Lois & Clark Forums
A/N: This post has been updated 9/26/2016 to fix omissions noted by commenters. Thanks YantyChen, VirginiaR and Morgana for pointing them out so nicely!

Previous Parts found at the TOC

From the last part…

Taking a deep breath Lois then asked, "Are you Ordinary Guy?"

"What? Who?"


"Oh, did I say that out loud?"

"Loud enough for me to hear it anyway."

"Um, can you forget I said anything?"

"On one condition Lois."


"Yes…" Clark stalled to figure out what to say to her. He was so surprised at the sudden turn in conversation that he didn't know what he felt about her question, let alone how to answer her. Should he be outraged? Angry? Confess all? In his mind's eye he saw a gloating Trask lighting a match to burn his parents and Wayne Irig while alive. Then Trask morphed into Luthor. No, this was not the time or place for that confession. And he really wanted to do it as Clark, not Superman.

He took a deep breath and then stood up. Looking out her window, he focused on the roof and building across the street. He stayed away from the window so no one on the street would see him, and in scanning saw no microphones or cameras aimed at her windows. He paced in back and forth, trying to figure out what to say.

Continuing his mantra over and over. Don't. Be. Cruel.

The silence stretched on for several minutes as he thought of possible responses, then discarded them. Finally, he stopped, and turned to face her. Standing tall and straight with his arms across his chest and even though he was out of uniform, there was no doubt that Superman was about to speak.

Then he cautiously spoke, "Do you trust me?"

"Yes! Of course I trust you."

"Then prove it. Promise me you'll drop this line of thought and don't even think about researching it. It's a distraction… possibly a fatal one. Trask almost killed Clark, his parents and neighbor thinking Clark knew that information. I know Luthor would do the same. And both of them would consider torture a reasonable way to get that information. There can be no distractions or we will lose this war. And it is a war. After what I learned today, I'm convinced we're dealing with a sociopath who is likely also a megalomaniac. And he's hiding as the city's philanthropist."

Lois had been thinking how she could research who Ordinary Guy was. She realized with dismay that Lex with all his resources could very well find out if she did make any inquiries, online or off. And she desperately wanted Superman to trust her. She bit her lower lip and said, "You're right. I promise to drop this. I do reserve the right to ask you again in the future."

She saw the gleam of humor in his eyes as he responded, "Now, you wouldn't be Lois Lane if you didn't."

Nodding her head in the affirmative she then asked, "Should we make a list of those we can trust? Who else can help?"

"Sounds like a plan. Who do you suggest?"

Thoughtfully she replied, "Clark of course. And Perry, Jimmy and Henderson. Jack is probably on that list, but he's in custody."

"Good start. I think we should assume everyone else is potentially compromised unless we've all agreed they're okay. If any one has a suspicion, that should be enough to not trust that person for the time being. Why don't I ask Clark to ask Mr. White, Jimmy and maybe Inspector Henderson to meet as a task force with you? I may need to meet with one or more of you separately. Since I'm not exactly inconspicuous in my uniform, and I'd rather not share this disguise with anyone else. You'll keep this disguise confidential, won't you Lois?"

"Of course. You didn't even need to ask."

"You and Clark at least should meet tonight. His apartment may be the best place, if you can get there in disguise. Do you need anything else? Food? Something for your disguise?"

She shook her head no. He checked her phones, and found them clean. They made arrangements for Clark to call her when a meeting was finalized, hopefully for that night. She and Clark would think of how to get her to his apartment without discovery. They'd discuss it when he called. She promised to stay in the apartment until then.


When Clark left Lois, he flew to Star Labs. There he met with Dr. Bernard Klein, a new researcher who was helping Superman. He picked up eight of their supersonic Superman watches that he had previously arranged to have made. The Superman Foundation would reimburse Star Labs for them. He planned on giving one each to the task force members and his parents as added insurance in case one of them needed super help. For appearances sake, Clark would also get one.

"Thanks. I really appreciate this."

"It's my pleasure. After all you do everyday, including saving the world from Nightfall, it's the least we can do to show our gratitude."

