Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Rules of Trust 7/7 - 10/19/17 01:07 PM
Rules of Trust
Chapter 7


“Are you sure this is the right place?” Clark asked, watching from around the corner as a limo pulled up to a tall brick building with no signage outside. The tall metal door was sealed tightly as two couples dressed to the nine approached.

‘The fat lady sings’ he overheard the man say to the doorman. The door opened.

“Pretty classy crowd for an illegal gaming club,” Lois commented.

“Isn’t that Congressman Haines and his wife?” Clark asked.

“Nice to know how our taxes are being spent,” Lois commented with a wry smile. “Any idea how we break into this place?”

“Well they keep saying ‘the fat lady sings’ to the bouncer, so I’m going to assume that’s the password to get in,” he said, following her to the metal door.

“How many times have you done that?” she grinned at him. “Listened in on a conversation or scanned something when we were investigating?”

“Typically I do it to keep you out of danger.” He said with a smile before he knocked on the door.

“Yeah?” the peephole slid open, and a pair of eyes stared back at them expectantly.

“The fat lady sings,” Lois said confidently.

The door opened, and Clark looked around the large casino nervously. “Here goes nothing.” He muttered.

“No sign of Bonnie and Clyde,” Lois observed as they moved further into the room.

“Well, hopefully, someone here knows where they’re at,” Clark added, looking around the room.

“Let’s get to work.” She smiled back at him.


Lois watched as Clark headed toward the craps table to mingle with the crowd and find out what he could about Bonnie and Clyde. She moved toward the slot machines, seeing customers young and old playing the machines. No one seemed to be having any luck. She felt a hard bump from behind and saw a man with an outrageous hair-do walk past her.

She followed him, tapping him on the shoulder, “Excuse me. Mr. Hair-do?”

The man turned around in disbelief, “You talkin’ to me?”

Questioning whether she’d made a mistake, she responded meekly, “Yes, aren't you Georgie Hair-do?”

“Do I look like a bald dead guy?” he asked pointing to himself in disbelief.

“I…beg your pardon?” she asked, uncertain if she’d heard correctly.

“Georgie Hair-do was found floatin’ in Hobb’s river half an hour ago.” He said with a shrug.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” She whispered.

“I'm not. I owed him twenty large.” He said over his shoulder as he walked away.

Lois turned to scan the room for Clark, seeing him walking around the crap’s table. She turned to head his way when she felt someone grab her shoulder.

“What are you doing here?”

Lois turned around and found herself face to face with Mayson Drake. She was dressed in a long blue dress with her neckline lower than what Lois felt was appropriate. “Following a lead.” She crossed her arms over her chest, looking around the room.

“You need to get out of here. Now!” Mayson said in-between gritted teeth. “You’re going to ruin this operation. If Clyde recognizes you…”

“We’re just talking to a few people, and then we’re leaving.” Lois breathed irritably. “We have no plans in staying in this dump.”

“We?” Mayson echoed.

Lois looked toward the bar where Clark was sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. She recognized the blonde woman as Bonnie from Perry’s garage and narrowed her eyes as the woman took a seat next to Clark.

“If you’ll excuse me I have to go rescue my partner.”


Clark took a seat at the bar, watching the room cautiously. He hadn’t seen anyone that looked out of place. He had noticed a few patrons with hidden shields and weapons. The police were already here and ready for taking down Bonnie and Clyde if and when they showed up.

“Hey, handsome. How about some company?”

Clark turned to see Bonnie Parker in a blue cocktail dress that looked like it came off of a costume rack for a 1920’s flapper. It was amazing how different she looked in person.

Uncertain what to do he nodded, “Um…sure.” He motioned for her to sit down next to him. He eyed the other patrons of the barn. No sign of Clyde but if history on the duo of Bonnie and Clyde had taught him anything it was wherever Bonnie was Clyde Barrow wasn’t far behind. “So…do you come here often?”

She leaned forward, playing with his tie. “I haven’t been here in years. I guess you could say I haven’t been anywhere in years.”

He felt her tug on the knot of his tie and moved to stop her. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Why don’t you surprise me?” she grinned at him flirtatiously.

He pulled back, straightening up in his seat. He waved at the bartender who headed his way. She leaned forward again, playing with the silk of his tie, “You look a little wound up. Why don’t you loosen your tie and relax.”

“No, thank you,” he managed weakly, pulling away from her once more.

“Clark!” His super-hearing picked up on a hushed whisper from across the room. He looked up and saw Lois standing a few feet away.

