Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Seed of Doubt (3/30) - 03/01/15 05:01 AM
Previously on Seed of Doubt...

"My home is yours," he announced.

"Thanks," she said as she stood.

She walked toward him and lightly put her hand on his cheek. Clark was elated by that simple gesture. Too often, victims withdrew from physical contact with others. But Lois had touched his cheek. She'd hugged him. And, what was more, she'd allowed him to hug her in return, and had seemed to genuinely take some comfort from it. That was more than enough to tell him that Lois Lane would heal from her trauma. And he would be by her side, helping her, every step of the way, if she allowed him to be.

While Lois disappeared into the bathroom, Clark kept himself busy. He cleaned the dishes in the sink, straightened up the living room, put the few scattered books back on the shelves where they belonged, and started the coffee maker. He checked his fridge and closets, looking for snacks that he knew Lois liked, and found a reserve of Double Crunch Fudge Bars that he'd nearly forgotten about, hidden in the back of one cabinet. Once he was reasonably sure that Lois was finished showering, he fixed her coffee exactly the way she liked it, and brought the drinks and snacks to the living room.

She emerged not long after, clad in red flannel pajama pants and an old gray Daily Planet sweatshirt, her hair done up in a loose and messy ponytail. As she sat on the couch, Clark handed her the mug of coffee he'd prepared for her.

"Thanks," she said distractedly. Her red eyes gave away that she'd been crying again.

"I figured you might like something comforting. I have some Double Fudge Crunch Bars too, if you'd like."

Lois shook her head. "You don't, by any chance, have some chocolate ice cream, do you?"

It was Clark's turn to shake his head. "I'm afraid not. I can run to the twenty-four hour store, if you'd like some though."

"No, that's okay. I don't really want to be alone right now."

Clark slid a little closer to her and put his free arm around her. "I won't go anywhere," he promised. "I'll be right here, on this couch, all night."

"Oh, no, I don't want to put you out. I'm sleeping on the couch," she argued.

"No way," Clark said with a grin and a shake of his head, trying with all his might to make Lois feel as though this was just a normal night. "I was raised better than that. The lady always gets the bed." He was glad to see his light tone elicit a smile from her. Then, more seriously, "Besides, the couch is closer to the door. I'd rather be between you and the door, just in case of anything. I don't trust Luthor at all."

"Where's Superman when you need him?" Lois mused.

"I'm sure he's got his eyes peeled," Clark said, attempting to reassure her.

"Why? He doesn't even know what's happened?" Lois said, giving him a strange look.

Oops. Watch it, Clark.

"I just meant, it seems like he's always around when you or I need him, that's all," he said with as casual a shrug as he could muster. "It kind of feels like he inherently just kind of watches out for us. Know what I mean?"

"Actually, yeah, I do," Lois said as she took another sip of her coffee. "From the day he first flew onto the scene, it's like...well, like you said. Like he watches over the two of us. I'm not sure why that is, but I am glad for it. Especially given some of the situations we've been in."

"Yeah," Clark agreed with a nod.

It's because I'm in love with you, Lois.



"Thank you, for...everything tonight. I hate imposing on you."

"It's never an imposition, having you here," he said truthfully. "I like having you here. Granted, I wish tonight's circumstances were better, but..." He let his voice trail off. "I'm just glad to help in any way that I can."

"I know," she replied with a soft smile. She briefly and affectionately cupped his cheek.

"Luthor won't get away with this. I promise you. I'll make sure that he pays."

"We will," Lois corrected him, steely determination in her voice. It made Clark's heart skip a beat in gladness to hear her sounding like her old self again. "Lane and Kent, right?"

"Lane and Kent," Clark affirmed with a grim nod.


Clark barely slept that night. For a long while, after Lois had finally retired to his bed, he sat staring at his front door, sometimes looking just at the curtain covered glass and sometimes x-raying beyond to ensure that no one was coming. Every sound set him on edge - he nearly jumped out of his skin in the middle of the night when Lois slipped out of the bed to use his bathroom. When he did sleep, it was a light, uneasy sleep that was far from restful. Even the winter wind against the panes of glass in his windows made him constantly get up off the couch and check to make sure that all was well.

