened and a blush crossed her cheeks. She took her seat, pulling her plate to her. “I don’t want to hear any complaints if the food’s all gone by the time they get out here.”

“I think that’s the last thing they’re worried about,” Lucy said in between fits of laughter, watching her mother’s face turn beet red.


A slow smile spread across Clark Kent’s face as he held his wife in his arms. His smile grew broader as he focused on the new term of endearment he could finally use to describe his connection to the woman he loved.


Never had he imagined his dream of having something so many people took for granted would be so life-changing. He had been a goner the moment he’d met her and continued to fall hopelessly in love with her despite the walls and neon signs she put up, warning him to stay away. It hadn’t been easy. None of it had been easy but right here in this moment—holding his wife in his arms and knowing he’d finally found the place he belonged—this is what made it all worthwhile.


Warden Nichols walked through the darkened halls of the Metropolis Penitentiary, making his way to the courtroom for the emergency hearing he’d been called to. Mayor Berkowitz had requested a review board on three inmates’ files. Two of which weren’t even in the prison’s care due to unforeseen circumstances.

He reached the end of the hallway and scanned his badge to unlock the door. A loud beep sounded and click from the lock echoed before the door opened. Warden Nichols stepped into the dimly lit courtroom, nodding to his colleagues that were seated in the front row.

He took a seat next to one of the detectives he recognized, frowning to himself. “Surprised to see you here, Jim. Doesn’t Bill usually handle these things?”

Jim Burrows shrugged his shoulders, “They were paging him but no one’s able to get through. You know Bill. He’s probably somewhere with no signal, hunting down another big case to make us all look bad,” the elderly detective let out a low chuckle.

“Any idea what Berkowitz wants with these three’s files?” Nichols asked.

“Your guess is as good as mine. Not much threat given one is a missing robot, one is dead and the other is sitting in his cell awaiting trial.” Burrows acknowledged, standing to his feet as the judge entered the courtroom.


Lucy Lane walked along the beach, feeling the ocean waves hit her ankles, washing the sand on her toes with each collision.

“That water is freezing,” Jimmy commented, from a few feet away.

Lucy turned to see him standing there in a pair of khaki pants, rolled up just below his knees and his white dress shirt from earlier, rolled up to his elbows. The top button was left unbuttoned and his tie and jacket had been ditched. She gave him an appreciative glance before turning her attention back to the ocean where the sun was beginning to set. “Just taking advantage,” she threw him a quick smile.

A warm smile crossed his face and he took a step toward her, “Pretty amazing how they pulled this off in a week, huh?”

“Well, you don’t know my mother,” Lucy let out a long breath, staring back at the ocean where the waves continued to roar in the distance. It was so peaceful here. She could almost forget everything that had happened this past year with Johnny Corbin and the shooting that had taken place at her apartment just last week. It seemed trouble was always not far away.

But this. This was paradise. This was a dream come true. No worries. No stress. The water hit her ankles again. She heard the sound of a soft whine from fireworks being set off in the distance.

It was paradise.

“Did you want to get a drink?” Jimmy asked, pointing to the small hut in the distance where a bar was set up. Music and laughter could be heard even from this distance.

“Sure,” Lucy responded with a smile.


The lights from the fire show lit up the night sky. Lois sighed to herself, leaning against her husband’s solid frame as she stared at the mystical display of red, yellow, and orange that lit up the sky.

‘Married,’ she couldn’t help but smile to herself, feeling a flutter in her abdomen, reveling in the knowledge that they were now husband and wife. Would it always be like this? His hand intertwined with hers. She ran her index finger over the gold band that now wrapped snugly around his ring finger.

Clark leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I think we’ve been discovered.”

She looked toward the corner where he’d gestured with a nod of his head. There in the corner was her irritated looking mother being led through the crowd by an enthusiastic Martha Kent. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of her mother in a Hawaiian shirt and a lei. Just a few feet away her father was wading his way through the crowd with Jonathan and from the look on her father-in-law’s face whatever conversation they were deep into discussion with had both of their attention. It appeared everyone had found a way to keep themselves occupied throughout the afternoon.

Hopefully, her mother wouldn’t be too disappointed at the failed reception. She and Clark had assured her there would be plenty to do without planning a big event. It just seemed unnecessary given that the guest list consisted solely of family and friends.

“Hey you two,” the friendly voice of their editor came from a few feet away.

“Perry,” Lois beamed at the friendly face. She glanced at the Hawaiian shirt, and Elvis themed margarita glass in his hand.

