Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KenJ Illusions of Grandeur - Matchmaker Style 6/8 - 12/12/14 04:05 PM
Illusions of Grandeur - Matchmaker Style

Rated PG-13

* * denotes emphasis
< > denotes thoughts
As always comments are welcome. (ken.janney@kjanney.com)


A few minutes later Clark landed in the back yard in Smallville and spun into his work clothes.

Jonathan had heard him arrive and came out of the barn just as Martha came out of the kitchen.

Jonathan asked, “What brings you here in the middle of the day?”

Smiling he said, “I wanted to let you know that you don’t have to worry about what you may read in the paper. You see, I’ve gone undercover as Superman. There may be some stories that could cause you to worry and I wanted to let you know that you don’t need to.”

Martha said, “We saw that picture of someone trying to hypnotize you. What’s up?”

“Well, that’s it. In order to get to the bottom of this, I have to play along … allow the kidnappers to think they succeeded. That way I should be able to lure them out into the open and prevent any more harm being done.”

“Okay, we’ll ignore the stories. You be careful, you hear me?”

“Yes, Mom. I hear you. I need to get back. Lois is going to be wondering what happened to me.”

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A few minutes later, Superman landed on the roof of the Daily Planet and a couple of minutes after that Clark Kent exited the stairwell into the newsroom. Looking around he spotted Lois at her desk and headed in her direction.

Sensing his approach, Lois looked up at him with worry in her eyes.

He smiled in reply and reached for her hand. Taking it he guided her to the conference room.

As soon as the door was closed she rounded on him and challenged, “All right, what’s the story? What’s going on? Why were you acting that way?”

“I can’t explain just yet, but I need you to write up the incident just as you observed it. Make sure that one of Jimmy’s photos accompanies the story, okay?”

Lois was still worried, “Why can’t you tell me? I’m so worried about you. Damaging public property that way.”

Clark pulled her into his arms and said, “Things aren’t always what they appear to be. Trust me on this. There’s a good explanation. You just have to wait for it. Lois, Superman is undercover. I can’t even tell you why because I don’t want you to give it away.” He gave her a kiss to calm her fears.”

“When will you be able to tell me?”

“Probably not until we wrap up this case.”

“What case?”

“The kidnapped youngsters.”

“Is it important that this story run?”

“Yes, it is. The kidnappers need to believe that Superman has been hypnotized.”

A look of dawning comprehension came over Lois’s features. “I was going to ask Perry to squash it. You want them to think you are under their control so that they might make a mistake.”

“That is essentially it. With your help we may be able to break this case. Look, I can’t stick around. I have some more things that need to be done. I’ll meet you at the Magic Club this evening.”

“Why there?”

“We may be getting near the end of the story.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That afternoon there was a story about how Superman was seen destroying parking meters in the downtown area and quoting what he was saying, “Wrong is right.”

And Now

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 6
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As a follow-up to the investigation Lois went to a performance at the Magic Club that evening. There was a dress code for the club so Lois was wearing a black cocktail dress with a scoop neck and a black choker which just emphasized the creamy color of her neck. She had been present for several minor demonstrations, some card tricks and a mentalist routine. It was time for the featured performer to take the stage.

Just as Darren Romick was making his appearance, Clark arrived. He had changed into his tuxedo before coming to the club and when he entered took a seat at the table with his wife.

As he sat down, Lois hissed, “Where have you been all day?”

“Taking care of things. What have you found out?”

Keeping her voice low, Lois said, “Constance told me that Romick's had a heavy infusion of cash in the last three months. He's also well-versed in hypnosis.”

“There are a number of people that know hypnosis, Dr. Novak for instance.”

Lois put all of her conviction into her statement, “I know it’s Romick. I just have to prove it.” She lowered her voice even more as she continued, “I was so scared. You really made Superman look like he was completely out of control …”

Clark interrupted her, “Or under someone else’s control. Don’t worry; we’re going to put a stop to this.”

Looking at the stage, Lois decided that the coast would be clear so as she stood, she said, “I'm going backstage to see what I can find. He'll be out here for at least another twenty minutes.”

