Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of the Game 8/8 - 06/02/18 01:19 PM
Rules of the Game
Chapter 8


Perry patted Clark on the shoulder, looking at the award Lois held in her hands. “I knew you two would bring this one home.”

Clark scanned the suite that had been converted into a dining hall for the awards dinner. Most of the other networks’ representatives were beginning to head toward the bar to lick their wounds. He still couldn’t believe it. He stared at the gold pillar in Lois’ arms with their names etched on the front. Their first dual award.

“Our first award as a team,” Lois said, holding up the award as they walked through the exit and into the lobby.

“Well, you two have definitely earned it,” Perry said, pointing to the signs leading to the bar where the rest of the nominees were gathering. “I think everyone’s headed over to lick their wounds.”

Clark let out a chuckle as Perry craned his neck, looking over to see who was where. There were four tables set up in the dining area where Mr. Stern and his wife were seated with Alice. He suppressed a groan, realizing Perry was looking to make a night of the win. He wanted to celebrate their big win—but with Lois. He glanced back at Lois who had the same distraught expression on her face. The look of yearning in her eyes was enough to break him into a cold sweat. All evening he’d felt every torturous caress and seen every heated glance his incredibly sexy fiancée had thrown at him. The keycard that sat in his pocket felt like an anvil weighing on him. Though he knew they should probably at least make an appearance at the bar with their owner and editor, the idea of spending another second on this floor that didn’t get him any closer to the suite he knew was waiting for them upstairs seemed like torture.

“You two up for a nightcap before we head out?” Perry asked. “My treat.”

“No!” Lois shouted a bit louder than necessary. Perry looked back at her in surprise and she blushed, “What I mean is we’re going to head out. It’s been a long day and an even longer week. We do have to find a home for this guy.” She patted the award.

“Oh, right,” Perry smiled, “I’ll see you two later then?” They exchanged a look, unsure what he was referring to and Perry chuckled, “I’m losing track of my days I guess. I’ll see you Monday then?”

“Night, Chief,” Lois said. Perry moved toward the table to join Alice and Mr. Stern and his wife in the dining area.

“Oh, I thought he’d never leave,” Lois mumbled, turning to face him.

“Let’s get out of here before he notices we’re still here.” Clark reminded her, pointing to the elevator doors that were opening across the aisle from her.


Lois gasped, feeling a pleasurable jolt run down her spine as she felt her fiancé's solid frame press against her. The hum of the elevator moving up the floors above them echoed in her mind as his lips devoured hers. His hands cupped both sides of her face, moving down her shoulders and to her wrists intertwining his fingers with hers as he pinned them up above her head, against the elevator walls. “I thought ...they didn’t have any...rooms?” She asked breathlessly between heated kisses.

“There was one room available.” He whispered huskily. She bent her leg, leaning back against the elevator wall and enjoying the pleasurable jolt that was running down her spine from every caress. His hands released themselves from hers and moved down the length of her arms, brushing against her shoulders and running down her sides. She let out a low moan as she felt his palms run up and down the chiffon dress she wore, creating a heated trail in their wake.

“I love you,” She murmured happily, running her hands through his hair. She let out a low moan against his lips as she felt his magical digits slip dangerously high up her thighs, scrunching the hem of her dress further and further up. She felt his breath against her, moving down the curve of her neck as she ran her hands through his dark silky hair. He pressed against her and she let out a low moan. He hoisted her up in his arms and allowing her legs to lock across his backside.“Oh, God...why didn’t we think about this...two days ago?”

“I don’t know.” He moaned as his lips reached the edge of her princess cut neckline.

His hands moved to her back, suggestively moving the fabric in a circular motion as he pressed himself against her. “Oh, Clark,”

The elevator doors chimed behind them and without losing contact with her for a second he reached down on the floor where she’d dropped the golden pillar upon entering the elevator. He handed it back to her and walked them into the hallway, sharing short frantic kisses as he repositioned her in his arms. She let out a sultry moan as her back pressed against the door. He pulled back for a split second to pull out the key to unlock the door.

