Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Ghost From the Past Part 25/?? - 03/16/17 07:01 PM
Ghost From the Past
Part 25


Five Years Ago…

“Lois, this is getting scary,” Lucy said looking at the names on her sister’s notepad of possible connections to the Metros gun-running schemes. “Congressmen, Senators….Somalia Pirates. Lois, this is dangerous.”

“I know,” Lois said shakily, taking a sip of her water as she leaned back against the couch.

“Why aren’t you working with that partner of yours on this?” Lucy asked, sifting through Lois’ notes. “I mean, Perry assigned you to work with him for a reason didn’t he?”

“Why so he can steal my story right from under me? I don’t think so.” Lois shook her head adamantly. “I can handle this.”

“Can you?” Lucy asked. “I don’t mind introducing you to my professors to help out where I can, but this is different Lois. This is pirates and gangs…Do you know what these guys do? They smuggle kids and women in and out of various countries and sell them like a slab of meat. There is no limit to what they could do. You can’t ….”

“Luce,” Lois cut her off, “Calm down. I’m not rushing off to Somalia.” She placed a supportive hand on her sister’s shoulder. She placed a hand on her abdomen for a moment, “Besides I couldn’t even if I wanted to. It’d put the baby at risk….and Claude already beat me to it.”

Lucy smiled, placing a hand over the invisible bump where her nephew or niece was growing. “Best present Clark ever gave you.”

“Lucy!” Lois laughed.

“What?” Lucy shrugged, “If it keeps you out of trouble. I’m all for it.”

Lois rolled her eyes, “You sound like Mom.”

“So what’s your plan?” Lucy asked cautiously.

“Well I can’t do anything about the Somalian pirates, but I can investigate the gun-runners here in Metropolis. Everything seems to be pointing back at the Metro Club. I’m going to go undercover and see if I can sniff out the connection.” Lois explained.

“The connection?” Lucy asked confused.

Lois pointed to the note cards on the table, “Southside fires. Organized crime focused in certain areas at certain times only. Gun-runners working out of Metropolis possibly connected to the Somalia Pirates organization.”

“Didn’t the guy that was running the Metros die?” Lucy asked.

“Murdered.” Lois corrected. “His son took over, but he wasn’t the one calling the shots. He said something about a ‘boss’ that was pulling the strings.”

“Who’s the boss?” Lucy asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Schools, shops, restaurants, theaters, offices, apartments: a self-contained community. A giant step forward in urban reawakening. A new, bright jewel in Metropolis' crown.” Lex Luthor said in front of the cameras as he unveiled the proposed changes to the Southside block in Metropolis that had recently been hit with unexplained arson attempts.

“Aren't you worried about making such a large investment in the Southside area at this time?” Linda King from the STAR asked.

“I never worry, I act,” Lex said, simply offering a charismatic smile to him.

“But what about the fires?” Eduardo from the Daily Planet asked. “Surely you have a plan to keep your million dollar investment safe? Or are you relying on faith, Mr. Luthor?”

There was a flicker of a scowl that crossed Lex’s face for a moment before he recovered and smiled, “We must strike at the root of this problem. When a tree is sick, you don't merely trim its branches.”

“Instead you'd chop it down and plant a bigger one?” Linda King from the STAR asked.

“If necessary.” Lex smiled, “Southside is currently a blight on the face of our fair city. LexHarbor will change all that.”

“How do you respond to accusations that coercion was used to pressure the city council to approve this project without appropriate study?” Ralph asked.

The scowl returned to Lex’s face once more, “I don't respond to accusations. I'm more concerned with results. I believe in this city. I believe we can empower ourselves and take back our streets from the kind of crime and gang influence.”

Inside the Metro Club, Johnny Taylor sat at the head of the board meeting table with his sister, Toni Taylor across from him, “Rocko, you tell the Robertson boys they got one week to pay up, then you take care of it. Next, Lou, numbers, what's the take this week?”

“Down, Johnny. Less street traffic on account of the fires, which I think it's time we start talking about.” Lou explained shamefully, shaking his head in disapproval.

“So, you want to run the meeting now, Lou?” Johnny barked accusingly at the young man.

“Johnny, I didn't say …”

Johnny cut him off, “Then shut up and worry about your own problems, like getting revenue up before I give Briggs your territory.”

“Okay, Johnny, no problem.” Lou tried to ease Johnny down.

Johnny looked around the room expectantly, “Anybody else?”

“Johnny, Lou's right, I think we should discuss these fires,” Toni spoke up.

“You got something to say, save it for later,” Johnny ordered, waving his index finger at her disapprovingly.

She let out a low breath then turned to him, “If I've got something to say, why shouldn't I say it now?”

“Because you don't talk at meetings, that's why.” He ordered.

“Maybe I should start.” Toni quipped.

Johnny sucked in a low breath, “You hear that?” He turned to the group, looking at them menacingly before turning his attention back to Toni, “Let me tell you something, Miz M.B.A. All that piece of paper means around here is; do the books and stay out of business.”

“Stay out and watch it go down the drain you mean?” Toni shot back.

Johnny’s eyes narrowed, and an uncomfortable silence fell over the room as the crowd of lieutenants eyed Johnny warily. He gave a nod, shaking his head as he looked around the room with a menacing glare before setting his gaze on Toni, “Sure, okay. Go on, tell us how stupid we all are.”