He tried watching some television, with the volume so low he could only hear it with the use of his super hearing. But nothing that was on could hold his interest, and after twenty minutes of flipping from one infomercial to another, he gave up and turned the television back off. He read for a while, keeping the lights off, using only the dim glow of the city lights beyond his windows to see by. It wasn't much of a strain for him. He'd always had superior night-vision.

"Clark?" Lois called out as she slipped into the living room.

Clark's eyes immediately snapped open. Sleep still clung to him. He pushed his glasses up just enough to rub the sleep out of his eyes, then replaced the frames before clicking on the lamp next to the couch. He squinted against the light as it assaulted his eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked, stifling a yawn. According to the clock, he'd been asleep for a whole forty minutes.

"Did I wake you?" she asked, apologetically.

"It's fine," he said warmly. "Are you okay?"

"I can't sleep."

"I'm having trouble too," he admitted. "But, like I said, you can rest easy tonight. I'm here for you. Nothing's going to happen unless I allow it to. And I refuse to allow anything at all to happen."

"It's not that. I just...I keep seeing it happen, over and over, every time I close my eyes," she confided, swallowing back a sob.

"Oh, Lois," Clark said, his heart hurting for her. "Come here." He patted the cushion next to him as he pushed himself up to sit.

Lois came over, Clark's comforter draped over her shoulders and wrapped around her body like a badly oversized cloak. She opened it once she got to the couch, engulfing Clark in its warmth as well. She cuddled next to his body and laid her head on his shoulder. Clark put his arm around her waist in a protective manner.

"I'm so stupid," she said softly.

"Lois, we've been over this. You did nothing wrong. There's nothing you could have done differently either."

"I can't believe I was stupid enough to think that Lex really just wanted...really just selected me solely for an interview. I'm stupid because I let myself be blinded by the public facade Lex puts on. I should have known better. Most people in Lex's position - wealthy, well-known, powerful - all put on some farcical persona when dealing with the press and public, and are usually quite different in private."

"Lois, you couldn't have known..."

"I could have listened to you, Clark!" she interrupted. "I could have really listened to what you had to say about Lex."

"Lois, everything that I suspect about him...it's all just speculation. I have no hard proof of anything. I've never blamed you for not taking what amounts to just my gut instinct about him seriously," Clark said soothingly.

"You're a good man, Clark. A lesser man wouldn't be able to resist a good 'I told you so' right about now," Lois said with a tiny, barely-there smile touching the corners of her mouth.

"I hope you'll never find a reason to consider me a lesser man," Clark said with solemn truth.

Even though I've been lying to you, practically since the day we met.

"I don't think that will happen," Lois said with a tired yawn.

"You want to try to go back to sleep?" Clark asked.

Lois shook her head. "Not yet. You?"

"Sleep is overrated," he joked. "I'd much rather spend time with you - my best friend and the woman I..." He caught himself. "Am about to start dating."

"After all of this, you still want to date me?" Lois asked, sounding surprised.

"Why wouldn't I?" Clark asked, surprised by her tone.

"I just figured...I dunno. I'm damaged goods now." She gave him a half-hearted shrug.

"You are far from damaged," Clark argued. "In fact, you're probably the most perfect person I know."

"Clark," she breathed, clearly taken aback by his admission.

"Look, Lois, I've wanted to date you for a long time. You are such an incredible woman. What happened tonight can never impact how I look at you or how I feel about you. All that's changed tonight is how much hotter my hatred for Luthor is burning."

"So...you won't run away? Like my college friend's boyfriend did when some frat guys drugged her and...you know?"

"Never," Clark swore, aghast at the notion.

Just as I hope that you won't run from me, when I tell you my secret, someday.

"Thank you," Lois said, unable to hide her yawn.

She snuggled down a little farther into his shoulder. After a few minutes, her breathing evened out. Her heartbeat slowed a little as her fears and worries melted away while she drifted off to dreamland. Clark slouched down, getting more comfortable, and allowing Lois to sleep on him. He would stay up all night if he had to, if it meant that she could sleep. He knew she needed it.