He took off from Star Labs and flew to Kansas.

Landing behind the barn, he spun into jeans and a plaid shirt and then headed for the farmhouse.

Inside, he found his parents having a snack in the kitchen. Martha stood up, came over and gave him a hug. They exchanged greetings.

"What brings you here son?" Jonathan asked.

"I have some special watches for you. Remember the one that Jimmy had when Lois and I were in Smallville?"

"Yes, you said that was how you knew your powers were back."

"Well, I have enough watches for each of you to have one, and for everyone that will work with us on nailing Luthor."

"Us, huh?" Martha asked.

"Yes, Mom. Lois and I are forming a task force," Clark replied. Over warm oatmeal raisin cookies and buttermilk he then proceeded to fill them in on their plans. He also demonstrated how the watches worked. While he didn't think Luthor would do anything to his parents, he had decided that he'd rather be overcautious than overconfident.

Before he left, Martha surprised him with a new suit. Dr. Klein at Star Labs had created the fabric that was tougher than normal spandex. The colors were identical to the blue and red that was world famous. The fabric was bulkier because included in the threads were lead filaments to give him some protection against the deadly kryptonite radiation. It required specially cutting tool, needles and thread. All of which Dr. Klein had supplied.

Preliminary testing at Star Labs was promising, although he hadn't shared his exposure to kryptonite with his parents. Martha had also made a pair of gauntlets for him, also made of the blue fabric. She was unsure if he would or could use them, but wanted him to have the option.

Additionally, Jonathan had bought lead foil, and they had lined a pair of boots for Clark with lead. And they gave him extra sheets of the foil that he could fold and discretely carry. Clark spun into the new suit, boots and gauntlets, which Martha pronounced a satisfactory fit. They said goodbye with hugs, and then Clark flew to his apartment.

Superman was able to get Lois out of her apartment and onto Clark's balcony after dark without the watchers suspecting anything. The meeting went well, with Jimmy and Lois planning to work on the Board of Directors angle. Lois would work from the Kent Farm for the next few days, then return as Clark's cousin. Perry would use his contacts to look into how much the Planet was insured before the bombing. He also planned to talk to the circulation manager and former Planet executives to find out what exactly was the extent of the financial woes of the paper. And when it had started. Plus, he would be talking to possible investors about buying the Daily Planet. The media mogul Franklin Stern was at the top of his list of potential investors to contact.

Henderson was assembling a trusted task force in the MPD and DA's office to have warrants and teams ready to search and arrest when needed.

Clark would be looking into the shadowy figure called "The Boss" who seemed to be responsible for the crime in the city. At the least Clark suspected Luthor worked with "The Boss" if he wasn't actually him. Superman would be available for whatever the team needed. Clark distributed the watches and explained how to use them. He cautioned everyone that Superman could be annoyed if the signals were abused.

The next day, Lois took a train from Metropolis headed to Miami. She had called Lucy to let her know that she had made a reservation for a cruise under an assumed name. There was no reservation. During the night, Lois was whisked from the train by Superman and flown to the Kent Farm. There she spent a pleasant four days getting to know Martha and Jonathan. She also learned more about her partner as she helped them with chores and when they talked over meals. She kept up with the task force through faxes and Superman's evening visits. He would bring a pile of information from the task force, which she would go through diligently.

Martha surprised Lois by helping her to create an effective disguise as Clark's cousin, "Logan." Lois was impressed by Martha's skill at design, which both she and Jonathan attributed to making Clark's childhood Halloween costumes and sewing for the local theater group.

At the farm, Lois also found herself learning more about Clark. Even more than when she was in Smallville the first time, she came to see new depth to his character. And she was falling more in love with him as she learned about how even as a child he would defend others, standing up to bullies older than he was. What surprised her most was discovering the loneliness he felt as a child. She always assumed he had an idyllic childhood, and in many ways it was. Because he was privately adopted, the children in town too often taunted him cruelly when he was little. Her respect for him and her shame at her own behavior towards him grew.

