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Well, what did you think of the proposal?
I loved this chapter and I hadn't expected the GGGOH tie in. I loved Clark getting Lois to get down on her knees and ask him nicely to marry him. This is probably the beginning of them getting to be much closer. Lois had not respected Clark before because he never pushed back and she actually likes someone to not just give in every time she dictates (or bellows)...

This will be interesting.

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the FDK!

Originally Posted by Mike M
I loved this chapter and I hadn't expected the GGGOH tie in. I loved Clark getting Lois to get down on her knees and ask him nicely to marry him. This is probably the beginning of them getting to be much closer. Lois had not respected Clark before because he never pushed back and she actually likes someone to not just give in every time she dictates (or bellows)...

This will be interesting.


As we have seen, there are some similarities with canon. As you pointed out this section has been a lot like StP, but in canon it came much later. No we are moving into something like GGGoH, but don't expect it to go the same way as canon either.

In canon they were sent because Clark had a call from his father about the 'Feds' on Wayne's farm. In this case L&C are going because it is Martha and Jonathan's anniversary.

We'll just have to along and see how things turn out.
I loved both the proposal and the chapter. Clark calling Lois's bluff and then telling her how to propose was priceless. lol

Looking forward to seeing how this universe compares and contrasts with canon.
Hi cuidadora,

Thanks for the FDK!

Originally Posted by cuidadora
I loved both the proposal and the chapter. Clark calling Lois's bluff and then telling her how to propose was priceless. lol

Looking forward to seeing how this universe compares and contrasts with canon.

There will be some similarities, but a lot of differences. If you look at the timing this falls just about where it was supposed to. They were promoted to the Editor's office after Smart Kids. Now it looks like something similar to GGGOH is about to happen. Their reason for going to Smallville in this case is radically different though. This time it is to break the news of their engagement to Clark's parents.
Being told how to propose must have been a humbling experience for Lois, especially since she always has to be the one in control. This story is such a neat change on canon!
Hi Morgana,

Thanks for the FDK!

Originally Posted by Morgana
Being told how to propose must have been a humbling experience for Lois, especially since she always has to be the one in control. This story is such a neat change on canon!

That was the purpose. Lois needs to learn some humility. I am glad that this story seems to be generating some interest.
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