“Ever since Papa died I've sat back and watched my brothers run this organization…”

“That was how POP wanted it!” Johnny shot back.

“Yes, that’s what pop wanted.” She nodded, “I’m sure he wanted Tommy to get shot in an obvious set-up by the police to take him down with our top artillery weapon suppliers….”

“That was not his fault! Don’t you go slinging mud at the dead!” Johnny warned.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Toni continued, “Then there was Gus who got himself caught red-handed and won’t see the outside of a prison cell for the next two hundred and forty years –even with good behavior—because he couldn’t keep his trap shut to his slut of the week.”

“Hey, he’s loyal.” Johnny shot back. “He didn’t squeal.”

“No, he didn’t squeal.” She then narrowed her eyes looking at him cautiously, “Then there’s you Johnny…”

“Yeah, what about me?” He snapped irritably.

“We're inefficient. We're misdirected. We're a fraction of what we could be if only we concentrated on real business instead of this nickel and dime gangster stuff. Look at us. We're more interested in the new lounge act than in preserving the family legacy. What would Papa say?”

Johnny glared at her, pointing his finger at her once more, “Papa would tell you to find a good husband, start havin' some babies and leave the real work to the men.”

Toni looked at him in disgust, “That's what he did tell me, Johnny. Only he didn't realize that you would all destroy it all.”

She got up to leave, and he pointed his revolver at her, “I’m still the head of this organization and don’t you forget it.”

With that, he emptied several rounds around her head. Everyone in the room except for Toni ducked for cover. She stared at him unmoving, “Just what we need. A cool head in charge.”

One Week Later...

“I am NOT working on this story with RALPH!” Lois fumed angrily as she paced around her Editor-in-Chief’s office. She’d finally caught a break in her story on the Southside fires. This was the first big story she’d come across since the expose she and Clark had worked on with Roarke and Harrington. She needed this. She needed to lose herself in her work, so she didn’t have to focus on the huge gaping hole in her life. She’d already lost her lead on the Somalia Pirates involvement when Claude had found her notes on the gun-running story and gotten Perry’s approval to investigate last week. She’d been furious. True she couldn’t chase the Somalians in her current condition, but that didn’t mean she wanted Claude chasing it for her.

“You don’t have a choice,” Perry said folding his hands on his desk as he spoke. “You want the story you work with a partner.” She fought to suppress the blind fury that was threatening to consume her as she watched her editor destroy her undercover assignment with one mighty blow. Ralph? He wanted her to work with Ralph? The smarmy, fast-talking, sleaze ball that even Cat Grant wouldn’t stoop low enough to associate herself with him. That was who she was being partnered with.

“But…” She tried to argue once more, but Perry shook his head.

“Lois, the guys you’re going after aren’t just club owners. They’re gangsters. You need back-up.” He gave her a pointed look, “After what happened these last few months I want to make sure you’re covered.”

“Don’t bring Clark into this,” Lois said vehemently, wrapping her arms around her chest as she glared at him, “He has nothing to do with this.”

Perry held his hands up in surrender, “Maybe not, but you’re not the same. You need to have someone to help with the investigation.”

“Isn’t there anyone else that could help?” Lois pleaded, “I mean, Perry, come on…It’s Ralph!”

“Sanchez is in Reno. Cat is in D.C. Eduardo is in Guatemala. Claude is in Somalia…” Perry pointed out. “Ralph’s the only city beat reporter I’ve got available.”

“Fine!” Lois turned on her heel and left his office, slamming the door behind her. To her dismay, Ralph was already sitting at her desk waiting for her. “Great,” She muttered under her breath.

“Howdy, partner,” He held his hand out for her to shake and she glared at him.

“We are not partners,” Lois corrected. “This is a temporary assignment. Notice the emphasis on ‘temporary’” She glared at him.

“Yeah, yeah,” Ralph shrugged, “Where you wanna begin?” Ralph asked, taking a bite of his apple. The smell hit her nostrils, and she grimaced. “Something wrong?” He asked.

She shook her head, heading for the ladies room. This was not going to be easy.


Lois frowned at her profile in the mirror as she examined herself in the mirror. The slinky dress left little to the imagination. She placed a hesitant hand over her abdomen. Thankfully she’d yet to start showing yet. She was almost in her second trimester now. The morning sickness had thankfully subsided, and now she was enjoying taking some control over her body once more. It had been thrilling to hear her child’s heartbeat on the monitors for the first time. Lucy had stepped up and taken it upon herself to help her with the doctor appointments and making sure she was eating healthy. She’d found a recipe book with ‘1000 Twenty Minute Healthy Recipes’ and had insisted on trying it out. It was amusing to see her sister so excited about becoming an aunt.

She still hadn’t told Perry. After losing the gun-runner story to Claude, she just hadn’t had the courage to tell him. Hopefully, after this investigation was done and she’d proved herself she could break the news gently.

She peeked outside the curtain from backstage and spotted Ralph in a fake beard and clothes that looked like he’d found in the local thrift shop. “You’ve got to be kidding me…” She muttered, watching in dismay as he made his way toward the curtain, looking around with a leering grin. “This is my life.” She grimaced before grabbing him by the collar from behind the curtain to confront him, “What are you doing here???”

