Lois & Clark Forums
laugh Absolutely NOT so cruel!! laugh ( hysterical laugh here)
Clark is not in love with his wife, who deceived him and inflicted him pain, he loves Lois, now and forever! I'm right, I know I'm right...

edit post:

ok, re-read it. I'm right.

Make little account of me here, please. It's 1:30 in the morning, after a hard day at work and at the library, and it was MONDAY.

simona smile
(who usually reads the nfic version too, but now is a little scared to read that version of Clark's tortures)

P.S. notworthy notworthy notworthy notworthy
Yvonne, I'd just like to thank you for *not* leaving Clark to be tortured until the next installment. You're great at evil cliffhangers, but this one would have been too much, so thanks for getting right along to the "Lois to the rescue" bit smile I do like Clark's fuzzy thought processes about the whole sequence <g>

So now that we've had the hurt, where's the comfort????

Yeah, Pam, I'm trying not to wallow in the hurt stuff these days. I figure not everyone is interested in 20 pages of Clark in pain.

Well, you know ... Clark in pain equals me in pain, and I don't *like* that smile Though I know some people do, so it's not just you!

And how appropriate that this section should be number 13 <g> Definitely Clark's unlucky day.

Yeah, but you never know, Pam... maybe in some ways it could be his lucky day. goofy How can he possibly stay with Lana after this? Even if she did rescue him, it's all out in the open now. She knows that he knows everything that's been going on. So maybe this is freedom for Clark Kent? wink

Wendy smile
I knew it. I KNEW it. I KNEW IT!

The pain, the suffering, the torture! I just knew as soon as I get sucked into wanting to read this on a weekly basis, that you would turn into the evil Yvonne that I learned to fear...

huh And then you had to go and spoil it with Lois and Lana rescuing him...(you just can't please everyone...)

Actually, I'm glad that this happened. Imagine if our LnC found out the connection between the Clarks from the Alt-LnC making love! Now there would be a disturbing revelation...

I love that Clark want's to take Alt-Clark's place. It is just sooooo him.

This is a really great story.

Wow amazing!

I love the ending to this one and now Lana is helping Lois and Clark out? Will she let Clark go if she sees he really loves Lois?

Keep writing, more soon!

~Lois Lane Wanna Be
Oops! Sorry, almost forgot! blush

Yvonne's away on holiday in sunny, damp North Yorkshire for a week (for those who don't know, North Yorkshire was badly affected by flooding last week... goofy ) and she asked me to post for her. She ran out of time before leaving and couldn't come and thank you all for your wonderful comments. So on her behalf thank you all very much indeed! I know she appreciates knowing that you're reading and enjoying... or otherwise. wink

Anyway, Part 14 coming up now!

Wendy smile
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