Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Lady Loisette A Special Son (2/3) - 02/11/15 06:29 PM
Part 2

Across the city, miles away at the Daily Planet, Clark’s super hearing picked up on an unmistakable sound of distress. The words, “Help Superman!” came from the most familiar voice and not just because he had come to her rescue more than anyone else, but because she was also his wife. And the sound of her voice terrified him.

He had never heard her sound more petrified. It sounded as though she were dying. Not that she was dangling in some life threatening situation, but like she was in that very moment in the process of dying.

With a massive gust of wind he left the Daily Planet and flew faster than he ever had before. It felt like an eternity to both him and Lois before Clark arrived as his superhero persona to save the day. When in reality it had only been about one-and-a-half seconds.

“What’s wrong Lo… Ms. Lane?” Clark asked, barely managing to stay in his superhero persona.

Lois having similar trouble trying to remember to talk to him as Superman, rather than her husband responded by saying, “Oliver… My son. He’s in the tree.”

Before she could say anything more he was already flying toward the frightened child. As Clark reached the branch Oliver was fighting to hold onto he was unconcerned that his son might recognize him through the cape and tights. Making sure Oliver was safe was his only concern.

There would be no chance for revelations however because Oliver was so scared and all he wanted was his mommy back on the ground. He never even looked at the superhero he talked about all the time. The entire time he never dared take his eyes off Lois even for a moment. Oliver practically leapt into his mother’s arms when she held her arms out for him after being rescued from the tree.

Clark wanted to stick around to stay with Lois and Oliver, but right now he was Superman and they weren’t his family. His duties as Superman were fulfilled, so reluctantly he flew away.

Lois sat in the grass by the tree and cradled her son in her arms while whispering sweet words to console him. Once his tears had quieted and his shaking had subsided Lois returned him to his wheelchair so that she could get him home.

When they arrived home Clark was already there waiting for them. He had rushed home after covertly finishing up the story he and Lois had been working on all week at super speed and had been waiting for his wife and son ever since. It had been hard leaving them behind at the park but waiting for them in the empty house was far tougher. It had taken every ounce of his restraint to not return to the park and just fly them home with him.

Now that they were finally home and all together they could try to figure out what happened and how their disabled son ended up in the tree. First however, Lois and Clark had to pretend that Clark didn’t know anything about what happened at the park. Once he was ‘informed’ about Oliver dangling high above the ground to the point of needing rescue Lois and Clark asked him to tell them anything he could about what had happened and how he ended up in the tree.

Oliver began his story with the red balloon he was still upset about losing. He told his parents that his balloon tried to fly away and that he tried to save it. When he said that he kept trying to get his balloon back until he realized that he was very far away from the ground Lois and Clark exchanged a look that expressed their bewilderment.

That night after putting Oliver to bed Lois and Clark sat at the kitchen table to discuss what he had told them. They needed to figure out what it meant and what to do with that information.

“It sounds like he was floating,” Lois said shortly after taking a seat.

“It does, but because of his disability we never thought he would ever have any powers. And he’s only six years old. I didn’t float or fly until I was eighteen. I didn’t really have any abilities when I was his age. Other than being found in a spaceship I was basically a regular kid at that age.”

“I don’t think it’s impossible though that he’s starting to develop superpowers, even if he is just six and disabled. We should talk to Dr. Klein and if he really is developing superpowers we are going to have to tell him that you’re Superman. We’ll just have to make sure he understands why he can never tell anyone and the importance of keeping the secret. I know we were going to wait until he was older, at least in high school, but if he is starting to get your powers we have no choice but to tell him.”

“I know you’re right and I agree that we should probably talk to Dr. Klein about Oliver. But our son is a lot like you when it comes to Superman, especially in those early days. I don’t know how we’re going to keep him from telling people.”

“He wouldn’t be my son if he didn’t love Superman,” Lois replied with a smile. “You are also going to have to finally tell Dr. Klein your secret if he’s going to see Oliver.”

