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Something about the first snowfall of the season makes the air smell pure and fresh. The environment takes on an ethereal, quieter tone. There is a sense of serenity in the atmosphere. Most city dwellers don’t attempt to drive their automobiles as the roads are too treacherous, thus adding to the quietness. Unfortunately, over the course of the afternoon, the weather had turned cold and gray; the snowfall having increased noticeably in the past thirty minutes, but the chill of winter had little effect on the tall, handsome man who moved easily down the street, his passage leaving the barest touches in the snow. Only by close scrutiny would anyone realize he was walking just above the snow and not through it.

For the sixth time in as many months, Jerome Clark returned to the imposing steel and glass research facility known as S.T.A.R. Labs. On the other hand he was happy to be coming here – on the other feelings of betrayal and hurt kept bubbling to the surface. Hopefully this visit would be the final one.

He was understandably apprehensive, after all his father’s warning so many years ago, still rang in his ears. ‘Son, those lab guys will get you their hands on you and dissect you like a frog’. After what had happened the last time he was brought here, he would just as soon skip entering the research complex all together. A fleeting smile touched his lips as snowflakes dusted eyelashes and icy air whistled past his ear. Despite the cold and mixed feelings, he was like a young man in the springtime of life, reaping the fruits of the first love.

So it didn’t matter about any discomfort he had experienced months before, soon Lois would be finished completing all the legal paperwork and with her body renewed and they could live again as a couple without the aches and pains of advanced old age.

He opened the glass door and stepped into the lobby; a wall of warm air greeted him. Even he could not ignore the drastic change in temperature. Waiting by the receptionist desk stood a slender, auburn-haired woman dressed in a blue and black jumpsuit covered by a white lab coat. Dr. Mercedes Amundsen smiled generously, emerald green eyes shining with deep affection, approached him and took his large hand in both of hers.

“Greetings Uncle …uh … Mr. Clark!” Mercedes remembered just in time that the receptionist, Ms. Krebs, a nosy young woman could hear everything. “Mrs. Kent will be finished completing her forms in another hour. Let me take you to the guests waiting lounge.”

Clark worked hard to keep a neutral expression. He was still getting used to the idea that Cat’s daughter had known for years about Superman, but had never uttered a word, not even her late husband knew about his secret.

“Thank you. Pardon my confusion, but isn’t Dr. Bartholomew supposed to be meeting me?”

“Not today. She’s with the family member of another patient. So, you’re stuck with me!”

A chuckle escaped his lips. Mercedes was so much like her mother, not merely in appearance, but also in personality.

She kept her voice lowered until they were out of the lobby and then said earnestly, “Uncle Clark, at least this is not as bad as the last time …when you were a patient here. If I knew what Ignatius was doing, Aunt Lois and the family would have been informed.”

Hearing those words, his mind went back to several months before; Dr. Ignatius Klein had examined his chilled body when his son CJ brought him in – victim of an apparent heart attack - Dr. Klein’s initial diagnosis was considerably off. Clark was in a state of deep hibernation sleep and while in that condition, his body had gradually began to regenerate. By the time Iggy had discovered the truth, Clark’s funeral was underway. As far as the world was concerned, he no longer existed. Iggy had two concerns; one that the shock would be too great for Lois to bear and two what if Clark never emerged from the coma? So, like a true scientist who kept emotional and family considerations out of the equation he had kept the bitter truth from her and effectively turned him into a labrat.

He may have been Bernie Klein’s great-nephew and was almost as intensely intelligent, but he wholly lacked his great-uncle’s gentleness and empathy for the Kent family’s unique situation. Despite his concern for Lois’ health, he should have at least informed CJ about the metamorphosis his father’s body was undergoing.

A grim smile touched his lips when he remembered Lois’ shocked expression as he stealthily entered the garden behind their townhouse. The last time he had been there, he was deep into his ninth decade, gray with the passage of time, yet still held onto a significant measure of his Kryptonian strength. But upon his return from S.T.A.R. Labs, he once again had the appearance of a man in his late twenties. Sadly, his beloved Lois was an old woman, who was understandably angry at her spouse for dying and then returning in such a spectacular manner. For a time, their reunion in the garden had been bittersweet. How does love – even one as strong as theirs - cross such an insurmountable barrier?

