Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: NostalgiaKick Not Ready (Kerth Challenge #4) 1/1 - 02/01/18 01:12 AM
Author's note- Ok, so the challenge was to write a story based on the last song you heard. As it happens, the last song I heard was 'We Got This Together' from the My Little Pony movie (can you tell I have a preschooler? lol)
In amongst the bounciness you expect from a song like that, there's a line. "I don't know if I'm ready for all the things they need me to be" And it struck me that it's perfect for Clark.

This is set during Neverending Battle

Disclaimer: I own nothing!


I just want to help. To use the powers I’ve been given to help prevent pain and suffering. A kind of superpowered first responder.

I wasn’t expecting this.

I wasn’t expecting the publicity storm that has come along with Superman’s debut. I wasn’t expecting the tidal wave of accolades, the outpouring of support… the groupies.

I wasn’t expecting to be idolised.

The world has put me on a pedestal. Everywhere I turn, someone is expecting more from me. They think I can fix everything, save everyone; the infallible hero, with all of humanity’s virtues and none of their vices.

How do I even begin to live up to that? I’m just me. Clark. An ordinary guy; with ordinary dreams, with a job, with bills to pay. Just like everyone else. I’m not perfect. I have fears, insecurities, a temper. I don’t know what I am, but I was raised to be… human.

The world expects me- needs me- to be something more. And I don’t know if I’m ready for that.
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