Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: NostalgiaKick FDK: Gratitude 1/1 - 05/27/15 09:07 PM
Feedback folder for Gratitude
Posted By: VirginiaR Re: FDK: Gratitude 1/1 - 05/28/15 12:02 AM
You highlight so well the main reason I disliked "Requiem for a Superhero". I hated that because Superman was busy with the other cyborgs that Lex is credited for "rescuing" Lois (this point is debatable, but I won't get into that here). Lois thinks that Lex rescued her and is grateful to him. It makes my stomach churn just thinking about it.

Now I have to be grateful to a man I despise for saving the life of the woman I love.
Ugh. Poor Clark. What a horrible feeling.

You are succinctly describing the essence of Clark's feelings in each of these early and pivotal episodes. If I highlighted all the great points you make here, I believe I would be quoting your whole story.

Being invisible (as Clark is) in his Superman uniform gives Clark the unique advantage to see things he might not otherwise notice. Her grief at Ally's death for one, and Lex's evilness for two.

Clark has finally put together all the pieces and realizes that Lois has had few good men in her life. Instead of being one of those good men for her, Luthor gets her praise. Ugh. Bile. Yuck! It just makes you want to punch out Luthor's lights for being such a slimy scum. HE'S the reason she was kidnapped in the first place!

I hate it when the hero loses and the villain wins. In this episode Luthor so clearly "wins" despite it being Superman who saves the day against the boxers. It's so unfair!

Anyway, my grumbling aside, good story. clap
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: FDK: Gratitude 1/1 - 05/28/15 02:53 PM
I think you summed up Clark's feelings well. I can only imagine how much of a blow it was to him to being doing his job, only to have Luthor take the credit for saving Lois' life. (Thus starting Lois' starry-eyed, brainless, liking of Lex.)

Requiem has always been one of my least favorite episodes. I liked getting to know about Lois and Sam's dysfunctional relationship, but the whole boxing thing was just strange and out of place, and then Lex comes in at the last second to steal the save and Lois' affections. Overall, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Regardless of my issues with the episode, I did like your story. Again, short and powerful. Great job.
Posted By: LMA Re: FDK: Gratitude 1/1 - 05/28/15 05:06 PM
Another great story, NostalgiaKick hyper clap dance.

The points you make are spot-on. Clark's feelins are so valid, so real. Your ability to grasp his emotions and put them on 'paper' really inspire me.

I've always been fairly neutral to RFAS. It's not one of my favorite episodes, definitely not one of my least favorite (ie--Smart Kids, Ghosts wink ). It does have moments that I do really very much enjoy. Perry partnering Lois and Clark up--Lois very much fighting it because 'it's like marriage', and Clark's 'Howdy partner' reaction to it all grin. Clark finding out a bit more about Lois' life, Lois' father. Clark wanting to comfort Lois after running into her father while out on the sidewalk.

The ending though...'frustrating' is an understatement dizzy wallbash splat.

Anyway, NostalgiaKick, you really did a great job of blending the good and the bad of the feeling of the episode into a great piece of writing. Impressive notworthy.


Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Gratitude 1/1 - 05/29/15 08:00 AM
Requiem for a Superhero was an interesting episode, we learned a great deal about Lois' past and we are introduced to her father.

Clark on the other hand, had to deal with Lois' growing attraction to Lex Luthor an attraction that will eventually lead to so much grief for both of them. All of these emotions are captured with this fic. Thanks for writing!
Posted By: AntiKryptonite Re: FDK: Gratitude 1/1 - 06/07/15 04:15 AM
Wow, a lot addressed in this story - Clark realizing he's in love with Lois, his fear that that love may not be viable at all, his distaste of Luthor, his revelation that being Superman is complicated because as fast as he is, he can't be everywhere at once, and even the beginning glimmers of understanding that being Superman might complicate a relationship too. A lot addressed, and all of it done very emotionally, and in so few words -- I'm very impressed!
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