Lois & Clark Forums
Nothing Can Stop Me Now! (Kerth Fiction Challenge #4) 1/1
By Lynn S. M.
Rated G

Disclaimer: Superman, Clark Kent, and company all belong to Warner Bros and DC Comics. I am only borrowing this universe for some not-for-profit fun.

This snippet is based on the song "Nothing Can Stop Me Now!" from the musical “The Roar of the Greasepaint – The Smell of the Crowd.”

I’m flying high, literally and figuratively. I can’t believe how well everything is going. I have the job I’ve always wanted, I’m working with the woman of my dreams, and now that my Superman character has met with a favorable debut, I should be able to settle down, finally.

I can’t wait to get home and tell Mom and Dad about everything that happened today. I know they probably saw on TV some of what happened with the Messenger and the space station, but I have so much more I want to tell them. Even these thunder clouds I’m flying through don’t bother me. But even if they had, I know that in another couple hundred miles, I’ll be past the storm.

I still can’t believe it. I know I just said that, but it’s true. I feel like I’m in some sort of dream. If I am, I don’t want to wake up. I’ve known for years that I’m physically invulnerable, but I’ve slipped up and had to move so often that I could never hope to attain what I really want in life. I’ve never been able to get close to anyone (other than my parents, of course) for fear of giving away The Secret. But now that I can stay in one place, I can spend as much time as I want to to get to know people and possibly to find someone – Lois? – to whom I might be able to entrust my life and the lives of my parents. Someone who will know, accept, and maybe even love the real me.

I used to think that I would have to live my life always on the periphery, never be able to join the rest of humanity. But now I can.

Nothing can stop me now!
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