On the fifth evening, Superman flew Logan back to Metropolis. To maintain his cover, Logan arrived at Clark's apartment via cab from the bus station. Perry and Jimmy had moved to Perry's house. Alice was still in Florida, and would remain safely there for now.

The investigation proceeded. Some days were slower than others. Often one member would become frustrated at a dead end, and another would be excited about a lead. They worked together like a well-oiled machine. Two weeks after Logan's arrival in Metropolis, they had enough solid information that Perry was satisfied in taking it to Henderson. Jimmy and Logan would take it early the next day.

Clark as both himself and Superman surprised the task force with the military precision he used when discussing plans and objectives. He was wholly focused on the daunting task ahead, yet as Clark still retained his good humor. Clark organized the steps needed to accomplish each task, checking them off as they were successful. He refused to concede failure or defeat, instead taking what seemed to be a loss and turning it into a win. The rest of the task force thought Clark was behaving more like a football coach than a reporter. The truth was it was the Lord Kal-El aspect of his personality peeking through.

Late the next morning, there was a call from Mrs. Cox asking Clark to contact Superman to discuss Lois Lane. Clark, Jimmy, Lois and Perry all heard the call when Clark replayed it back on the answering machine. Everyone agreed it was likely a trap, and Superman should not answer it. Lois said it best when she asked, "Since when is Superman at Luthor's beck and call anyway?"

Everyone decided the next step was up to Henderson, as they awaited word of his warrants. The only thing that made their investigation bittersweet was Perry's inability to entice an investor in buying the Planet.

That afternoon, there was a fire in an apartment building on the edge of Suicide Slum that raged out of control. Superman arrived and sought the fire chief, asking what he could do to help. Evacuating the living was a priority, so Superman helped the firefighters do that. After almost everyone was evacuated, he heard a child's cry and heartbeat in an apartment. Following the sounds, he arrived in a bedroom of the apartment. Searching for a child, what he found instead was a doll in a bed with a tape recorder playing. Turning around to exit, he suddenly found himself surrounded by six firefighters. Opening his mouth to explain, the firefighters all opened lead boxes they carried, exposing him to kryptonite.

Making a split second decision, he used his super speed to activate a hidden button on his belt before he collapsed. A moment later, one of the faux firefighters put a lead-lined hood over his head. He was grabbed and strapped on a gurney. The kryptonite pieces were placed next to him. Covering him completely with a sheet, the thugs moved the gurney to a waiting ambulance. Unseen by the real firefighters, the ambulance took off and headed for Lex Tower. The faux firefighters also left unseen in the ambulance and an accompanying paramedic vehicle.

The underground parking at Lex Tower was deserted when they arrived except for the security guard, who expected them and let them in wordlessly. They pulled next to a special elevator only for VIPs where Mrs. Cox met them. She used her key card to escort the men with their captive to the wine cellar. The gurney had to be left outside the cellar door, so they unfastened the straps and grabbed Superman, partially carrying and partially dragging him down the stairs. The kryptonite pieces were carefully collected, returned to their boxes and placed in a bag, which was handed to Mrs. Cox when she exited the wine cellar.

Once in the wine cellar, the thugs dropped him into a cage leaving the hood on his head. They locked the cage, handing Mrs. Cox the key. Superman was alone in the cellar. A little later, Luthor arrived.

Luthor went to a remote control device and turned on the glowing green bars of the cage. He stepped up to the door, asking "And how are we feeling today?"

He was rewarded with a groan from Superman.

With false sympathy Luthor cooed, "Oh. A little green around the gills?"

He laughed, never having been in a better mood. "I on the other hand, am feeling wonderful. Today is the first day of my new life. I am going to marry Lois Lane and no one will stand in my way. 'She's beautiful and therefore to be wooed. She is woman, therefore to be won.' Since you are from another planet and simply muscle without brains, you wouldn't know that's from Shakespeare's 'Henry the Fifth.'

"This must be hard for you. Knowing I'm outside this cage, free to marry whomever I choose and live my life fully while you only lie here helplessly and suffer."