The matter seemed hopeless until Lois mentioned her niece’s offer of a chance at a return to her youth, to be renewed and enjoy a longer life with her family. Dr. Amundsen had reassured her that the six month procedure was deemed completely safe. Once he recovered from the surprise Clark was understandably worried there might still be a measure of danger. It figured despite advanced age the former investigative reporter would find some way to dive into trouble! Nonetheless, the very thought of seeing her young again made his heart soar and was worth the danger.

He remembered as they walked into their home hand in hand, Lois said with a wickedly mischievous gleam in those fine brown eyes that she wanted to do a few ‘things’ once her youth was restored. Indeed when it became evident that the Renewal procedures were having the desired effect, he had taken much pleasure in helping her accomplish those ‘things’.

His mind returned to this morning, they had reluctantly departed from the townhouse’s warmth and visited S.T.A.R. Labs Legal department. Earlier that week they had gone through the exhaustive process of officially re-establishing her life as a woman appearing to be in her late twenties, but who, in reality, was chronologically closer to ninety. Happily they did not have to contend with a mountain of forms and risk her being ravaged by paper cuts. No, she simply had to fill out everything on a tablet and take the final photos showing her physical progression to becoming once more the beauty he had fallen in love with over sixty years before.

Going over those forms reminded him of their early days at The Daily Planet, huddled in the conference room, knee deep in research materials during any number of investigations. As he recalled, there was more ‘romance’ in looking through actual paper and getting ink stains on his fingers than staring at a computer screen.

He remembered one research session in particular where they were trying to find out more about the Prankster. Kyle Griffin had a crush on Lois, one that was far from innocent. Clark was determined to bring him down before he could cause any harm. It was also around this time his lovely partner was beginning to see him as much more than someone she merely tolerated working alongside.

Once Superman had apprehended Kyle, the duo celebrated by eating delicious chocolate fudge ice cream sundaes at a place called, The Ice Cream Factory. Clark hoped that evening would have been the beginning of something special for them, and unofficial first date. - if it had not been interrupted by him hearing the sounds of police sirens responding to the alarms of a late night bank robbery. Quickly he rattled off another one of his corny excuses, leaving a frustrated Lois to pay the check. When he called her later that night, it had led to an argument and he decided, then and there, it was time to reveal who he was.

As matters turned out, the revelation did not happen. The following day, he and Lois were given separate assignments and did not return to the Bullpen until quitting time. Thanks to a tip from Bobby Bigmouth, they ended up at Pier 17 on a rainy night waiting to see if a ship called the Shackleton was going to be hijacked. Thus began the chase of the Harmonic crystals story. The following morning Lois met Lex Luthor’s mysterious assistant and media liaison Aykira Milan. Who, some months later, married the billionaire in a private ceremony on the island of Santrini.

“Uncle Clark? Earth to Uncle Clark! Hey, did you hear anything I said?”

“What?” He looked up, with a sheepish expression and said, “Oh sorry, I was thinking about the long line of events leading up to this morning. If Iggy had told my family sooner they could have spun some tale explaining my return to life. Instead withholding that knowledge sent Lois into a emotional and physical decline that might have led to her death. As it is I am now Jerome Clark, a distant member of the family. He cannot be trusted; my children on this planet need a doctor, so you are going to become our family ‘physician’.”

She shook her head in disagreement. “No can do. What with my duties as one of S.T.A.R. Labs administrators and being a close family friend, it does not allow me to be involved with the Kent family medically going forward. Plus there is this little project called ‘Renewal’ I’m involved in.”

“Hmm, point taken. What do we do when medical ‘situations’ occur?”

Mercedes stopped, laid her hand consolingly on his shoulder and said.
“The real reason I wanted to walk with you is Dr. Klein. As I said, his conduct was shameful. He should not have withheld the truth about your condition because at first he thought you might never wake up from the coma. Than when your body started regenerating Iggy wanted to monitor your bio-signs. Finally when you regained consciousness, Iggy STILL wanted to keep Aunt Lois and the family in the dark. His entire behavior and attitude was cruel and unprofessional.”

“Yeah, I’m not a fan of doctors to begin with. Bernie was the only doctor I was comfortable enough to draw close to. Dr. Emil Hamilton and his cloning process was a little ‘out there’. But Ignatius Klein caused a lot of unnecessary grief from his harshness.”