He smiled at her, giving her a leering glance “I came to see the show.” He pulled out a camera, “What’s your policy on cameras? Flash? No Flash?”

“Don’t even think about it!” She snapped, taking the camera from his hand and tossing it in the waste basket. “You need to get out of here. You’ll ruin everything.”

Ralph shook his head, “I think you’re forgetting the part where the Chief partnered us up on this one.”

“I didn’t forget.” She snapped.

He gave her another glance, and she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, “ Looks like you're real close to the story.”

“As a matter of fact, I am.” She shot back, “Now if you don’t mind…” She gestured toward the Exit.”

“I’m here to back you up.” Ralph said nonchalantly, “…and watch the show.”

“Five minutes!” The backstage hand called.

“I don’t need back up, Ralph. I need you to go.”

“I think you do.” He shot back with a smile, “How’d you get so close to the Metros anyway?”

“I know guys who know guys.” She said.

“Guys, who know guys?” He laughed, “What are you a gangster now, Lois? You getting cozy with Johnny Taylor?”

“Ugh! Not in this millennium!” She snapped back.

“Right,” He nodded, “I forget.” He pointed to the ring on her hand, “Engaged.”

“Go…AWAY!” She hissed at him.

“Places! That means you, sweet thing.” The backstage hand called again.

“Tell me what you’ve found out.” He said crossing his arms over his chest, looking at her expectantly.

“No. I don’t have time. Now scram…” She snapped irritably.

“And miss your debut? I think I'll stick around.” He grinned back at her.

“Ralph, you'll stick out like a bull in a china shop.” She snapped irritably.

“Maybe, maybe not. I can take care of myself, though.” He shrugged, “Thanks for worrying, Partner, but... I think you're on. Sweet thing.”

On stage, Lois watched as Johnny Taylor sat with a familiar man in Indian garb. The singer on stage was singing with the four dancers around her. How had she gotten sucked into this assignment and agreed to do something like this?

But I ain't up to my baby tonight
'Cause it's too darn hot
It's too darn hot
It's too darn hot

Something seemed to be happening from across the room. She saw four men in silver suits enter the building with some sort of blow torch on steroids pointed toward the stage, “Duck!” She called out, pushing a few of the girls down before the flames hit where they had been dancing a few minutes ago.

“Tell your friends the Toasters are here to stay!” one of the men said before turning to leave with a laugh.

Present Day…

Clark stirred in a spoonful of sugar into Lois’ coffee and handed it to her as they walked back to his couch in the living room of his apartment that evening. “You were right,” He murmured softly, setting a cup of coffee on the coffee table in front of him as he took a seat next to Lois.

“Of course I was,” She said half-jokingly, “What was I right about?”

“I can’t stand by and watch people hurting and not do anything.” He lowered his head to meet her eyes. “If I had just gotten to him sooner…maybe we could have…”

“Could have what?” Lois asked, “We had no way of knowing what would happen.” She leaned her head against the nook of his shoulder, “You did what you could with what we knew.”

“They’re just going to keep coming after him…” Clark shook his head in disgust.

“Then we’ll stop them,” Lois reassured. “You did good,” She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“It wasn’t enough,” He said softly. “It’s never enough.”

“What is?” She asked.

“Helping from the shadows…It just keeps happening…” Clark explained softly, lacing his fingers with hers as he spoke.

“You can’t save everyone, Clark,” Lois tried to reassure him.

“I also can’t put you in danger like that again,” He said solemnly.

“What are you talking about?” She asked.

“I panicked. I hesitated because I was afraid of Platt seeing me. If I hadn’t…” He lowered his head in shame, “It was pure luck that nothing happened to you.”

“Clark…” Lois reached up to stroke his cheek reassuringly.

“I can’t take that chance again.” He said solemnly.

“But you just said…” She began to argue.

“I know.” He sighed, “I can’t stand by and watch people hurting knowing I can do something to help. I’m not going to.”

She smiled up at him, “You’re going to start using the disguise,”

“We still have to figure out how to do this because right now I don’t have the slightest clue…The coverage from Nightfall is still all over the news…”

Lois smiled, “Just leave that to me. I’m sure we can come up with something they’ll buy.”

“I guess I need to talk to mom about getting some more suits made. I only have the one…” She leaned up to kiss him, stroking his cheek as she smiled against his mouth. “It’s not going to be easy.”

“No, but it’s a step forward.” She said reassuringly. “No more letting Trask and his men control our lives.”

He smiled, meeting her gaze as he let out a sigh of relief, “I like the sound of that.”

“Me too,” She leaned in to kiss him.

“I’m still not so sure about this ‘Superman’ name…” He began.

“Really? I kinda like it.” She toyed with his tie seductively, “Definitely suits you.”


Outside of Dr. Platt’s room, a man watched from a distance as Mrs. Platt and Amy left, leaving only the officer on duty and the doctors and nurses tending to him. He watched as one of the nurses entered Platt’s room. A few minutes later she left, giving him a wink before turning down the hall.

Alarms began to blare, and the officer on duty stepped aside as doctors began working on reviving Dr. Platt. He smiled to himself. His work here was done.

Five Years Ago…

“Chief, talk some sense into her!” Ralph complained as Perry made his way into the conference room.

“What now, Ralph?” Perry asked, mild irritation apparent in his tone.