Stepping into the cage, Luthor pulled off the hood. Superman didn't move but stared at him. Triumphant at his enemy's defeat, Luthor proclaimed, "Lois is a bit too independent, don't you think? Don't worry. I'll fix that. I will be meeting her soon and convince her that her future lies with me."

The only response he got was another moan from the superhero on the floor.

Then Luthor broke out into song, singing "Tonight" from West Side Story."

With that, he dropped the hood back on top of Superman's head and left the cage, relocking the door as he left. Leaving the key on a wine barrel he gleefully announced, "So near and yet so far." With that he climbed up the steps with a spring in his step still singing to return to his penthouse office.

Peeking under the hood, which no longer covered his eyes, Clark scanned the wine cellar and identified the cameras in the room. 'Only Luthor would record the agonizing death of an opponent, and probably spend the next few years watching it over and over' he thought. Not dwelling on what Luthor planned do with the tapes, he quickly fried the cameras with his heat vision. Then he carefully and silently stood up, looking at the cage door. With a blast of heat vision, he cut through the lock mechanism, and then the cage door swung open.

He found it more difficult to use his heat vision, so quickly found the remote and turned off the power to the kryptonite bars before exiting the wine cellar. He didn't want to completely lose his vision and hearing by exposing his head to the deadly radiation more than necessary. He cautiously checked with both his hearing and vision for surveillance, including electronic, human and canine. Once safely outside the cellar, he moved at super speed to the nearest stairwell where he found the exit. As soon as he cleared the exit, he looked around and seeing no one or cameras rocketed into the sky for direct sunlight. He avoided Luthor's balcony view and traveled just slowly enough not to leave a sonic boom.

Meanwhile, Luthor basked in knowing Superman was dying in a cage in the wine cellar. He stood on his balcony, smoking a fine cigar and looking down on the city that was one again "his." Smiling like a Cheshire cat, he inhaled deeply and knew that he had defeated his greatest foe. He reveled in the thought that his next big decision was whether it would be more pleasurable to keep the superhero around for a while and continually torture him or to kill him quickly. His thoughts were interrupted by a commotion in the office.

His office doors were thrown open, and Inspector Henderson burst in with a group of MPD's finest, Perry White, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen.

Stepping back into the office and surveying the group with fury, Luthor asked, "What is the meaning of this?"

Before Inspector Henderson could say anything, Perry replied, "The meaning, Luthor is that you're through. We have all the evidence we need against you.

Inspector Henderson added, "I have a warrant here charging you with arson and other crimes too numerous to mention."

An infuriated Luthor replied, "You're out of your minds. All of you."

Henderson began to read him his rights, "You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney..."

Luthor interrupted, "Will you stop that! I can afford a thousand attorneys. I'll have your head... badge for this. Someone get the Governor on the phone! Wait, make it the President, make it..."

Henderson grabbed Luthor's arm, but Luthor twisted free, using karate moves on two nearby policemen who tried to restrain him, and headed for the balcony.

Firmly, Henderson said, "It's over, Luthor. You have nowhere to go. Give yourself up."

Mrs. Cox was brought in handcuffed.

Luthor turned to her and said, "Et tu, Mrs. Cox?"

She shrugged at him.

Next Luthor looked at Henderson and then looked over the balcony ledge. He climbed up on the ledge, shouting, "Lex Luthor will not live in a cage!"

Henderson cried, "Luthor, no!"

Luthor calmly replied, "Did you know this is the tallest building in Metropolis? Top of the world!" With that he threw himself over the edge.

Henderson reached for him, but missed. Before he could look over the edge, Superman appeared, carried a very angry Luthor like a sack of potatoes and landed softly on the balcony. Superman turned to Inspector Henderson, "I think this is yours."

Almost cracking a smile Henderson replied, "Thanks. You're timing is perfect."

Luthor sputtered, "I thought kryptonite is poisonous to you!"

As he turned Luthor over to the waiting policemen who promptly restrained and handcuffed Luthor, Superman deadpanned, "Apparently not."