She glanced at the familiar door as he swiped the card, letting out a heavy sigh as she put two and two together. “The Honeymoon Suite?”

“I didn’t think you’d mind.” He whispered in her ear, carrying her through the now open door and kicking the door closed behind them.

“Hmm, oh, no, no, no, but this time I’m going to have to insist on closing the blinds.” She helped tug his arms out of his jacket, allowing it to fall to the floor as they made their way through the living area, tossing clothing item after clothing item to the floor until they reached the bedroom door. Shoes, his dress shirt, belt and her shawl lay scattered around the hotel floor.

His nose nestled against her collarbone and she let out a soft moan. He set her down, allowing her feet to hit the floor as she stood in front of him. His hands moved up and down her back until he found what he was looking for...the metal zipper on the back of her dress. He looked to her for consent, giving her one last chance to pull away and change her mind.

“Yes,” She let out a low hiss as the material pooled down on the floor by her ankles. She reached for the top button of his trousers, and he recaptured her lips.

This time there was no pulling away, no holding back. His eyes were dark with a fiery desire as his gaze bore into her, reaching the parts of her heart only he’d been given access to. This was different. Every kiss and caress felt like he was pouring his soul into her. The nervousness that came with her previous experiences wasn’t there. There were no doubts. No insecurities. This was it.

He leaned against her, running his hands up and down her sides as she watched him kick the remainder of his trousers off his left ankle.“This time I’m insisting on sharing the bed.” He whispered, twisting the knob to the door behind her. He scooped her up in his arms and she wrapped her limbs around him, reveling in the feeling of being in his arms once more as he laid her back on the spacious king-sized bed.

She grinned back at him as he hovered over her, running his palms up and down her lengthy legs, “It is a big bed and...Oh!” His mouth sealed over hers. He ran his hand against hers, joining his fingers with hers to form a tight fist and lifting it above her head as he hovered over her, devouring her lips with his.


Jimmy looked over at the food and liquor that had been set up on a table in the corner. The sign that had been printed hung over the back of the newsroom reading, ‘Congratulations Lois and Clark!’ Perry stood by the stairwell looking at his phone.

The elevator doors chimed and everyone stilled, preparing for the guests of honor to finally arrive. “Surprise!” They all shouted but as the doors finished opening they came face to face with a very annoyed Ellen Lane.

“It’s just me...again!” Ellen snapped irritably, looking at her watch as she made her way down the stairs.

“This is the third time,” Perry grunted.

“I know,” Ellen said irritably.

“I thought you said you knew where they were?” Lucy said with an annoyed expression.

“I thought I did!” Ellen chimed in. “I don’t know. They’re not at Lois’. They’re not at Clark’s. I don’t know where those two disappeared to.”

“Well, look at the bright side,” Jimmy said, holding up his plate of appetizers that had been served already.

“What’s that?” Ellen asked irritably.

“More food for us.” Jimmy grinned.

“All this trouble to plan an engagement party and those two don’t even bother to show up…” Ellen grumbled under her breath.

Jimmy chuckled, offering a chocolate icing covered treat to Lucy, “Cupcake?”


Clark ran his hands up and down his fiancée’s bare back, reveling in the feeling of having her in his arms. The pleasurable cries from their most recent lovemaking ran through his mind as he held her. The soap dish in the shower had come loose earlier. He’d have to remember to fix that. After the most recent encounter, the sheets and bedding had ended up on the floor, crumpled in the corner from frantic limbs seeking something to hold onto or kick during that moment of pure ecstasy in one another’s arms.

He stared toward the bed from his vantage point on the ceiling and grinned. She let out a satisfied sigh, running her palm against his chest, “Wow…”

“You can say that again.” He murmured in her ear. His hands moved up and down her bare shoulders as he held her close.

“That’s what that’s supposed to feel like.” She whispered through her euphoric haze.

“What what’s supposed to feel like?” He asked, looking at her curiously, running a hand across her cheek.

“This.” She placed a hand on his chest as she rested her head on his shoulder. “Blissful, uninhibited, mind-blowing...” She let out a heavy sigh, turning to face him. “I’ve never had that before.”

