Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: folc4evernaday Winner Takes All - 36/37 - Finale - 10/20/16 02:10 PM
Winner Takes All
Part 36

Notes: Hope everyone has been enjoying the story. I finally finished editing the conclusion to Winner Takes All, When Churches Come Crashing Down so here is the rest of WTA.

WARNING: NOTHING is as it seems..


“Lois?” Clark cautiously walked up behind her. She stood outside the nursery; watching the newborn babies coming in. “Honey…” He placed a cautious hand on her shoulder.

“I saw him.” She said in a monotone voice; tears in her eyes.

“Who?” He asked, stepping closer to her. It unnerved him to see her like this. Her body language and tone seemed so despondent.

She lifted her hands and pointed at the window. “Clark, I saw him. I saw Jordan. I heard him cry. There is no way…” She began to cry in a fit of rage. “I want my baby…” Clark wrapped his arms securely around her, trying to soothe her cries.

Every sob he heard; every fist he felt against his body cut him to the core. It killed him to see her so distraught. “Lois, you didn’t see him…You need to rest….”

“No!” She pushed him away. “No!”

A nurse stepped outside of the nursery to approach them. “Is there a problem here?”

“No, I apologize. We were just leaving…” Clark tried to pull Lois away from the window.

“No.” Lois shook her head adamantly. “I want my baby.” The nurse looked at her questionably. Lois continued, “Look under Lane or Kent. He was about seven and a half months…”

The nurse’s face fell at the mention of the age. “I’m sorry, but…”

“Could you please just check? Please?” Lois said in between tears. The nurse nodded and left.

“Lois, you can’t do this to yourself…” Clark warned.

“Don’t you dare try and tell me what I can or can’t do!” She raged.

“Lois…” It took everything he had not to break down in tears with her. It was killing him watching her look for a baby that was not there.

“No…My baby is not dead.” She shook her head. “There had to have been a mistake. I would feel it in here.” She tapped her chest lightly. “Clark, he had a name…” Clark pulled her into his arms once more; she fell against his chest crying. “He had a name…”

Clark felt a lump in his throat begin to form as she cried. Jordan. Their son’s name had been Jordan. He’d never be able to use that name again.

She peeled herself out of his arms once more, wrapping her arms around her chest as she paced in front of the nursery. “I still feel him…here.” She tapped her chest lightly.

“I know.” He said solemnly.

“Ms. Lane?” The nurse called cautiously.

“Kent.” Lois corrected. “Where is my baby?”

“I’m sorry. I know this is hard….” The nurse began. “The doctors did all they could…”

“Where is my baby?” Lois repeated vehemently.

“I’m so sorry…” the nurse shook her head in despair. “He didn’t make it. You had internal bleeding. If they hadn’t of operated when they did neither one of you would have made it… Didn’t anybody explain this to you?”

Lois fought to suppress the tears. “I want to see him.”

“Lois…” Clark pleaded with her.

“I want to see his body,” Lois said edgily.

The nurse looked down. “I’ll page the doctor.”

“Lois, are you out of your mind?” Clark asked. “You cannot do this…”

“Why not?” Lois turned to face him. “All I know is that I woke up and Jordan was gone. I didn’t see what happened. How do I know what really happened on that operating table?”


“Can I help you?” A doctor in his mid-thirties approached them.

“My name is Lois Lane Kent and I want to see my baby now,” Lois said vehemently.

The doctor sighed, raking a hand through his hair, “I’m sorry, but…”

“I need to see for myself that he is dead.” Lois said in between tears.”

“He was cremated yesterday afternoon.”

“Cremated?” Lois and Clark asked in unison.

“It’s hospital policy whenever there is that much damage and there’s no one to…”

“You cremated my son?” Lois hissed aghast, balling her fist up in a fit of rage. She advanced towards the doctor. “Who the hell do you think you are? What gives you the right to…?”

Clark grabbed her from behind, pulling her away from the doctor. “Lois, stop.”