Henderson turned to him and asked, "So we should add attempted murder to the charges?"

Superman nodded, saying, "Yes, and assault, unlawful imprisonment and interfering with emergency services for a start."

Facing the superhero, at that news Henderson did break into a rare genuine smile that only Superman could see. Then he whispered, "By the way, we're here because your signal worked."

Superman nodded whispering back, "Good to know. I'll be sure to thank Dr. Klein and tell him his modified GPS worked."

The next few hours were spent giving statements to the police. Superman had given his statement and was getting ready to leave when Lois approached him.

"Are you really okay?" she asked in a whisper. "You had me scared."

He looked around, saw no one was able to overhear them and quietly replied, "I'm fine."

"But Mrs. Cox said you were exposed to you-know-what."

He leaned close to her and whispered, "Game changer. Special new suit. And Luthor's thugs covered my head with a lead hood so I couldn't see. What they didn't know was that it protected my vision and hearing from exposure."

"Did you really fall unconscious?"

"No. That was an act. All this is off the record."

"Of course! I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks Lois." With a wink he left by the balcony, flying into the sky. Unseen, he flew in a circle and then came back as Clark who escorted Lois to his apartment. Superman and the MPD cleared her apartment of surveillance equipment, which was confiscated as evidence. After that she was allowed to return to her apartment. Clark in both personas would continue to routinely scan both of their apartments for hidden surveillance equipment. Although his diligence was at least partially due to the Lord Kal-El persona.

Lex Luthor was arrested and placed in isolation on suicide watch. Jack was released the next day from protective custody. Lois moved back into her own apartment. Jack and Jimmy stayed temporarily with Perry.

Henderson made sure that the kryptonite cage and pieces were recovered and destroyed. Additional kryptonite was confiscated with a search conducted simultaneously at Lex Labs.


A week later Lois, Clark, Perry, Jimmy and Jack met on the sidewalk in front of the Daily Planet building. The front entrance was boarded up, the area cordoned off with "BUILDING CONDEMNED" signs on the entrances.

Jimmy spoke with a sigh, "I wish they'd get it over with and tear down this old place."

Perry replied, "Yep, too many memories."

Lois quietly added, "Most of them good."

After a moment, Perry brightened and said, "There's a lesson to be learned here."

Jack grumpily replied, "Why am I not surprised?"

Ignoring him, Perry then said, "We ought to appreciate what we've got when we've got it."

Lois looked at Clark, who was looking at the building. He felt her stare and turned to her. Quickly she changed the subject.

"It's my fault. All of it. If Lex hadn't wanted me so badly he never would've destroyed the Planet… Why me?"

Clark answered her, "Because Lex Luthor always wants what he can never have."

In a near whisper, Lois said, "He almost did."

Clark passionately replied, "No he didn't. You said 'No.' You didn't accept his proposal. And even if you had, you never would have gone through with the wedding."

Lois looked gratefully at Clark, tried to reply, but couldn't speak. Clark stepped towards her and she stepped into his arms for a hug.

Perry interrupted the silence saying, "I know I've said this before, but I hate the idea that Lex Luthor got his way..." Pointing to condemned building, he continued, "... even in this one thing."

The booming voice of Mr. Stern was heard, "He didn't." Coming closer, he pointed and exclaimed, "Look!"

A flatbed truck pulled up to the building. Workmen removed a tarp covering a large object on the truck bed: the Daily Planet globe. Then, a crane began to move it into position.

Everyone was astonished. Perry was the first to find his voice, saying, "Great Shades of Elvis!"

Mr. Stern informed them, "We start on the building next week, but first I thought we'd announce to the world we're back in business." Turning to Perry, he continued, "I reconsidered your proposal. I agree with you, Mr. White. Metropolis needs the Daily Planet. Besides, resurrecting what he tried to obliterate suits me fine and will annoy him for years. I can just see him in his lonely cell being aggravated at what he's lost, and that what he tried to destroy has found new life. I wonder if I should arrange for him to get a subscription daily delivered to his cell…"

Perry chuckled. "He'd likely claim that was cruel and unusual punishment..."