“She almost got herself killed last night…and me in the process…” Ralph began.

“If you can’t stand the heat then stay out of the story.” Lois shot back. “Chief, we got a huge break last night…”

“Oh, yeah, great break!” Ralph sneered, “I’ve got the burnt hair on the back of my neck to prove it.”

“Oh, quit complaining!” Lois shot back. “No one made you come to the Metro Club last night. I told you to leave…”

“And let you scoop me? I don’t think so…” Ralph shot back.

“Enough both of you!” Perry shouted. “Ralph, it’s the Metros, and there are vandals going around burning buildings. If you don’t want in on the investigation, let me know, and I’ll reassign it.”

“But Chief…” He began to argue.

“End of discussion,” Perry ordered. Lois couldn’t help but smile at Perry’s directions. “Lois, that doesn’t mean you can take unnecessary risks.”

“I’m fine. I’m perfectly placed. No one suspects a thing.” Lois reassured him. The cell phone she’d been using for the Metro Club rang, and she reached for it, “Loi-Lola Dane.” She said, covering with a sultry whisper. Ralph gave her an eyebrow wiggle, and she glared at him.

“Sure. Sounds great.” She nodded before hanging up the phone.

“Anything interesting?” Ralph asked.

“Just debuting as the new singer at the Metro Club tonight.” She gave him a warning glare, “Don’t even think about it.”

“But…” Ralph began to argue.

“You nearly blew my cover last night.” Lois shot back.

“Lois, you can’t go in there without backup,” Perry warned.

“Fine. Get me someone other than Ralph.”

“The first thing we gotta do is find out who these guys are and arrange for a little payback.” Johnny began.

“I don't think so.” Toni interrupted

“Hey, I'm talking,” Johnny argued.

“Not any more. Your days of speaking for this organization are through. You should've seen this coming, and you should’ve taken steps to protect us _before_ it happened. As of now, you're out.” Toni explained.

“Says who, you?” Johnny laughed.

“Let's leave it up to the boys,” Toni said smugly as all the lieutenants stood behind her one by one. Johnny’s eyebrows rose in surprise, and she narrowed her eyes at him, “Take a vacation, brother. A long one.”


“Quit it!” Lucy scolded as Lois reached for another spoonful of the soup simmering in the Crockpot. “It’s still got to simmer for another hour.”

“I can’t help it. I’m starving.” Lois said, taking another spoonful.

“Here.” Lucy handed her an orange.

“You’re no fun,” Lois argued half-heartedly.

“It’s good for the baby,” Lucy explained. “What time do you got to go in?”

“A couple of hours.” Lois glanced at the clock.

There was a hard knock at the door, and she frowned, padding her way to the front door, “I swear if that’s Ralph…” She opened the door and was surprised to find Detective Bill Henderson standing outside her door, “Bill? What are you doing here?”

“Can I come in?” He asked, pointing toward her apartment.

She nodded, “Sure.”

He stepped inside the apartment and closed the door behind him. He glanced at Lucy warily for a moment and then back at Lois. Lucy realized his hesitation, “Uh, Luce, could you give us a minute?”

Lucy sighed, giving Henderson a warning glare, “Don’t do anything to stress her out.” She then went into her bedroom, leaving Henderson staring at his feet while Lois stared at him expectantly. “Well?”

“Perry White called me this afternoon. Said you’re involved in an undercover investigation with the Metros…” Henderson began.

Lois sighed, “If you’re here to try and talk me out of this you can just…”

“Lois, relax,” Henderson soothed, “I’m not here to talk you out of your investigation. I’m here to help you….well, actually I was hoping we could help each other.”

“I’m not following,” Lois said, trying to get him to elaborate.

“Metros are connected to another organized crime unit in Metropolis we’ve been trying to bring down.”

“The boss?” Lois noted Henderson’s surprise when she uttered the name. “I ran across it when I was doing the research on their gun-running schemes.”

“Well, no one’s been able to pin anything on this guy, but we know he works closely with the Metros.”

“What does that have to do with me?” She asked.

He held up a wire. “I want you to wear this. It’ll help us nab him and bring down the Metros once and for all. If you get into trouble all you’ve got to do is press this button, and it’ll send a radio signal to the unit that’s watching, and backup will be on its way. What do you say?”

Present Day - Smallville, Kansas

“Hold still while I fix this hem,” his mom said, readjusting the cape off the back of Clark’s shoulders. After his and Lois’ talk, she’d convinced him to fly them out to Smallville to try and begin planning his debut and introduction to the world. She’d reiterated to him over and over on the way over not to say anything about the baby yet. He hoped he wouldn’t slip up. It took everything in him not to shout it to the roof tops.

“I like that,” Lois said, tilting her head to look at him. The collar wasn’t nearly as low as it had been on the one before this. The cape was hooked inside the suit so that the suit just pulled over the cape which was hooked around his shoulders. It definitely felt more comfortable than the other suits.

“See?” his mom said, adjusting the collar once more as she placed pin after pin around the red fabric that was hanging out. “I just need to finish hemming this one, and then I think we’ll have a winner.”

His dad set a plate of fried chicken on the kitchen table, “Who wants extra spicy?” He looked at Lois expectantly.