“I’m so sorry.” The doctor said earnestly. “We weren’t sure what to do. We tried everything we could, but he just wasn’t strong enough…”

Clark took a deep breath, pulling Lois closer to him. “Let's get out of here.” He whispered, guiding her away from the nursery.


“Hey, kid, how you doing?” Perry asked; sitting across from Jimmy.

“Well, the room’s small and drafty, company’s not much to speak of, but on the other hand, the food stinks.” Jimmy sobered a moment, noticing Perry’s look of concern. “How’s Lois and CK?”

“They’re….barely holding it together. Lois woke up earlier and Clark told her about the baby…” Perry explained with a look of anguish.

“I know this has to be killing CK.,” Jimmy said, shaking his head. “Did he ever find that flash drive?”

“Flash drive?” Perry asked.

“Yeah, I hacked into LexCorp’s files a little bit before the explosion occurred. Saved what I’d found to the flash drive.” At Perry’s reproving look Jimmy smiled. “I don’t like the guy.”

“Well, you may have better instincts than you thought. I’m thinking Lex Luthor was behind this, and possibly behind the explosion at the Planet as well.”

“There were plans for a weapon that released some kind of gas on the flash drive,” Jimmy recalled. “Could be related.”

“Where did you leave the flash drive?” Perry asked.

“It’s in Lois’ room,” Jimmy answered.

“All right.” Perry nodded. “I’ll get to it.”

“Hey, Chief?” Jimmy called as Perry knocked on the door to leave.


“Thanks for looking out for me,” Jimmy said.

“Anytime, kid.”


“Rise and shine, darling.” Lex crooned. “We have a wedding to prepare for.”

Lucy groggily awoke. Something wasn’t right. She looked down at herself and found she was dressed in a white gown. She opened her mouth to speak and nothing came out.

“I told you before; I will not be embarrassed,” Lex warned. “Don’t even think about trying to back out.” He held up a revolver. “I’d hate for you to lose anymore family members. Don’t get any more ideas about screaming for help. I’ve paralyzed your vocal cords for the time being, but no one’s seen or heard from Superman ever since I emitted Kryptonite into the air during the Planet’s explosion.”

At her questioning look, he continued. “Yes, I had to make sure the attempts to bring me down were thwarted. Every time I turned around, your sister, that Hack, and your friend…What’s it? Jimmy?” Lucy lowered her head, realizing how wrong she’d been about Lex. Lois had been right. “Yes. They’ve all tried repeatedly, but I have the biggest bargaining chip…..You.” Lex narrowed his eyes at her.


“Lois, you need to rest,” Clark said pleadingly.

Lois looked at him coolly. “My friend is in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. I can’t reach my sister. I do not need to rest.”

“Your body has been through a lot, honey, and…”

“And I’ll heal while I’m working.” Lois cut him off. “You’ll either help me or you’ll get out of my way.”

Clark sighed, relenting. “Fine. What do you need?”

“I need my laptop,” Lois said pointedly.

“Lois, please. Let’s just go through what we’ve got here.”

“Fine.” She harrumphed. “I’m compiling a list of every thug in Metropolis that does work for hire. I’m cross referencing that with everyone that is a known explosives expert…”

“They wouldn’t necessarily be an explosives expert…” Clark argued. “Anyone can plant explosives…”

“Am I interrupting?” Perry asked from the doorway. Clark smiled weakly at the former Editor-in-Chief.

“Hi, Chief, come on in.”

“Don’t mind if I do.” Perry drawled. “How are you two doing? You gave us quite a scare…”

Clark stole a glance at Lois before answering. “We’ll be okay.” He said.

“Maybe you can help us?” Lois said, pointing towards the chair next to her. “I’ve been on the phone all afternoon.” She motioned to the stack of papers on her lap. “Of course I’d be able to work a lot faster if someone would go get my laptop.” She looked pointedly at Clark.

