Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Ghost From the Past Part 2 / ?? - 11/06/16 03:17 AM
Ghost From the Past
Part 2

Six Years Ago…

Lois flipped through the articles in her hand as she made her way to her first meeting at the Met Daily newspaper. She’d been working her way up the ladder last two years and this year she was going to be in the action…not just doing research but actually WRITING stories and reporting like a real reporter.


Lois silently cursed her luck as she watched the papers go flying and a very familiar face behind brown rimmed glasses knelt down to help her once again. “I think you should probably look into that whole LOOKING where you’re going thing…” he grinned back at her, ‘or look into a siren…”

Lois blushed, “Sorry….again…” She grinned back at him. This was embarrassing. She’d crashed into him at least a dozen times in less than a twenty-four-hour period. That had to be a record. “Clark, right?”

He nodded, “You headed to the Met Daily too?” he asked, pointing to the Met Daily sign a few feet away.

“Yeah,” she nodded.

“Well, after you,” He motioned for her to go first and he followed behind.

“I guess it’s safer that way,” she shrugged.

“Sure,” He smiled, opening the door for her.

Later that evening, Lois stared at the papers scattered all over her coffee table. This was what she’d wanted…dreamt about and worked for, for so long. Working on the university newspaper and hunting down stories. She should be worried about how her first story for the paper was going to look and what her angle was going to be…. Instead, all she seemed to be thinking about was that gorgeous smile that seemed to make her want to melt.

‘What is wrong with you? Pull it together.’

She had put on a good show and tried to stay focused on the story and ignore everyone around her during their first staff meeting. She’d put on a great tough act for everyone, but it had all been a lie. She’d spent a good bit of the afternoon fantasizing about Clark Kent and watching him while he tapped his pen against his notepad...biting his lower lip when he was trying to concentrate on something…

She felt something….every time she’d bumped into him, brushed up against him and touched him today. She felt a spark. It had been insanely hard to go about the day …. ALL day and focus when her mind kept drifting to this very handsome man that she had tried to take out several times today. He probably thought she was nuts. He’d been polite but….crashing into him over and over today…

‘You don’t have time for this. You do not have time for ….’

She shuddered involuntarily, recalling her daydreams that afternoon.

‘Focus. Focus. Focus…’


“Yeah, everything went great…” Clark said as he spoke on the phone with his parents. “I like it…. Everyone’s going somewhere…. doing something….”

“Impatient…. like you,” his dad said. “Well, I know you’ll do great, son,”

“Did you get settled in okay?” his mom asked.

“Yeah,” Clark nodded. “Between the money I’ve got left over from the football scholarship and the internship at the Planet I should be fine.” He tossed the football in the air aimlessly and caught it as he spoke.

“Don’t spread yourself too thin…” his mom interrupted. “You have to keep up with your grades as well as ….”

“I’m not, mom,” Clark smiled. “Everything will work out. The Planet is part time. I’ll be fine.” He looked around at the dump of an apartment he’d moved into. “Hopefully after graduation, I’ll be able to get something better…”

“Clark, you’re being careful, aren’t you?” his dad asked.

It was always a concern of his dad’s. The gifts he had been given made him ‘special’ as his mom had put it but there was always a fear they had that if anyone found out what he could do they’d put him in a lab and dissect him like a frog.

“I’m fine, dad,” Clark sighed, raking a hand through his hair, “I’m being careful. Acting normal…getting crashed into ….pretending not to see or hear things I’m not supposed to…I’m being careful. I promise.”

“Crashed into?” his mom asked.

He laughed, “Yeah, this girl on the paper kept crashing into me today…I’m not sure if she was doing it on purpose or what but all day…”

“Girl?” his mom prompted mischievously. “Was she pretty?”


“She was, wasn’t she?” his mom continued to tease him.

He could feel the back of his neck turning bright red. Yes, she was gorgeous. “Uh, yeah….she’s VERY pretty.” He admitted shyly.