She gave him a pleading look. Any other time Lois would be eating anything spicy without a second thought, but with her stomach acting up due to the pregnancy her appetite wasn’t the same. Deciding to deflect with a little humor he interjected, “Careful Lois dad’s extra spicy’s …” He gave a low whistle, “deadly.”

“I’m actually not that hungry,” Lois gave him an apologetic look.

“Okay, well just help yourself whenever you get hungry,” His dad smiled back at her, “You know where everything is.”

She nodded back at him, “Thanks, Jonathan,”

“Almost done,” his mom said, sticking another pin in the shoulder of his suit.

“Clark, what about you, son?” his dad asked.

Clark shook his head, “Sorry dad, after this afternoon I can’t really think about eating…”

His dad placed a supportive hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze, “I understand.” He took a seat at the table, setting a couple of plates out before taking a seat and grabbing a piece of chicken, “So, you think this…Lex Luthor is behind Dr. Platt’s attempted murder?”

“I don’t know,” Clark said solemnly, “It’s way too convenient. I know that.”

“He’s trying to push for his Space Station to go up in Prometheus’ place,” Lois said, taking a sip of her water.

“I remember you were saying something about some dirty dealings with him on one of your investigations,” his dad recalled. “Were you not able to ever prove his involvement?”

Lois glanced down at her drink for a moment. Clark watched her curiously. There was that look again. He couldn’t put his finger on exactly what it was, but he could sense there was something going on there about Lex Luthor. He watched as she fingered her glass gingerly, outlining the rim as she stared at the water before looking up at him, “No, the lead just…dried up.”

“That’s too bad,” his dad said. “Now he’s over here terrorizing this Platt guy…Sounds like a bully to me.”

“Yeah,” She brushed a stray hair out of her eyes, “We’re hoping we can prove it.”

“He plays dirty,” Clark said solemnly, “I’m hoping being able to help where I can without being recognized will help protect the innocent lives he keeps coming after.”

‘And maybe dissuade my guilt.’ He thought to himself.

“That’s all well and good,” his dad began carefully, “but you have to remember to be careful. We still don’t know what happened to that meteorite.”

“I have to do something, dad,” He murmured, “Dr. Platt could have been killed tonight, but if I hadn’t hesitated…”

“Clark, you’re one man. You can help where you can, but you can’t expect to protect everyone.” His mom said, eying him critically as she finished adjusting his cape, “You help where you can and when you can.”

“That’s right,” Lois chimed in, “Taking this disguise on is just so you can help but it doesn’t mean all the world’s problems are yours to shoulder.”

“Exactly!” his dad added, “You did what you could.”

He smiled back at his parents and then at Lois, “I guess you’re right,”

“Of course we’re right,” his mom reassured him, patting him on the shoulder, “Okay, that’s it. Let’s have a look…”

Metropolis, New Troy

Dr. Platt’s room was quiet. The monitors blinked a monotone beep and Mrs. Platt stared at her husband in despair, “I thought you were going to protect him!” She accused angrily.

“We’re doing the best we can,” Detective Ryder said, “We don’t know what exactly happened, but we’ve doubled security….”

“Security?” She asked in dismay, “What good is security when you don’t even know who did this? We don’t know anything!” She slammed her fist against the side of Platt’s hospital bed in anger.

“Mrs. Platt, we’re doing the best we can right now,” he pleaded with her. “I’m angry too. This is unacceptable, but…”

“Ryder?” one of the detectives knocked on the door, and they both looked toward him. “There’s a Lois Lane and Clark Kent here to see you.”

Ryder sighed, “Not now,”

“You’re not even going to talk to them?” Mrs. Platt asked.

“They’re reporters, Mrs. Platt. They mean well, but at the end of the day they’re just finishing up their story. I’m trying to help you here…”

She shook her head, “They believed Samuel when no one else would.” She grabbed her things and left, “Maybe they can help figure out who’s doing this and stop them.”


Five Years Ago…

Lois held in a breath as one of the detectives readjusted the camera that was taped to her bra strap. “You should be good to go. Just keep your bra covered and you won’t have anything to worry about.”

“That won’t be a problem,” Lois reassured.

“Okay, so this button,” She pointed at the red button taped to the front closure of her bra, “is your panic button. If anything goes wrong press, it and the surveillance unit will get notified. We’ll have someone by your side within minutes.”

“Okay,” Lois nodded, “Thanks, Detective…”

“Reed.” She said simply, “Betty Reed.”


Lois stepped out on stage looking around the room. She spotted up front Toni Taylor, the new head of the Metros sitting with none other than Lex Luthor. She did her best not to react. Surely he wouldn’t blow her cover here in the middle of her number, right? What song was she supposed to be singing? Oh, right….


“I am…”>>

Hmmmmm I've got a crush on someone. Guess who
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All day and night time give me sign
I never had the least notion that
I could fall with so much emotion

<<“Oh, my God…Clark,...Is that for me?”

“Yes...Do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful,”

“You’re beautiful. Lois, I love you, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,”

“I love you, Clark Kent, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,”>>

Lex stared at her with intrigue. What was he doing? Was he trying to draw attention to her? She smiled, looking around the room at no one in particular in hopes that it would distract her. This was bad. A very bad idea. She fought the urge to place a protective hand over her abdomen where her and Clark’s baby was growing.