"Oh, and I had some ideas about modernization."

Perry warily asked, "Modernization?"

"Yes, improvements, expansions... Would you like to see the plans?

Mr. Stern headed over to the plans with Perry, Jimmy and Jack following him. Perry added, "Mr. Stern! Now wait just a doggone minute!"

Lois and Clark were left alone.

Looking at the globe, Clark said, "I've never seen anything so beautiful in all my life."

Lois looked at him and saw him in a newfound light.

"You never gave up. On the Planet, on your friends, on me."

Clark looked at her. "I couldn't. You've just named almost everything in the world that's precious to me."

"I don't think I've ever, will ever meet anyone quite like you."

Clark grinned and thought, 'You don't know how true that is.'

Then Lois and Clark simultaneously started to speak. She said, "Let me go first, please."

He replied, "Okay."

"Clark, I'm sorry… about a lot of things. But most of all that I didn't tell you what I decided after I spoke with Superman after we spoke in the park. I've been afraid. Afraid of being hurt, and that you'd changed your mind about me… about us.

"I haven't wanted to admit it to myself, but Clark I more than need you in my life. I love you."

"Like a brother?"

"No. I love you like a woman loves a man. Her man. I am in love with you. And it scares me that I'm going to mess this up."

"Lois, I love you. I've loved you from about 3 seconds after I met you. I loved you when you were considering Luthor's proposal. I love you today. I'll love you tomorrow and I'll love you forever. That won't stop."

"How do you know? My parents thought that when they got married."

"Lois, we are not your parents. I don't know how I know, I just do."

"What do we do next?"

"Well, I'd like to date you. But before we make any plans, there's something I need to talk to you about. Privately."

"Is it a bad thing?"

"Not necessarily. That's up to you."


"Yeah. Come on. Let's go somewhere private. Your place or mine?"

"Mine is closer."

"And if you're mad at me afterwards, you won't have to leave."

"You're scaring me. Can you give me a hint?"

"I'm adopted. And I want to tell you about my biological parents. But not here on the street…"

Lois took his arm, and they silently walked to her apartment.

When they reached her door, she unlocked all her locks and they went inside. Throwing her purse on the side table, she turned to him and asked, "Do you want something to drink or can we discuss this now?"

"I'm fine. Why don't you sit down?"

Lois sat on one of her love seats while Clark nervously paced in back and forth front of her. Gathering his thoughts, he turned and faced her.

"Lois, I told you I’m adopted. What I didn't tell you is how my parents adopted me, and until recently I knew nothing about my biological family."

She nodded yes, and uncharacteristically said nothing, allowing him to continue.

"My parents found me when they think I was around 3 months old. They found me in a neighbor's field."

"What! Why would anyone abandon a baby? I'm sorry, please continue…"

He smiled and sat down. "Actually, they were driving home and thought they saw a meteor. My mom, well you've met her. She's as adventurous and inquisitive as you. She and my dad had just received the news that they were turned down as adoptive parents after they had been told they couldn't have a child of their own. They were devastated.

"Anyway, as they were driving Mom and Dad saw this streak of light in the sky. And Mom convinced Dad to stop and check it out. They thought it was a meteor. Instead they found a small spaceship with a baby inside. Me. They took me home, and Dad hid the ship. When some government men came around a couple of days later, they pretended not to know anything about a meteor."

Lois interrupted, "Wait. Your parents found a baby in a space ship, and they just took care of you? And there were government agents looking for you?"

"Well, yeah. You have to understand my parents. The major reason they were denied adopting a child was because they had been arrested in peaceful civil rights demonstrations. So their opinion of overly aggressive government types was already pretty low. They told everyone that I was the illegitimate child of Mom's cousin. Or at least that's the story that ended up in the Smallville gossip mill. And they never disputed it, preferring to not saying anything rather than outright lying.

"And Mom and Dad… well, Mom told me that they didn't care if I was a government or Russian experiment or a Martian, I was theirs. And that was that."