Once again Clark agreed with his wife and together they decided that they would talk to Dr. Klein tomorrow. They would also let their son in on the family secret regarding his father’s heritage. Two people would learn the secret tomorrow and Lois and Clark didn’t know which of them would be harder to tell.

When Saturday morning arrived Clark knew his life was about to change. Two new people would be entrusted with his most well-kept secret. He knew that his doctor would keep the information confidential, just as he did everything else, though he didn’t know how he would react to the news. Oliver on the other hand was a different story. He was only six years old and a huge fan of Superman. Clark didn’t know if the small child would be able to keep the secret.

Something else was also on his mind. While it was possible that his son was starting to develop powers it was also possible that he wasn’t developing superpowers, though he had no other explanation for what had happened yesterday at the park. Because of the uncertainty Clark wondered if they should hold off on telling Oliver until after seeing Dr. Klein.

During his morning patrol he tried to clear his head and put himself more at ease. When he returned Lois and Oliver were watching cartoons together. Oliver’s smile was infectious and suddenly Clark felt a lot better about what was going to take place in a few hours.

Shortly after lunch Clark headed to S.T.A.R. Labs as Superman. It was time.

Upon finding Dr. Klein and once the greetings were out of the way he got straight to the point of his visit. He began by asking the scientist if he remembered when he said that Superman and an Earth woman wouldn’t be able to have children. He then informed Dr. Klein that despite what his tests had said that a child had indeed been born.

“You have a baby?” Dr. Klein asked surprised. “Who is the mother?”

“Yes, I have a son, but he’s not a baby anymore. He’s six years old. Before getting to his mother’s identity there’s something else you need to know.”

He then began to spin and Dr. Klein watched as Superman transformed into Clark Kent before his eyes. Clark gave the scientist some time for the shock to wear off and to ask any questions he had. He then got back to the reason for his visit.

After explaining his and Lois’ suspicions that Oliver was starting to develop superpowers, as well as their belief that Oliver would never be super due to the fact that he had barely survived the pregnancy and his disability Clark asked Dr. Klein if he could see his son and run some tests. When he agreed he called Lois and told her to come down to S.T.A.R. Labs with Oliver.

Lois wheeled Oliver into Dr. Klein’s office at S.T.A.R. Labs about thirty minutes later. The lab was nothing like anything Oliver had ever seen before and immediately begin asking a ton of questions, most of which neither Lois nor Clark had an answer for. He had to know what everything in the room was and what it was for.

There was something about the way he asked questions that reminded Dr. Klein of Lois and there was no mistaking that the child looked like Clark. He was definitely the child of the two investigative reporters. Supposedly he was also the son of Metropolis’ resident superhero since Superman had revealed himself to be Clark Kent less than an hour ago, though he had a harder time believing that one. Maybe it was the fact that little boy sat in a wheelchair or maybe it was that he was still having trouble wrapping his head around the fact that Clark Kent and Superman were the same person. He wasn’t sure.

Following a string of questions about Oliver Dr. Klein was ready to begin his tests. Conferring quietly with Lois and Clark Dr. Klein informed them that he would need a blood sample. And if the child was part Kryptonian he only knew of only one way to get the sample. Kryptonite.

“Um, you will probably want to step out of the room for a while.” Dr. Klein said addressing Clark, not knowing what to call him now.

Clark nodded as an ache filled his heart. He knew what his son was about to go through. The first time he experienced the pain inflicted by Kryptonite it was unbearable and he was a grown man. Oliver was just a little boy.

Lois also knew very well about the effect Kryptonite had on Kryptonians and the idea of her baby going through that killed her. While Dr. Klein went to get the green rock Lois tried to explain what was going to happen. When Oliver heard about the needle he became frightened so Lois lifted Oliver from his wheelchair. She was still holding her son in her arms when Dr. Klein returned.