Realizing that things were reaching a critical point, Clark tried to stop her, “Lois, wait …”

Clark might just as well have saved his breath for all the good it would do, but he became even more apprehensive as she stood because just at that moment, Romick announced yet another illusion.

“For my next illusion, I'm going to need an assistant from our audience.” He spotted Lois as she was standing and said, “It looks like we have a volunteer, she’s already standing up.” Romick had recognized Lois and was deliberately calling on her almost as an act of revenge, “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome on stage Lois Lane from the Daily Planet.”

As Romick was speaking and introducing her the rest of the audience started to applaud and she was pegged by a spotlight. All of this prevented Lois from carrying out her intended investigation of the backstage area.

Clark said, “I don’t think you should …”

She whispered back, “What can he do to me in front of all these people? Especially with you watching out for me.”

She gave Clark a crestfallen look as she headed for the stage. He smiled a reassuring smile in return.

As Lois slowly made her way to the stage, Romick encouraged her, “Now, don't be shy, Miss Lane. I believe we can put all your doubts about illusion to rest this evening.”

The next illusion was the sword cabinet. Lois watched as Constance wheeled it out on stage. It was a narrow coffin-like box on wheels open at both ends and see through because the sides were down.

Lois was apprehensive, but Romick opened the box and said, “All you have to do is lay down inside.”

Lois sat in the box and Romick slid a plate with holes for her legs in place. He said, “You may want to lie down in there.”

She did and he slid another plate in place which had a single hole for her neck. She looked worriedly at Clark.

After putting in the neck plate Romick flipped up the sides of the box.

As he was closing the sides, Romick challenged her, “Come now, Miss Lane. You're not afraid, are you? It's only a trick, after all, isn't that what you said before?”

Turning back to the audience, Romick went into his patter, “This is one of the most dangerous illusions in all of magic.”

While he was speaking, Constance wheeled a covered rack on stage. It was at an angle that Lois couldn’t see it. If she had, she might have been more worried. When Constance removed the drape she revealed a rack of very shiny double edged swords.

Clark didn’t like the implications of this ‘trick’. It would be all too easy for an accident to happen. He quickly x-rayed the swords. His concern increased as he did. There was one that was different from all of the rest. They were all metal, but all but one was of a fairly flexible metal. He x-rayed the box and saw that the sides were deeper than he had expected. There was a complex mechanism that was triggered by the entry of the sword. It triggered the release of a sword tip that protruded from the corresponding slit, making it appear as though it had passed through. The problem was the one blade that wasn’t a fake, flexible sword like the others. He’d have to keep a close watch.

Constance selected a sword and handed it to Romick. When she did it came into Lois’s field of view and Clark could hear her heart rate spike as she really began to worry. She cast a glance in Clark’s direction. Romick tapped it and it gave a metallic ring. Romick addressed Lois, “I hope you have faith in me, my dear.” Approaching the box he selected a slot and started to gently pushed the sword in. He acted like he was meeting some resistance. He stopped, looked at Lois and asked, “Did you have a big dinner or something?” Then he gave it a strong shove. The tip apparently came through the other side.

Romick and Constance spun the cabinet to demonstrate that fact.

Constance handed Romick another sword from the rack. Clark kept close tabs on which sword was chosen. Before plunging this sword in, Romick addressed Lois, “Feeling lucky?”

Lois gave him a wan smile and he plunged the sword in.

This was continued until five swords had been thrust ‘through’ Lois at various angles. There was one more sword left. Romick addressed the audience, “Now, I know what you're thinking. Any amateur could do this trick as long as he lined the holes up right. So, if I were to, say, blindfold myself ...”

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a blindfold bag and proceeded to slip over his head. Then he continued his patter, “... then I couldn't see where I was placing the sword.”

Constance handed Romick the final sword. When she did, because of the weight it dipped and touched the ground. Everyone could hear the metallic clang as it did. Clark knew that this was in fact a real sword. This one was slated to go through the top of the chest, right through Lois’s torso.

Clark knew he had to prevent this from happening. He lowered his glasses and sent a blast of heat vision at the blade, softening it so that when he pressed on it against the cabinet the blade actually bent.