“Don’t fight it.” Perry patted him on the shoulder. “Once the pitbull gets a hold of the bone; it won’t let it go.”

“Tell me about it,” Clark muttered under his breath.

“Laptop.” She prodded, looking up at him sweetly.

Clark sighed, raking a hand through his hair. “Fine. I’m going.” He gave her a peck on the lips. “Don’t do anything adventurous while I’m gone.”


Perry watched Clark leave then turned back to Lois. “So, how are you holding up?”

“I’m fine,” Lois said. “Could you hand me that stack.”

Perry nodded and handed her the stack of papers. “It’s not easy; when you’re first married. You’re trying to adjust to one another’s personalities clashing; then you have to adjust to being a parent.” Perry stopped when he noticed Lois stiffen. “You lost something and it’s okay for you to be upset. I’m upset.”

“I just want to know why ” Lois said in between tears. “This.” She gestured to the papers in front of her. “This is all I have keeping me going right now.”

“I know.” Perry sighed. He placed a supportive hand on her shoulder.

“Everyone keeps saying ‘the baby’ like he was a thing. His name was Jordan.” Lois began to sob. Perry stood up and wrapped an arm around her; allowing her to cry.


The laptop. He looked through the townhome. Their room showed no signs of the laptop; none of the other rooms. Where had she put it? His powers still hadn’t returned. He felt slower; achy. Dr. Klein had said it would take time.

He stopped in front of the door to his son’s room. The only room he hadn’t looked in. ‘Just look; then get out.’ He told himself.

He avoided looking at the name that had been hung on the door. He was going to have to take that down. It was too painful to look at right now, but he didn’t dare touch it until Lois said so. The way she had turned on the doctor for cremating their son…

On the table, next to the rocking chair sat Lois’ laptop. Just like Lois to leave it in there. He glanced at the screen as he picked it up. The scanned image of the sonogram they’d been given bounced on the screen as a screen saver.

He felt the lump in his throat begin to form. He couldn’t hold it in any longer. He placed the laptop back on the table and fell to the floor in tears.


Jimmy scuffled through the population, trying to keep his head low. Many of the inmates were twice his size. He sat down at a table, watching as a few inmates played cards and catching the tail end of the conversation.

“…and we got hired by the Boss to set up some kid. Planted explosives and everything all in the guy’s apartment. Boss said it would pay off big. Boy, was he right. They arrested him so fast.”

The other inmate laughed. “That’s a riot, Pete. You know I’ve heard of this boss. A lot of people in here work for him. Some of the time with the Metros…. Of course, now you got your thugs that work for Intergang.”

“Hey, Pete Black has some class. I don’t mess with gangsters.”

Jimmy sat horrified as he listened to the account between the two men. The Boss? Explosives… He had to get out of here.


“Jimmy hacked into LexCorp?” Lois asked astonished.

“Yeah, I guess you’ve rubbed off on the kid,” Perry explained.

Lois smiled weakly. “I guess he didn’t like Lucy and Lex’s engagement any more than I did.”

“Yeah.” Perry nodded. “I wonder where Clark is? It shouldn’t take him this long…”

Lois looked down at her hands for a moment. “Maybe he just needed some time alone.”


Clark locked the door to Jordan’s room behind him, carrying Lois’ laptop with him as he bounded down the steps. This would get easier. It had to. He stopped in the kitchen and noticed a note on the counter.

“Clark, we had to take an early flight back to Smallville. Call us if you need anything.”

Clark sighed. “Well, thanks for letting me know.” He sighed. He knew his attention had been otherwise occupied. It wasn’t fair for him to be angry at his parents, but he couldn’t help it. Everything around him seemed to be falling apart. The baby. The Planet. Lois. His powers were gone. He had no control over what was going on anymore.

“One day at a time.” He muttered to himself. He headed towards the front door and was surprised to find Jimmy on the other side. “Jimmy, what are you doing here?”

Jimmy pushed him back inside. “Shhh.” He closed the door behind him. “I had to get out of there. I think someone’s after me.”