<<“Tell me what you want…”


Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage, we could share
The world will pardon my mush
'Cause I've got a crush my baby on you

As she sang the lyrics to the song, she fought back tears, recalling Clark’s face when she’d first plowed into him at Met U. She felt her heart rate slow down and took a deep breath. She could do this.

<<"I figured we’d get married. Enjoy a very long honeymoon phase. Get a couple of Kerths….”


“…and a Pulitzer. Then start practicing.”

“I don’t think practice is something that’s required in that department.”

“That’s just part of the fun.” >>

How glad the million ralish from millionaires to carish
Would be to capture me
But you had such persistence; you wore down my resistance
I fell, and it was swell

Crap! She’d looked at Lex again. Why was he staring at her like that?

She needed to get out of here…but she couldn’t. She was undercover. She scanned the room and noticed a couple of the Metro goons by the back door with Ralph.

Double Crap!

You're my big and brave and handsome Romeo
How I won you I shall never never know
It's not that you're attractive
But, oh, my heart grew active
When you came into view

Don’t thing about it. She told herself. Think about Clark.

Slowly she began to calm down as memories of the past two years flooded her mind. The expression on his face when she’d first kissed him. The love in his eyes when he held her after the attack from Roarke. The teasing smile he’d offered her everyday for two years. A smile she hoped their child would inherit.

<<“Best present Clark ever gave you.”


I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and night-time give me sigh
I never had the least notion that
I could fall with so much emotion

“Look out! It’s a trap!” Ralph called from the corner of the club.

Lois looked around, not sure what he could be referring to.

Trap? What was a trap? She saw no sign of anything amiss. Opting to finish her number she gave a warm smile to the crowd and finished the last line.

Could you coo, could you care
For a cunning cottage
That we could share
The world will pardon my mush
'Cause I have got a crush, my baby, on you

Present Day…

Lois took a seat next to Clark in the conference room, handing Mrs. Platt a bottle of water, “Thank you for agreeing to meet with us, Mrs. Platt. I’m so sorry…”

“The doctors are doing everything they can for him, but whatever they stuck him with…They’re not sure he’ll recover.”

“I’m sorry,” Clark said solemnly.

“They said you two were the ones that … found him?” She asked cautiously.

“Yes,” Lois said quietly.

“He made us leave. He was sure they'd come after him. He was afraid that Amy and I would get hurt, so he sent us away.” Her voice grew shaky as she brushed a few tears out of her eyes, “ Everything we worked for was for Amy. The space lab Prometheus was the only hope... and now... My husband was not insane.”

“We know that,” Clark reassured her.

“Please help me. No one will listen to me…” She said shakily.

“We’re doing everything we can,” Lois reassured her. “Our biggest problem is trying to decipher his report. It’s a lot of ramblings and nonsense. Doesn’t make sense.”

Mrs. Platt nodded, “Samuel writes in code. A bit of paranoia of colleagues trying to steal his work.”

“Do you know anyone that might be able to help decipher it?” Clark asked.

She grew thoughtful for a moment and then nodded, “I might have something…” She jotted an address down on a piece of paper, “Can you meet me at my home? I have a lot of his old journals. They may help.”

“Any help we can get is greatly appreciated,” Clark reassured her.

“Thank you,” She said, standing up as she headed for the door.

They nodded, walking with her out into the newsroom. “We’ll be in touch,” Lois reassured her.

Mrs. Platt turned to head for the elevator when she spotted a familiar face on one of the television monitors, “Isn’t that Dr. Baines, Samuel’s boss?”

“Hey, turn that up!” Lois motioned to Jimmy. He complied, pulling out the remote to raise the volume.

“It appears at this hour that Dr. Antoinette Baines was a victim of a car bombing this evening as she was leaving EPRAD. Officials don’t know the details…”

Clark let out a long breath, glancing at Lois who reached for his hand, squeezing it gently. “He’s killing everyone,” Lois muttered in a barely audible tone.


Five Years Ago…

“Lois, are you okay?” Lucy asked when she’d rushed inside the apartment in a hurry.

“Fine.” She breathed, taking a deep breath as she leaned back on the couch. “Fine.”

She didn’t know what had happened. The whole place had erupted in gunfire. Thankfully she’d been able to find cover under one of the tables as she’d tried to make her way out of the club without getting hit.

“Lois, you’re trembling,” Lucy observed. “What happened?”

“This was a mistake. A big big mistake.” She said shakily.

“What was a mistake?” Lucy asked.

“I almost got shot tonight.” Lois cried, placing a hand over her abdomen. “If I….Oh, God…”

“Lois,” Lucy placed a hand over hers, “This is too dangerous.”

“I know.” She cried. “I didn’t think I…”

“You need to tell Perry.” Lucy sighed. “You need to slow down.”

Lois dabbed her eyes as she sat up, “I know. I never should have agreed to do this. I’m just so afraid of losing my edge…my big break.”

“I don’t want to lose my sister and niece or nephew for a story,” Lucy said quietly. “Please be more careful.”

“I will.” She promised.

“No more unnecessary risks,” Lucy added.

“I’ll do what I can, but I can’t guarantee anything,” Lois said.

A hard knock at the door caught their attention. Lois looked up in surprise, “Expecting someone?” Lucy asked in surprise.

“Nope,” Lois shook her head.

“When were these taken?” Lex asked Asabi with a look of disapproval.