“Enjoying yourself, Chief?” Clark asked good-naturedly, allowing his arm to loop around her waist as they turned to face Perry.

“Well, what’s not to enjoy?” Perry asked, looking around. “I’m in paradise with everything I could ask for. Good food. Plenty of Elvis tributes. Good music, beautiful…”

“Careful,” Alice White approached from behind him, carrying a tall glass with a pink umbrella sticking out of it.

“Aw, darlin’ you know I’ve only got eyes for you.” Perry quickly recovered, turning his attention to his wife. “Quite the show they’ve got,” he pointed to the stage where the dancers continued to move around with the flames and music. If Lois didn’t know any better she’d say Perry was trying to deflect from his misstep with Alice.

“Well, now that we’ve finally tracked you two down,” Alice jokingly gave them a warning glare and reached out to hand them a small white envelope, “Congratulations and thank you for having us here. It was a beautiful wedding.”

“Thank you, Alice,” Lois said, taking the envelope from her and turning to share a look with Clark, “We’re just glad you were able to make it.”

“Well, who am I to turn down a flight to Hawaii from Superman?” Alice grinned at her.

“It is hard to turn down,” Lois reasoned, sharing a look with her husband just before she found herself face to face with a very irritated Ellen Lane. “Mother, hi.”

Her mother just stared at her with an irritable expression and Martha interjected from behind, “Ellen’s learning to relax and enjoy herself.”

A large flame lit up the stage causing everyone to gasp.

“I don’t know how any of the things you’ve made me do today are relaxing,” Ellen sniffed, glancing at their surroundings. “There’s crowds everywhere!” Ellen pointed accusingly at Martha, “She made me climb that God-awful volcano…”

“You seemed to be enjoying yourself when we were taking the scuba diving lessons…” Martha countered with a glint in her eye. “The instructor was very nice, wasn’t he?” She bumped Ellen’s hip with a knowing smile and her mother blushed.

“Yes, yes, I suppose that was…” She didn’t finish her sentence, seeing Sam and Jonathan approach.

Another large flame lit up the stage and fireworks lit up the sky causing the crowd to hush. They all looked toward the stage where a man moved back and forth with several dancers behind him, holding wands of fire in their hands and moving with the flames.

A loud crack filled the air and a collection of fireworks lit up the sky. The dancers fell into a line and stood at the end of the stage, taking a bow as fire lit up behind them in a straight line. The lead dancer approached the microphone, “Thank you everyone. Dinner will is served.”

The double doors leading to the dining room opened and a flood of red and green suited waiters stepped out in perfect synchronization, beckoning the guests to enter. After finding their way to the table Lois and Clark joined their family and friends at dinner, exchanging stories of the daily adventures on the island. As the night came to an end Lois took note that two people were missing at dinner.


Lucy Lane was drunk. She knew Jimmy was just as inebriated as well. She knew it and she didn’t care. All she did care about in that moment was how good it felt to not think anymore. Her lips found his, smoothing her hands through his hair and crashing into one another outside her hotel room.

‘This is a bad idea,’ the thought came to her just before she found the hotel keycard and swiped it.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked breathlessly.

“Are you?” he asked, running his hand against her cheek.

She didn’t answer, instead she reached her arm around his neck, pulling him with her inside the darkened hotel room. The door closed behind them.


“You said Henderson went in here?” Detective Zymack inquired, running a hand against his square jaw. The years on the force had taken their toll on him. His once young, spirited face, was replaced with one of a tired and worn detective that had seen it all. His jet black hair now colored a grayish tone. He had been on the force a long time. He’d seen things he had been sworn to silence on and had gone up against criminals with no respect for law and order. He’d seen men who claimed to uphold the law become criminals. He’d seen it all. Today was no different.

On his way home, he’d heard the request for help at the old subway entrance from the unit his friend; Bill Henderson had been dispatched to. Normally, he’d have continued on and let someone else handle it, but Bill Henderson was a good friend of his and if anything happened to him…

“Detective, he went in, and he never came out. I’ve tried calling his radio, but I keep getting dead air.” Officer Ryan explained with a worried expression.

“We’ve been waiting on the call from him for over an hour,” the SWAT Leader, Mike Rogers explained. He was a short man with a solid frame, piercing green eyes and light brown hair cut down in a traditional crew cut. He took a long puff from his cigarette before adding, “This isn’t like Bill at all.”

“Let’s split up,” Zymack ordered, making the hard call as he pulled out his radio, “Dispatch, this is Zymack responding to the 10-65 on Inspector Bill Henderson. Unit is splitting up to search the area.”