“Beat it, pretty boy.” Clyde Barrow walked up, placing a protective arm around Bonnie, “The lady’s taken.”

“Knock it off, Clyde. After sixty years, I still don't see no ring on this finger.” Bonnie retorted.

“Could we discuss this later?” Clyde looked at Bonnie with an annoyed expression, “You’re supposed to be watching the door.”

“Look. Um... it was nice meeting you. Both of you. But I have to go... find someone.” He said hurriedly, moving away from the bar to find Lois.

“What’d you find out?” she asked.

“Get out of here…now.” He said, pushing her toward the front door before she could argue.

“But…” she turned to him, and he motioned with his hand the familiar flying symbol as he tugged at his tie, looking for a safe place to change.

“Go.” He repeated.

She hesitated once more then relented and walked toward the entrance they’d come in at. He moved down the corridor toward the backroom and changed into Superman at super-speed.

“Don’t anybody move!!” Clyde Barrow’s voice echoed through the room as he held a gun to the side of an officer he recognized from the bank robbery the previous afternoon. “I ain’t gonna miss this close!”

“Everyone move back!” another officer called out.

“That’s right! Don’t you forget who’s calling the shots here!” Clyde spat out.

Clyde hadn’t seen him yet, giving him the element of surprise. He watched as the undercover officers around the casino pulled out their service weapons and trained them on Clyde. Bonnie stood by his side with a shotgun trained on them. One wrong move and the officer Clyde held in his grasp would pay with his life.

“Hey, you look familiar…” he heard Bonnie say, pointing her gun around the corner.

“Oh, no…” he muttered to himself when he saw the familiar brunette being pulled up from behind the bar where she’d been hiding, camera in tow. “Lois…”

“Hey, ain’t you that broad that had my car?” Clyde asked.

Bonnie held the gun to Lois’ side and laughed, “Sure is, Clyde.”

Lois winced in pain when the barrel of the shotgun hit her side but didn’t respond. Clark shook his head, trying to gain control of his emotions as a plan formed. All of the undercover officers were a few feet away and could easily get caught in the cross-fire if he just landed in front of them… One wrong move and the officer Clyde had grabbed, and Lois would be paying for his mistake. He needed to neutralize Bonnie and Clyde.

He scanned the Tommy gun Clyde held against the officer, finding just the right spot to melt the internal mechanisms and render the weapon useless. He shot a blast of heat vision, hearing Clyde cry out in pain from the heat. Clark applied the same treatment to Bonnie’s weapon of choice before she could fire a shot. He flew at super-speed to remove the officer and Lois out of Bonnie and Clyde’s grasp and landed in front of them confident Bonnie and Clyde wouldn’t get a shot off.

“I don’t believe Georgie Hairdo is taking any new members.” He said, taking a step toward them.

Clyde hit the trigger repeatedly, but nothing happened. “What is this?” He grabbed Bonnie’s machine gun and found the same issue.

“Something wrong?” Clark asked, taking another step toward the duo as he grabbed the two weapons from Clyde and tossed them to the ground. Before either could take a step, he grabbed them both and handed them to the awaiting officers.

A scattered applause could be heard throughout the room. Clark walked toward Lois, “Are you okay?”

“Fine.” She said shakily. “Thank you.”

“I told you to get out of here.” He whispered, looking around to make sure no one could overhear their conversation.

“I thought I had the situation under control,” Lois said cautiously.

“It looked like you had a gun pointed at your side and no way to escape.” Clark countered. “I wouldn’t call that under control.

Before she could respond, Detective Wolf approached with a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Superman. How did you get here so fast?”

“I, uh,” he looked to Lois who shrugged and then struggled to come up with a logical explanation for him being there tonight. “I had a feeling Bonnie and Clyde might try and pick up old habits. This seemed like the logical place to find them.” He answered weakly.


Clark turned to see Mayson Drake approaching him. He mentally prepared himself for the verbal beating she was probably going to throw at him for everything she thought he’d done wrong tonight. Lois crossed her arms over her chest, throwing Mayson a skeptical look. She seemed to be thinking the same thing.

“Yes, Ms. Drake?” He finally responded.

“Thank you,” she said weakly. “You saved a lot of lives tonight.” She extended her hand to him, and he looked at her in confusion. “Don’t look so shocked. I can give credit when it’s due. You did good tonight. Thank you.”

He nodded, uncertain how to respond. “I appreciate that Ms. Drake. I’m just glad no one got hurt.”