Present Day…

The Daily Planet conference room was packed with reporters as Perry White, Editor-in-Chief began barking out orders, “Okay; people, I know we’re working late but this is a big one. I got us an extra half-hour before we go to press. Let’s make the most of it.” He turned to Lois, “Lois, where’s the copy on the mayor’s press conference this afternoon?”

“Uh, I’m still cleaning it up. It should be ready within the hour, though,” Lois said hurriedly.

“If you need help you can get with Roberto…” Perry offered.

“I work alone,” Lois said curtly.

“Uh-huh,” Ralph sneered from across the conference room table.

“What is THAT supposed to mean?” Lois asked, throwing a pencil across the table at him.

“You ain’t always worked alone and you know it…” Ralph shrugged. “Just cuz …uh, what’s his name…your boyfriend… ain’t here anymore don’t mean you can’t partner with the new guys like the rest of us…”

“His name IS Clark….” Lois hissed at him angrily.

“Whatever…” Ralph shrugged. “He ain’t here no more…” At the last remark, Lois stood up from the table, ready to clobber him when Jimmy and Cat grabbed her from behind.

“He’s not worth it…” Jimmy whispered in her ear to calm her down.

“Hey hey, that’s enough of that you two…Now, we’ve got a paper to put out. “ Perry interrupted, “We don’t have time for this. Ralph, shut your mouth unless I’m talking to you and keep your comments from the peanut gallery to yourself. Lois, get a grip and get me that copy…”

“Yes, Chief,” Lois mumbled as she sat back down.

“Now, Jimmy, how’s the lab coming with the slide from the telescope?” Perry asked, turning to Jimmy who had just taken his seat after the scuffle with Lois.

“They said it’d be ready on time.” Jimmy shrugged.

Perry let out a long breath, “I want you to go down to the lab, grab one of those folding chairs, and set your fanny down and wait. The second that pictures’ ready, I want it in layout.”

“Okay, but I was thinking I could be more help…” Jimmy began to argue.

Perry glared at him, “Jimmy, I am in the ‘order mode,’ not the ‘discuss mode.’ Now, which mode are you in?”
Jimmy sighed, “I guess I’m in the, uh, ‘Grab-A-Chair-At-The-Lab-Mode.’”

“Good choice,” Perry barked. Jimmy hung his head and grabbed his notebook to head down to the lab.

Lois watched him leave and mouthed, ‘Good luck,’ He smiled back and pointed at Ralph then pointed at Ralph and did a slitting the throat motion. She couldn’t help but smile.

Perry turned to Cat who was tapping her pen impatiently against the pad of her notebook, “Now, Cat, where were you when the lights went out this morning?”

“In bed,” Cat said exasperated as if the answer should be obvious.

Lois rolled her eyes, “There’s a surprise,”

Perry gave Lois a glare then turned back to Cat, “I'm talking side-bar here, ladies. Cat, I want you to call all those big names in that Rolodex you keep locked up in your desk and get me some human interest. If you need help, ask Applegate.”

Lois and Cat both glanced at Applegate who was waving with a huge grin on his face. If you ever wanted to find the exact opposite of Cat Grant, Applegate was it. A short, balding, middle-aged man with thick glasses and an asthma problem.

Cat gave a fake smile then turned sweetly to Perry, “I don’t think so. I work alone.”

Perry clapped his hands, “Then do it fast.” He then turned to the rest of the room, “Okay, boys and girls. It’s show time. Let’s go.”

They all exited the conference room leaving Lois alone with Cat. “You know you shouldn’t let Ralph get under your skin like that…He’s a man trying to make a dig because you’re a woman…”

“Easy for you to say. He wasn’t …” Lois pinched the bridge of her nose. “I can’t talk about this right now.”

“Lois, it's been five years…Maybe you should…”

“What?” Lois asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Never mind, forget I said anything.”

“No, what is it…?” Lois prompted.

“I just thought if you dipped your toe out there and started dating again…” Cat began but stopped when Lois glared at her. “You’re a mess. Perry talks about how great you used to be…”

“Used to be…USED to be? I have won four Kerth Awards, three Merriweather Awards and I was THIS close to being nominated for a Pulitzer. USED to be???” Lois fumed angrily.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry I said anything…” Cat held her hands up, hoping to calm Lois down.


