Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: NostalgiaKick Little Bit of Advice 1/1 - 02/26/18 01:07 PM
Author's note: So this tiny snippet is a loose sequel to my previous story 'Professional Discretion'. This will still make sense if you haven't read that one. Who knows, I may end up with an irregular series of these.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


They did it.

It’s taken secret identities, clones, resurrected sociopathic billionaires, scumbag doctors, electrified wedding rings and an honest-to-god alien invasion to get them to this point, but they did it.

Lois and Clark are married.

They look so incredibly happy. So in love. I knew when I partnered those two that it would lead to great things, but I’m not sure I expected this.

They belong together. And I’m beyond happy for them. But I’m also a little bit sad.

I remember my own wedding day. Alice and I were on top of the world, just like those two kids are now. And then life got in the way.

I want to give Clark some advice. I want to tell him not to let this feeling fade. Not to forget to show her all the reasons why he loves her. Not to let his jobs- the Planet and the planet- get in the way. Not to make the mistakes I made.

And I will. But not tonight.

Tonight I’m just gonna let them enjoy being in love.
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