Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday WCCCD - Part 26 - 10/31/16 12:03 AM
When Churches Come Crashing Down
Part 26


“How’d it go?” Lucy asked as Mayson stepped into the office with a broad smile on her face, “Or do I even need to ask?”

“Slam dunk.” Mayson said smugly, “Guilt is written all over her face. She denies it, but I know she is responsible for those murders.”

“Well, what are you waiting for then?” Lucy asked, “Charge her; lock her away and throw away the key.”

“She hasn’t even been to court about your nephew’s kidnapping yet. I can’t exactly throw away the key.” Mayson smirked.

“You know what I mean,” Lucy said.

“Yeah,” Mayson nodded, “So, I’m going to need some help with this case. You want to take second chair. I’m charging each case separately. Dr. Benzen’s is more cut and dry…” Mayson stopped when she noticed the distracted expression on Lucy’s face. “Lucy, are you okay?”

Lucy shook her head and smiled, “Yeah, I’m sorry. I just thought I … I’m sorry I thought I saw someone I knew.”

Mayson turned back towards the glass door Lucy had been staring at. No one was over there. “Maybe you should take the afternoon off,”

“Yeah, maybe,” Lucy said hurriedly. “I’ll see you later.”


“You really think she’ll be all right?” Martha asked concerned as she placed a supportive hand on her son’s arm.

“The doctor doesn’t want her to be released from the hospital until she’s sure Lois isn’t going to put herself at risk again. She said she was having trouble moving her legs,” He shook his head.

“I just feel like there has to be something more we can do,” Martha said, “Leaving her alone at the hospital…”

“I know,” Clark nodded, “but they said no visitors,” He smiled down at Jordan who was reaching for his glasses, “Oh, no, you don’t, buddy,”

“He’s just trying them on for size,” Martha teased.

Clark groaned, “Yeah, that’s just what we need now,”

“Sorry,” Martha sobered, taking a seat next to Clark on the couch, “I know you’ve been kind of on edge after that…”

“Barry Dunning got footage of this house somehow. He figured out where we keep the suits and everything. I have no idea how, but I got to find out what all he knows.”

“I thought you had Jimmy working on that,”

“I can’t tell him everything,” Clark pointed out. “Barry’s your typical tabloid sleaze and able to dodge Jimmy better than anyone.” He sighed, raking a hand through his hair as Jordan rested his head against his chest, “Lois is gonna want to know what we’re doing about this mess and I don’t know what to tell her,”

“She’s as beautiful as ever,” Lex mused as he watched Lucy exit the office.

“Pining over lost loves is so unbecoming,” Nigel said, his voice dripping in boredom. “Really, Lex, when are you going to learn? You have a new name, a new face, a fresh start to take this city…”

“It's always business with you, isn’t it, Nigel?”

“That has always been the foundation of our relationship,” Nigel pointed out.

“But what is that business worth if you have no one to enjoy it with?” Lex pointed out. “No, I have a visit to make,”


“You always seem to be showing up whenever I need you,” Lucy noticed when Dan opened the door to her apartment building for her.

“Well, I couldn’t let you struggle with those packages by yourself.” Dan Scardino smiled, “What kind of gentleman would I be?”

“I don’t know,” She said as they approached her apartment door, “I, uh, this is me.”

Dan smiled broadly at her, “Door to door service,”

She caught his gaze for a moment. There was an uncomfortable spark between them. She turned away from him. What was wrong with her? The more time she spent with Dan; the more she felt a pull towards him.

“Thank you,” She said softly, turning back to him.

“Good luck with those files. They give you quite a Charley horse.” Dan joked.

“Yeah, well, good night, Dan,” She turned to grab the box of files from him only to collide against him. She laughed quietly, “Sorry,”

“Don’t be,” He said simply before leaning in to kiss her.

A bitter vile began to form in her throat. What was she doing? She was leading him on. She pulled away from him, jerking the door to her apartment open as she raced inside, slamming the door behind her.


Three Weeks Later
It had been three weeks and Lois was still in the hospital being monitored. Clark had spent the last few weeks balancing his time between Jordan, the Planet, and the hospital. He missed her but he wasn’t going to take any chances when it came to Lois and his unborn child’s health.

