Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Just Visiting (5/?) - 12/13/15 05:10 AM
Clark lowered his glasses again, growling a little in frustration as he watched a fuzzy blob dart back and forth behind the walls of a burning apartment building. A police officer, trying to control the gathering crowd, saw him and flashed a grin. "Here for the story, Kent?" the man asked. "I'm surprised; usually it's your wife trying to get past the barricade." Clark smiled nervously at the unfamiliar policeman, but thankfully, the officer had already moved on. He took one more look at the blurry scene within.

"Funny," a strange voice said from somewhere behind Clark, "I would have thought he was too young for the lifestyle--the joys of normal childhood, and all that."

Clark turned to see a dark haired woman smirking at him. Her green eyes seemed to dance with amusement at some shared joke, although Clark certainly didn't get it.

"You didn't show up last night," she scolded.

"Uh..." Clark floundered for an appropriate response. "Sorry?" he tried.

"It's all right," the woman said, patting him on the chest. "You can make it up. The girls were looking forward to seeing you again, though."

"They were?" Clark asked, trying desperately to hide his confusion.

"Of course!" the woman said, raising an eyebrow at him. "It won't be long until they start getting their powers, too." She seemed to think. "Have you told him...everything?"

"Everything?" Clark echoed.

"You know..." she said. "About us?"

Clark suddenly felt sick. "No," he managed to say.

"Hmm, too bad," said the woman. She turned and sauntered away, disappearing into the shadows just as a more familiar voice reached Clark's ears.

"Clark!" Lois spotted Clark and ran up to him. "There you are! I've been looking for you all morning. Where's Lane?"

"Uh..." said Clark.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Kent," said a voice.

Clark closed his eyes and silently groaned.

"I understand you've been looking for me," Lane continued, adjusting the sunglasses he wore. Between the shades and the leather jacket, he looked a bit like a punk, but it was the best they could do on such short notice, especially since most of Clark's other ideas had been completely shot down.

Lois stared at the boy, eyes wide as she took in the crest on his T-shirt, as well as the soot and ash that covered him from head to toe. "Superman?" she asked.

Clark opened his mouth to speak.

"In the flesh," Lane answered before Clark could get a word in. "How can I help my best reporter friends today?"

Lois shook her head. "This won't work at all," she said. "I can't believe how different this place is!"

Clark swallowed, his eyes flicking towards the crowd where the mysterious woman had disappeared. "Tell me about it," he murmured.
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