A chirp came from Zymack’s radio and the dispatcher responded, “10-26, Detective. Please advise if Henderson is in need of an 11-99 when his location is known. Do you copy?”

“Loud and clear,” Zymack responded, hitting the off button on his radio. “Everyone silence your radios. We don’t need any surprises when we get in there.”


From a safe distance a dark sedan sat in an alleyway as the last of the officers disappeared inside the entrance to the underground subway. Lex Luthor held up a handheld device, mentally counting the seconds before placing his thumb on the trigger. “What a perfect day for terrorism, wouldn’t you agree, Nigel?”

“Indeed, sir,” Nigel acknowledged with a firm nod.

There was a rumble and a second later concrete and rubble filled the air as fire and smoke shot up from the ground, dislodging the arch entryway of brick and concrete, causing it to fall and sealing everyone inside. “Impressive work,” Lex admired as the smoke cleared. “Mr. Bermuda knows his stuff.”


It was morning. That much Jimmy was sure of as he stared up at the ceiling, taking in his surroundings. He felt a lump in his throat as he contemplated the numerous reactions that would come from his bedmate when she finally arose from her slumber. He was in trouble. He knew it from the moment he woke up and realized the intoxicating evening of liquor and rekindling of an old relationship had been very much real.

They’d both been equally to blame but explaining the extremely bad timing to either Lois or Clark wasn’t something he envisioned going over well. He wasn’t even sure how well it would go over when Lucy woke up.


It was a simple word and said everyday all around the world in different languages—sometimes even exchanged with strangers; but she was no stranger. He glanced back at the dark brown eyes staring back at him and felt his throat go dry, uncertain how he should respond.

“Hi,” he finally found his voice. She bit her lower lip, giving him an odd expression before she jumped into something he’d often called Lane-babble mode.

“This is going to be weird isn’t it? Do we have to do the whole morning after awkward routine?” Lucy rambled, clutching the lightweight sheet to her face as her cheeks turned a crimson red. “I really don’t want to do the whole weird routine where we both act like we haven’t seen each other naked and try to pretend that…”

“Luce, take a breath!” Jimmy finally choked out in laughter.

“Sorry,” she smiled back at him. “I just…”

“What?” he asked.

He never got the answer.

Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion. Lucy’s panicked face. The hair standing up on his back. The sound of the hotel room’s keycard being used to unlock the door. The deafening sound of Lucy’s mother’s screams as he found himself unceremoniously yanked from the bed by his ear as she shouted at the both of them.

Any attempt to keep last night’s activities to themselves died in that moment.


Lois Lane sighed happily, resting her head against her husband’s chest as she stared up at the ceiling. A smile cracked across her face as she gazed up at the soft features of her husband’s face.


The word had teased her brain over and over as she lost herself in Clark’s arms again and again throughout the night. All she cared about was how incredibly at peace she felt to have her body intertwined with his. She knew she’d have to get up eventually. Clark had to take their family back to Metropolis and Superman had to do one last patrol around the city before they finally started their honeymoon. She still had yet to find out exactly where he was taking her.

“You’re supposed to be sleeping,” her husband’s sleepy voice murmured in her ear.

She smiled, looking up at the tired features on his face as he stared back at her, running a hand across her cheek. “I was just thinking…”

“Uh-oh,” he grinned, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

“Very funny,” she retorted, running a hand through his hair.

She held his gaze for a moment, taking in the serene surroundings and the rare peaceful expression she saw on Clark’s face. Moments like this were hard to come by. It was a rarity for
either of them able to enjoy quiet moments like this together. She enjoyed seeing him like this. No glasses, no cape, just…Clark. It was the face that only she and his parents had the luxury of seeing.

“Sorry,” he apologized, rolling on his side to face her. “You were thinking…?” he prompted, looking at her expectantly.

She propped her head up on her hand, looking back at him with a sigh, “Yes,” she allowed a smile to cross her face as she gazed over the length of his solid form she’d explored thoroughly for most of the night. “Thinking about how it is officially our honeymoon and I still have no idea where we’re going for the next two weeks. Seriously, where are we going?”

He grinned back at her and responded, “Well, now if I told you that’d ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it?”

She reached behind her to grab a pillow and swat him with it. “I hate surprises,”

He leaned in to kiss her. His hand moved to trace the frame of her face and he whispered, “No, you don’t.” His other hand moved over the curve of her hip and she let out a soft sigh as he murmured, “It’s still early. Checkout’s not till…”

A loud scream from outside the door caused them both to jump back, startled from the noise. “Oh, my God! Oh, my God!”