“Hey,” Lois smiled up at Clark as he took a seat next to her bedside, “How’d you get in here?”

“The usual,” He smiled, gazing at the open window on the other side of the room, “How are you doing?”

“I want to go home,” She said softly, reaching up to caress his cheek. “It’s still kind of mind boggling.”

“Well, the doctor warned us about your blood pressure,” He reasoned.

“And I didn’t listen,” Lois finished for him.

“No, we didn’t listen.” He whispered, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I guess I’m so used to being invulnerable….” He shook his head in shame.

“It's okay,” She reassured him. “How’s Jordan?”

“Sleeping peacefully. Dad had to head back to Smallville to take care of the farm, but mom stayed to help with Jordan.”

“Your mom is always coming to the rescue,” She said with a smile. “Did she come up with any plans in dealing with Barry Dunning?”

“Nothing yet,” Clark shook his head, “but I don’t want you to worry. Jimmy and I have been working nonstop on this.”

“Jimmy?” Lois asked confused.

“I haven’t told him,” Clark said before she could ask the unspoken question.

“I need to get out of here. I’ve become way too predictable.” Lois joked.

“Soon, but you need to rest and take care of yourself,” He placed a kiss on her forehead then lifted up her hospital gown to place a kiss on her abdomen, “And this little one,”

“Any word on Lucy?” Lois asked. “I still haven’t told her…”

“Once the doctor releases you, you can have her come over and tell her the good news but until then…” Clark got an all too familiar look on his face as he lifted his head up.

Lois sighed, “Let me guess? Superman?”

He smiled apologetically at her, “Sorry, honey,”

“You sure you’re gonna be all right?”

Clark smiled, “Dr. Klein said everything was fine.” He reminded her.

“Go,” She said with a sigh. “Just be careful…”

“I love you,” He whispered with a kiss before ricocheting into the night’s sky.


“I’m not exactly sure how all this is going to work out,” Dan said, raking a hand through his hair. “Lucy doesn’t seem that interested.”

“Nigel was right. I need to stake a claim on what’s mine. In order to control my partner, I have to make him feel powerless. He still holds a flame for his ex- fiancée. You can use your growing friendship with her to get the upper hand on him.” Mindy took a long puff of her cigar as she leaned back in her chair. “Don’t be so glum, Danny Pooh, you’re being compensated for all your work.”

“Yeah,” Dan nodded, “I just am not sure if this is going to work. She slammed the door in my face tonight.”

“That just means you’re getting to her. So, soon we will be getting to Jamie.” Mindy smiled broadly.


“You sure you’re okay with this?” Clark asked, watching Lucy juggle with the baby wrap for Jordan as she tried to get him positioned on her chest.

“Nope, I’ve got it.” Lucy shook her head.

“If she has any trouble I’m here to help,” Martha reassured. “Now, go,” she pushed him out the door. “We’ve got it from here.”

Clark sighed, closing the door behind him wearily. A lot had happened over the last few weeks that Clark had yet to share with Lois. Superman was back to a point. He still had moments of weakness when he kept himself going at super-speed for an extended period of time. Dr. Klein was convinced his latest Kryptonite antidote would work in protecting him from further exposures. The problem was the Kryptonite was still out there. They had recovered the Red variation, but not the green, and that was the most deadly.

They still had no clue who had broken into S.T.A.R. Labs that fateful evening and stolen the meteorite. Now, with Bill Church Sr. and Jr. dead along with many of his cohorts, it would be hard to discover the truth. He and Lois both suspected Intergang to be behind the break-in, but had been unable to prove it.

The only thing that had never made sense was why Bill Church Jr. hadn’t painted the new wing of S.T.A.R. Labs with Kryptonite if he had it. He had obviously had access to it. Why not use it?
Lucy had insisted on stopping by and helping out in the afternoons when she had time to spend time with Jordan. She hadn’t come to the hospital yet. She said she wasn’t ready to see Lois like that, but he suspected it brought a lot of memories up

The last few weeks had been hell for him. He had struggled to balance fatherhood with the Planet as well as readjusting to his Superman duties. His time with Jordan was always precious, reminding him even more how much he’d missed of his life. He had to force himself to focus on what he had; not what he lost.


