Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Darth Michael FDK: Standup and Be Counted 10/13 - 03/11/18 02:06 PM
Hi Terry!

Another mighty fine installment!

Kim was not surprised to see the signs of fatigue on both of their faces. In fact, both of them were starting to take on the appearance of a couple of raccoons, what with their slightly sunken eyes and dark rings above their cheeks.

KIM: Lois, I know it must be great fun to be newlyweds, but you *really* need to get some sleep. Sex isn't a valid substitute, you know? Or did you miss that college lesson?

Last night the one not called Benton offered two-and-a-half times our usual fee and said that you’d be taken care of – financially, I mean.
BENTON: My PO told me that I’m now legally obligated to state this more precisely.

“Cause he’s one of the bosses hornin’ in on the action since Luthor turned himself into a street pizza.”

Kim slapped her dad on the back of the head. “Pop! Come on! Try to be sensitive for once, okay?”
Yeah, him was a mighty fine gentleman. Wouldn't have his butler touch a pizza with his gun, let alone eat one himself. And now yousa comparing him to pizza. Tsk tsk tsk. He's street Carpaccio.

And I’ll let him know that I’ll cooperate with anything he wants ta do that’s reasonable.
[Linked Image]

“Naw, youse just surprised me. I can handle these clowns.”

I hope he can, Kim thought. She was too old to break in some other dad.

He waited a long moment, and it sounded like her laughter was under control now. “One more!” she shouted through the door. “I dare you to give me one more!”

Her laughter came more sporadically, but only because she was having trouble breathing.
So, that's the verbal equivalent of them having a tickle fight and Clark winning? Downside though, in a tickle fight they'd end up on the couch or on the floor with Clark on top and his lips close to hers and then...

Lois sobered and stood erect on her own but put her hand in Clark’s. “You heard back from Mister Smith, didn’t you?”

“’Fraid so. He wants you two ta do a birthday party for his new wife.
Oooh! This could be Bill Church Sr. and the new missus.

“We’ll do the show, Louie,” Lois said. “And we’ll be very careful.”
Hey! When did you sneak in Clois? [Linked Image] No wonder they never consummated their honeymoon.
CLOIS: Headaches!

She startled him badly when she pulled out a black long-sleeved jersey and pulled it on over her shirt instead of reaching for her dress.

“Lois, what do you think you’re doing? We go on in ten minutes.”

“You go do the first show. I’ve got to step out for a few minutes.”
Black clothing? Ooh boy.
LOIS: What? Black is camouflage. See? I *am* being careful.

He finished putting on his tux and thought about the danger in which Lois had once again placed herself. If they hurt her, he’d take this place apart, thug by thug, secret identity or no secrets left.
BRUCE: Awww…he’s *is* worried about getting his deposit back on the rental wife.

A more cultured voice answered. “Somewhat insensitive, don’t you think?”

“Naw!” the first voice growled as the two men passed her hiding place. “After all them other chairs, that one was the perfect thing! It was funny as—”

“I know, I know. It was as funny as the pawnshop owner whose arm you broke in two places last week. But I really meant that referring to the woman as a ‘broad’ was insensitive.”
clap Aren’t the Things the cutest!

Roberts’ concerned expression appeared to be genuine. “Oh, dear. Is there anything I can do? Does she require medical attention?”
Considering his vocation and the company he keeps, maybe he's worried that Clark's wife has had an accident?

Clark nodded. “She told me to tell you that she’d be onstage for the second show. In the meantime—” he heaved a sigh of disappointment “—I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with me.”

Three room keys came out of the audience and landed near his feet. He stared at them as if they were coiled rattlesnakes. “If anyone thinks I’m putting those in my pocket, you’re quite mistaken.”
Mr. SMITH: What the…*Angelique*!
ANGELIQUE: What? I had a spare key. huh

“Thank you, Roberts. I’ll tell Lois that. She loves to hear that I don’t really need her.”
Ooooh! Nice one!

“Hey! My husband sent me to check on your wife! I want to make sure she’s feeling okay!”
Ho boy!

The long-haired brunette-rooted blonde pushed past Clark with a triumphant grin as Roberts stepped back out of the woman’s path. Clark shrugged at him. “I think I’ve been overrun.”

Roberts smiled sincerely. “You do see that I’ve moved away from her line of advance?”

Lois’ only response was to throw back the covers, stand, and reach for her performing clothes. Since she was wearing only a T-shirt and underwear, Clark turned away to give her a modicum of privacy.
Must be balm to her ego.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

She had to know that seeing her dressed – or undressed – like that was like dangling fresh bait in front of a shark.
[Linked Image]
She had to understand that he might as well have been a hired servant for all the consideration she was showing him.
She would never...like that...in front of a male servant.

When would he learn? When would he accept that she didn’t want him around except for mission support?
Yeah, he probably would still argue she has complete disregard for his feelings or his presence when she steps out of the bathroom, rubbing her hair with the only towel she got.

How dare he imply that he’d been overwhelmed so thoroughly by two different women who weren’t named Lois Lane? How dare he completely ignore her?
clap She's jealous. Ticked off and jealous.

She sensed that he’d turned away from her almost immediately after she’d gotten out of bed. He didn’t even want to look at her partially unclothed body. He didn’t want her. And he certainly didn’t love her. How could he care about her and behave in that way? If he had any real affection for her, wouldn’t he make some comment? Wouldn’t he at least say “Excuse me” before he turned away? Wouldn’t he at least take a deep breath when he saw her state of undress? Shouldn’t he have made some appreciative comment about her? Or warned her that letting him see her like that wasn’t conducive for them making their curtain time?
Yeah, they really are wonderful at communicating. Good thing they neither have to rely on words or the understanding of human relations in their work.

Then she realized that she couldn’t zip it up all the way by herself. “Clark? Would you zip me up, please?”
Ho boy.
CLARK: See? She’s soooo mean to me all the time.

Get something light to eat, rest, go over the order of the routines with Clark, then go onstage and knock them dead.
Ooooh! It's Valentine's Day all over again. First we get a reference to their first date in Lucky Leon and now it's time for That Old Gang of Mine. clap

She already had the “dead” part down pat.

wave Michael
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