Lois carried the child across the room and sat in down in a chair holding Oliver in her lap. Before opening the lead box Dr. Klein tried get the blood sample without exposing the child to Kryptonite. He didn’t want the six-year-old to go through that pain either if it wasn’t necessary.

Lois cradled Oliver securely in her arms as Dr. Klein tried to pierce his skin with the needle. Unlike when trying to using a needle on Superman it didn’t bend, but Dr. Klein couldn’t get the needle to pierce the skin either. That was different to how his skin reacted when he was a baby and even just a few years ago when he had his shots. His skin was changing. It was looking more and more likely that Oliver was developing powers.

Dr. Klein looked at Lois then glanced at the box concealing the Kryptonite. Understanding that he was about to open the box Lois hugged her son even tighter. The lid of the box containing the Kryptonite was lifted and the rock was exposed. The green glow bathed Oliver in its deadly aura.

The sight alone was enough to make Lois sick, but when her son’s cheeks became wet with tear tracks her heart nearly shattered. Lois kissed the top of Oliver’s head and whispered comforting words while Dr. Klein quickly collected the blood sample he needed for his tests. The moment Dr. Klein got what he wanted the box was slammed closed, sealing the evil green glow inside. Once the glow of Kryptonite no longer covered her son Lois wiped away the few tears that had fallen onto Oliver’s cheeks, telling him that it was all over now.

Clark who had been watching from the hall using his x-ray vision returned to the room as soon as the Kryptonite was taken away. By the time he got into the room Oliver had already gotten over the ordeal with the Kryptonite. It seemed as though he had forgotten about the pain and was back to being his inquisitive self, asking questions such as why the doctor wanted his blood and what he was going to do with it. Those were inquiries that Lois and Clark couldn’t answer, not just yet.

Until he studied the blood sample there wasn’t much more Dr. Klein could do, so after a few more questions the Kents headed home. How long that would take they had no idea. It was going to be a long wait.

Several weeks later Dr. Klein contacted Lois and Clark at the Daily Planet. He had information for them regarding their son. It was still a few hours before the end of the school day, so Lois and Clark immediately headed down to S.T.A.R. Labs to talk to Dr. Klein about his findings before they had to go pick up Oliver.

At S.T.A.R. Labs Dr. Klein began explaining his findings to Lois and Clark, though neither understood a single word he was saying, nor could they get his attention. He was so excited about what he had discovered that he was hardly even aware they were in the room.

Finally Clark was able to halt Dr. Klein’s incomprehensible explanation. Apologizing and starting over Dr. Klein began explaining the results of his tests for a second time, this time in a clearer and more concise manner.

What Lois and Clark understood from the second explanation was that Oliver’s human DNA was more dominate than his Kryptonian DNA. Why that was so he couldn’t say since he had no other half-human, half-Kryptonian to compare his findings with.

Oliver would develop powers, which Lois and Clark had already surmised. The bandage around Lois’ arm was evidence of that. A scary for Oliver, out-of-the-blue burst of heat had resulted in a minor burn. Though he had no idea what was happening to him the moment he saw that his mother was hurting he had been able to turn off the fire in his eyes, so in the end very little damage had been done. Oliver however had needed a lot of consoling after that incident.

Although they had already concluded that their son would have powers there were still things they didn’t know that Dr. Klein could tell them. Among what they learned was that while it was true that Oliver would have powers his abilities wouldn’t develop to the same extent as his father’s. He wouldn’t be quite as strong, quite as fast or quite as invulnerable as Clark.

Dr. Klein explained that they had witnessed an example of that with the Kryptonite. Oliver was able to handle the Kryptonite exposure better than Clark because in the same way that Oliver’s powers wouldn’t be up to the same level as his father’s, the effect the Kryptonite would have on him wouldn’t be as powerful.

Hearing that their son wouldn’t be as susceptible to the deadly effects of that horrible poison brought great relief to his parents. That radioactive rock had brought enough grief to their lives over the years since its discovery. Lois and Clark were glad that Oliver wouldn’t have to worry about Kryptonite as much as Clark did. Maybe it wouldn’t have the power to kill him, and would only cause him mild to moderate pain and possibly make him a little sick.