Lois could have lost the baby if she’d pushed herself any further. The stress of someone threatening their family was hard enough on him; much less Lois in her already fragile state. The last few months had taken a toll on them both, but Lois mostly. Fighting to regain their son had been a battle every day. She had fought him tooth and nail when he’d tried to convince her Jordan had died in that hospital. She’s stubbornly fought him every step of the way and proven him wrong.

Now, the stress she’d put herself through to do so was her worst enemy. He wasn’t sure how to handle anything anymore. He was paranoid about upsetting her and losing her or the baby. The doctor had said extreme stress while she was still recovering could cause another spike in her blood pressure which could be fatal for her and the baby, but Lois wouldn’t accept him coddling her either. What was he supposed to do?


Judge Peter Ryan had sat on the bench of Metropolis Supreme Court’s Judicial System for nearly twenty-five years. He had seen the best and worst of Metropolis’ citizens and considered himself a fair man. The stress of handling so many lives in his hands had taken a toll on him over the years. His face portrayed a man that was older than he was. His waistline seemed to expand as his caseload doubled. It was a pattern he had grown used to over the years. So he wasn’t surprised when he felt the tightening of his belt buckle when he discovered he would be hearing the case of Jesse Stiponavich’s kidnapping.

“In the case of the People vs. Sam Lane, Judge Peter Ryan residing,” The bailiff called out through the court.

Peter Ryan nodded at the courtroom as he took his seat, “Be seated,” He nodded, peering over his glasses at the counselors. “What are the charges?”

“Accomplice to kidnapping a minor,” Lucy said shakily.

“Ms. Lane?” Judge Ryan peered at her skeptically, “Please tell me you’re not seriously attempting to try this case. It would be a breach of ethics in more ways than I could even begin to list,”

“No, your honor,” Lucy said, shaking her head, “I have no intention of taking this case. Ms. Drake was held up in court. I’m simply stepping in for the arraignment.”

“See that that’s all your stepping in for,” Judge Ryan said sternly. He then turned his attention to Sam Lane, “How does the defendant plead?”

“Not guilty, your honor,” Sam Lane spoke up.

“Dr. Lane? Are you without counsel?” Judge Ryan asked, noticing the absence of an attorney by his side.

“I dismissed my attorney, your honor. He was not acting in my best interest.” Sam said shakily.

“Have you not retained counsel since then?”

“I dismissed him this morning,” Sam said.

“So, noted,” Judge Ryan nodded, “The court will accept your plea, Dr. Lane, but have counsel by the time we begin trial. I’m sure your daughter can give you the information on all the attorneys familiar with the New Troy court system,” He said with a smirk.

“Yes, your honor,” Sam nodded.

“Good,” Judge Ryan nodded, “Now that that’s settled we can get back to the rest of the cases sitting on my desk. Dr. Lane? You’ve been without bond for the last month?”

“Yes, your honor,”

“Bail is set at $10,000. The defendant is not to have any contact with any minor children under the age of eighteen. He is banned from any schools and public parks,”

“But your honor…” Sam tried to argue.”

“Furthermore, he is to remain in the New Troy district and he is to surrender his visa. Failure to comply with these conditions will result in the re-arrest of the defendant. Is that clear, Dr. Lane?”

“Yes, your honor,”


It had been two weeks since Lois had been discharged from the hospital. They had kept her a total of 4 weeks to monitor her blood pressure and the baby to make sure everything was okay. Part of her wanted nothing more than to get out of the hospital as soon as possible while the other part feared every what-if scenario that could happen. Losing more time and putting her unborn child at risk was not something she envisioned repeating. She would protect her family at all costs; even if she had to lay low for a while.

She had been complying with everyone’s wishes that she rest and take it easy. She was beginning to feel restless and ready to dive into investigation again. Someone was out for blood; targeting her family and she wasn’t going to rest until she figured out who.


Everything was falling into place. Soon, he would have everything he’d once had before his power and name had been stripped from him by the Daily Planet’s top reporting team. James Turner felt his blood boil as he anticipated his revenge. How sweet his revenge would be. He would exploit his enemies’ weaknesses and use them to his advantage. His name had to be changed; along with his face and past.