“You and me both.” Wolf interrupted, looking around the crowded room.

Mayson looked toward Lois, “Next time I tell you to leave you better do it. Where’s that partner of yours?”

“He, um…” Lois looked to Clark for help.

“I think he was outside calling your story in, Lois.” Clark supplied for her.

“Right,” Lois nodded over enthusiastically. “Always with those deadlines of Perry’s.”

“Really?” Mayson asked, “Well, I need to talk to him.” She moved toward the exit and Clark looked at Lois for help.

“Mayson, wait!” Lois cut her off. “Aren’t you…busy here? I mean, you haven’t even gotten Ca-Superman’s statement…or mine for that matter?”

“I’m sure there are enough officers here to handle that,” Mayson said with a smile. “Excuse me.”

Wolf raised his hand to stop her, “Mayson, whatever it is is gonna have to wait. The mayor wants to talk to you about the press release on this one.”

Lois and Clark exchanged a look as they watched Mayson leave. Clark let out a long sigh of relief, “That was close.”

“Too close,” Lois said in agreement. “Did that just happen? Did Mayson Drake actually thank Superman, the vigilante for his help?”

“She’s not that bad.” Clark corrected.

“Please!” Lois rolled her eyes. “Come on, let’s get out of here. We’ve got a story to write up, and I don’t think Detective Wolf is going to keep Mayson deterred for long. You might want to go find Clark.” She traced the ‘S’ on his chest. He looked down with a smile, reminded he was still in the suit.


“So Clyde and Capone were planning to takeover Georgie Hairdo’s operation and trying to rebuild their old gang,” Lois explained over the phone to Perry as she finished typing her final notes on the story on her laptop.

“Well, now they can keep each other company while they await trial,” Clark said, looking at the screen from over her shoulder.

“This is great stuff you two.” Perry said, “Glad you all made it out of there in one piece.”

“Me too,” Clark said, looking over at Lois.

“All right, well send me what you’ve got and we can go over everything in the morning,” Perry said.

“Night Chief,” Lois said, hanging up the phone and turning the speaker off. She leaned back against the couch and sighed, “What a night.”

“Tell me about it.” He muttered, looking around his apartment with a frown. Lois had yet again gone head first into a dangerous situation and nearly gotten herself killed. He still wasn’t sure how to even begin addressing what had happened tonight.

“You okay?” Lois asked, turning to look at him.

He carefully folded the laptop down and set it on the coffee table. “We need to talk about what happened tonight.”

“What’s to talk about? We got the bad guys. The story is written. Everything turned out okay.” She finished with a weak smile.

“No, everything did not turn out okay. You got lucky. You can’t keep putting yourself in danger like that.” He fumed, “What you did tonight was reckless.”

“I was trying to get the story. Just like I’ve done countless times.” Lois argued. “What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is you could have gotten yourself or anyone else in that room killed tonight.”

“I was out of sight. I didn’t know they were going to recognize that officer and I certainly didn’t know they were going to recognize me.” Lois argued angrily. “I got in over my head. I know that, but you can’t expect me to change the way I do my job just because things are different between us. I’m still a reporter, and I still have to meet the same deadlines and…”

“Lois, did it ever occur to you that I could have gotten us that story without you being in there?” Clark reminded her gently. Realization dawned on Lois’ face, and she looked down at her lap as he continued. “I’m not trying to make you stop doing your job. Just be….more cautious. Take less unnecessary risks.”

“I guess this is one of those things I have to get used to,” Lois said with a slow smile.

“Please be more careful.” He said, taking her hand in his, “That’s all I’m asking. If anything ever happened to you…I don’t know what I’d do.” He moved his hand to cup her cheek.

Lois gave him a weak smile, “I’m not good at sitting on the sidelines.”

“I know, but there are some situations that are too dangerous.” He let out a long breath, removing his hand from her cheek. “Like an illegal gambling club filled with undercover cops and dangerous mobsters.”

“I thought I could get in there and get the story and go unnoticed, but I was wrong.” Her tone dropped an octave as she finished, “Very wrong.”

He leaned his head into his folded hands, twiddling his thumbs, “I would have told you what happened.” He pointed out softly.

“I know.” She looked down, “I guess I’m just not used to all this yet. I mean, I’m used to chasing down the leads and getting the story. At some points, I think I’ve got a handle on it and others…I don’t know. I forget when Superman’s saving the day it’s also my partner.”