He smiled, stroking her cheek with the back of his palm. “Had what?”

“No regrets. No...fears. Just this.” She smiled, leaning up to kiss him. He smiled against her lips, moving his hands up her back to cup the sides of her face. She broke off the kiss and smiled back at him, love reflecting in her eyes, “I love you, Clark,”

It pained him that she had been hurt like that. His vibrant and tenacious whirlwind of a fiancée had had so many barriers put up to protect herself from reliving that pain again. He made a silent vow to himself never to be the cause of pain for her. “I love you, Lois,” He whispered, leaning in to kiss her. He slowly floated them back down to the floor where the comforter and pillows had been tossed earlier. She sighed happily against him. “Better?”

“Much,” She grinned happily at him. “Perfect.” Her gaze wandered around the room that was scattered with clothing, bedding and everything they’d been so eager to remove hours ago. “God, we made a mess.” She giggled, looking back at him with a blush.

“Yeah, I’m gonna have to fix that soap dish before we check out.” He murmured in her ear. He chuckled when he saw the pink flush across her cheeks.

“Oh, yeah,” Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “I guess we got a little carried away.” She let out a long sigh, “God, why did we wait so long? That first visit here would have been so much less stressful...” She giggled and he tightened his arms around her.

“I did offer to share the bed.” He teased, letting out a mock sigh, “You just weren’t open to that idea.”

“I think we more than made up for that tonight,” She grinned up at him, raising her eyebrow as she looked at him. “Though I don’t think the bed got as much of a workout as the rest of the room.”

He smirked at her, letting out a light chuckle as she reached over to brush a stray curl that had fallen across his forehead out of the way. “I think our patience reached its breaking point. Too many interruptions.”

“And close calls.” She agreed, sighing as he nuzzled her ear.

“And close calls.” He agreed, tugging on her earlobe with his teeth. “And someone being way too handsy under the table this evening.”

“I didn’t hear you complaining.” She whispered, leaning back to allow him better access to her neck as he grazed his teeth against her throat. His hands moved to her sides, and her breathing hiked as she let out a throaty whisper, “God, how do you do that?”

“Do what?” He murmured against her, running his palms up and down the smoothness of her back.

“That.” She breathed heavily, “Know exactly where to...Oh!” She gasped as he rolled them over so he was hovering over her.

“Intuition, books, and a healthy use of super-hearing,” He whispered, accentuating each point with a kiss.

“Super-hearing?” She asked.

“When you’re really enjoying yourself your heart rate picks up,” He murmured, running his hands up and down the sides of her face as he leaned in to capture her lips. “Like this.” He moved his attention to her jaw, brushing his lips against the frame of her face. “And this.” He murmured, massaging his hands over her lower back.

“This.” She gasped in pleasure.


Three Weeks Later...

Dan Scardino rolled himself across the office floor, keeping his cast in the rolling chair in front of him. Three weeks of nothing but paperwork and typing reports for other assignments the agents in the bureau had been assigned. He was itching to get back out there but after his last case and defiance of a direct order from his supervisor, he’d been put on restrictive duty until his leg healed. “Three more weeks…” He muttered to himself, recalling the six-week window he’d been given by the doctor. Hopefully, everything would have healed correctly so he could get back to doing what he loved. There was nothing like rolling his sleeves up and digging into a complicated case. It was what drove him to do what he did.

“Here.” A folder crossed his desk and he looked up in surprise. “What’s this?”

“Suspicious activity from Fort Truman.” Agent Rogers said with a shrug. “I figured even you could take notes from a Humvee, right?”

“Right,” Dan beamed, feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins at the new assignment.

“No stunts. You mess that leg up again and you won’t leave that desk till the next budget review.” Rogers warned, sauntering off.

Dan chuckled to himself, looking at the photo in front of him. A middle eastern man with a beard and a profile that was enough to give anyone nightmares stared back at him from the 8x10 glossy photo. Amir Muunour. Suspected leader of terrorist group in Lebanon. Communications regarding a missing shipment of Ticeon.

“Time to get back to it I suppose.” He mumbled to himself, reaching for his crutches.


~The End

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