He rested his check against the top of her head, enjoying the sensation of having her close. He closed his eyes, feeling calmed himself by the steady beating of her heart and her deep, even breathing. Even the occasional soft snore as she moved her head against his neck brought a smile to Clark's lips. And, after a time, Clark grew so relaxed by Lois' presence that he drifted off to sleep himself.

He awoke with a cry for help in his ears. His body immediately tensed and his head automatically cocked to one side as he listened. A car accident. He wanted to help but he'd promised not to leave Lois. Thankfully, the situation sounded like it was well in hand the longer he listened in, nor did it sound like there were any life threatening injuries. He severed the connection and let his body relax.

Somehow, during the night, they had wound up laying sideways on the couch. His back lay against the cushions and his head on the armrest. Lois lay partially alongside him, partially atop him, wedged between his body and the back of his couch. There was no way that he could possibly get up without her knowing. He craned his neck to peek at the clock. In an hour, Perry would expect him to be in the bullpen. He wondered if he should take the day off or not and what Lois might want to do.

A yawn took him then, as he gently stretched his arms and shoulders, being careful enough not to disturb Lois as she continued to lay on him. Lois stirred, despite his care. She looked up at him sleepily.

"Hey," Clark said with a soft smile.


"Did you sleep?"

"A little," she said, rubbing her eyes. "You?"

"A little," he echoed.

"What time is it?"

"Just a couple of minutes after seven," he replied. "I can call in and get us out of work, if you want."

Lois shook her head. "Thanks, but no."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. It's better if I keep busy."

"Okay," Clark said with a nod. "Give me five minutes to get dressed and I'll be ready to go. We can swing by your place so you can get ready. If you want, you can grab some extra things, whatever you need, if you want to continue staying here."

"Oh, Clark, I don't know. I mean...I appreciate the offer and everything. But, I can't just hide out here forever." She sounded unconvinced however.

I wish you would stay forever.

"I know. But maybe just a few more days, just until we make sure that Luthor doesn't try to retaliate against you for reporting him to the police. Maybe it won't make you feel any better to stay," he said, knowing she would take his words as a challenge, "but it would make [/i]me[/i] feel better, having you here..."

"So that you can protect me?" she asked, cutting him off, a knowing look on her face.

"Well...yeah. Look, Lois, if something happened and I wasn't there to stop it, I'd never forgive myself. Please, stay here, with me, until we're sure that he doesn't try anything?"

Lois sighed in feigned exasperation. "Fine."

Clark grinned. "Great!"

Lois laughed slightly and waved him away. "Go. Get ready. I'll start the coffeemaker."

"Don't bother," Clark said over his shoulder, as he disappeared into his bedroom. "We can stop at Pete's Donut Shop on the way."

"I'd like that," Lois said.

Clark quickly grabbed his favorite light gray suit, a white shirt, and a floral print tie before ducking into the bathroom. He shaved first, using his heat vision to sear away the stubble that had cropped up on his cheeks overnight, applying a lightly scented aftershave once he was finished. Then he slipped out of his sweats and into his work attire. He was still adjusting the knot of his tie when he rejoined Lois.

"Did you drive here last night?" he asked. "Or did you grab a cab?"

"I drove. I'm parked around the block," she replied, fishing her keys out of her purse.

On the way to the car, every one of Clark's nerves were on edge as he scanned the area for potential threats. He knew he was, in all likelihood, overreacting. After all, what made him so sure that Luthor would be stupid enough to try anything against Lois, especially given the charges against him, not to mention Lois' prominence in the media world? Still, that did nothing to appease Clark or help soothe the worry he carried inside him.

Luthor's too crafty and too wealthy to try anything that can be traced to him. But if I'm right and he has connections to Intergang... He mentally shrugged. Worse, if he's the head of Intergang, like I think he is, he can do just about anything he likes and have basically no fear that it will be traced back to him. I don't trust him.

It didn't take long before they were at Lois' building. Together, they went inside and rode the elevator to Lois' floor. Clark waited patiently in the living room while Lois dressed and packed a bag full of essentials. He'd always liked Lois' place. Somehow, her personality shined through in her choice of decor and furniture, though it lacked the fire and passion that she let so few people see. To give himself something to do, and in an attempt to be helpful, Clark wandered over to her fish tank and fed its occupants. He rummaged around and found a food block as well, the packaging promising that it contained enough food to support a fish tank for a week. He dropped that into the water as well, knowing Lois had far too much on her mind at the moment to worry about whether or not her fish would starve.