“Calm down!” Another muffled voice came.

Recognition crossed Lois’ face when she heard the second voice. “Lucille Elizabeth Lane, don’t you dare tell me to calm down!”

Lois sprung up from the bed, untangling herself from the sheet as she searched for something she could quickly throw on and allow her to investigate what was going on in the hallway. Before she could finish pulling the cotton dress over her head she felt a brush of air behind her. She turned to see Clark had already dressed and showered. She combed a hand through her hair and headed toward the door to investigate the situation that had her mother up in arms.

When she entered the hallway she saw a half-naked Jimmy on the ground where her furious mother had a strong grip on his ear. Lucy stood a few feet away with a sheet wrapped around her as she stood halfway in and out of the hotel room’s doorway. Lois stared at the scene for a moment before backing her way into the hotel room with Clark once more and closing the door behind her, desperate to unsee what she’d just discovered.

They were both silent for a moment, neither one wanting to admit to what they’d just walked in on in the hallway. She didn’t dare open the door until she was sure the sight of her almost completely naked sister, angry mother, and half-naked Jimmy Olsen were gone. She glanced at Clark who was staring at the ground, shaking his head and fighting the urge to laugh.

She cringed, recalling the scene once more and let out a half-hearted laugh, “Did I just see both Jimmy and Lucy half-naked in the hallway…with my mother?” Lois finally asked, uncertain how to process what she’d seen in the hallway. “Did I imagine that?”

“Not unless we’re both having the same hallucination,” Clark responded, shaking his head. “From the looks of it I’m guessing your mom discovered them.”

Another shout came from outside the door and Lois groaned, “I don’t know who I feel sorrier for, Jimmy or Lucy or myself for seeing…that.”

“I think it’s time for Superman to take everyone back home,” Clark said, letting out a chuckle when Ellen’s voice echoed through the door once more. “I don’t think anyone’s going to be enjoying the rest of their visit after that.” Lois nodded, unable to form a response as she let out a muffled giggle. Clark chuckled along with her as she heard her mother continue her tirade.

“You might want to wait until it calms down out there,” she giggled, pointing at the door behind them. It was silent for a moment, and she turned to Clark. “You think it’s safe to go out there and get coffee?” She motioned for him to scan the door and laughed when he shook his head adamantly.

“Nuh-uh,” he shook his head. “You couldn’t pay me enough to look out there.” He pointed to the phone by the bed.

“Room service it is,” she grinned back at him.


Gotham City

The glossy 8x10s sat on the desk, staring back at him as he pondered the next steps of his plan. Intergang’s presence in New Troy had become almost nonexistent in the papers after Diana Stride’s testimony put away the supposed leader. Now it seemed the criminal organization had reached out to the scum that continued to multiply ten-fold in Gotham’s dark alleys.

The image of his former friend, Harvey Dent stared back at him—taunting him with the fact that once again he had failed. How many lives would be lost in the war over Gotham? Before Dent had been lost to him for good he had taken the reigns in a diabolical plot to not only bring an end to Gotham’s recent epidemic in crime but for Metropolis and National City as well. The reach of Intergang across state and even country lines was astounding to watch. Harvey Dent always was a straight shooter but now he was gone and he, Bruce Wayne was left with a choice: let Dent’s efforts go to waste or pick up where he left off.

He held up the card he’d carried with him since his first encounter with the Joker years ago. If this worked the days of organized crime could come to a screeching halt. People could actually leave their homes and feel safe. He squared his jaw, determination washing over his face as he reached for the phone to make the call. “Alfred, bring in the scrambler.”


Pain. That was all he could think about as Bill Henderson took in a shallow breath. His eyes opened and all he could see was darkness. A cough tickled his throat and he became painfully aware of the cracked ribs he had as he stared into the dark nothingness that surrounded him. A flood of memories came back to him as he struggled to sit up.

Gretchen Kelly.

Mysterious gifts tracked to a mysterious courier.

Death threats.


Lex Luthor.

<<“You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to…”>>

<<“Always hold the higher ground.” >>

“Hellloooo?” the echo from someone in the distance calling out reached his ears, and he braced himself for the pain as he stood to his feet. A rumble from aboveground could be heard, and he frowned, trying to find some source of light for his eyes to see with.

He hadn’t traveled very far underground. The tunnel should have been bringing in light.


Realization dawned on him as Henderson felt the rumble above ground once more. He was trapped.



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