Six Years Ago…

They’d been partnered up by the Editor and had been working together for about six months. So far it seemed to be going pretty well. She tried to deny the fact that she was madly in love with him. She did her best to distance herself as much as possible by burying herself in her work, but it was harder and harder…especially when they spent so much time together. He was just so…

Clark sighed, following Lois into the conference room at the Met Daily with a look of exasperation, “Tell me again why I’m doing this…”

“Look, I got a tip that some of the football players aren’t taking their own tests…You’re friends with some of the guys on the team…They trust you. So, you can wear a wire and that’ll be our proof.” Lois explained as if it was obvious.

Clark raised an eyebrow at her, “I’m not sure what this has to do with the paper. Isn’t this something that should go to the school board.”

“It will,” Lois shrugged her shoulders, “This could be a really big story and I don’t want to…” she stopped for a moment, hearing a noise in the corner of the conference room. She motioned for Clark to be quiet then turned towards the noise. “Is somebody there?”

Clark looked around, “I don’t see anyone,”

Lois took a few steps closer, to get a better look. After a few moments of not seeing anyone she turned back to Clark, “What was I saying?”

“Oh, you were trying to explain what this ‘story’ has to do with the paper,” Clark explained.

“It’s a big story. Neanderthal macho jocks not taking their own tests …”

Clark gave her a funny look, “Neanderthal macho jocks?? You know some of these guys have more between their ears besides the game…”

“Not from where I’m sitting,” Lois snapped back. “Every guy that I’ve met on the team has only been interested in three things: girls, football, and booze…”

“Don’t you think that’s a bit stereotypical?” He asked.

“No,” She shook her head, “So, are you gonna help me, or not?”

He hung his head as if he was going to think about it for a few minutes then caved, “If anyone isn’t taking their own tests then I guess it IS our job to report it.”

“Exactly,” Lois smacked him on the chest. “Let’s go!”



Lois looked happily at the headline in front of her as she took her seat in the lecture hall. It didn’t matter how many times she saw her byline on the front page it never grew old. She glanced up when a familiar arm came around her shoulders and whispered, “Admiring your work?”

She smiled back, “Our work…” She cocked a half smile at him. “Couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Oh, really, and here I thought I was just another Neanderthal macho jock…” he teased.

“Sorry,” she winced, remembering the names she’d called all the football players before she’d known he was actually one of them. “I guess I WAS being a bit stereotypical…”

“Nah, really?” He teased back. “It's fine.” He took the paper from her and leaned back in his seat, “So, what are you going to do now that you’re famous on campus for stopping the evil football players from stealing good grades?”

She smirked back at him, “Do you always have to be such a smart ass?”

“No,” he shook his head, “but I REALLY enjoy it.”

“Peggy wanted me to come to that party at the Lexor tonight, but I’m not really sure…”

“You should go,” He reasoned.

“Why? It's just a bunch of kids getting WAY too drunk ….”

“….or not….” He interrupted.

“….and trying to hook up.”

“It could be FUN.” He reasoned.

“Fun?” she repeated. “No.”


“Excuse me??” Lois glared at him. “I am not….”

“Yes, you are.” He laughed. “You are so afraid you might actually have a good time. No one’s going to make you do something you don’t want to do. Just live a little. Cut loose and have some fun. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Why did I let you talk me into this?” Lois asked, tugging on the skirt she wore for the umpteenth time.

“Because you ALWAYS have to be right,” Clark challenged as they walked through the doors of the Lexor Hotel. “It’s a party. In some societies, people actually have FUN at parties and don’t try to WORK…” He glanced at the notepad in her hands.

“You never know where your next story will come from…” she winked at him.

“Yes, read all about it, ‘Lois Lane at a Party!’” He teased.

She glared at him. “You’re not funny.”

“I’m hilarious.” He shot back. “You just don’t have a sense of humor.”

“Enough of this!” she stood up, walking towards the crowd around the keg, “I’m getting a drink.”