“About an hour ago.” Asabi explained, “Ms. Lane is working with the police to bring down the Metros….and the boss.” He gave Lex a warning glance.

“I see,” Lex took a puff from his cigar. “Well, I guess we need to teach Ms. Lane what happens when you get too close to the fire.”


“Ms. Lane,” Detective Wilder stepped inside her apartment looking around.

“Something I can help you with?” Lucy asked cautiously.

“Just wanted to check and make sure your sister was okay after what went down tonight,” Wilder explained.

“Fine,” Lois said a bit too quickly.

“Undercover assignments are hard. Especially when you’re not used to them.” He explained, looking around the apartment.

“I’m gonna fix some coffee,” Lucy said pointing toward the kitchen. “I’ll be right back.”

“Do you think you got what you needed?” Lois asked. “I tried to point the camera where you could see everything…”

“Yeah,” He nodded, “We got everything we needed.”

Lois glanced at him, pacing around the living room nervously. Something seemed off. She just couldn’t put her finger on it. Her phone rang, and she reached for it, “Lois Lane.”

“Lois? It’s Perry.”

Lois gave a quick look to Wilder, “It’s my Editor. I’ll be right back.”

Not wanting to have a conversation with Perry in front of Detective Wilder she stepped into her bedroom and shut the door. “What’s up, Chief?”

“Where are you?” Perry asked with an edge in his voice.

“In my apartment. Why?”

“There’s a leak in the department. Apparently, the whole sting operation got leaked to the boss…”

“What???” Lois gasped.

“Henderson just called. I need you to get to the Planet and….”

Lois stepped outside her bedroom and let out an inaudible scream when she saw her sister unconscious on the floor. “Oh, no, no, no, no, no….” She knelt down next to her. “Lucy?”

“Lois? Are you still there?” Perry asked.

“Perry, Lucy’s been attacked….”

“I’m on my way…”

“No, Perry….” She stopped when she felt a leather glove covered hand wrap around her throat. Her eyebrows shot up in fear.

No. This wasn’t happening. Not now.

“Hang up the phone like a good little girl, and your sister just might make it out of this alive.” He whispered in her ear.

“Go to hell…” She spat angrily, elbowing him in the gut hard enough that his grip on her throat loosened just enough for her to wiggle free from his grasp.

“Oh!” He groaned, “You miserable b****….”

She raced to the front door only for him to grab her by the hair, pulling her away from freedom. “Nooo!!!” She cried out as his gloved hand closed around her throat once more.

“Oh, I’m going to enjoy this so much…” He taunted her, “The boss liked your song. Wanted me to send his regards…” He slapped her across the face, and she winced in pain.

“Where’s the tape?” He snarled, tightening his grasp on her.

“Bite me…” She spat, trying to portray a bit of confidence she didn’t feel at the moment with his hand closed around her throat. His other hand held her wrists behind her in a vice=like grip, preventing her from escaping.

“Is that an invitation?” He teased. Her eyes widened, and he tightened his grip on her, “Don’t worry your pretty little head. All I want is the tape.”

“I don’t have it.” She snapped back, not so convincingly.

“I think you do.” He shot back, moving his hands up and down her chest, “You took the wire off.”

“Go to hell!” She snapped back.

His grip tightened on her once more, and she cringed when she felt her air supply slowly depleting. No, this couldn’t be happening. Not now.

“You miserable…..Tell me where the damn tape is!” He snarled.

She could feel a weightlessness wash over her. This wasn’t fair.

She wasn’t even given a chance. No chance to do what she’d wanted. She wanted to be a mother. At least be given a chance. A bright light shone in her eyes as the memories from the last few years ran through her mind at a rapid pace.


At least now she’d know for sure if Clark was dead or not.

“Go to hell!” Lucy slowly came back to consciousness and began to stir. She heard her sister from across the room. What happened? One minute she’d been in the kitchen and the next.

“You miserable…..Tell me where the damn tape is!”

Her head hurt. She could feel a sharp pain in the back of her head. She looked around and spotted the lamp that had fallen from the table during Lois’ struggle. She heard her sister gasping for breath, and her grasp tightened around the neck of the lamp, feeling the metal base in her hands she lifted herself up cautiously. She fought the urge to cry out in pain.

She suppressed a whimper as she watched her sister’s lips grow blue. With one hefty swing, she raised the lamp to hit the intruder as hard as she could in the back of the head. He fell to the ground in a silent groan, releasing his grasp on Lois.

“Lois!!!” Lucy cried, cradling her sister’s head as she pulled her out from under Detective Wilder’s very large body. “Oh, Lois…”

She leaned over her, listening for any signs of breathing. Remembering her training from some of her required CPR certification classes she’d taken last semester she began chest compressions, trying to force herself to stay calm.

The door opened behind her, and she heard Perry White, “Oh, my God…”

“One…two….Lois, don’t you dare give up on me…” She said, leaning down to give her breaths before returning to her chest compressions.

“What happened?” Henderson asked from behind her.

“What….do….you….think?” Lucy hissed between compressions.

“Yes, this is Detective Bill Henderson. I have a female approximately 23 years old….”

“Lucy, why don’t you let me take over?” Perry suggested, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“No, if I stop…no, no, no….” She continued to give her compressions.

“Lucy, you’re bleeding…”

“I’m fine!” She screamed in tears, “Come on….Lois….fight! Come back to me please!”

