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Inspiration for this story was also from the wonderful stories by Dandello, Coffee at the Bakery and The Bakery Redux; and Bob Bartholomew The Pub and Myxover, in addition to the challenge.

Thanks for reading and commenting! hyper
This was so cute and adorable and awesome! love Thanks for being the first taker on a Kerth Challenge this year. I loved it. I can just imagine Lois grabbing Clark by the tie and making her mental list of everyone and everything to do before the villains begin their plotting.
I LOVE IT!!!! clap clap clap
I was about to type "I love it," but Queenie beat me to it, so I'll just second the sentiment.

I must admit to being momentarily confused at the start of the story, because I had originally thought the proprietor was Uncle Mike and I was surprised both that he was still around and that Lois hadn't seen him in all that time. I think I had blocked that other Mike from my mind.

I would have liked to have entered the challenge myself, but I didn't recall the last song I had heard before reading of it, so I decided instead to write a story based on the next song I heard. That was from my alarm clock app this morning. Somehow, I think a story based on the song "Lord of the Dance" would be bound to offend someone, either because it might be perceived as being sacrilegious or proselytizing, depending on what the story contained. Let's see what the alarm app dishes up for tomorrow's song...

This story absolutely stands on its own and does not need a sequel, but having said that, I would gladly read any that you chose to write.

folc4evernaday: Thanks so much! I got that image of Lois and Clark when thinking how Lois who has been comfortably married to Clark for six decades would act. So glad it worked for you!

Queen: Thanks so much for commenting!

Lynn: Thanks so much! I reworded the beginning, so hopefully it's less confusing now. I appreciate you telling me. I almost made the character look like Uncle Mike, but decided that Mike and Mary Frances went together better. And Lois seeing an Uncle Mike doppelgänger would have been painful.

As far as a sequel, well I think my muse may not yet be done with this plot bunny, although I don't see myself rewriting the show in one long epic. More likely, it would be a scene or two at a time for a series of shorter stories, and likely skipping some episodes completely.

Thank you all for your kind, thoughtful comments and for reading. hyper
This is a really cute story. I was a bit confused in the middle, though, because it's not clear who is talking. It's fine going back and forth a few times without labels if there are only two people, but with more than that it's too easy to get lost.

Other than that, this was a fun read. I like how it's implied what Lois and Clark will change without having to show it with a longer story.

This kind of setup really makes you think. Would you go back and relive your life if you could? I don't think I would. There are a lot of things I have experienced that I don't want to go through again but would be inevitable.
Oh good! A chance for them to have children!
MrsM: I added some additional info, which I hope clears up the confusion.

Yes, this kind of setup can make one think. In keeping with the song's lyrics, obviously I think in this case Lois and Clark would go back, for more than one reason as the story implies. And going back in time is only possible in fiction. I find it fun to speculate what might happen and how the story might change.

Morgana: Yes!

Thanks for reading and commenting! hyper
Aww! I love this! It's so sweet~ although you know there's a little piece of me wondering if they change things too much, the timeline won't stay the same and certain things won't happen... But the chance for them to have kids! clap I love the explanation of it not having anything to do with biology and just a residual problem from that molecular scatter thing. That makes perfect sense to me. All in all, fantastic job!
Thanks, Mouserocks!! If they start changing things too much, I figured they would realize the timeline was changing too much. Or maybe someone like Herb or Mike will stop by. Wanting to keep Herb out of their lives might be enough incentive not to change the timeline too much... lol

Glad you like my alternative theory of why they can't have children. Thanks for reading & reviewing! hyper
A lovely story.
I was glad to meet Sister Mary Frances again, she is one of my favourite characters, and Mike was well drawn. This place outside of time and space makes a great café.
I loved Lois's list: "Find both colors of that rock around Smallville, find an apartment with a secluded balcony, tell your parents about us and this new situation, get your mother to make a suit, propose to you, get married before Cat gets any ideas or Trask shows up, check out that warehouse on Bessolo Boulevard for someone's ship and globe, investigate the city’s resident philanthropist and crook..." is a great summary of the first season major plots!
However, the changes begun by Lois and Clark would entirely change the timeline. Would then Wells show up and try to "fix" things?
Thanks, Millefeuilles. Mary Frances is one of my favorites, too.

Glad you liked Lois's list. She's not going to waste any time getting things organized, and I can just picture Clark meeking following with a "Yes, dear." lol

Yes, I do suspect Herb would show up to fix anything that threatens Utopia, in any universe.

Thanks for reading & reviewing! hyper
Awww, very sweet epilogue cuidadora! wave
I loved this epilogue! clap

Thanks so much for posting these! smile
Brava! I loved getting this quick peek into their second life.

Mayson and Dan? lol

YAY! Comments! hyper

Originally Posted by folc4evernaday
Awww, very sweet epilogue cuidadora! wave

Glad you liked it. Thought it fit with Valentine's Day coming up...

Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
I loved this epilogue! clap

Thanks so much for posting these! smile

Ah, thank you Queen! You're welcome.

Originally Posted by Lynn S. M.
Brava! I loved getting this quick peek into their second life.

Mayson and Dan? lol

I'm delighted you liked this peek. And don't they just deserve each other? laugh

Thanks for reading and commenting!! hyper
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