“The guy that was hired to set me up ended up in the same cell block as me. That’s not a coincidence, CK.” Jimmy looked around. “Do you got anything to eat?”


“Lucy, I don’t understand what is wrong with you? You’re getting married. This is what you wanted. Why do you keep crying?” Ellen asked. Lucy just hung her head, crying even harder. “I don’t understand why Lex is in such a damn hurry….and why everyone couldn’t wait…You’d think with his upbringing he’d be a little more…” Lucy just cried harder. It hurt to try and speak. “Lucy, what is going on?”

<< “I will not be made a fool. You think your sister is hurting now. Just wait until I’m through. If you embarrass me I will make everyone you care about suffer…” >>


“Hey,” Clark leaned down to kiss Lois. He handed her her laptop.

“Hi.” She smiled weakly at him. It was evident he’d been crying; not to the outside observer, but she could tell. “What took you so long?”

“I ran into somebody.” He gestured towards Jimmy who was standing behind him.

“Jimmy, what did you do?” Lois asked.

“We found the guy that set him up,” Clark explained. “The boss hired a guy named Pete Black.”

“The boss? That name keeps coming up.” Lois sighed.

Jimmy pulled out the flash drive that was on her side table. “Just give me a minute and I’ll show you everything I’ve got.”

“Where’s Perry?” Clark asked.

“He got a call….I’m not sure what about,” Lois said. “It must have been important.”


“I demand you let me in there. My daughter…”

“Has been through a tremendous ordeal and needs her rest.” Perry cut Ellen Lane’s tirade off. “You can’t do this.”

“Her sister is getting married…I think there’s something wrong…Please let me talk to her…” Ellen pleaded.

“ I understand but you can’t just go barging into her room like this. She’s hurting…”

“I want to see my daughter now, Mr. White. I understand you’re trying to protect her, but…” She didn’t say any more, pushing past Perry and darting through the double doors that lead to the maternity ward.

“Great shades of Elvis…”


“This is incredible,” Lois said, looking at the files Jimmy had saved. “But we still don’t know who the boss is.”

“Maybe we do,” Jimmy interjected. “What if Lex Luthor is the boss?”

“It’s possible.” Clark reasoned.

“Have Perry take this over to Henderson,” Lois instructed.

“What about me?” Jimmy asked, wounded.

“You are going to stay here and keep us company,” Lois said with a smile. “You can tell me about your time in the big house. Besides, I don’t want you getting hurt. This could get ugly.”

“Lois!” Ellen Lane stormed into the room.

“Nice to see you too, Mother,” Lois replied dryly.

Ellen looked around the room. “I’d like a moment alone with my daughter.”

Jimmy got up to leave but Clark stayed put. “What is it, mom?” Lois asked irritable. She wasn’t in the mood for any drama.

Ellen took a seat next to Lois, stroking her hair. “I know this is the worst time…and believe me I am not wanting to hurt you any more than you already are…I just…I can’t even imagine…”

“What is it?” Lois cut her off.

“Something is wrong with Lucy. She is getting married and…”

“WHAT??” Lois and Clark asked incredulously in unison.

“Exactly!” Ellen said emphatically. “She would have TOLD us. She wouldn’t be trying to do some 24 hour wedding….and she’s crying…over and over…doesn’t say anything…” Clark glanced at Lois. Something was definitely wrong. “Anyway, I don’t know who to go to. Do I go to the police? Do I get a lawyer? Superman? What?”

Lois sighed, raking her hand through her hair. “Mom, no one’s heard from Superman since the explostion…”

“What?” Ellen asked, dumbfounded. “No…”

“Talk to Perry,” Clark said. “He can get a team over there to figure out what is going on.. I’ll talk to the doctor and see what’s taking so long on your discharge.”

Ellen nodded. “I know you’re tired of hearing this, but I am so…sorry….” She cried, closing the door shut behind her.