Lois took his hand in hers and with tears in her eyes softly said, "Oh, Clark."

"I couldn't have asked for any better parents. They loved me as their own, and protected me fiercely. When I was old enough, they had a talk with me about my unusual adoption. And they instilled in me the need to hide my origins, and eventually my abilities. Dad said they were concerned someone from the government would discover me, take me away and dissect me like a frog."

"That's awful!"

"Lois, you have to understand. They were petrified of losing me, and what could become of me. I wasn't always invulnerable, and of course they never were. I never really understood how right they were until Trask tried to kill us. He had my ship you know. The globe I took was from it."

He continued his story, filling her in on growing up, his travels and what he knew about Jor-El, Lara and Krypton. He explained how the idea of Superman came from her comment about bringing a change of clothes to work. She wanted to hear everything and was patient. She understood why he hid his abilities and his second job from everyone, including her. If she were in his shoes she would not have trusted Lois Lane so quickly. And to her chagrin, she realized in stealing Clark's story, she had actually stolen Superman's story. Of course Clark had Superman's globe! It was Clark's globe. She also cringed inwardly at how she had dismissed or belittled Clark over the past year. Mostly she was quiet, although she did ask an occasional question for clarification. She even amazed herself in that the famed Lane temper never emerged. She was not angry with him. Maybe she was a little hurt and definitely embarrassed at how she'd treated both of him. Fawning over Superman while ignoring and belittling Clark. As he talked, she fell deeper in love with him.

When he finished, she said, "So I was right."

"You figured it out?"

"That you were Superman? No, I meant that you think of Ordinary Guy, that is you — Clark — as the real person and Superman as the disguise."

"That's what you meant when you mumbled about Ordinary Guy?"

"Yeah. I did get it right didn't I?"

"Yes, you did."

"But you know you're wrong."


"Clark, I don't know the real you. Yet. The Clark Kent I know can't fly without an airplane or bend steel in his bare hands or any of the other things you can do. And Superman doesn't have a job, family or friends. So you are a combination of them, and yet different. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah. That's something else I love about you, Lois. You understand me better than I understand myself."

"Well, I am Lois Lane. And I think I told you once that my job is to look beyond the external. The flashy suit and pair of glasses may have blinded me, but I still saw beneath both disguises. Even when I didn't know they were disguises."

"I guess you did."

"Will you let me see the real you now?"

"Lois, I have no secrets from you. Yes, I'll give you all the time you need to know me if you'll let me see the real you, too."

"I will. Clark, why tell me now?"

"I trusted you to not look for Superman's identity, and you didn't. I don't think it's fair to continue this without you knowing everything."

"I don't know what to say."

"Lois, I owe you a lot. You accepted Superman when he first arrived. It's thanks to your articles that he was accepted so easily. If LNN had gotten there first, I’m sure the perception would be completely different. And although you've protested at times, you accepted a greenhorn partner as a full partner. I wanted to show you how much I trust you. And my parents do too, by the way. I discussed telling you with them."

"You did?"

"Sure did. They both thought it was time."

"How about a hug?"


They both stood and stepped into each other's arms. Lois tipped her head up and Clark looked into her eyes. They saw the love in each other's eyes. Cautiously, he bent towards her and gently kissed her lips. She memorized the feel of his lips on hers, the smell of him, the gentle sound of his breathing, and how safe she always felt in his arms no matter what clothes he wore. Then she initiated a kiss filled with all the love and passion she could muster. Momentarily stunned, he soon returned the passion-filled, toe-curling kiss.

She sighed as she leaned her head against his chest, hearing his heartbeat. And Lois knew she was right about something else. She was in love with Clark Kent. She couldn't live or even visualize living without him. And she knew without him saying a word that he felt the same.

Coyly she looked at him and asked, "When's our first date?"

He laughed and replied, "Tonight?"

She nodded yes.

"I've said it before, and I’m going to continue to say it until long after you believe it. Lois, I've loved you from the beginning, and I'll love you forever."