The feel was different and Romick realized that there was something wrong. He ripped off the blindfold. Seeing the bent blade he made a joke of it by saying, “Well, I guess they don't make swords like they used to. How about a hand for the lovely Miss Lane?”

Romick led the applause and then said, “We’re not through yet, Watch her … keep an eye on her.” He threw a large drape over Lois and the box. As soon as the drape was in place all the audience saw was a flash and a billow of smoke then the drape fell to the floor … empty.

It had all happened so fast that Clark had been caught off guard and hadn’t had time to lower his glasses so that he could use his x-ray vision to see what was happening. He was as mystified as the rest as to just where Lois had gone. His only consolation was that he could still hear her heartbeat, but it appeared to be coming from … below.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lois was taken completely by surprise, in fact she was so surprised that she was speechless. Not so much as a little ‘yelp’ escaped her lips. One second she was lying there in the box with Romick ‘thrusting swords through her’ and the next he was spreading a cover over her and the entire apparatus.

When he spread the cover several things happened all at once. She heard a bang, like a firecracker going off, she felt herself start to drop, as if the floor had opened under her and the box she had so securely been trapped in collapsed and fell away. Within seconds she found herself free and sliding down a ramp like a slide at a water park, however there was no water. When she hit the bottom she fell into a pile of soft mattresses.

Lois pulled herself together and climbed off of her landing pad and looked around. When she did, she saw Nicky. The boy was quietly sitting in a chair, staring at a television screen.

She called to him, “Nick! Where are we? What’s going on?”

When he didn’t answer her, she starting to get irritated at Nick for ignoring her when the TV came to life. When it did she saw displayed a graphic like the design on the magic box and the drape Romick used in his show. She saw that Nick’s eyes were figuratively glued to the screen. His eyes were fixated and he evinced no expression or emotion.

A few seconds after the graphic came on the audio track started playing, looping over and over, “You’re watching the magic channel. You’re watching the magic channel.” It droned on and on.

Lois was becoming increasingly concerned and tried to talk to Nick, “Wake up,’ but her voice lacked conviction.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As soon as Lois disappeared, Clark started to move. There was enough of a distraction on the stage that no one noticed him get up and leave at a speed just shy of super-speed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Lois looked around, taking in her surroundings. Seeing nothing, but blank walls she turned her attention back to Nick and asked, “Nick, how long have you been here?”

When he didn’t respond she moved in front of him and looked closely at his eyes. They had a glassy appearance and were unfocused. She waved her hand in front of his eyes and didn’t elicit a single response. She made the snarky comment, “You’re really giving TV a bad name.”

Glancing over her shoulder, Lois looked briefly at the TV to see what was so fascinating. She thought, <Another magic program,> and looked away. She started looking around at the walls and thought, <There must be a way out of here.> She moved over to one wall and started to feel around the surface looking for any breaks or gaps that could indicated a door of some sort. After covering one wall she went back to Nick and tried again with the same results. She glanced at the TV again, longer this time. After some seconds she shook her head and looked away again. Going to another wall she started searching it as she had done the first. After covering that wall she returned again to Nick. She said to Nick, “Don’t worry, I’m very capable ...” As she was speaking she looked at the TV wondering just what was so fascinating about what was on the screen and stared at it for almost a minute before shaking her head as if to clear it and moving to another wall.

After examining this wall she once again returned to Nick as if driven to reassure him that she could help. This time she was confused and tried to center her thoughts, “What was I …? Right, got to …” This time her eyes became fixed on the TV and she stared at it as if mesmerized. Slowly she sank to the floor and sat staring at the screen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Clark had been keeping track of Lois’s heartbeat and it had gone through several changes. It had raced and slowed and with his knowledge of her he knew that she had experienced fear and anger, panic and calm. Right now her heartbeat was slow and steady which indicated calm and he was relieved. Whatever was happening to her she wasn’t angry or scared.