“I guess I can understand that.” He relented gently. “Just try to be more careful. We can get the story without you getting yourself kidnapped or worse.”

“I can try. That’s all I’m willing to promise right now.” Lois gently nudged him with her elbow. “I still have to pull my own weight in this partnership.”

“I’ll take it.” He smiled, leaning in to kiss her.

“Thank you for saving me,” she murmured against his lips, “Even if it was my own doing.”

He felt her arms encircle around his neck and murmured, “I’ll always be there for you, Lois.”

“I know.” She grinned against him, running her hands up the sides of his cheek. “You’ve always been there for me when I needed you….as Clark and as Superman.”

“I love you,” He whispered softly in her ear, nudging his nose against her cheek.

“I love you too.” She whispered back, turning her cheek to face him. She leaned in to kiss him once more, tightening her arms around his neck.


“Ridiculous!” Mayson fumed as she drove down the familiar streets. “Absolutely ridiculous!”

She was angry.

She was furious.

She was hurt.

She thought Clark Kent was a good guy. He seemed to genuinely care about others and was willing to take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of others without giving his own personal safety a second thought. He seemed like the perfect guy.

That all changed when she’d finally gotten him to agree to a lunch date with her.

Yes, it had been on the heels of an argument with his partner, but at that point, she didn’t care. She was thrilled that she was finally going to have a date with the man she’d been fantasizing about for a week and a half. Ever since she’d seen him without a shirt at his apartment….

“Don’t think about that!” Mayson ordered, making a turn down Main Street.

He had an incredible body. It still amazed her that he hadn’t been snatched up by now. It was apparent his partner seemed oblivious to how lucky she was to work with him. She would kill to have a chance to work with Clark day in and day out.

What had gone wrong?

Why had he left like that?

She’d been mortified when he’d left before they’d even had a chance to order drinks. Then after she’d finished her meal alone, she’d had to negotiate with the owner to accept a personal check because the power system went down and she didn’t have enough cash on her. It was humiliating enough having her date walk out on her before the date had even begun. It was even more humiliating to have to beg the owner to take her check. Thankfully he’d been understanding.

All weekend she’d waited by the phone, waiting for a phone call to come that never came. He didn’t even apologize. What kind of guy does that? She cringed inwardly when she recalled how many times she’d degraded herself, throwing herself at him mercilessly. She thought he’d cared about her, but she’d been wrong.

Well, no more playing nice. No more playing victim. She was going to get some answers, and she was going to get them now. At least if she showed up at his apartment, she wouldn’t have to worry about him running off or his partner giving him an excuse to leave for takeout.

She parked the car on the street and prepared herself mentally to confront Clark Kent. “You can do this,” Mayson told herself. “Stand up for yourself.”


Lois let out a soft moan as she slid her right leg to the side, hovering over Clark as their embrace continued. Both hands moved to cup her face, and his lips found hers repeatedly. She felt a sense of déjà vu wash over her as their embrace continued.

“I thought we were taking things slow?” Clark murmured as she leaned in to nibble at the sensitive flesh between the curve of his neck and shoulder, tugging his tie loose from the collar of his shirt and throwing it over the back of the couch.

“We’ll add that to the list of bad plans.” She giggled, sighing in relief as she worked on unbuttoning his dress shirt and saw the bare flesh of his chest.

<<“Lois, you have no idea how many times I’ve fantasized about this,”>>

<<“I don’t want a one-night-stand, and I don’t think you want that either. I want forever…” >>

<<“You’re about to fall head over heels in love.”>>

Her hands moved up and down his chest, pressing her lips against each newly exposed layer of skin.

“You seem to have a lot of those lately.” He murmured, leaning in to kiss her. His hands moved up her back, pushing the soft cotton of her dress up as his lips moved down her jawline, feathering her in heated kisses.

“Too late for slow.” She whispered against him. “Besides this is …so much more fun.”

“I love you,” he murmured against her as she lowered herself on his lap.

“I love you too, Clark,”

She felt the obvious effect their embrace was having on him and shuddered involuntarily. Recalling how he’d put a halt to things the last time she didn’t move. She could feel him respond to her more and more as his lips nibbled at the sensitive flesh of her throat. She could feel her body slowly begin to respond as well. The room was slowly becoming unbearably hot as his breath moved up and down her throat. She could feel her thighs instinctually tighten around his waist.

“Lois…” he let out a shaky breath, “We’ve got to slow down.” He slid her off his lap.