“Since I’m not available, I went through the short list of who would be the best person for the position.”

Clark ran a hand through his hair. “Agreed, who could take his place?”

“Someone with a Masters degree in Genetics and more than a nodding acquaintance with nuclear medicine, for some reason you guys always tangle with nuclear power in one form or another. The scientist must have other qualities besides their scientific background; compassion and empathy are important. Bernard Klein and your parents were well into their seventies when I was a teen-ager, but their gentle natures and calmness during times of great stress still remain firm in my memory.”

Her uncle looked down at the polished wooden floor; put both hands in his pockets and said, “Well then, the only person in S.T.A.R. Labs who fits that bill is Dr. Beverly Bartholomew.”

Mercedes eyes twinkled. “I thought we would see eye to eye on that. Bev is my choice as well.”

“Okay. I spoke with Iggy this morning and told him to surrender all of his and Bernard Klein’s encrypted notes on me and the family.”

Her eyes grew wide, with concern. “What about the Kryptonite in his vault?”

A sly grin creased his face and he said, “During our last visit here Lois barged into his office and demanded the surrender of all the Kryptonite into her care. He put up some resistance, but at that point, her Tae Kwon Do skills had returned. Considering her mood, he wasn’t going to argue with her.”

A shiver went through Mercedes’ body; she remembered how angry Lois had been at the taciturn scientist when she arrived for her first treatment. It was a wonder; Ignatius had been kept on as their family physician this long.

“Huh, what’s been done with the Kryptonite?”

“She gave it to CJ and he put it in the Fortress of Solitude, our version of a family safe.”

The doctor nodded in agreement and they continued walking down a wide corridor in companionable silence and passed the glass door to a huge indoor atrium filled with all variety of colorful plants. It was located in the center of S.T.A.R. Labs. The plants inside were part of botany research and many of the staff went inside to eat their lunch.

Mercedes contemplated the conversation. It was unlikely any of the Kent family would approach Ignatius for ‘medical’ treatment in the future, especially after the family meeting that Clark and Lois presided over. It was equal parts announcing his return to the family and getting up to speed with everyone after a six month absence.

“Dr. Klein will be unhappy about this turn of events, he’s enjoyed a certain status at S.T.A.R. Labs as the ‘Super Family’ physician. As quiet as it is kept, the suits and bean counters are aware of Aunt Lois’ attitude towards him. They were ready to re-assign him to our SL1 Lunar base as punishment. It’s a good thing you intervened; Ignatius is not the type to handle space travel.”

Clark’s expression became grim. “That was for all the good he’s done in the past and more importantly in memory of his great uncle.”

“What about your secret identity?” Mercedes said, her voice had gone low.

“Iggy may be a lot of things, but he’s not a fool. It’s highly unlikely any mention of Superman’s identity will come from him. Besides, he cannot expose us without putting S.T.A.R. Labs in a bad light. Even with all the positive things that are happening with the Renewal Procedure, people will want to know why the Kleins kept mum about the whole thing.”

“Will you and Lois tell Beverly everything?”

He shook his head, “There’s no need right now. At this point, too many people are getting suspicious. Best to let Dr. Bartholomew get on with her medical duties to us without distractions.”

They reached the large oak door leading to the Guests waiting room.

“Now that the Iggy Klein situation is out of the way, what are your future plans?”

“When we get back to Hyperion Avenue, Lois and I wanted to have more discussions regarding that matter. We … we might need your assistance.” Clark said with a sigh.

Mercedes wanted to continue their conversation, but the pressure of her myriad duties returned. She looked at her chronometer and reluctantly slipped back into the mode of an administrator. “Whatever help I can provide just ask. Right now it time to get back to work. Aunt Lois should be here shortly. ‘Bye Uncle Clark.” She gave him an affectionate peck on the cheek and then walked briskly down the hallway back to her laboratory.

Clark stood in the corridor for a full minute, deeply in thought. Then he sighed opened the heavy door and entered the room. Before him stood a refreshment table laden with freshly baked cakes, muffins and scones. His mouth began to water and a familiar aroma teased his nose; Sumatran coffee brewed exactly with way he liked it. He and Lois shared a piece of toast covered in butter and honey this morning and then hurried to S.T.A.R. Labs. It was long past time for coffee, quietly he began making a cup - heavy on the cream and extra sugar.

