Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Kitty Devil's Day II - 05/21/05 11:01 PM
It was a cold evening, two days before Halloween. A tall brunette man steps out of a portal and stretched to the sky. Thirteen dozen demons flew out of the portal while ten skinny creatures with bee like eyes walked out of the portal, “Yes! Free at last. This must be the 1,000th Halloween. The tall handsome brunette man looked into his calendar and noticed that it was two days before Halloween. Now, I have a score to settle with that Clark Kent. He been a sore in my side for too long.” He pauses to think. “What I need is a more diabolical plan to inconpasipate him. The tall brunette man managed to lay low for a while until after Halloween and then he had gotten a job at a local bar during the night but by day, He had made himself known as a menace in metropolis. Clark was in the bar settling two people down who had been drinking and had started a fight. After the fight the tall brunette man walked up to Superman, hank you Superman, “Thank you for stopping the fight, my name is Lucifer DeVil.

“Your welcome.”

But in reality, Mr. DeVil wasn’t happy that he had stopped the fight. He thought to himself, x%#! I was just getting the ball rolling. I was going to make one of them take out a knife and kill the other. Oh, how I love to control these humans like a puppet. Lucifer then swore the name of the Lord in vain as to agitate him to anger but he was slow to anger, “God Damns it! I mean it, you keep sending that man interfering in my business.” Mr. DeVil looked up into the skies before he said his last two sentences.
The next day morning, Clark saw two women fighting with each other but he did not see Mr. DeVil standing over the females influencing the two women’s will to fight.

Mr. DeVil then went to a pregnant woman and laid one hand on her stomach, ow to turn this little baby to one of my followers. From there he proceeded to go to another man not far from where he is to use one of his famous technique, prejudices, he saw white man Eric Bock a well known metropolis man who had three accounts of murder on his records in killing three black men. He influenced Eric into killing another black men and two Chinese men. ow purification of the US begins. Mr. DeVil was proud of his follower as he left a symbol could be seen on each of Eric wrist. One tattoo was that of the Nazi symbol and the other hand had the symbol of a satin worshiper.

Three weeks after Halloween was when everything went from bad to worse. Nations started to fight each other, Mr. Lucifer DeVil said, “Yes, I just love it when these human kill each other. Okay, next step is to make sur no one can banish me back to east Hades. Mr. Lucifer DeVil took his demons with him with him to another country to get them to become uninterested in the bible, he went to the catholic cathedral headquarter to stir up trouble. He also told two of his demons the ones that were very skinny and had the bee like eyes to go around the US to kidnap some humans to make some humans to believe that alien invasion was becoming true. Which had caused some humans to believe that it was Superman fault.
At the daily planet, Clark was wondering what was going on. It couldn’t be inter-gang. It had been dismantle years back. While Clark did some research, Perry was reading the small report about Superman stopping a fight in a bar.
Perry walks over to talk to Clark, “Clark, who is this man that Superman talked to at the bar? What does he look like?”

“He was a tall brunette man. Superman said that he was about two inches shorter than him. Why?”

“Well, it just that the name Lucifer DeVil sounds familiar to me. I just can’t put my finger on it.” That night Perry went home and checked some of the old books that he had from when he was studying to be a priest. He looked through it to find the information he needed. “Judas Priest! That man is the Devil himself.”
The next day, Lucifer was in the Daily Planet newsroom walking around and remaining invisible to everyone visual capability. When Clark came in and sat down at his desk, he began his work. His progress became slower when Clark started suppress what Chang would call it, the Kryptonian way. He didn’t know why all of a sudden he starting to feel like that saving lives are not that important anymore. Clark shook off the idea. Which caused Devil to become angrier at his inability to make Clark do what he wants him to do.

But just then Perry had walked into the newsroom with some items in his hand; he had in his hand a cross. He began chanting versus and setting up candles for purification in case Mr. DeVil tries to enter into the room. But as soon as someone had entered the room he had taken away all the items. Clark was the first to enter the room and noticed the smell.

Later around 11 AM, Clark still couldn’t believe the crime rate is going up despite all his effort in trying to help. The aroma in the room dissipated.