“We’ve got an ambulance on its way,” Henderson reassured her as she continued pumping her sister’s chest at a rapid pace as she alternated between chest compressions and giving her breaths.

“Don’t you dare give up on me, Lois,” She cried.

“Fight! Damnit!” She cried in despair.

“Please God, no!” She cried.

The sound of an ambulance arriving from outside reached her ears as she continued to give compressions and breaths. The world around her seemed to be going in slow motion as she kept giving her sister breaths and compressions. “Lois….Please don’t leave me…” She felt a vibration against her, and she cried, “Lois, come on, you can do this. Fight. You’re a fighter….” She encouraged.

She cried out tears of joy when Lois coughed and her body spasm against her. “Clark!”

“Shhh….” She held her close. “I’ve got you.”

“My baby….” She cried in hoarsely.

“She’s pregnant,” Lucy whispered, looking back at Henderson and Perry who were helping the ambulatory workers set the gurney up.

“Pregnant?” Perry asked in surprise.

“Twelve weeks.” Lucy nodded.

“Clark’s…” Lois said softly as she was loaded onto the gurney and the ambulatory workers began working on her.


Detective Wilder sat in his hospital room, rubbing the back of his head gingerly. He was handcuffed to the hospital bed and he saw two uniforms outside. He glanced across the room and noticed his tazer and issued firearms were missing from his police duty belt that sat abandoned on the table.

“I am in so much shit….” He muttered to himself.

“The understatement of the millennium, Detective Wilder.”

He looked up and saw a tall man in a white lab coat he recognized as being one of the top lieutenants with the boss.

“I can explain…”

“I’m sure you can,” He said pulling syringe out of his lab coat, “but the boss gave strict orders for you to follow and you disobeyed. We can’t have that.”

“I’m sorry okay. I was trying to get the tape back but the b**** just wouldn’t….”

The man slapped him across the face, “We won’t have you disrespecting a mahila like that.”

“What’s going to happen to me?” Wilder asked in concern, watching the man warily.

“You’re going to enjoy retirement.” The man said, approaching the iv that was hooked up to him and inserting the syringe, “A very long, relaxing retirement…in the Swarga Loka where you will spend the rest of your days.”

“Swarga what?”

A burning sensation began to fill his veins and he looked up in fear. “You were never supposed to lay a hand on Ms. Lane. You were supposed to issue a warning from the boss and get the tape. For your disobedience, your death will be a painful one….”

“Wha…” He croaked unable to speak as the burning sensation filled his lungs.

“It’s amazing what you can find when you have the right resources. Drugs that were rejected by the FDA because of their likelihood to cause an overdose. Drugs that can’t be detected when mixed with a patient’s blood stream. Drugs that can cause your entire body to shut down simultaneously in….one …minute. Once the toxin reaches your heart it will stop beating. Your brain, your lungs, your liver….all of them will be destroyed.” The man walked toward Wilder’s police duty belt and removed a microscopic chip that was hooked to the inside of his handgun holster. “It was a pleasure doing business with you Detective Wilder.”


“Okay, just lie back,” the doctor instructed, “This is going to be a bit…”

“Ahhh!” Lois jerked away as the cold gel hit her stomach.

“…cold.” She smiled back at her.

“No kidding?” Lois said sarcastically, her voice hitched with a slight squeak. Lucy gave her a warning glare and she stopped herself, “Is the baby okay?”

“Let’s take a look here….” She said, rolling the wand over her gel covered belly. The sound of fast rhythm filled the room and Lois let out a sigh of relief. “You hear that?” The doctor smiled at her.

“Thank God,” Lois breathed a sigh of relief, reaching for Lucy’s hand to squeeze it.

“Is the baby okay?” Lucy asked. “She wasn’t getting any oxygen and ….”

“It looks like this little one is fine. Whatever your body went through you seemed to have been affected by it more than the baby.” The doctor reassured her. “You’re very lucky. This one has a strong will to live.”

She handed Lois a few wipes to clean the goo off of her, “Be sure to follow up with your OB as soon as possible.”

Lois nodded, “I will.”

Lucy gave her hand a gentle squeeze, “How are you feeling?”

“Like someone just tried to kill me?” Lois sighed, her voice was still scratchy from her ordeal, “Luce, I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t….” She felt the tears stinging the corner of her eyes, “You saved my life…mine and this little one’s. I’ll never forget that.”

“I’m just sorry I wasn’t able to get to you sooner.” Lucy whispered tearfully. “I still can’t believe this…That guy was a cop!”

“I know,” Lois said hoarsely.

“Why don’t you try and get some rest?” Lucy said, patting her leg. “You’ve been through a lot. We can talk tomorrow.”

“I saw Grandpa James.” Lois said in a soft whisper.

“What?” Lucy asked, looking at her in surprise.

“There was this big flash and I saw him. He told me it wasn’t time and then I woke up.” Lois whispered hoarsely.

“Grandpa James?” Lucy made a funny look.

“I know it sounds crazy.” Lois said, rolling her eyes at her sister’s expression, “but I know what I saw.”

“I didn’t say anything.” Lucy said.

“Uh-huh.” Lois leaned back in the hospital bed, “Luce?”

“Huh?” Lucy looked at her warily.

“Clark’s not dead.”



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