<<“I don’t want a one-night-stand, and I don’t think you want that either. I want forever…” >>

She looked at him incredulously, trying to catch her breath as she felt a shiver run down her spine from the loss of contact. “You want to stop?”

<<“I want forever…” >>

“No,” he admitted carefully. She couldn’t help but smile at that as he continued, “But I don’t want to rush into anything. This…is still very new for both of us and I…”

<<“I want forever…” >>

The simultaneous ring of the telephone and knock at the front door interrupted him. Lois giggled, smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress as she stood up. “You get the phone I’ll get the door.”

‘Always something’ she couldn’t help but think to herself as she heard Clark answer the phone.

“Hey, Jimmy. Wait wait, slow down. What happened?”

Another knock on the door reminded her of the unannounced guest that was on the other side of his door. At least she knew this time it wasn’t Jimmy.

She unlocked the door and swung it open, “Mayson?”

“Lois?” Mayson echoed in surprise, peering past Lois to see into the apartment. “Wha-What are you doing here?”

“Well, I…” she began to explain and caught herself. Why did she have to explain anything to Mayson? She was the one that had shown up unannounced at Clark’s apartment. What was she doing there? “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“I need to talk to Clark. Is he home?” Mayson asked, pushing her way past Lois and taking a step into the apartment.

Clark stood on the other side of the room, buttoning his shirt back up from their heated embrace earlier as he jotted down notes on a notepad, still talking to Jimmy. Mayson threw Lois a look as she tapped her foot on the wood floor.

“Okay, when did this happen?” Clark continued, still not looking in their direction as he finished his conversation with Jimmy.

Mayson looked back at Lois, “Do you mind? This is kinda personal.”

“Excuse me?” Lois scoffed in disbelief.

“No, that’s okay. She’s right here. I’ll tell her.” Clark said, looking toward Lois. His expression changed to mild surprise when he saw Mayson standing at the door.

“Just go. There’s no reason for you to be here right now.” Mayson glared at Lois.

“You’re out of your mind if you think I’m going anywhere because you told me to.” Lois shot back angrily.

“No, it’s not like... Goodnight, Jimmy. See you in the morning.” Clark hung up and turned toward them. “Mayson, what are you doing here?”

“Well, for starters you never called,” Mayson said, giving Lois a disapproving look.

“Yeah, sorry about that. It’s been a crazy day.” Clark apologized.

Mayson looked at Lois, narrowing her eyebrows at her, “Do you mind?”

Lois looked at Clark who shrugged. Contemplating whether she wanted to stay in the room or not she finally decided to give Mayson the space she thought she needed to talk to Clark. “I’m going to fix a cup of coffee.”

Clark got a panicked look on his face, “No, no, no, don’t touch the coffee maker.”

“I can make a cup of coffee just fine.” She argued.

“Yeah, but then people would have to drink it.” He gave her an amused look. “There’s some Cream Soda in the fridge. Help yourself.”

Lois chuckled to herself, catching the uncomfortable gaze Mayson gave her as she headed toward the kitchen. She’d give her seven minutes. Surely it couldn’t take that long to say whatever it was she needed to say.


Clark watched Lois leave the room and smiled to himself before turning back to Mayson, “So, you wanted to talk?” he asked, uncertain where this conversation would be headed.

“Yes,” Mayson moved into the room, pacing by the back of the couch. “I think you owe me an explanation.”

“Explanation?” he asked, uncertainly.

“Yes, an explanation!” she fumed irritably. “I mean, you can’t just leave someone like that and act like nothing happened. You just left ….without any explanation or an apology.”

“What are you talking about?” Clark asked confused. “I called and left a message for you on your phone after I got back to the office.”

“You did?” She asked, suddenly embarrassed. “I..I didn’t get it.”

“You’re right. I am sorry for leaving you like that. It wasn’t fair to you…or to Lois.” He continued, glancing back at the kitchen where he was sure Lois was pressed against the wall by the walkthrough between the kitchen and living room, listening in.

“Lois? What does Lois have to do with any of this?” Mayson stammered.

Clark looked down, unsure how to continue. “I really wish you’d gotten that message. It’d make this a little easier.”

“But I didn’t.” Mayson corrected, fingering the back of his couch as she spoke. Her hand ran against the sheer red shawl of Lois’ that he’d thrown on the back of the couch earlier. Right next to it, fumbled in a ball was his tie from where Lois had thrown it.

“I’m sorry if I led you on, Mayson, but I’m not interested in anything more than friendship with you.” Clark continued, trying his best not to let his voice waver. The words he spoke were true, but it was still hard to hurt her like that.