Clark looked back to Lois who was in tears. “Hey, I’m sorry.…It’s gonna be okay…” he cupped her cheek, kneeling down beside her.

“It’s not that.” She whispered. “It’s just…too much…” she cried.

“I know,” he sighed, “I’ll be right back.”

“It’s not fair.” She said as he walked to the door, “I’ve worked so hard on trying to bring him down and I can’t even be there to watch him get arrested.”

“Now, darlin’, you were unconscious for quite a while. Hell, you both were. I’m not even sure how Clark is able to be walking around. You need to take it easy…” Perry drawled.

“Fine.” Lois crossed her arms angrily over her chest. “Go grab the story of the century without me.”

Clark sighed and picked up the disk Lois had made for Perry. “Could you take this over to Henderson?”

Perry nodded. “Sure thing.” He then pointed at Lois. “Watch her.” He then turned to Jimmy, “Come on, son, I’ll show you how the old pros here nab a big one.”

Lois watched Perry and Jimmy leave, “So not fair,”


Lucy stared at her reflection with a despondent expression on her face. How had her life ended up so screwed up? It was no use. No matter what; she couldn’t pretend to be happy about this. The man was sick.

Lois had tried to warn her. Clark had tried to warn her. She’d brushed them off like an idiot. A fool. Now she stood here in a wedding gown about to marry a monster to protect her family.


Lois changed into the clothes Clark had brought for her. They were a little loose on her. These were the clothes she’d worn when she was pregnant. “You okay?” Clark asked.

Lois nodded. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.” Clark placed a supportive hand on the small of her back as they walked through the lobby.

“Lois Lane?” One of the nurses called out to her.

“Yes?” Lois asked, turning to face her.

“I was told to give you these.” The nurse handed the package to her.

Lois looked at it curiously. She opened the package and a pair of keys fell out along with a letter. Curious, she picked up the letter. “Lois, I did something you probably don’t want me to do. I felt really bad about what happened. I know you were saving up for a Jeep; so I put your money with mine. You had me down as your power of attorney for some reason…I don’t understand your logic sometimes. It’s not brand new or anything, but I thought if I could help you have something that you wanted it might help. I don’t know when you’re going to get this. You’ve been unconscious for three days already. I hope you can forgive me for signing those papers. I just couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. It’s parked out front. The silver Jeep Cherokee. I love you, Lucy.”

“Oh, my God,” Lois said, grabbing the keys in her hand. “I can’t believe she did that.”

“What?” Lois handed Clark the letter and he read it. “I guess this teaches you not to put her as power of attorney.” He teased. Lois laughed weakly; then leaned up to kiss him.

“You want to drive? I’m supposed to be taking it easy.”


“We are gathered here to join this man with this woman…” How could she do this? How could she say yes when she didn’t want to marry him?

“Do you, Lucy Lane take Lex Luthor to be your lawfully wedded husband…” No. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t… “…till death do you part?”


“Lucy…” Lex prodded, squeezing her hand tightly.


Lex turned to her in rage. A loud crash came from the entrance of the ballroom. Lucy turned to see Perry, Jimmy, and Inspector Henderson surrounded by an army of officers enter the room. “Stop the wedding!” Jimmy yelled, waving a disk in his hand. “You can’t marry this man!”

“What’s the meaning of this?” Lex asked, taken aback slightly by the newest guests.

“The meaning of this, Luthor, is that you’re through. We have all the evidence against you, we need.” Perry advanced towards them. Lucy inched towards Perry; trying to avoid the fireworks she was sure were about to occur.

“I have a warrant” Henderson handed Lex the warrant but Lex shoved it away, “here charging you with arson and other crimes too numerous to mention.”

“You must be out of your minds.” Lex scoffed. “All of you.” He scanned the room in dismay. The guests looked at him aghast.

Henderson pulled out his handcuffs, “You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided..”