Over the past few weeks as evidence that Oliver was starting to experience the emergence of superpowers a question formed in Lois and Clark’s minds.

“Dr. Klein?” Clark asked. “With Oliver’s Kryptonian abilities starting to emerge would that heal his disability?”

Dr. Klein’s face fell and he turned away. Following a brief silence he returned his attention to the friends he’d known for years. With a sad expression he replied saying, “I’m sorry. Nothing in my tests indicated anything that would suggest there would be any effect on his condition. Basically, while Oliver will develop superpowers he will remain disabled.”

The hopes that had been building in Lois and Clark in recent weeks were dashed. The Kryptonian superpowers their son was developing wouldn’t help him to finally walk for the first time in his life. Oliver would never experience life free of a wheelchair.

The subject of Oliver’s disability brought up another subject, flight. It was impossible to say whether or not Oliver would be able to fly. The effect his disability would have on his ability to defy gravity couldn’t be gaged in a laboratory. His disability didn’t prevent Oliver from being able to float, but it was very possible that it could inhibit the ability to actually fly. Dr. Klein couldn’t provide answers for anything beyond that. The question about Oliver’s ability to fly would only ever be answered by Oliver himself.

After spending about an hour with the doctor Lois and Clark had learned as much as they could about their son and the Kryptonian blood that flowed through his veins. Now they had a lot to talk about, both together and with Oliver. Upon returning to the Planet Lois and Clark spent almost as much time discussing what they were going to tell Oliver as they did discussing the latest story they were investigating.

That evening once Lois and Clark had gathered the nerve, they sat down with their son to reveal the biggest secret he would ever hear. The family gathered together on the couch with Oliver comfortably settled in Lois’ lap since Clark would likely need to include demonstrations during their talk.

“Baby,” Lois said initiating the conversation. We have something we need to tell you about Daddy. But first you have to know that what we are about to tell you is something that you can never tell anyone ever! It is very important that you keep it a secret. Okay?”

Oliver was quite confused by the conversation so far and didn’t understand what his mother was talking about, but he continued to listen to what his parents had to say.

Clark took over the conversation now since it was his secret that was going to be revealed. “Oliver, there’s something you don’t know about Daddy. We were going to wait to tell you, but things have changed and we have to tell you now. I’m Superman.”

Now more confused than ever Oliver said, “You’re not Superman. You’re Daddy. You wear glasses and you don’t fly like Superman.”

This was the reason Lois was holding Oliver. Their son didn’t believe him and now he was going to have to prove it.

Knowing what was about to happen and remembering the first time she had seen the transformation with her own eyes Lois smiled. Her son who admired Superman just has much she had was about to be blown away. She couldn’t wait to see his astonished reaction.

Standing in the middle of the living room Clark first removed his glasses and set them on the coffee table at a normal pace. He and Lois and been careful to never let their son see him without glasses before. There had been a few close calls over the years, especially when Oliver was a baby and woke up in the middle of the night. Of course other times he was just careless, having gotten used to not wearing the glasses when he was at home. Lois usually remembered his glasses first and either quickly slipped them on her husband’s face or distracted Oliver long enough for Clark to get the frames in place.

Clark gave his son a minute to look at him without glasses before he began to spin. For a moment he was a blur of whirling color. When he stopped spinning the father Oliver had known was gone and in his place stood the superhero he had admired from afar.

It took the six-year-old a few seconds to register what had happened. The moment realization hit him a very familiar expression crossed his face.

“I know you always say how much Oliver looks like me, but right now he looks just like you did when I told you I was Superman.”

“Actually I figured that out on my own before then if you remember,” Lois reminded him, refusing to let him forget that she had figured out his secret without his help.

“Okay, when I showed you that I was Superman. Is that better?”