The surgeon that had worked on him had been a genius. Nothing of his features resembled who he used to be. It was that much easier to get close with those that had once worked hard to bring his former self down. He had thought he was on top of the world when everything had come crashing down on him. He’d been forced to use threats in order to keep Lucy as his bride to be. That hack, Olsen, had interfered with his plans along with the overzealous Inspector Henderson. He would take care of all of them. His plans for revenge were just beginning and if anyone got in his way again they wouldn’t live to tell about it.


Mayson’s heels clicked against the hard pavement as she made her way through the wreckage of Toni Taylor’s former business, ‘The Metro Club.’ It was hard to believe this had once been a night club. She grazed her finger against the dusty half burnt furniture as she walked through the foyer.

Toni Taylor had gone missing after Miranda’s arrest. No one knew where she had disappeared to. Would this be the fate of everyone that dared to face up against Intergang? She was convinced Miranda was connected to the criminal organization; even if she couldn’t prove anything. Everything in her gut told her Miranda was a key to Intergang.

“May I help you?” a voice behind her interrupted her thoughts.

Mayson turned to see an elderly man in a sharp business suit, standing in the doorway of the Metro Club remains with her.

“I…” She stammered a moment before regaining her composure. She was surprised to find anyone in the Metro Club, “I’m Mayson Drake, the ADA. I’m investigating the fire that took place here.”

“I thought they’d already caught the person that had done this,” He mused.

“We think there might be more to this than just a simple arson.” She explained, “I’m sorry, who are you?”

“Nigel,” He said extending his hand to shake hers, “Nigel St. John,”

Mayson’s eyebrows arched at the name, “I feel like I know you, but I can’t place it,” She said.

“I have one of those names. It happens; what with being British and all.”

Mayson watched him as he guided her out of the Metro Club wreckage. He seemed awfully eager to keep her out of the Metro Club remains. Why?

After being escorted to her car with many subtle hints about how dangerous the neighborhood was Mayson reluctantly left to appease her intruder. She didn’t go far; however, opting to park around the corner where she could watch Nigel without being seen.


“You seem to be doing all right,” Dr. Lee began skeptically, “but I wouldn’t try to push it.” She said hurriedly, knowing all too well that given the freedom Lois Lane would dive into anything feet first without looking; possibly risking her health once again.

“Define ‘not pushing it’” Lois said aggravated. She’d been sitting at home for over a week and was irritated at her climbing the walls attitude. At this point, she’d yet to have been released to return to work and Clark refused to allow her to even pick up her laptop without the doctor’s say-so. He and Perry had covered all the bases. Clark had worked half days from the day she got released from the hospital; so by the time she began to plan a way to start research on any of the stories she’d been working on; he was there to stop her. The same occurred when she called the Planet. She was deadlocked and told to get some rest.

Rest? How could she rest at a time like this? Her family was at risk. Someone was after Clark; and by relation after herself and Jordan. They’d been inside their home and found the suits. Ever since the footage had aired Clark said he’d kept his suits at his parents, but she still had an uneasy feeling about the entire thing. The not knowing was killing her.

“No twelve hour days.” Her doctor said firmly. “I want you resting. You’re at a critical point in your pregnancy. Once you’ve past the first trimester you can relax a little bit more, but I don’t want you taking any chances. This baby’s health is at risk the more you push the limits; which is not to say the stress you put yourself through wasn’t warranted.” She corrected herself before Lois could chip in.

“Can I go back to work?” Lois asked eagerly.


“Please, you don’t know what I’m going through. I’m going crazy sitting at home with nothing to do. I have so much to do and no way of doing anything because,” She pointed at Clark, “I’ve been banned from exerting myself with even getting the mail!”

“That might not be a bad thing,” The doctor smirked.

Lois glared at Dr. Lee, “I can’t take this any longer.” She cried.

“Three days a week and we’ll see how you’re doing after that. Come see me in two weeks.”


“I don’t understand!” Superman pouted as he paced around his ‘room’ angrily.

“You simply have to be patient.” Mrs. Cox explained soothingly. “We came across a bit of a snag as far as your father’s concerned, but we’ll get him returned home to you as soon as possible.”