At 3 PM in the afternoon, Clark was working in the newsroom. He didn’t know why all of a sudden he had a guilty feeling. But within seconds after that, he had started feeling like he should had saved all the lives that he had not saved. Clark began thinking back of the times when he had missed a rescue. Mr. DeVil began to whisper a thought into Clark of killed that kid Clark. You are worthless. But Clark had brushed off that very thought as soon as it came to him. When Clark had noticed Perry was holding up a cross and began some sort of chanting. In split second, Mr. DeVil cover was blown, as Perry chanted, everyone could see a figured appear out of nowhere standing right behind Clark.

Perry said Lucifer, by the power of the savior Christ I ... Lucifer immediately interrupted and lifted one hand and pointed to his right and immediately Perry went flying towards the direction where Lucifer was pointing. Lucifer vanishes out of sight. Clark dugs aside to change to Superman and then came back. He x-rayed Perry and found no fractures. Superman picks Perry up and takes him to the hospital.

When Perry finally woke up it was two mornings past the day he went in, he had suffered a concussion and wasn’t able to speak very well. But the doctor says that he will be fine after a month of rest. Perry white was advice to take it easy for a while and not to work so much. Perry had also managed to tell Clark about Mr. DeVil but with difficulty. He was about to tell Clark how to get rid of Mr. DeVil so that Metropolis can get back to normal again, but instead Perry went into total unconsciousness. Noticing this, the nurses took Perry back to his room to find out what was wrong.

But Clark said, “Okay. Mr. DeVil I know you’re here. Show yourself.”

Immediately Mr. DeVil appeared out from nowhere.

“Why are you doing this?”

“What are you going to do? Banish me.” Mr. DeVil said in a mocking and challenging voice. “Remember you don’t know how. And besides, you can’t stop me. I have all the humans in the palm of my hands to control like a puppet.

“There is a way, and I going to find it.”

“Mortals! You don get it do you. You can’t do it even if you try.

“Why? Why do you want to control the humans?”

“Because, before man came along, I was the ruler of all the earth. When I wanted to be a God, He threw me out of heaven unto earth. Now the almighty wants to make man God. Hah, not if I can help it. I’ll destroy them first. They’re not going to get the position that I used to have.”

Devil points one finger at Clark which was just inches away from Clark’s nose, and said “No way, buster! And you can do anything about it.” Then he disappeared at having finished the conversation.

The following two days was hectic, Clark was being framed for a crime. But it didn’t take long before Lois free Clark of all the charges.

The next following two days was another hectic days, when Superman was being perused by the government to put him under control because of their fear that some day Superman will harm the people of the US. Clark had also avoided that incident with the help of Lois. But then, Lois was beginning to shows signs of falling under Mr. DeVil control. All was lost until Clark had met a man from the Daily Planet accounting Department. Clark met him when he saw the man sitting just outside of Perry office waiting for Perry reading a book that had black leather cover. Clark didn’t understand as to why this man was the only one that isn doing something evil. He noticed that he was just there reading and not being affected by Mr. DeVil control over everyone in the newsroom who seem to be always trying to either hurting someone emotionally or physically. He knew that Perry was still comatose in the hospital so he went up to the man and said, “My name is Clark Kent.” While ignoring some minor sirens that was picked up by his super-hearing because he knew that it way Mr. DeVil trying to prevent him from meeting this man.

“My name is Berry Tomas, I just waiting for Perry. We were supposed to go somewhere together for lunch. Perry not going to be in today or for the whole week, He in the hospital.”

“What is wrong with him?”

“Nothing’s wrong with him, the doctors can’t find out what is wrong.” Clark took one glimpse at the book he was reading and noticed that the man was reading an unusually formatted Bible. “Are you one of Perry old friend?”

“You might say that. Most of the times we talk to each other we usually wind up in a heated debate.”

“About what?”

“The Bible.” Berry then decided to leave that matter aside and find about Perry. “Do you know why he called me to come down here and see him?”

“Not really.”

“Did he give you any hint?”

“He said something about the devil being on the loose again.”

“Do you know how to send him back?”

“Yes, but, it’s not a matter of how to get him back to his world. It is a matter of how pure your heart is. It like you wouldn’t send a plumber to fix the electricity in a house. Right? “

”Sure.” Clark said and began to look to the left of Berry, where he saw Mr. DeVill trying to take control of Berry and having no progress at all. Then, Mr. Devil tried something else; Clark saw the same arm gesture that was made by Mr. Lucifer DeVill before Perry went sailing into the air, Clark marveled when it didn’t have the same result.