"Clark, I think I loved you from the first, too. I was scared to admit it until I saw you on the shuttle. I love you now and will love you till the end."


Eight months later, Lex Luthor escaped from prison a few days before Lois and Clark's wedding. He had some bizarre plan to kidnap Lois from the wedding, substitute a clone and transfer Lois' and his souls into new clones so they could start new lives in Switzerland. Unfortunately for him, Lois was so distraught about the last minute wedding changes insisted by the wedding planner her mother Ellen had hired that Lois and Clark had quietly eloped.

Superman and the MPD recaptured Luthor, who was placed in isolation in a maximum-security prison cell. Five months after that he was found dead in his cell. Cause of death was unclear until the coroner revealed a brain tumor. Subsequent search of his cell revealed hidden kryptonite in the binding of his handwritten journal. His journal showed he was convinced it would protect him from Superman's wrath. Further study at Star Labs showed that long-term exposure was a health hazard to humans. As a result, the kryptonite was classified as extremely dangerous to humans and was stored only in the highest level biohazard lab at Star Labs. Luthor's body was cremated after the coroner finished with it. By special request of all the proper authorities and government officials, Superman hurled the urn containing his ashes into the sun after it was found not to be contaminated with kryptonite.

After getting released from jail, Jack stayed with Clark and went back to school and got his G.E.D. Thanks to a scholarship from the Superman Foundation, he was able to go to college at Met U. He and Jimmy shared an apartment until Jack graduated from college. When Jack turned 18, he was granted guardianship of his brother Denny thanks to the intervention of Perry White, Inspector Henderson and Superman. Denny moved in with Jimmy and Jack. Jack studied business and after college got an internship at the Superman Foundation. He earned his M.B.A. part-time while working. Eventually he became the Superman Foundation's Chief Financial Officer (C.F.O.), and eventually its C.E.O.

Denny followed in his brother's footsteps, going to college and later getting an M.B.A. He became the C.F.O. and eventually C.E.O. of the charitable organization in Gotham City, the Thomas and Martha Wayne Memorial Foundation.

Perry, Jimmy, Lois and Clark went back to work at the Planet when it reopened. Perry stayed as Editor in Chief until his retirement at age 70, when joint chief editorship was passed to Lois and Clark. He and Alice had a brief separation and divorce. They reconnected after about a year and remarried, remaining happily married.

Jimmy became a word famous photojournalist, earning multiple awards and known as Jim Olsen. He met Angela the Christmas after the Planet reopened. They had a brief courtship, and then went their separate ways. After two years apart, they found each other again and eventually married. When Lois and Clark became Co-Editors in Chief, Jim became the Planet's Online Editor. He never forgot his early days at the Planet, and the friendships Lois and Clark extended to him. Those just starting out would find a kind word, an understanding ear and sage advice from Jim, who often served as both official and unofficial mentor for newbies.

Inspector Henderson went on to have a distinguished career, which included a memorable tenure as the Chief of Police. He retired with many accolades and honors, including the key to the city given to him by Superman. It was the only time both Superman and Henderson were noted to simultaneously be emotional enough to have their stoic masks slip with moist eyes.

Dr. Bernie Klein became a great friend of Superman, Lois and Clark. Eventually he was let in on the family secret when Lois unexpectedly became pregnant. Typically humble, Bernie said he was never so glad to be so wrong about his findings than when he had determined that a Kryptonian man could not have children with an Earth woman. He went on to distinguish himself with multiple inventions benefiting mankind, the profits of which made Star Labs' financial status stable. And also secured his own job and financial future.

Shortly after their first date, Clark told Lois all about his "Don't Be Cruel" mantra. They both adopted it, promising to never go to bed angry just like Martha and Jonathan had promised each other about 35 years before. Their professional and personal lives were never dull or boring. Martha, Jonathan, Lois and Clark all had long happy marriages with their houses filled with love and laughter, often supplied by additional generations of Kents.

The End (This Time I Really Mean It!)

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Author's Note: Some dialogue adapted from the episode "House of Luthor" written by Deborah Joy LeVine and Dan Levine.
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