“Water…” she corrected.

“Party animal,” he teased.

“Shut up,”


Sometime later, Lois found herself actually enjoying herself. The room they were in had the center cleared out for dancing. Music was blaring and everyone was having a good time. She glanced over at Clark nervously as she fiddled with the top button of her blouse nervously. Would it be so terribly bad if they started dating? The year was almost over and he was definitely a lot of fun to be with and a good friend. Smart, funny, and really really hot…

He was sitting with Joe and Pete laughing but she noticed he kept gazing over at her. What would he do if she asked him to dance…

“Hey, I know you….” A drunken slur whispered in her ear. “You’re that one that squealed…and messed up the team…”

Realizing WHO was behind her, she turned around to face her accuser, “Whitley Roarke…” she breathed coolly. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

“I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough …” He hissed angrily. “You and your big mouth…You better watch yourself…” His face was a few millimeters away from hers as he pointed at her angrily.

“Maybe YOU should spend more time studying and less time conniving…” She shot back. She turned to leave and he grabbed her tightly by the wrist.

“Why you little…”

“Roarke…” another voice interrupted. It was the running back, Thomas Jenkins. “Back off…Take it easy…” Roarke let her go and she rubbed the area on her arm where Whitley had grabbed her. “Sorry, my apologies…” He handed her a red solo cup, “Cheers,”

She looked at it hesitantly, “Uh, thanks…”

“Club soda,” he said with a grin.

She nodded and took a sip before turning back to where Clark was with her friends. She knew being a reporter could be dangerous but it had been the first time she’d been threatened like that. “Hey,” She walked up to where Clark stood with Peggy, Pete, and Joe laughing.

“Hey,” Clark smiled at her. That smile…

‘Here goes nothing’

She took him by the hand and pulled him away from everyone, “Where are we going?” he asked.

“To dance…” she said with more determination than she actually felt at the moment.

“You know, usually people ask one another if they want to…” He began to tease but stopped when she grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. At first, he seemed too shocked to respond but then she felt him kiss her back. His tongue outlined her lips as his hand moved to cup her cheek as their kiss deepened.

She slowly broke off the kiss and smiled up at him, satisfied with herself, “Finally speechless…” she murmured against his lips.


Present Day…

He sat on the steps shakily. He didn’t know where he was or who he was. Everything was so fuzzy. The pain seemed to have subsided but everything around him seemed … terrifying. He glanced down at the torn shirt he wore.

Memories of the green glowing rock that he’d been tortured with were seared in his mind. He saw flashes of a young woman…brunette…but he had no idea who she was. Hell, he had no idea who he was.

“Hey, this is a no loitering….” A middle-aged man with balding hair approached him, wagging his finger at him, “Kent???” he stared at him in disbelief.

Kent? Was that his name?


“What the hell happened to you???” The man took a few steps closer to him and he felt his body flinch. He wasn’t sure why he did that. He wasn’t sure of anything. He held his hands up and took another step towards him. “It's okay. It's okay. I’ve still got your apartment. Your parents and Ms. Lane have been paying the rent while you were…uh, wherever you were…”

“Parents?” he asked curiously.

“Yeah, the Kents…” The man nodded. “Real nice people. So, you probably should get cleaned up…Do you want me to call your folks?”

“I….” He shook his head, “I don’t know…”

“Okay, how about we just get you in your apartment and we can go from there?” the man offered.

“Okay,” he nodded, looking up at him curiously. “Who are you again?”

“Floyd. I’m your landlord.”

“Landlord?” He asked.

“For your apartment….” Floyd explained, motioning to the building behind him. “Come on, we’ll get you cleaned up and then make some calls…”

He wasn’t sure who this man was but he didn’t seem to have an ulterior motive and it couldn’t hurt. “Okay,” He stood up shakily and followed Floyd to what the man claimed was his apartment. “So, you know me?”

“Yeah,” Floyd looked at him in concern. “You don’t remember?”

He shook his head, “So, my name is Kent?”

Floyd shook his head as he unlocked the apartment, “Clark. Your name is Clark Kent,”

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