He was just closing the tank's lid when Lois reemerged from her bedroom, sporting a no-nonsense red business suit and matching heels. Clark wondered if the outfit was new. He was certain he'd never seen her wear it before, and he had to stop himself from letting out a low whistle.

"Wow," he said instead, unable to help himself. "You look great."

"Maybe black would have been more appropriate," she said. "After all, I'm going to see to the death of Lex's freedom."

Clark chuckled. "I don't doubt that, Lois."

She gave him a smile. "I appreciate that."

"And I'll help you in any way that I can," he vowed. "I'm your humble servant, at your disposal," he teased with a shallow, mock bow.

"You've already been a big help. I'm not sure I would have slept at all last night, if I had been here, by myself."

"That was nothing," Clark replied honestly. "You're always welcome at my place, no matter the time or the circumstances."

Again, she smiled. "Come on, partner. We have a billionaire to take down."


"Lois Lane's desk," Clark answered, slipping into her desk chair. "This is Clark Kent speaking."

He could see that Lois was still in Perry's office. The Chief was animated as he spoke to her - no doubt an Elvis yarn, if Clark was any judge. She'd been in there for over half an hour already, having decided on the way in to the office that she needed to tell Perry of what had transpired the night before, and why she and Clark were going to be shifting their focus toward uncovering whatever dirt the billionaire had in order to ensure that he stayed in jail for a long time.

"Hey, Henderson," Clark said as the caller identified himself. "What's up?"

"Clark, hi. Lois called me earlier, said to call with any updates to the Lex Luthor case."

"Yeah, I know."

"She said I could talk to you about the specifics. Frankly, I'm surprised. Most women who've gone through her ordeal don't want to talk to anyone, let alone another man about it."

"Lois is a very special woman," Clark agreed.

"No kidding," the inspector said, and Clark could imagine the scarcest curving of the man's lips in a tight smile.

"So, what have you got for us?" Clark prodded.

Henderson drew a breath and exhaled in a near sigh through his nose. "Well, we have him in custody."

"That's great!" Clark said, relieved that, at the very least, Luthor wasn't still roaming freely. "Has he talked yet?"

"He tried to deny what happened, until we told him that we were going to run a DNA test. He cooperated after that."

"And?" Clark asked. "What'd he have to say?"

"He said he's not to blame. That something came over him, like he didn't have control over his actions."

"Sounds like a pretty poor excuse," Clark observed.

"I think so too."

"So, how long before the DNA results are back?"

"Not sure yet. I'm still waiting on word from the lab, but I'll keep you guys posted."

Thanks, Bill," Clark said. "We both appreciate it. Oh, and Bill?"

"Don't worry, Kent. Very few people here know what's going on. Just me and the officers who went to your place last night."

Clark smiled into the phone. "Thanks for the discretion, Bill. I know Lois will appreciate it. I think she's going to want to stay under the radar for as long as she can, without the whole world knowing her business."

"Yeah, I figured. Anyway, I just wanted to keep you guys in the loop."

"Thanks. Bye, Bill."

Clark hung up the phone before standing up and continuing on his way to the fax machine, where he'd been headed when Lois' phone had rung. The fax he'd been hoping to find hadn't come in just yet, so he diverted his path to the coffee break area. He fixed two mugs - one for himself and one for Lois - and then delivered them to their respective desks. Not a moment too soon, he saw, as Lois left Perry's office and made a beeline for her desk.

She saw the coffee waiting for her and raised the mug in a salute before sipping it. Clark could plainly see that she was pleased with the way he'd prepared it, as she always was, by the way her eyes slid closed and some of the tension melted from her body. After a few sips, she again raised her mug in his direction. Clark knew that was his cue to approach her desk.

"How'd it go?" he asked in a confidential tone.

"Better than I thought. He's given us the green light to pursue this as much as we need."

"Good," Clark said with a firm nod. He hadn't really doubted that Perry would give them as much leeway as he could in pursuing the matter. "Henderson called while you were in there, getting what looked like an Elvis story."