“Well, I have to be getting back to work in the accounting department. Call me, here’s my phone number. Just then another co-worker in the newsroom came up to Berry and made a racist and accusation against Berry trying to pick a fight with him. But Berry ignored him and said his farewell to Clark and left.

Berry thought to himself and prayed under his silent breath, “Lord protect thy servant from the mouth of the dragon. The co-worker immediately responded and left Berry side after he had remembered that there was something he needed to do.

The following week, Clark had tried many times to get together with Berry again to tell him the complete detail of the situation. But, it seems that he always catches Berry at the wrong time or when he had just left his office.

Another week rolled by, Lois was helping run the newspaper while Perry was still in the hospital. Clark been busy for the past two weeks with his Superman duties. ‘If I didn’t know better, I think Mr. DeVill is trying to keep me busy.’ Clark thought to himself. Clark didn’t know why was it possible for him to be the only person to be able to see Mr. DeVil. Maybe it had something to do about him being not human. Just as he said that Clark heard someone in the elevator Humming, “Christ is victor he’s the one you need in life, God incarnated as a man in need.” Despite everyone’s scolds he continued on. He scan the elevator and saw that Berry was in it. But when he looked up a little above the elevator, he saw Mr. DeVil messing with the elevator ropes to try and make it look like if it was an accident. Just as he was about to change to Superman, he saw a mysterious glowing figure appear out of nowhere stopping Lucifer attempt to kill Berry.

“Woe! Now what was that?” Clark began to think that whatever it was, it was Lucifer enemy. “Hum”, Clark thought, “Maybe that is how I will get rid of Mr. DeVil”. He ducks into the stairways and super-speed all the way down to the first floor to meet Berry as he was coming out of the elevator.

“Clark. I was just on my way home. I got half a day off. I’m on my way to a special meeting in a few hours.”

“Meeting? You have a business meeting.”

“No. Church meeting to put it in your terminology.”

“Joe, I was wondering if I can have a few word with you?”

“Sure. Why don’t we go for lunch? I haven eaten yet.”


At a nearby sit-down restaurant, Clark ordered the largest size of platter they had. Berry ordered the cheapest dish. As the waitress set Berry food in front of him, he closed his eyes for a short prayer before continuing his conversation with Clark. For the first few minutes they had small talks. Clark found out a little about Berry special church group. He had found out that Berry group didn’t have a priest or a hierarchy system. “We believe that every member of our body is a priest.”


“Christ body. It kind of symbolical meaning. Kind of like a large family. In laymen term, Yes. Clark continues to talk to Berry and brought out the fact that Lucifer was loose.
Berry says, “Even if Lucifer is exiled into the other realms, you know it doesn’t stop his work in this world. It just lessens it.”

“How do you get rid of him?”

“There is only one way. Berry took Clark home with him to show him how he prepares for something like this. But that evening, Berry had tracked Lucifer down while superman was busy else ware.

Lucifer DeVill, your time is up. As six men came up behind him, all of which had the symbol of an upside-down five-point star on their shoulder he was indeed out numbered. The six men started walking towards Berry but Superman came in time and stopped them. But Lucifer had caused a mugging to occur with a simple wave of his finger.

Superman super-hearing kicked in and he hears a cry for help. Clark stood there in his superman uniform and knew what Lucifer was trying to do. Lucifer had tried to get him to leave and leave Berry alone. But Clark had stopped three additional men trying to kill Berry.

Berry began to recite a few words as a portal opened up, by the power of Christ, my God, and your Lord in Jesus Christ: I banish you back to wherein you so has come from. In split second, Lucifer was sucked into the portal and to be followed by his fellow Hell Angels.

When the portal finally closed, Clark could see that a few people that were dead were now no longer dead. Clark finally noticed that most of the humans were all starting to snap out of Lucifer subconscious control. But those who had worshiped Lucifer as their God had indeed suffer the worst of it, it had cost them a few months of rehab to get back unto their own two feet.

Later back at Clark home, Clark was surprised to see Lois home so early. Lois was sitting in the living room couch when Clark had come in. Lois said, “Perry back home from the hospital. He said that he would be back to the Daily Planet first thing in the morning.”

“So, since you’re free tonight.”

“What are your plans?”

“How about going to bed?”

“I am little beat.”

“Your sleepy already?”

“Whose talking about sleeping?” She looked at Clark eagerly and then led him upstairs by his tie.

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