Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:The Road Taken-Part 16 - 10/08/05 07:21 PM

Great part. hyper
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK:The Road Taken-Part 16 - 10/09/05 11:07 AM
Superman to the rescue!

Now you've actually made me like Lana.

DARN IT. And, worse...Lois likes her too.

And she knows that Clark is Superman.

Two ways to resolve this story:

1)Lana dies, and in several more years, Clark and Lois end up together.

2)Both women die, and then you seque into Yvonne's "Addicted"

3)The bad guys have Kryptonite, and the girls blow up the ship and EVERYONE dies.

I look forward to resolution #4 - the one you're going to come up with, Terry!
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK:The Road Taken-Part 16 - 10/10/05 02:14 AM
I've really fallen behind on reading these days, but I really will get around to this. I enjoyed the first couple of parts.

Posted By: ClarksGal Re: FDK:The Road Taken-Part 16 - 10/10/05 11:30 AM
Argh! I read this part just before going to bed last night, and now I can't get it out of my mind. I keep worrying about Clark getting there in time, and then getting her to a hospital in time. And taking care of the bad guys. And, thinking that if anything happens to Lana that he'll hate Lois forever, and that would just be awful. And I just can't figure anyway this will go well, and I just can't get this out of my mind. And, please post again soon, so I don't go stark starting mad! eek
Posted By: Bettina Baumann Re: FDK:The Road Taken-Part 16 - 10/12/05 07:39 AM
Hello Terry!

After reading all these chapters I simply had to write some feedback! The time this story starts in reminded me heavily of Smallville, the 'Superman-to-be'-show. Initially, because of that, I was prepared to hate Lana at first sight. But you know what? I so didn't expect to like her even after having finished the first chapter and I found a situation in the second chapter hilarious (I'm talking about her hanging on Clark's every word as he tells about his background), then morphing into serious with lots of humorous freckles (an artificial intelligence called Bob, rofl).

As the chapters wore on there were more and more incidents to discover Lana's train of thought and not (yet) considered plans. There were lots of passages which warranted certain concern about Lana - from the beginning you did a good job in portraying the mostly hidden struggle of a child trying not to become one's mother but at the same time valuing similar goals - and I enjoyed the way, you tried to resolve them.

Bringing Lois in the plot was unexpected as well because you took a great deal of time with that. In the beginning she was no more than mere support cast to the whole marriage-plot and their first two encounters were underlined by a (steely) determination, lacking fiery passion I surely expected.

In the end, I still don't know where this story will lead to - and there are only 2 chapters left! Being unpredictable is great, but I also fear that you won't be able to send an appropriate message in such a short time with so much stuff still untold. The greatest surprise in the final chapters was Lana telling Lois about Clark - why? They hated each other and just one moment of companionship cannot possibly be the cause for revealing this secret. Leaving Lana to die could be one simple way out of this mess (I remember Bob predicting mortal death likelihoods) but then, I would expect a sequel as well.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to the final chapters of The Road Taken, and if I haven't already said so: this story of yours is a phantastic alternative universe, one I'd trade with Smallville any day (sorry, maybe not that much of a compliment).

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