"Yeah," she said, confirming Clark's suspicions. "So, what'd Bill have to say?"

"Luthor's in custody," Clark said, unable to hide his pleased smile. "They're questioning him and running a DNA check to match against...last night's evidence. He said he'd keep in touch with us about the results."

"I don't need the results to know what they'll be," Lois huffed angrily.

"You know it and I know it," Clark said, sincerely, gesturing first to Lois, then to himself. "But evidence is still evidence. And we're going to need every shred we can get to put him away for, hopefully, the rest of his life."

Lois nodded. "What else?"

"Luthor apparently pleaded that he wasn't himself last night. That it was like something else was controlling him."

"Yeah, and I can tell you exactly what it was that was controlling him," Lois said disdainfully.

He probably shouldn't have laughed, but a chuckle did escape him. "Sorry," he immediately apologized. "Anyway, Bill's keeping the details as hush-hush as he can for now, for your sake."

"He's a good man," Lois said, nodding.

"I've always thought so," Clark agreed. "So," he said, changing the subject from the police inspector. "Where do we start?" He grabbed Mike's chair from the desk next to Lois, since the man was out of state on assignment, and sat facing Lois.

She sighed. "I'm not sure." She sipped from her coffee mug, looking deep in thought.

Clark followed suit. "You think Bobby might know something?"

Lois brightened. "Could be. I'll give him a call." She checked her watch. "In about an hour. I'll never get a hold of him this early."

"Sounds good. In the meantime, I think we should look into his business associates and see if we can dig up any dirt on any underhanded dealings or links to Intergang."


"Hello! Hello, everyone!"

A female voice cut over the general and constant noise of the bullpen. Clark looked up, noticing, for the first time, that several of the janitors were hanging decorations at various points of the newsroom. Some very attractive female models were now strutting about the place in various degrees of risqué dress, while most of the male members of the Daily Planet sat ogling them. He took this all in at a brief glance, then looked back to Lois.

"What's going on?" he asked, more to himself than to Lois.

"Oh." She checked the date on her calendar. "Don't you remember Perry telling us? The Planet got picked to be the backdrop of some lame perfume ad or another."

Clark shook his head. "No, I guess I don't remember him saying that."

"He mentioned it at the last staff meeting. Must have been when you disappeared into the bathroom for twenty minutes."

Clark's cheeks reddened. "Right. Yeah, that fish sandwich just didn't sit well with me that day." In actuality, he'd dashed out to stop a hold up at Mazik's jewelry shop.

"Ugh, I hate stuff like this. No one ever gets any work done. What about you? Going to join the throngs of the drooling Neanderthals?"

Clark locked his gaze with hers. "Why would I do that?"

Lois rolled her eyes. "All of the half naked women that are so thin you can count their ribs?"

Clark chuckled as he smiled softly. "Lois, there's only one woman I want to look at. And she's sitting in front of me, wearing a red suit. If I'm going to look at those women at all, it's going to be if I offer them a cheeseburger to eat."

"Yeah, right."

"I wouldn't lie to you, Lois."

Not about this, anyway. Just about the fact that I'm an alien superhero in my spare time, he mused to himself.

"Hey! CK! Check out the eye caaaaaan-dyyyy!" Jimmy said as he approached Lois' desk, a folder full of photos in his hand.

"Not now, Jimmy," Clark tried to warn him.

"See the blonde over there by Jenny's desk?" Jimmy said, ignoring Clark's warning, or perhaps not hearing it at all.

"Yeah," Clark said cautiously. "What about her?"

"Think I have a shot?"

Clark looked over again at the tall, lanky blonde in question. She was dressed to the barest minimum in a leopard print bikini and chatting idly with Cat Grant. He shrugged.

"Only one way to find out," he told Jimmy. "Go talk to her."

"I guess. Oh, and I saw the strawberry blonde over by the coffeemaker making eyes in your direction," Jimmy added. "Want me to...you know...tell her anything?"

"No," Clark said with a firm shake of his head. "I'm already spoken for." He sent his gaze to Lois.

"You two?" Jimmy asked. "All right, CK! My man!"

Lois shot him a withering look.