After exiting the room he had returned through a side door and was backstage. There were magic show props scattered all around, including the magic box that Chris had described. Against a back wall was a door marked stairwell. Lowering his glasses he x-rayed through the door and then down the stairwell. Reaching the bottom of the stairs he saw a chamber. In the chamber he saw Lois and Nicky. Lois was sitting on the floor and Nick in a chair, but both of them started blankly at a TV screen. As he was x-raying he spotted the ramp/slide that had taken Lois from the stage to the chamber.

Clark tried the door to the stairwell and found it locked. Just as he was about to punch a hole in the door to open it he remembered that he wasn’t in the Suit and stopped. It wasn’t time to appear as Superman as yet.

Deciding that Lois wouldn’t be in harm’s way for a while, Clark snuck out of the club and away. He would have to wait until the club was empty to return as Superman. Then he would have to act.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Half an hour after the last patron had left; Superman landed at the back door to the magic club and let himself in.

Since he now knew the lay of the land he proceeded directly to the door to the stairwell and smashed it open. He sped down and opened the concealed door into the underground chamber. As soon as the door was open he saw Lois and Nick just where they had been.

He walked over to Lois and asked, “Lois, are you all right?”

Lois didn’t so much as blink her eyes in response.

He tried again, “Lois, look at me!” When she didn’t respond again, this time he gently turned her head away from the TV and towards himself. When he did there was a glimmer of recognition. She tried to speak, but the sounds were unintelligible. Keeping her face toward him and away from the TV he asked, “Lois, have you been drugged?”

He could see her trying to form the word, ‘No’, but nothing came out. It suddenly registered that Lois was struggling against his hand to turn back to the TV.

Superman gave the TV his full attention. He looked very closely at the screen and nodded in understanding at what he saw. Without leaving Lois’s side he directed a blast of heat vision at the TV, fusing the wiring into a charred mass. There was a puff of smoke. Unlike the smoke pellets Romick used to cover movements on stage, this was a prelude to the TV instantly shutting off.

As soon as the TV shut off, Lois started to come back to herself and shook her head to clear it. She spotted him and asked, “Superman? How?”

Stepping over to the TV he ejected the cassette from the VCR that was attached to it. He held it out to show Lois. The label read, ‘Magic Channel – Demo.’

Lois asked, “That’s what we were watching? What made it so special?”

Just then, Nick revived and asked, “Superman, where’s my mom?”

Superman gave Nick a reassuring smile and said, “We'll get you to her, don't worry. Who did this to you?”

Nick scratched his head and replied, “I ... I don't remember. Someone made me watch TV. There's something strange about it.”

Lois nodded her agreement, “Yeah, something …”

Superman said, “You're both right. That tape was sending messages. My eyes work a little faster than yours and I caught it when I glanced over. It’s called subliminal messaging. It’s not a new technique, been used by studios for years. An image is inserted into a movie. It’s a single frame so it only registers on the subconscious. They flash a picture of a drink, a box of popcorn or a candy bar. Within minutes there’s a run on the snack bar. Since my brain works at super-speed I saw the images for what they were.”

Lois, anger in her tone said, “Mind control.”

“Not really control, influence. Whoever watches this tape is programmed to submit and wait for further instruction.” Picking up Nick, he said, “Come on, let's get you out of here before that can happen.” Giving Lois his hand he helped her up the stairs.

When they exited the stairwell, Lois realized where they were and gazed around at all of the magic show props.

As they walked through Nick recognized the magic box and shouted, “Look! It's the box I was in.”

Seeing what Nick was pointing out, Lois walked over to it, lifted the lid and looked inside. As she did, she said, “Well, at least we know there's nothing surprising about this trick anymore.” Throwing the lid back and looking in Lois saw Dr. Novak and he looked dead. Startled at the sight, Lois slammed the lid back down before Nick could look in. She looked at Superman and he smiled reassuringly at her. She was surprised by this, but didn’t let on and said, “Nope. No surprises.”

Superman said, “He figured out who that kidnapper was and …”

He was interrupted as suddenly Romick stepped out of the shadows and said, “What do you think you're doing? Guests aren’t allowed back here.”

Interposing himself between Lois and Romick, Superman said, “Sorry, Romick. This is one trick you're not going to get away with.”

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