“Yes, it is. If I hadn’t discovered your secret for myself you might not have ever told me,” Lois teased playfully. “You might have even tried to continue to hide it when our son starting displaying powers.”

“I don’t think I would have been able to pull that off. You would have busted me and then I’d be in a lot of trouble.”

“You bet you would,” Lois agreed, continuing the lighthearted banter.

Realizing they had gotten off track Clark returned to the couch still wearing the Superman suit. Clark also took Oliver into his lap at this time. “Oliver, I know it’s very exciting for you that your father is Superman, but you can’t tell anyone. It’s very important that you understand that no one can ever find out who I am. Do you understand son?”

“Uh-huh,” Oliver replied, nodding his head.

Clark wasn’t entirely convinced, but he hoped his son would be able to keep in information to himself.

“There’s a reason why we’re telling you this now,” Clark continued.

“Do you remember what happened at the park when you tried to get your balloon and what happened when Mommy got her booboo,” Lois said taking over and indicating the spot where her arm had recently been bandaged.

Oliver nodded again.

“You are starting to get some of my powers. You can’t tell anyone about that either and you have to be careful to never let anyone see you use any of your powers. That can be hard to remember sometimes, especially when you’re just a kid, but you have to be careful.”

“How did I get powers?” Oliver asked.

“You are Kryptonian just like Superman. Just like Daddy. Well half-Kryptonian. You’re also half-human like Mommy. Your powers are part of your Kryptonian heritage,” Lois answered.

Not quite understanding, but curious about what he was being told, Oliver asked. “What powers did I get?”

“We’re not completely sure yet, son. They develop over time and you are getting powers a lot earlier than I did.”

Lois and Clark both dreaded the question that would come next. But it never came. Unlike them Oliver never brought up the prospect of walking. It seemed that having amazing abilities and being like Superman didn’t make him even consider that it might mean that he would be able to walk one day. He accepted the presence of a wheelchair in his life.

When he was back in his wheelchair Oliver started wheeling himself all over the living room making whooshing noises, pretending that he was Superman. Lois and Clark watched as their son zipped around the room having fun. He didn’t care that he couldn’t walk.

Suddenly Lois and Clark felt humbled and contented. They had realized that nothing had changed when they were told earlier that day at S.T.A.R. Labs that Oliver’s Kryptonian abilities wouldn’t heal his disability. Before all of this started happening they had accepted that their son had been born disabled. The wheelchair didn’t bother Oliver and it shouldn’t bother them.

So often Oliver had taught Lois and Clark about being joyful with his cheery personality. He had always been such a happy child and had only ever asked about the reason he used a wheelchair once. After having his disability explained to him being told that wouldn’t be able to walk he didn’t cry or complain. He simply smiled and said that they were good at picking wheelchairs.

Lois and Clark had been blessed with a very special child. As Oliver continued to play in his wheelchair pretending that he was a superhero Lois and Clark smiled and tears filled their eyes. They were very lucky parents indeed. Oliver was the best gift they could have ever gotten.

The talk with Oliver had taken quite some time and they soon realized that it was already bedtime. Lois and Clark found Oliver in the kitchen continuing to play superhero, trying to build momentum so that his chair would roll on its own for a moment and he could hold his arms out like he was flying.

“Come on little superhero,” Clark said scooping his son up into his arms. “It’s time for bed.”

Clark ‘flew’ his son up to his room, carrying him over his head in flying posting while Oliver provided the all-important whooshing sounds. Meanwhile Lois followed behind with the empty wheelchair so that Oliver would have it in his bedroom when he woke up in the morning.

After getting Oliver tucked into bed and drifting off to sleep Lois turned to Clark. “I’m sorry honey, but I think I have a new superhero crush. He’s just too cute for me to resist.”

“I understand,” Clark answered with mock dejection. “I can see how you could fall under his spell, but can I still be your husband crush?”