“You’re a liar!” Superman scowled, “I don’t like you!”

With that he ricocheted into the air, shattering the glass of the window he broke all over the room and leaving Mrs. Cox dumbfounded as far as what to do next.


“Freedom…” Lois sighed, resting her head against the couch cushion in their living room.

“Partially…” Clark corrected. “Three days a week…half days.”

“I know,” Lois sighed. “As long as I’m not stuck at home with nothing to do all day, I’m happy.”

“Well, as long as you’re happy..” he kissed her forehead. “I’ve missed you.” His hand rested on her growing abdomen.

Lois smiled softly, stroking his hand. “Well, now that I’m back …even if it is part-time...we can get to the bottom of who was trying to expose you. Clark, they had pictures of your suits…and the secret compartment…”

“I know.” Clark nodded. “We’ll get to the bottom of it. I promise,” he tightened his arms around her, “but for now I just want to enjoy holding my wife and partner…You have no idea how scared I have been.”

She squeezed his hand and smiled. “Me too.”


Mayson watched as Nigel left the building. He’d been adamant about not allowing her in the building and she wanted to know why. She climbed out of her car, carrying her purse close to her as she pulled out her flashlight. It was evening now, and the lights from outside would not keep the place lit the way it had before.

She looked around the foyer once more, examining the remains. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, but whatever it was; had to be big. She opened the door to one of the conference rooms. Nothing. A burnt wooden table and chairs. A scorched carpet and melted lighting fixture in the ceiling.

She flicked her flashlight off and shook her head. She wasn’t finding anything that would warrant Nigel’s behavior. She glanced back at the room once more before when something caught her eye.

A greenish glow came from the other end of the room. She peered through the holes in the wall that brought in the greenish light. The room next door held large walls covered in the green illuminating substance. “What in the world?”

A sharp pain against her back made her gasp, “One move and you’re dead,” the voice whispered.


“What is this ACL Industries?” Lois asked, sifting through the files in her hand.

“Not sure,” Clark said, pointing to a stack of files on the corner of the bed. “They’ve popped up before. Probably worth looking into,”

Lois nodded, placing the file on top of the stack and picked up a pen to make a note, “ACL Industries. Could be a front for Intergang. Maybe they were laundering money through the shell company?”

Clark shook his head, “Anything’s possible,”

“So, what have we got? A dead doctor…surgeon.”

“Henderson said he thinks it was Amanda. Something about a break up between the two of them.”

“Maybe,” Lois shook her head, leaning back against his solid frame for support. “There’s no telling how deep Intergang’s hooks had gotten into people. I’m convinced they were behind that propaganda against you and probably that Leigh-Anne fiasco.”

“And how exactly are you going to prove it? Bill Church Sr. and Jr are gone now.” Clark pointed out, “It's not like they can keep committing crimes where they’re at.”

“There’s still their cronies. If they are still operating under the Churches’ command then they’re still committing crime from the grave,” Lois argued.

“Something tells me this ‘investigation’ you’re trying to start is going to last a lot longer than the three days the doctor allowed you to work,” Clark said looking down at her with a smirk.

She laughed, turning in his arms, resting her head against his chest, “I just want to make sure Intergang is shut down completely. That way,” She leaned up to kiss him with a grin across her face, “we can focus,” She smiled as she felt his arms encircle her waist, tightening his grasp on her, “on more important things.”


I looked away
Then I look back at you
You try to say
The things that you can't undo
If I had my way
I'd never get over you
Today's the day
I pray that we make it through
Make it through the fall
Make it through it all

“Don’t you think that’s enough?” A concerned hand came over Jimmy’s as he handed the shot glass back to the bartender for another round.

Jimmy scowled up at the bartender, “I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough,”

And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just want to cry in front of you
I don't want to talk about it
Cuz I'm in Love With you
You're the only one,
I'd be with till the end
When I come undone
You bring me back again
Back under the stars
Back into your arms

Jimmy winced as he threw back another shot. The dull ache that continued to flow through his body seemed to ease a bit with each drink. This wasn’t healthy. He knew it, but right now he didn’t care.