“Will you stop that??? I can afford a thousand attorneys. I’ll have your head…your badge for this. Get me the Governor on the phone! Get me the President….ON THE PHONE, GET ME SOMEONE!!!” Lex raged.

“It’s a waste of time, Lex.” Mrs. Cox said, walking in with a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.

“Et tú, Mrs. Cox?” Lex shook his head in disgust.

Mrs. Cox shrugged. “If I’m going down; I’m bringing you with me.”

Lucy was now standing behind Perry. Jimmy wrapped an arm around Lucy. Lex looked towards her. “How the wind changes so quickly and the mighty have fallen…” Lex mused.

“I’m going to have to ask you to turn around, Mr. Luthor…” Henderson approached Lex, grabbing his arm. Lex twisted free, knocking Henderson to the ground. He raced towards the exit only to be blocked by two officers. He delivered a quick blow to their knee caps and flung them to the ground before racing out of the room.

Henderson struggled to his feet, “Don’t worry. We’ve got this place surrounded.”

“Lucy, are you okay?” Perry asked, placing a supportive hand on her shoulder. “I know you didn’t plan your wedding day to end up like this.”

“Why? Doesn’t every girl imagine being blackmailed into marrying someone they thought they loved but figured out they didn’t?” Lucy burst into tears.

“Lucy, your neck…” Jimmy gasped, seeing the bruises on her neck she’d attempted to cover up with makeup.

“I know…” she cried. “I’m usually such a good judge of character…”

“He fooled a lot of people.” Perry soothed.

“Not me,” Jimmy said defiantly. “I never trusted him.” He wrapped a supportive arm around her waist.


“Oh, my God, Clark!” Lois pointed at the streets that had been blocked off. Clark parked the Jeep in a shopping center across the street and locked it. “You don’t think Lucy actually married him do you?”

“I don’t know,” Clark said. “I hope not.” He followed her down the street as they walked up the steps of LexCorp towers.

Lucy emerged from the building with Perry and Jimmy in tow. “Lois!” Lucy wrapped her arms tightly around her sister. “Oh, my God! You’re –You’re all right…”

“It’s okay.” Lois soothed. “Are you okay? Mom said…”

“Mom…?” Lucy asked, uncertainly. “You were right. You were all right. I’m so sorry…”

“Let’s not talk about that,” Clark interjected. “What happened?”

“He tried to blackmail me into marrying him after I found some… incriminating things.” Lucy said shakily, “Then threatened to kill my family if I didn’t cooperate.” She rubbed her neck, “Paralyzed my vocal cords so I couldn’t call for help.”

“Lucy…” Lois hugged her sister tightly, “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” Lois asked concerned.

“I should be asking you the same question,” Lucy said shakily.

In the background, a police walkie-talkie delivered a loud burst of static. “He’s headed for the Penthouse!”


Lex quickly punched several buttons at his desk, opening the doors to the balcony. The police were closing in on him. His fate was inevitable. He grabbed a notebook off his desk and placed it strategically in a hidden compartment. He then walked out on the balcony as Henderson approached.

“It’s over, Luthor. Give yourself up.”

Lex nodded, looking at the surrounding officers. He then looked at the balcony edge and climbed on it. “Lex Luthor will not live in a cage!” He turned to face the drop.

“Luthor, no.” Henderson pleaded.

Lex smiled, looking back at Henderson. “Did you know this is the tallest building in Metropolis?” Henderson watched in anticipation. “Top of the world,” Luthor muttered smugly before plummeting to his death.

“NO!!!” Henderson ran towards Lex but was too late. He stared at the torn fabric from Lex’s jacket that lay in his hands. “Damn!” He shouted out, angrily.


“Oh, my God!” Lois watched in horror as she watched the body fall from the Penthouse. Clark released his arm around Lois, trying to will his body to fly up and catch Luthor, but to no avail.

“I…I can’t…”

Lois buried herself against Clark’s chest, unwilling to watch the scene. Jimmy held Lucy close as the inevitable occurred.


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