“Always,” Lois answered with a smile as she spun around to face him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. “You give the best kisses. I’m never going to let you go.”

“You’ll never have to worry about that,” Clark answered as he pulled Lois even closer. “I’m not going anywhere.” He then then sealed his promise with a kiss as he captured her lips with his own.

With Oliver safely tucked in for the night Lois and Clark were ready to enjoy the few brief hours they had alone together. While Clark went downstairs to turn out all the lights and make sure the house was secure Lois headed into the master bedroom. She’d barely had time to reach the dresser when Clark returned.

“You used super speed didn’t you?” Lois accused in a light-hearted tone.

Clark smiled mischievously. “Well I can’t help it. I hardly get to use my powers around the house anymore and besides I knew you were up here waiting for me.”

“I wasn’t waiting yet. I haven’t had time to change,” Lois said, swinging the slinky sleepwear on her finger.

Lois left Clark hypnotized by the mere sight of the garment in her hands as she headed off to the bathroom to go change. He was just starting to recover when she reemerged through the doorway. And even though he had seen his wife in the same nightie on numerous occasions it still had the capability of causing him to float a few inches off the floor.

Lois smiled knowing she could still get such a reaction from her husband after many years of marriage and a baby. Sitting down Lois patted the bed, inviting Clark to join her, which he did by literally floating to her side. The rest of the evening remained just as float-inducing and memories of the night filled both of their dreams.

An early morning emergency roused Clark from his sleep before the alarm clock, but the events of last night were still fresh in his mind so he woke with a smile despite the very early hour. Silently he disentangled himself from Lois so as not to disturb her sleep and softly kissed her cheek after changing into the costume. Then after one last glance at her sleeping form he flew off toward the source of the trouble.

By the time he returned it was almost time for the alarm to go off so he didn’t bother going back to bed. Instead he took a quick shower then headed downstairs to begin breakfast. When Lois and Oliver got up he would have a hot meal waiting for them.

Just as he was finishing with setting the table Clark heard Lois and Oliver in the living room. Clark stepped through the doorway and announced to his wife and son that he had pancakes waiting for them in the kitchen. That bit of news greatly excited Oliver and he wheeled himself across the living room fast, super-fast.

Using his own speed Clark intercepted Oliver before he could inadvertently cause any damage to the house, his wheelchair or himself. Despite being momentarily startled by the speed at which his son suddenly started moving Clark had been able to catch him quite easily, realizing that his own speed far exceeded what his son had achieved.

It was all over before Lois grasped the reality of what had just happened. One moment her son was by her side and the next he was in his father’s arms, with the wheelchair resting empty at Clark’s feet. Oliver had again discovered another super ability quite by accident.

All of Oliver’s abilities seemed to be manifesting at the same time and all without his trying. He had achieved floating when he was trying to reclaim his balloon after it got away from him. He had discovered heat vision shortly after declaring that his eyes hurt and Lois ended up with a minor burn as she tried to figure out what was wrong. And just now he had suddenly moved at super speed when he heard about the delicious pancakes his father had made. There was no way to know what would happen next or when.

While Oliver busied himself with eating his pancakes, Lois and Clark excused themselves to have a private talk.

“Lois, we have a problem,” Clark said once he had shut the door to their bedroom. “Oliver’s superpowers are appearing without warning. So far they’ve happened out of the sight of witnesses, but I don’t know how long we’ll continue to be that lucky.”

“I know,” Lois agreed. “Oliver doesn’t know what is happening to him and he can’t control it. Sooner or later someone is bound to see him do something that shouldn’t be possible for anyone except Superman.”

“My powers developed slowly over the years and I had the farm to where I could practice in private until I could control them. Oliver doesn’t have that.”

“It’s the last week of school before the end of the year,” Lois supplied. “We just have to get through the rest of this week without Oliver’s powers being discovered. Then we can take a little time off work to stay with your parents and you can help Oliver learn to control his abilities. I’m sure Perry would let us take a vacation.”
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