It didn’t matter who it was, Lex Luthor or a DEA Agent; he hated seeing Lucy with anyone but him. He had told himself that the only reason it had hurt so bad was because Lex Luthor had been a criminal and he’d known she was in danger. Now, after seeing Lucy with Dan Scardino he knew it was just jealousy. She was opening up to a complete stranger while he was pushed aside like yesterday’s garbage. He hated what had happened to their relationship. There had been a time when he had been unable to go a day without talking to her, but now things had been complicated.

She was carrying his child and wanted nothing to do with him. The only way he seemed to be able to talk to her was when they were fighting; in and out of court. The preliminary hearing would begin in a week. He had never imagined he’d be bringing his first child into such a mess.

The image of Lucy kissing Dan once more flowed to the forefront of his mind.

Wanna know who you are
Wanna know where to start
I wanna know what this means
Wanna know how you feel
Wanna know what is real
I wanna know everything, everything
And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just want to cry in front of you
I don't want to talk about it

Jimmy groaned in frustration, tugging at his hair as he banged his head against the bar counter top, “Somebody hates me,” He muttered.

“Hey, hey, enough of that,” The bartender ordered, “I can’t have you beating yourself up here. It’ll hurt a lot more in the morning,”

“Can’t be worse than what I’m feeling now,” He muttered.

And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversation
I just want to cry in front of you
I don't want to talk about it
Cuz’ I’m in love with you
I'm in love with you
Cuz I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you


“Tsk tsk tsk,” Turner paced around the room as he looked at his intruder that sat in a chair with her hands tied behind her, “Why couldn’t you just leave well enough alone?” He asked. “Now, I’m going to have to get rid of you, Ms. Drake.”

“Who are you?” Mayson asked, tugging at her restraints.

“Oh, that’s right, you don’t remember me.” He smiled, laughing at what seemed like a private joke, “Well, I like to keep a little mystery, something for you to fret over while I plan the perfect way to have you killed.” He turned towards the front door, leading to the only exit. “I wouldn’t recommend calling for help or fighting the restraints. The room is sound¬¬¬-proof and as you will become painfully aware your restraints only tighten as you move against them.” He laughed to himself and left, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.”

“Great a villain with a sense of humor,” Mayson muttered as she tugged on her restraints one more time before letting out a blood-curdling scream, “Help!!”


Lucy stared out the window wistfully. There was a time when all she had to do was look up at the moon and stars and all her problems would fade away into nothingness for just that moment. It seemed now her problems had become too great for even the magic of a beautiful night’s sky to erase.

<< “Invisible or fly?”

“What?” She asked her sister.

“It’s a game. You choose what you’d rather do and you have to give a good reason. If your reason’s good enough then your wish will come true,” Lois explained to her.

Lucy looked up at her skeptically, “I don’t know,”

“What are you, chicken?”


“Then why don’t you play?”

“Because I don’t wanna. It’s stupid.”

“Not as stupid as passing on an opportunity for a free wish.” Lois snapped back. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Lucy expectantly. “Well?”

“Fly,” Lucy smiled up at her.

“Because?” Lois asked impatiently.

“Because then I can fly away whenever I want to,” Lucy said proudly.

Lois rolled her eyes, “Flying is soo overrated. It's better to be invisible. Then you can walk through all the doors and see what’s really going on.”

“Why would you want to do that?”

“Because it’s no fun being the last to know everything,”>>

“I’d definitely choose invisible right now,” Lucy said wistfully.

“Ms. Lane, what are you doing in my courtroom?” Judge Peter Ryan peered over his glasses at Lucy Lane, “You are too close to this case. I already warned you and …. Where is Ms. Drake? She is supposed to be handling these proceedings.”

“I don’t know, your honor,” Lucy said apologetically, “We haven’t been able to locate her. I assure you I can proceed in her absence.”

“You can proceed ethically in the case of the same woman that allegedly kidnapped your nephew?” Judge Ryan laughed bitterly, “How gullible do you think I am?”


“Young lady, my patience is wearing thin and I refuse to sit by while you and your office make a mockery of my courtroom. I am giving you twenty-four hours to find someone that isn’t connected to this case to prosecute. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, your honor,”

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