“I see.” Mayson nodded. “I guess I can’t change your mind?”

“No,” he shook his head, glancing back toward the kitchen where he knew Lois was probably trying to eavesdrop. “That place in my life has already been filled.”

Mayson stared at the crumbled tie on the back of his couch and nodded, seeming to fit the pieces together. “By Lois?”

“Yeah,” he nodded.

“Okay, well I guess there’s nothing left to say.” She said, seeming to put on a show of strength as she made her way up the steps to his front door. “Good night, Clark.”

With that, the front door slammed behind her and Clark sighed, “Nope, not awkward at all.” He made his way into the kitchen and found Lois perched on the edge of the counter, looking at her watch. “What are you doing?”

“Five minutes and forty-five seconds.” She took a sip from her soda. “Not bad.”

He laughed, leaning in to kiss her. “Apparently a message got lost in the power grid failure last week.”

“I didn’t think you’d ever run off like that and not apologize.” Lois reasoned aloud, “Although given the fact that she assumed you would just goes to show how much she does not know you at all.”

“Well, I don’t think it matters anymore. Somehow, I doubt her opinion on me changed much after tonight.” Clark said softly, running his hand through her hair.

“As long as she isn’t showing up at my boyfriend’s apartment all hours of the night I really don’t care.”

“Boyfriend?” he grinned at her.

“I’m sorry, Super-boyfriend?” she offered with a twinkle in her eye.

He chuckled, leaning in to kiss her. “Just don’t repeat that one to anyone.”

“Deal.” She said, linking her arms around his neck. “So, what did Jimmy want?”

“He said there was a prison riot tonight. Capone was trying to go after Dillinger for squealing. Only he ended up getting double-crossed. Shiv in the back. No one’s talking to anyone right now.” Clark explained with a sigh.

“Well, I guess we know what our follow-up will be,” Lois said.

“You’re not going to demand we go down there and get the big scoop?” Clark asked surprised.

“No,” she sighed, pulling him to her. “I had this really smart guy remind me of this great source I’ve got that can help land the scoops without rushing into a dangerous situation.”

“Is that so?” he asked, looking back at her with a smile.

It would be so easy to pick up where they’d left off. Lose themselves in one another’s arms. So easy and so tempting. His eyes lingered over the smooth red cotton that hung on her in just the right way to accent every curve. He could very easily pick her up and take her into his bedroom and explore every inch of her without a second thought. It would be so easy.

He’d never felt like this with anyone before. He knew he was different growing up. He could still remember the questions about why he never got sick or how he was able to retain information so easily at even a young age. Then when he got to be an adolescent, he began seeing how different he really was when his body began to heal at a rapid rate. He was able to lift the tractor with ease when he caught it from falling on his dad.

It was then that he’d made the decision he’d never allow himself to lose control. He’d never let anyone get close to him. And he hadn’t. He hadn’t let anyone get close to him. He kept everyone at arms’ length until the day he met Lois Lane. From the moment he’d met her he’d been a goner. He’d grown to admire, respect and love her. He knew she was the only one he wanted to be with. He’d let her in. He had shared things with her that he hadn’t even shared with his parents.

There was still one thing he hadn’t shared with her though. Whether this was the right time to bring it up or not he wasn’t sure. They’d come so very close to crossing that line twice. That wasn’t how he wanted to remember his first time with Lois…his first time. He wanted it to be special. He wanted it to be right. He didn’t want it to be the result of them losing control, but rather a moment where they were both ready to take that step.

“I’ll fly you home.” Clark offered.

“I appreciate the offer, but that would prove to be a problem in the morning when I need to drive to work.” She pointed out.

“I can come back for the Jeep.” He pointed out, running his hands up her sides. “It’ll only take a few minutes.”

“And when someone takes a picture of Superman flying my Jeep to my apartment?” Lois prompted, looking back at him with a teasing smile.

“Probably not a good idea.” He conceded, leaning in to kiss her.

“Probably not.” She agreed, smiling back at him. “So…” she fingered the collar of his dress shirt, folding the flap of his collar where it had come unfolded earlier.

“So…” He repeated, looking down at her with a smile.

“I guess I should go home. Get some rest.” She whispered softly, still not making a move to leave.

“Yeah,” he smiled at her. “I guess you should.”

“So, tomorrow?” she whispered, sliding down from the counter to stand in front of him.

“Tomorrow.” He leaned in to kiss her.


~ The End

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