"Okay, back to minding my own business," Jimmy mumbled, tripping over his words in an effort to make a hasty exit. "Oh, and here are the photos you asked for on that drive-by the other day." He held out the folder.

"Thanks," Clark said, taking it from him.

With that, Jimmy took his leave, moving quickly away from the death glare Lois was still giving him. When he was far enough away, her features softened.

"What is it with men?" she asked. Deepening her voice slightly, she mimicked Jimmy. "Way to go, man! Ugh! Are women just trophies to you? Another notch on your belts?"

"Not to me," Clark said. "Lois, I asked you out because of who you are. My best friend and the most intelligent and passionate woman I've ever met. I don't have a belt with notches on it. I mean, sure, I've dated, but it's never been about...conquest," he said, stammering for a word. "I've only ever dated women who have intrigued me."

"And how many has that been?" she asked, teasing in the slightest.

"Three," he admitted. "Lana was my high school girlfriend, but she wound up being controlling and manipulative. I was more relieved to break up with her than anything. I dated Melissa for a semester in college. She hated that my schedule was so hectic, between classes, night classes, and football. Honestly, looking back, we had so little in common, I'm not sure how we even lasted an entire semester. And now, there's you."

"And you think we'll last?" Lois asked sincerely.

Clark smiled warmly, giving her the smile he reserved only for her. "I know it."

Lois smiled back. "Getting a little ahead of ourselves, aren't we?" she teased.

He chuckled. "Maybe. But I honestly do believe that we'll make it."

I've been in love with you since the moment I laid eyes on you.

"We'll see. We still haven't even had our first date yet," she reminded him. "In fact, we still have a whole day."

A whole day too long.

"I know," he said. Then, to distract himself, he took a sip of his coffee.

"Have you tried my new fragrance?" a woman asked as she swept through the newsroom. "Here! Let me give you a sample!"

She sprayed each person she passed with a squirt from the pink crystal atomizer she carried with her. Most people coughed, taken off guard at the unexpected spray of perfume. She got Lois and Clark as she passed Lois' desk. Clark gagged on the stench of the perfume as it coated the air with a sickening, musky scent. Lois coughed. Both, like everyone else in the bullpen who'd been sprayed, fanned the air before them, trying to dissipate the offensive odor.

"Good God," Lois complained, waving one of Jimmy's photos before her face. "What died?"

"I wish I knew," Clark said unsteadily.

There was something more to his sudden feeling of unease then just the assault to his nostrils. Something he couldn't quite place. Purely by reflex, he shot a look at the woman who'd been responsible for the disgusting stench hanging in the air. She wasn't tall by any means and seemed fairly unremarkable. Her blonde hair was wavy and she walked with a confident stride. As she turned to force a sample of her concoction onto Danny, Clark got a look at her outfit. That, too, seemed completely unremarkable. Tight black pants paired with black boots with stiletto heels. An even tighter white shirt, ruffles cascading down the front, beneath a black vest. She also had a fiery red gem on a golden chocker around her neck, which seemed almost to glow as it caught the light as she moved.

Clark sighed. Nothing about her dress set off any alarms for him.

"I need to get out of here," Lois huffed, trying to breathe solely through her mouth.

"Me too," Clark admitted.

Without a super nose, the smell would have been bad enough. With his enhanced sense of smell, it was intolerable and made his head throb. He helped Lois into her coat before going to his desk and grabbing his own.

"Where to?" he asked as they made a beeline for the elevators.

"I don't know. Anywhere but here," she replied. "The whole place reeks."

Clark stood slightly behind Lois as they waited for the elevator. He still felt strangely, but he didn't know where it stemmed from. Maybe it was just the stench from the perfume that had set knots into his stomach. Perhaps it was because Lois was acting so normal in the wake of Luthor's assault. Maybe he was just nervous about their impending date, now that it was so almost tangibly close.

No, that's not it, he told himself. I've been waiting for this for a long time now. Except...Luthor had to go and ruin this for me, didn't he? Lois seems comfortable enough with me, but...if things progress in the future, to the next level...will what he did haunt her? Will she even allow me to kiss her at the end of our date?

He sighed to himself, hoping against hope that he still had a real, unmarred chance with Lois.

To Be Continued...

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