As he stirred the coffee he began to reflect on the conversations he and Lois had to have; what would they accomplish with the new lives they had been given. Lois could continue teaching online courses in journalism and writing which were very popular among the students of University of New Troy.

However, he needed an entirely new identity; Clark Jerome Kent was dead. For awhile he had been going by the name of Jerome Clark, distant relative of Kent’s family, but he worried that such an identity might not survive intense scrutiny. After all, for over sixty years Lois Lane had been married to Clark Kent. Her beloved husband dies, she undergoes the renewal process and suddenly takes up with Clark’s ‘relative’ who looks remarkably like him? Still, with so many people being renewed would anyone concern themselves with him?

Could they get away with it? After all, he had fooled people for years simply by wearing a pair of fake reading glasses.

There were other alternatives; it was not necessary for them to remain on Earth since quite literally with a longer lifespan new worlds were opened to them. Because the Renewal process many had decided to move off world and join one of the larger colonies in the Solar System. Moon Base Alpha, the L5 colonies orbiting the earth or perhaps even visit Saturn’s amazing rings which are composed of billions of icy particles ranging in size from tiny grains to kilometres across. With Clark’s abilities and new technologies, both he and Lois could fly there without assistance from EPRAD.

There were also many employment opportunities opening up in the orbital colonies around the Main Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. The abundances of precious metals such as nickel, iron, and titanium (to name a few), and water make asteroids an attractive target for mining operations. The water provided for the colonies in space, while the minerals and metals brought in were used to build habitats and grow food hydroponically. History was being made out there, it needed to be recorded and people needed to read about. Yet he suspected Lois would bypass all these spectacular marvels and opportunities in order to visit Mars colony.

Their son Jason and his family resided there. Last year the capitol city, Europa was nearly destroyed when an enormous fracture had suddenly appeared in the dome. Jason, as UltraMan had sealed the fracture well enough until it could be properly repaired.

Due to the great distance and her considerable age, Lois could not travel to Mars personally and investigate the phenomenon. But with the assistance of her youngest granddaughter Polara, a journalist for the online Daily Planet, the facts had been examined and frightening conclusions had been drawn.

Something about the odd circumstances of the near-tragedy never sat well with her. He suspected that as soon as she was given the all-clear health wise, they would be making a trip to Mars Base via Superman Express.

Clark muttered under his breath, “I better make sure the oxygen tanks will provide enough air for both of us during the flight.”

He heard someone clearing their throat. Apparently, he realized, there was another person in the room with him, an impeccably dressed man in his early forties reading a well-worn blue leather book of Keats. This must have been the family member who Dr. Bartholomew was attending to.

A book?

When was the last time he had seen a real paper and ink book?

There was something about this man that was oddly familiar.

“Excuse me.” Clark said.

Breaking away from his thoughts Henry looked over to his companion, for he was the only one who could have spoken, they were alone in the sumptuously appointed lounge. He in his marked British accent replied. “Yes?”

“Have … have we met somewhere before? For some unknown reason I am positive that we have. Yet for the life of me where we might have met isn’t coming to mind.”

Henry answered; the tones of his British accent added a touch of gentility to the words. “I must say I was thinking the same thing about you. My name is …Morgan. I …I’m waiting for my wife. Today is her final treatment.” He stood up, walked over and shook the other man’s hand.

Clark responded in kind, his handshake, firm and sure. He then said with just a touch of hesitation as if the name were something new and still unfamiliar. “Jerome. My …wife Lois is here.”

“Ah, I am waiting for a lady as well … my wife Joanna. It seems that I have always found myself sitting on a bench or couch waiting for her in one place or another.”

With a nervous chuckle Clark said. “Tell me about it! Lois has more than once kept me ‘hanging’ usually in a very tight situation!” As soon as the words escaped his lips, Clark knew he had made a serious mistake.

A twinkle came to Henry’s eye, numerous bits of trivial information, ancient memories and a conversation he had overheard in S.T.A.R. Labs lobby between some scientists who worked closely with Dr. Klein had all fallen into place to create a cohesive whole. “Yes, I remember. Is that truly your name? I think not. You are Clark Kent, former investigative reporter for the Daily Planet. What I am trying to understand is why a man whom the world thinks is dead is hiding behind an assumed name, especially when he is here waiting for his wife, the equally famous Lois Lane-Kent."
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